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15 Responses to “Shirtless Russell Simmons does yoga”

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  1. dude wtf says:

    As a yogi myself, Very good Russell, Very good! I cant even do some of those moves & im 23!! 😀

  2. Syko says:

    He’s a two-bagger, but I guess the $$$ makes up for it.

  3. candycurlswirl says:

    Why Russy? Why 😕 😯 … Naw but on a serious note I think yoga is a very good form of relaxation and helps promote clearity in our daily lives. Go Russy!

  4. Roni says:

    What is a two-bagger?

  5. Sunny says:

    I thought yoga was supposed to expand people spiritually, he still seems extremely common and shallow.
    Why the obsession with super-young biracial girls, can’t he handle an actual equal?

  6. Jeanne says:

    Yuck,looks like he has a swollen vajayjay above his waist. Next you’ll be putting a photo of Tom Cruise up there without a shirt on…..Ew!

  7. Lakeisha says:

    People please stop hating he is the man with five Bellies! And I am an African American woman and I respect Russell and whoever he chooses to share his time with! I live you Mr Simmons keep up the good work! And as long as he is healthy it is about all that is in his Mind!

  8. If you ever want to hear a reader’s feedback 🙂 , I rate this post for 4/5. Detailed info, but I have to go to that damn msn to find the missed pieces. Thank you, anyway!

  9. Fred says:

    Hey this guy rock. I hope to be is good shape like that at 51. I am 36 and cant do close what he do! I love Yoga, I hope to improve myself like him.

  10. Why the obsession with super-young biracial girls, can’t he handle an actual equal?

  11. That’s quite an attractive man, and fit, too! Nice 🙂

  12. deeper voice says:

    I rate this post for 4/5. Detailed info, but I have to go to that damn msn to find the missed pieces. Thank you, anyway!

  13. deeper voice says:

    I am 36 and cant do close what he do! I love Yoga, I hope to improve myself like him.

  14. That’s pretty impressive I must say. Good for his age.

  15. For a for 51-year-old, way to go! Quite flexible!