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30 Responses to “Vanessa Paradis is intimidated by the red carpet”

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  1. WTF?!?! says:

    I think she’s just awful-looking, and that’s before even taking her teeth into consideration. Fix ’em and she’s a ringer for C. Ricci. She looks like a vampire, and I hate her singing voice, but I LOVE that they love each other so much and have a real family. I remember when their daughter had a health scare a few years back, even I said a prayer for them. Chacun a son gout.

  2. Gena says:

    Sheesh. No wonder I never smiled, and couldn’t stand how I looked, growing up. I have a diastema, too, like Vanessa Paradis. It is not “awful teeth”, it is just how some teeth grow. My dad had it, my aunts have it, my great-grandfather from Cuba has it. Jack Black has it (small, granted). Elvis Costello has it.
    In the UK, a show called Torchwood, there is a character called Gwen, and she has it. If she had starred on a show in the US, they would have likely asked her to “fix her teeth.”
    It’s normal. There is nothing to fix. Being from America, one constantly gets the sense they are not perfect. I have only lived outside of America for a year and a half, and I see it is really primarily American attitude/perception that puts that sort of strain for perfectionism on people that simply does not exist anywhere else. It is bizarre. Diastemas are normal – get over it. People are far too harsh about teeth. They are teeth, for crying out loud.

  3. Baholicious says:

    I remember that older commercial for Chanel No.5 with her swinging on the perch in a giant gilded cage. It was really lovely.

    Teeth really give a face character – I think that’s lost with the ‘perfect’ Hollywood smile. It’s such a shame Bowie went and had his *ahem* fixed. I don’t think she bleaches hers either, does she?

  4. geronimo says:

    Very French, very attractive, very intelligent, very chic, very happy with her lot. No wonder he adores her.

    @Gena – agree completely, it’s an American problem. No room for individuality. Give me teeth with a little bit of personality any day of the week over the generic monstrosities that sit in the mouths of so many American celebs. Now THOSE I find really distracting and off-putting.

  5. Frenchie says:

    To WTF : surely, she looks different AND is happy with it. She might not be pefectly looking in the hollywood ways, but she is sane and living a fullfee(i)ling and reliable life. Being Hollywood-standard didn’t prevented Christie Brinkley from what happened. And look at her daughter, I bet she loves her just fine and still see her little baby in her.
    By the way, in France we call the diastema the “teeth of happiness” ! Really appropriate here 😉

  6. sweetzy says:

    she’s uglier without make up… n i’m so jealous she got him.. if only johnny depp knows me i bet he fall in love with me too hahaha.. how i wish :p

  7. Syko says:

    “The teeth of happiness” – I like that!

    Had a young lawyer once who had this tooth formation and all he could live for was to get the gap fixed. He ended up with two giant sized, very fake looking front teeth that were WAY more unattractive than his gap had been.

    Just as with body size, skin, hair and eye color, we all come with different types of teeth. We need to learn not to look at things like that, and look more inside the person for who they really are.

  8. sissou says:


    Also known as “the teeth of luck” (les dents de la chance)

  9. cara says:

    If you saw her on film, she has a presence about her. And when you have that energy, that aura…you may not look great in stills, but it’s the life inside of you that makes you gorgeous. That’s what she is. Johnny, he’s okay…I don’t like his association that he had with Hunter S.Thompson. Maybe that’s why he’s so fiercley protective of his kids, he knows of the evil which exists out there.

    But she is gorgeous. He is the lucky one to have her.

  10. Rio says:

    I hate the cookie-cutter look of modern American teeth– and I went through the ringer when I was a young teen to get them! Braces, dental surgery, the works. Now, I deliberately let one of them go a little wonky– still healthy, just a bit crooked– so it looks like I have SOME individuality in my mouth. It’s hidden so you can’t see it, but it gives me a great deal of satisfaction to know it’s there.

  11. MomOfTwins says:

    These two seem to really fit together. Could you ever picture him with some Hollywood starlet? He’s so unique, I think he needs someone with their own quirkiness too.

  12. Kaiser says:

    I think they’re lovely together, but it always strikes me that Vanessa looks so much like both Wynona Ryder and Kate Moss. Johnny’s got a type!

  13. Lio says:


  14. WTF?!?! says:

    I wasn’t the one who referred to them as “awful teeth” and I never said perfect teeth define beauty. Crooked teeth are cute, teeth you can open a beer bottle with, not so much.

    It’s like a bunch of fat chicks sitting around saying that beauty is exclusively on the inside. Some people are chubby chasers, others are not.

    Doesn’t affect me either way, I’m not sleeping with her, Depp is, and they both seem perfectly content.

  15. gracie says:

    My boyfriend has his two front teeth tilted inward towards each other and when he smiles you can obviously see it.

    He said as a boy it never really bothered him and so he did not think about getting it fixed.

    I LOVE his teeth because I love him and I admire that he has just “kept it real”. I think that makes him so much more handsome in my eyes.

    To all out there with teeth issues…
    you’re all gorgeous.

  16. daisy424 says:

    I have never heard her speak before, she has a pretty voice, though I have yet to hear her sing. Love her blouse, her hair looks better blond.
    You’re right Ceilidh, she does seem shyly in love while looking at the huge picture of Johnny. Here’s a link to the interview

    Now if I could only figure out a way to attach the picture of Johnny to my bedroom ceiling…..

  17. kate says:

    i like that she is strong enough to love her “flaws”, although i do think in europe flaws are more embraced and appreciated. here in america everyone needs to be perfect, and it is boring as hell.

  18. Mairead says:

    Classic Vanessa Paradis from 1988 (when she was a wee nipper of only 15) 😉

    One of my friends visited a Carribean island (can’t quite remember which one – think it was Mustique) about 8 years ago. The local men loved the gap in her front teeth, apparently it was seen as a good thing to have. Possibly down to the French “teeth of happiness” influence 🙂

  19. anony says:

    I heard a gap indicates good fortune in some lore:)

    She has AMAZING facial structure. She can have whatever the hell teeth she wants. Seriously. her personality is clearly suited for him. They;ll last long like Newman and Woodward:) She is precious. Down to earth even though she looks like that, not easy to come by.

  20. jess says:

    hey CB! im seeing a weird discrepancy in times….the top of the pop clip says its 88 but references her starring in a movie opposite her partner johnny depp…but they havent been together for 20 years…???

  21. Christina says:

    nothing against this lady and i’m glad to see people being supportive of non-hollywood standards… but she looks like a crack head to me… stringy hair, sunken eye sockets and cheeks, weird gaps in teeh almost like her gums have eroded and she’s way too thing… she must have an enchanting personality…. 😕

  22. Shay says:

    I’d be intimidated too if I had to walk the red carpet with a guy who would look hot wearing a trash bag.

  23. Mairead says:

    No discrepancy Jess, the clip is from a programme called TOTP2 which played “classic” Top of the Pops performances from their archives, along with little known facts or updates on the artist in the sidebar you noticed.

    The song was indeed released in the UK in 1988 (I remember the original performances well) – the TOTP2 programme it was included in was probably originally broadcast around 2000 when Terry Gilliam was trying to make his ill-fated Don Quixote film.

    The trials and tribulations of that was later released as the documentary Lost in la Mancha(2002)

  24. anon says:

    First everyone bags Kirsten Dunst and now Vanessa.

  25. Swamp says:

    I can see nothing wrong with this woman she has been in the spotlight for 20 years. Beauty is in the eye and all that. To mock someone who is a succesful actress, singer and model,mother or two kids seems kind of disrespectful especially when you have no talent wonders tattooed on the front of magazines. Her attitude is a breath of fresh air in a industry that is full of leeches and hangers on.
    Johnny seems to be a great person too I am glad they found each other.

  26. French in USA says:

    I am French but have lived in the USA for more than 23 years now. its is true that in france, they are called “the teeth of luck”. I also think that Americans are obsessed with perfection. To me, people like that are “superficial”. i think vanessa is pretty and that Johnny and her look great together. I admire Johnny for choosing a French girl.

  27. Emma says:

    I think they are perfectly lovely together. I love Vanessa (her music is just sweet. It’s the kind of music you just want to listen to in the sunshine, you know?) and I like Johnny too. They make a cute and quirky couple and their kids are gorgeous. As for the teeth, she wouldn’t be Vanessa without her cool teeth. They give her face character. I like imperfect teeth. I have braces-straight teeth, but I still have a small overbite and lisp that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I don’t want to be perfect and cookie-cutter with a Barbie bod. If we all looked like that, we’d all be Heidi Montag.

  28. angela says:

    I don’t know what resemblance you’re speaking of. Kate Moss and Winona Ryder were much prettier than Vanessa Paradis.

    • vale says:

      me neither winona and kate are really awful-looking you cant compare them to the precious vanessa, she is gorgeous, maybe kate for the cheekbones but she is really ugly :/, and winona! her eyes are so huge and her face is now an old bag she looks like a 60 years old lady.

  29. jtsix says:

    I feel there alot of haters in this planet and there something that many would wish to have that is johnny depp and people just keep trying to put down his lovely partner .. It Goes to show that at times imperfection equal perfection because it make the person a realist and natural all that plastic surgery equal a black heart… and being fake as heck..It Goes to show girls be real at the end the guys like a down to earth person… VANESSA PARADIS HAS SOMETHING THAT ILLUMINATE THREW HER AND MAKE JOHNNY HAPPY THAT WHAT MATTERS..