Kelly Osbourne channels Helena Bonham Carter: lovely or fug?


These are photos of Kelly Osbourne and her family at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of God Bless Ozzy Osbourne, a documentary about Ozzy which was produced by Jack Osbourne. What do you think of Kelly’s outfit? It looks very Helena Bonham-Carter, right? I kind of like it for that reason. Lately, I’ve been wondering if Kelly’s “Look at me, I lost so much weight and I’m now in demand and important” thing was going to come back and bite her on the ass, just because it seemed like she was gaining some weight back. One of the best ways to look thin? Pour and cinch yourself into an incredible corset-bodice-basque thing.

As for the jacket… well, it’s not my style, but since it’s all so reminiscent of HBC, I will accept it. This is one of my favorite looks on Kelly, ever. Minus the too-bright, too-young lipstick.


Guess who else was at the premiere? Our favorite hot mess, Paz de la Huerta. She was looking soberish.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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48 Responses to “Kelly Osbourne channels Helena Bonham Carter: lovely or fug?”

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  1. the_blonde_one says:

    the outfit is amazing. just, hell I’d wear it. the lipstick…just no. but damn, the outfit!

  2. Hollowdoll says:

    I like her outfit. The lipstick is blindingly bad.

  3. Hautie says:

    Had Kelly chosen a decent lipstick shade, she would have looked great.

    I am so puzzled by the tragic lilac or hot frosty pink colors that girls keep on wearing.

  4. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Kelly looks great! But I have to take issue with your saying her lipstick is “too young.” Because my grandma used to wear that same shade. Fug then; fug now. Paz needs to stop eating Vaseline. She’s always so damn shiny.

  5. girlnone says:

    Kelly’s figure looks fantastic, but her face will always be round–it’s just the shape of her head. Her whole family has a similar face-shape. She should try for a haircut that de-emphasizes her jaw, rather than those bouffant terrors she keeps sporting.

  6. Obvious says:

    love kelly’s outfit-the lipstick has GOT TO GO

  7. dorothy says:

    red lipstick would have really made the whole outfit POP

  8. S says:

    She looks incredible. The look is very HBC (minus lipstick), but maybe this is partly why I love it so much?

  9. Hanh says:

    She needs some lipo on her double chin or a neck lift to get rid of the extra sagging skin. That would help make her face look less pudgy. She just lost weight too fast for her skin to keep up.

  10. kazoo says:

    when you have a big head, you shouldn’t wear your hair like that.

    I LOVE paz’s dress.

  11. OtherChris says:

    Amazing. Total hourglass figure.

  12. TeeTee says:

    I am loving the outfit, not the lipstick–too bubble gum

  13. Stubbylove says:

    Good to see Ozzy out and about. Holy Kelly is skinny now! Like the outfit, the pink lipstick didn’t photograph well.

  14. curmudgeon says:

    She’s cute but this is the second time she’s sporting this Country Western Diva thing with her hair. Its way too old for her. And the color is atrocious.

  15. Ellie says:

    Petunia the Pig!

  16. Ron says:

    Vivienne Westwood can do no wrong

  17. original kate says:

    kelly’s hair is too stiff and the lipstick sucks. other than that i like it. now, on to this paz creature: WTF? why is she soooo shiny all the time? she must bathe in baby oil.

  18. The Bobster says:

    Double Quagmire fug.

    As Eddie Haskell said to Beaver, who was stuck in a fence, no amount of dieting will shrink your head.

  19. skilo says:

    I love the Osbourne family. I think Kelly looked awesome except for the lipstick. A light, sheer red tone similar to the stripe in that great jacket would have been perfect.
    Paz is so icky looking to me like if you stood to close you could catch something icky. I just think she always looks slutty and unclean. Ewww

  20. Sassy says:

    Is Kelly’s jacket supposed to flop open like that, or is it just too long for her torso?

  21. margaritachum says:

    i like her outfit. the jacket is so cute.=) but the lipstick has to go. a red one would look great.=)
    and i love to see ozzy. i love ozzy.=)
    and i don’t like paz. i like her name though, it means “peace” in my country but i really don’t like her. she always looks ill to me.

  22. Amanda G says:

    No one should ever wear that color pink on their lips. And the jacket is all wrong.

  23. the original bellaluna says:

    I like her. She looks great, minus that obnoxious shade of lipstick. (Like something from OPI’s summer line of “Truck-Stop Waitress/Reality Star” shades.) *shudder*

    More importantly, Spaz’s shoes would look much, much better on me! 😉

  24. SolitaryAngel says:

    I love the outfit, but the hair is wrong for her and the lipstick is hurting my eyes.

    LOVE OZZY!!!!!!!!!

  25. zxc says:

    Her body is completly shapeless no matter what. And pink lips – this is so Xtina 2008.

  26. Phat girl says:


  27. Leek says:

    Kelly has turned it around enough to wear almost whatever she wants. No one gets it right every time. And she’s not the crack nativity scene of a young woman she used to be.

  28. djork says:

    Exactly who the hell is this huge-headed girl and what the freak has she done that anyone should give two sh*ts about her?

  29. Annie says:

    I think Kelly looks really good, but I prefer how her face looks when her hair is down…updo’s make her face look too short and wide.

    Paz is aging fast, can’t believe she’s only around Kelly’s age. She was pretty only a few years ago believe it or not.

  30. Sugar says:

    Is there any solid proof that Jack and Kelly aren’t identical twins?

  31. Nanea says:

    What’s up with Sharon?

    She’s looking quite different, much more so than after having her last round of plastic, last year or so.

    And Paz? Mega-gigantic bangs trauma.

  32. Danny says:

    Like some of Ozzy’s music back in the day but I really wish this cartoon family would go away.

  33. NoFrank says:

    I’d look at the outfit but I think that lipstick left burn marks on my cornea.

    Also Paz desperately needs eyelashes. I’m sure there’s a charity somewhere she could appeal to.

  34. fizXgirl314 says:

    how can someone so thin have a double chin? It’s baffling…

  35. Ally says:

    Ever open a can of buscuits under pressure? That’s what will happen when the Spanx come off later…

  36. Quest says:

    I like the look – not the mermaid part of the outfit but the look is quite good on Kelly but I too find it painful to look at the lip color.

    As for poor Paz – I am truly sorry but no matter what she will always look like horse-shit

  37. Dingles says:

    I’m about Kelly’s age and I also have a slight double chin even though I’m thin. It’s all about the bone structure of your face and where you carry weight. Sadly, some of us carry it in our faces.

  38. Estella says:

    I think Kelly’s making the most of what she’s got. I even like the hot, bubblegum-pink lipstick. My only criticism would be toward her spray tan. She has beautiful alabaster skin. Why cover it up with orange?

  39. truthzbetta says:

    For them, and only them, they look good. (singing) They are the Addams family, snap snap.

    Ozzy is a legend. He looks ok w/this brood. Actually, it’s Ozzy who’s amazing. He still looks “rock star” at 60 something when we know how he shuffles and mumbles at home. Amazing.

  40. Launicaangelina says:

    Wow – I actually love the hot pink lips! Not for everyday but once in a while to shake things up.

    Paz is so beautiful in Boardwalk Empire but the makeup artists know how to tame the shine. She always looks so rough on the red carpet! Yuck!

  41. wunderkindt says:

    Kelly O’s head is HUGE, so that hairdo doesnt help much.

    The outfit is great though. It would have looked stunning on Katy Perry or Kristen Stewart!

  42. Lushus L. says:

    I like her lipstick! That’s the only reason I clicked on this post.

  43. Crash2GO2 says:

    LOL @Ally!!!

    She looks good – I’m hoping she decided to get treatment for her thyroid disorder, which is the reason for her weight loss in the first place. So she might be stabilizing, or gaining if she isn’t careful. I can’t believe how tiny her waist is.

  44. Rosanna says:

    Great outfit – bad lipstick (bad for her, that is)

  45. serena says:

    Oh my……

    Well at least Jack looks good and “natural” which I cannot say about the other 3 family members.

    Ozzy looks so strange..make up? surgery or what?

  46. stephanie says:

    it hurts to look at.

  47. Laura says:

    Love her outfit, hate the lipstick.
    Love Sharon, hate her hair.
    Love Ozzy, and he looks very good 🙂
    And just because someone mentioned it up farther…Ozzy’s stammer/mumble isn’t that bad. I’ve seen him live many times and he can speak to the audience quite clearly. I think his gibberish on The Osbournes was a gimmick=drugged out of his skull.

  48. bunz says:

    Size 2 in British size maybe……..equals an American 6 and………..a corsett for a tiny waist. She looked much bigger on Rosie