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13 Responses to “Olsen twins bring triple their weight in luggage to London”

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  1. Jody says:

    meh…At least they have normal luggage, I like that it’s mismatched too. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have that same huge black rolling one on the bottom of MK’s(?) cart.

    Besides, they’re doing a clothing launch in multiple cities. Although, shouldn’t that maybe mean that their wardrobe is provided? I’m not sure how all that works.

  2. Kim1206 says:

    jeez – i believe it – half their shoes weight more than they do

  3. Alarmjaguar says:

    “Full House hotties,” really?

  4. vdantev says:

    That’s like what- two small overnight bags to the average person.

  5. Candy says:

    These girls are savvy as hell and they have proven to be wise when it comes to their money (unlike Gary Coleman). But the fur I just can’t make excuses for. There’s no justifying that. With all their money they can afford the la creme de la creme of fake furs. Besides, why wear fur? it’s so Zsa-Zsa Gabor, so Tammy Fake Baker. 😥

  6. kate says:

    i don’t want to watch these twins, but i have to. it’s like they are exotic lemurs that have escaped from the rain forest and now live in LA, surviving on nicotine and skinny frappuccinos.

  7. Larissa says:

    I really couldn´t care less about their amaunt of luggage, I´ve ssen less famous or not famous at all ppl bring way more than that! tho I think the airlines shouldn´t aloud that…
    but what the fug? why the fur coat? isn´t even winter yet bitch! who wears a frigging fur coat when its what? 9ºC outside? hahahahaha

  8. RAN says:

    I would say the fur coat cart is pushed by Ashley Olsen, not Mary Kate. The only thing I see is the clothing difference, and Ashley would never wear that jacket the twin on the right is wearing. Ashley is the “dressier” twin.

  9. angela white says:

    hey..that’s not a fur coat!! it’s a fur BAG!! i’ve never seen one of those..fur luggage. reckon who invented that?

  10. Carrie says:

    They always look dishevelled and miserable whenever they appear in public.

  11. Jeanne says:

    Oh good, maybe they’ll stay over there and send us back Beatrice and Eugenie.

  12. Wow that s a lot of baggage. Hope it doesn’t rip apart

  13. gemma says:

    please continue posting