Would you pay $75 to hang out with RHONJ star Teresa Giudice?

The Real Housewives of New Jersey are coming back next Monday May 16th. Star Teresa Giudice is doing advance publicity along with desperately trying to promote her own products. The bankrupt piece-of-work Monchichi-looking Giudice has a new cookbook with a stupid name called Fabulicious. As part of her publicity tour she’s making a stop at a club in NJ, where fans can party with her for $75 a pop.

Tacky deadbeat “Real Housewife” Teresa Giudice is making pocket change by charging her fans up to 75 bucks for the privilege of partying with her. The hot-tempered, low-brow diva — who has made headlines along with her hubby, Joe, for owing nearly $11 million to creditors — is throwing a “Season 3 premiere party” of her Bravo show in Fort Lee, NJ, on Monday. For $75, VIP ticket buyers get an hour of free drinks and hors d’ouevres at Tribecca Nightclub, plus an autographed picture with Teresa. “Teresa will be partying all night!!!,” reads a breathless invite to the fete that shows Giudice posing in front of a white stretch limo on a red carpet. A portion of the proceeds will go to charity. But she’ll also use the event to promote her “Fabulicious” cookbook. The evening’s promoters are also promising “celebrity surprises,” “fashion shows” and “star performances.”

[From The NY Post]

For $75 you only get one hour of free drinks and hors d’ouevres. That’s ridiculous. I didn’t miss these people at all, especially with the much more interesting and arguably phonier Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to take their place. We heard rumors last year that Teresa was pulling a diva act with producers and might not re-sign for this season, but unfortunately she’s back and she’s kind of the star of the show now that her nemesis Danielle is off. After the Miami housewives were canceled Bravo has to fill the void and these New Jersey women are like the budget grifter version of the Beverly Hills ladies. I shouldn’t say that, because it’s Teresa who is the grifter and Jacqueline and Caroline actually seem like decent people. That’s why Teresa is the star.

Here’s Teresa on The Today Show a few days ago. She seems scared and says basically nothing except that people should watch the show when it premieres on May 16th.

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Teresa is shown on 3/30/11 and 4/4/11 with co-stars Jacqueline Laurita and Caroline Manzo and her husband, Joe. Credit: WENN.com




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39 Responses to “Would you pay $75 to hang out with RHONJ star Teresa Giudice?”

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  1. Keen says:

    the only way I would go is if the food and drinks were free as a sort of payment for having to hang out with her. Unless she promised to flip a table.

  2. lucy2 says:

    I’d pay her $75 to take herself and her two-head and disappear. And another $75 if she takes Jesse James with her.

  3. Rita says:

    I paid Jon Hamm $45 to wash my back last week-end. He was a bit rough but it was for charity so it was worth it. Wouldn’t pay a NJ housewife a nickle if she was buying the drinks.

    @LittleFatMe- Are you here and did you get my love on yesterday’s Silverstone thread? (Comment 57)

  4. lolalola says:

    Yeah, I’d pay her to leave. That’s it.

  5. the_blonde_one says:

    Would I be able to use the time plucking hair out of her forehead?

  6. lilred says:

    Not of they paid me 75.00.

  7. dorothy says:

    Only if she cleaned my house. That rate is far less than what I pay my housekeeper.

  8. djork says:

    OWW! My eyes! That top photo! Owwww! She should have that huge wart on her left hand (2nd photo) looked at. Looks cancerous.

  9. guilty pleasures says:

    @dorothy, you pay your housekeeper over $75 an hour? Can I clean your house?
    And as for Ms Joodice, if they paid me double I’d pass. What a horrible, thieving piece of work she is, and I hope NO ONE buys her cookbook! (does anyone buy cookbooks anymore, I use my ‘puter)

  10. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I’d pay my exterminator $75 to keep this rodent off my property. Just put a Saks Off Fifth coupon in a glue trap & problem solved.

  11. SassyOne says:

    Perhaps she could use her earnings to surgically alter her hairline.

    Truly unfortunate.

  12. LeeLee says:

    Can that possibly be her real hair and hairline?

  13. OtherChris says:

    I wouldn’t even do it if she paid me.

    Really, I hate to be cruel but that is one butt-ugly woman. She might even look better if she took off all that makeup.

  14. Leek says:

    I would totally pay $75 to kick her in her massive balls.

    Where is 9 By Design? That was awesome. Can’t they just replace NJ housewives with those cool designers?

  15. james says:

    the REAL NJ wives are the mob wives,riveting…
    these gals,not so much. still love the ny wives and can’t wait for bh to come back but as far as these nj dames go i’m bored w/them.

  16. MJ says:

    Remember ladies, BLEND, BLEND, BLEND.

  17. Alice says:

    There is no way I would ever pay $75 to voluntarily spent time with a person I find so visually offensive.

  18. neelyo says:

    Ahh, gotta love the NY Post sometimes. ‘hot-tempered, low-brow diva’. Ha Ha!

    Her makeup in the first photo looks like someone did a Warhol of her.

    And the RHONJ have nothing on MOB WIVES on VH1. That’s so much more entertaining.

  19. meg says:

    I’d pay the 75$ only if I could whack her repeatedly in the head with my handbag. Money well spent. (might even knock some sense/decency into her)

  20. gobo says:

    I… I kinda like thatcoral dress she’s wearing. But other than that I’ve no idea who she is, I avoid those RH shows like the plague.

  21. Ellie says:

    Hell Ta The no!

  22. original kate says:

    i’d pay $75 to kick her in the hoo-ha.

  23. Justaposter says:

    uuummmmmmm no.

    I would not, and can proudly say I have never seen any of the RH shows!

  24. Jane says:

    and then I’d buy tickets for Charlie Sheen’s show!

  25. nanster says:

    As I have said before, this is what happens when you give money to white trash.

  26. bagladey says:


  27. AENFLEX says:

    only of i get to punch her

  28. Kim says:

    You would have to pay me $75k to be in the same room as her!

  29. DiaBLa says:

    WoW!!!! She looks terrible…….Omg. Tranny “low-brow” Trash!!

  30. Madisyn says:

    “A portion of the proceeds will go to charity”

    I call, BULL SHIT!

    Yeah, the Teresa and Joe Guidice foundation for living the high life.

  31. kelbear says:

    I would pay to hangout with Caroline for sure.

  32. Lee says:

    I live in NJ….she should be paying us!!!!!!

  33. Faye says:

    This is a brilliant idea. I’m going to do this. 75 dollars for my charming company and finger foods. It’s much classier than selling my panties to weirdos online.

    (I miss having a job.)

  34. Paige says:

    That foo. God love her. What a mess. But I did like her pink dress, should have been hemmed, but….looked better than the other chicks….till you got to her feet. O yeah, and she doesn’t know that whilst tanning, you put your arms over your head occasionally? even in a tanning bed?????????????

  35. John Wayne Lives says:

    They are both just so slimey and gross

  36. truthzbetta says:

    Why does a Jersey housewife mother of 3 buy plastic boobs? What for? Her own husband didn’t want her to get them so what is with that? So much debt and that’s what she has done with it.

    Needs electolysis, wastes money on plastic parts instead.

  37. brownstonefan says:

    Did anyone notice that on Today with Kathy Lee and Hoda, Teresa changed the pronuciation of her last name? Last year, it was Guidice “joo-dice”, this year it’s “joo-dee-chay”! Does she think we won’t remember? Does she think the bankruptcy court won’t recognize them?

  38. Stacia says:

    Don’t care for her or her bratty kids. They seem to have a huge sense of entitlement at their young ages.

  39. Francesca says:

    Her hairline needs to be addressed – Pronto! And give her something to relax her, like a tranquilizer.