Rachel Zoe got a 10-carat “push present” diamond ring


We’ve talked about “push presents” before – those are the “gifts” (usually jewelry) that men give their wives or significant others right after the lady gave birth. I heard of this tradition years before it became de rigueur amongst the Hollywood set, and I always thought it was a nice thing to do, especially if the piece of jewelry is something sentimental or meaningful that goes along with the birth. Like, a platinum locket with photos, or a charm bracelet that will be passed down to your daughter, something like that.

So… what would you get Rachel Zoe, the woman who has everything, in vintage? Well, Rachel’s husband Rodge got her this ring:


When Rachel Zoe welcomed son Skyler Morrison seven weeks ago, her husband Rodger Berman wanted to get her a little something special to celebrate. Well, make that a whole lot of something. Zoe’s “push present” was a nearly 10 carat cushion-cut diamond ring designed by jeweler Neil Lane.

“Rodger wanted to surprise Rachel with something romantic — and huge,” says Lane of the sparkler, adorned with smaller diamonds in a platinum setting. “I knew she’s wanted a cushion cut forever. It was their first baby and she’s been working so hard that Rodger wanted to do something very special. Rachel was thrilled and hasn’t taken it off since!”

[From People]

A giant diamond ring? I hope little Skylar Morrison gets that in his mommy’s will! Of course he will. He’ll also get her furs and all of her vintage Halston. As for Mommy’s push present… who believes that Rachel actually “pushed”? Now I’m just being negative. I would wear the hell out of this ring, and I don’t even like cushion-cut diamonds that much.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Rachel’s Twitter and People.

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53 Responses to “Rachel Zoe got a 10-carat “push present” diamond ring”

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  1. michelle says:

    Since it was probably her money that bought the ring (what DOES he do anyway?), I guess it’s really a present from her to her. B-o-r-i-n-g.

    What she could have used instead is a plate of food and some therapy for her evident eating disorder.

  2. KJ says:

    It’ll sure be nice cleaning shit from her son’s diaper off that ring.

    Oh, who am I kidding? She’s not changing her kids diapers herself. That’s what the help is for.

  3. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Kaiser – Thank you for explaining “push presents” to those of us whose income dictates that our “push presents” come in the form of breakfast in bed and a card on Mothers’ Day. 8)

  4. Delta Juliet says:

    Lucky her. After I gave birth to my first son……nothing, not even flowers. I did a lot of hinting before the birth of my second son! Alas, still nothing 🙁

    Not that we could afford a 10 carat right, but you know.

  5. Justaposter says:

    I really hate the term ‘push present’.

    Why such a lable? Why can’t it just be a YAY WE HAD A BABY present?

  6. Devon says:

    It’s a gorgeous ring. For me, it looks too much like an engagement ring rather than a ring you’d buy for a gift but to each their own. When my husband and I have kids, I better get some sort of bling. 9 months of putting your body through the ringer THEN giving birth (whether it’s natural or not) is deserving of something. I know they say that le bebe is the gift but I want something sparkly.

    My girlfriend got a beautiful pair of earrings in her son’s birthstone (which happened to be her favourite gem stone!) from her husband last year when he was born. Something like that I think is great. Unless it’s August or November (hate peridots & topazes) I would love a birthstone present.

  7. bunkins says:

    “push present” gross

  8. original kate says:

    i’m not sure that her husband is entirely straight.

  9. anyhoo says:

    I hate that phrase “push present”, so tacky to quote Julia.

    Also god, her face, she looks 50 yrs old. Why do women think they look good when they look like a skeleton with saggy skin draped over it.

  10. LunaT says:

    Totally, Michelle. Honestly, I’m surprised the pregnancy lasted. She always looks so unhealthy. Hope the kid has other people in his life he can learn healthy living habits from.

  11. Jillian says:

    I pushed for 2.5 hours and I didn’t get a present.

  12. teehee says:

    Push present– I think its acceptable because its grittily realistic– its a thankyou for the hardest and most painful physical experience the woman may ever have: being pregnant for 9 months and shoving something several times larger her own diameter, out of her own… diameter, ehem. Hell at least she gets something– then theres the lifetime of payless, thankless daily and nightly work of raising the child and tending the household… I’ll nt look a gift horse in the mouth on this one. I should be so lucky as to have a man who understands and appreciates what it takes to deliver a child for him/us.

  13. BW says:

    I’ve never heard the term “push present” before. It’s tacky. They should call it something else like “Birthday present.” My mother bought herself a diamond watch when I was born, to reward herself. She gave it to me when I turned 30 and I treasure it (even though she really wanted a new watch, hahahah).

  14. Kim says:

    Wow- he deserves husband of the year!!!! Beautiful ring. Every woman who goes thru pregnancy and birth deserves a 10 kt ring but we cant all afford one. Go Rachel!

  15. Penguen says:

    “Push present” makes it sound like something that comes out of the mother during birth, like a Cracker Jack prize.

  16. mln76 says:

    Ehh it really doesn’t matter if she pushed or not a present is a great idea although I too find the term a little too literal… Is Rodge old money or something??? Or is this just a gift she bought for herself. BTW that is a beautiful ring.

  17. Tracy says:

    Congratulations to them! It’s really sweet, doesn’t matter what kind of piece it is, just the gesture. i’d wear the hell out of it too :-).

  18. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I thought the baby was the push present?

  19. Slim Charles says:

    Men over a certain age shouldn’t wear stocking caps on their heads.

  20. Macheath says:

    Are we still pretending she actually gave birth? Oh. Okay.

    Just kidding…except not really…

  21. Me says:

    I have two children, and I don’t understand this at all. Why isn’t the baby enough of a present? No way would I have expected a gift from my husband for bringing OUR children into the world.

  22. ladybert62 says:

    I wonder – will she be wearing it when she is changing diapers and giving baby a bath and putting talcum powder on him? ha ha How can she even lift her hand with that many diamsonds? I would not leave the house without a bodyguard – bet she gets a fake copy made, wears the fake and puts the original in the vault!

  23. lucy2 says:

    Not my thing, but at least it’s better than a “Sorry I Cheated” diamond.
    It’s pretty, but I much prefer emerald cut myself and don’t care for diamonds on the band.

    The condition of her face is ridiculous, and not in a good way.

  24. MJ says:

    Smoking, poor nutrition and too much tanning seem to have taken a toll on Ms. Zoe! Her skin looks at least ten years older than she does.

    If she gained another 15-20 lbs., she’d probably look closer to her age. Girl looks ROUGH.

  25. courtney says:

    Rachel isn’t gonna be the one taking care of Skylar an army on nannies are. justbecause Roger picked out a nice ring doesn’t mean he’s gay Richard Burton was straight as a post but could pick out nice jewlery. a normal singleton pregnancy lasts between 8 3/4 months 38 weeks & 9 3/4 months 42 weeks get your math straight. neither of them are actually stars Rachel only dresses them for a living and that’s only because women can’t sew anymore pushing a 7lb kid through the birth canal with drug assistance is nothing like pushing a 13 1/2 lbs kid through there with no drugs on the kitchen floor like Dolly Sinatra did with her only son Francis Albert december 12th 1915. Quit giving fame whores like Rachel press they don’t deserve and maybe they’ll go away

  26. bluhare says:

    Wow. So children are so wonderful that non-moms can’t appreciate the fabulousness (see last week), yet today you all want presents for that horrible experience.

    Make up your minds!

  27. truthzbetta says:

    I thought it was a present from a designer for “pushing” his crap merchandise onto the public so this is a great improvement on my imagination.

    Ditto on poster who thinks the husband never, ever seems fully straight, hence knows just what a fashionista wants in place of something you can use for the baby, I guess.

    In my world we go for mother/baby gifts like strollers or electronic stuff to record the baby’s life, or something that help the family and the bond with the child. This would be considered a wee selfish and tawdry for a loving family event like a birth. But from the husband I suppose it’s a nice gesture with different significance. Unless you tackily broadcast it to the world with publishable photographic visual aids or something.

  28. Catherine says:

    WTF is the idea of getting push presents? You know what I got as a push present? A gorgeous baby. F off, Rachel.

  29. sparkle587 says:

    Not feeling the hate for the push present. We’re not rich and my husband bought me bling when I had our twins. I got a gold chain with diamond pendants of each of their initials and a diamond-eyed sea horse from Tiffanys that’s meant to kind of watch over them (male seahorses take care of the babies). It doesn’t have to be expensive but I think it’s nice for a woman to get something special as a memento of her pregnancy and the birth of her kids. And these gifts likely become family heirlooms — I’m going to pass these on to my daughter and my son (to give to his wife or daughter).

  30. gobo says:

    Her sagging bulimia cheeks scare me.

  31. Cat says:

    They can afford it, so why not? Hubs surprised me after our youngest with what is an engagement ring that I wear on my right hand. It might be a bit much, but I love it! :))

  32. Cakes says:

    I find the whole “push present” concept so tacky. I also roll my eyes at women who say “I BETTER get something for giving birth” ugh!!! So tacky.

  33. Confuzzle says:

    That’s nice of that man to give his mother a gift.

  34. Blue says:

    Lol @ Confuzzle. I got a beautiful baby girl & 2 stitches. I would have liked a gift, hell I would have been happy not to have to through it by myself. I don’t like the name but hey if you have a man willing and wanting to do it them great. But women who demand a gift are awful. Why do you think that you DESERVE a gift for carrying and pushing out a child you wanted. The child is the greatest gift. Anything else is just bonus.

  35. icantbelievethis says:

    I don’t get the hate over a ‘push present’. I pushed out 4 kids, I deserved the new wedding set and spa package DH gave me. I would’ve been more than happy to give DH a ‘push present’ if he could’ve figured out a way to carry a baby and give birth.

  36. TG says:

    A push present seems like something a royal or nobleman from an arranged marriage would give his wife after delivering him his heir. Maybe Princess Catherine will get one when she gives Wills his heir.

    That being said I certainly wouldn’t turn down a diamand if my huband felt so inclined.

  37. Kim says:

    sorry but she looks horrible. really, really horrible. her face has so many unnatural creases and sags. it must be the anorexia.

  38. Cat says:

    Cakes & Blue I totally agree. The whole demanding thing is ridiculous! Or demanding anything for that matter! I have a SIL who demands everything & BIL ignores her or does the opposite. Like she pushed & pushed for an Escalade or a Navigator because she shouldn’t have to drive anything else. He got her a minivan & made her pay the payments! 🙂

    If they come up w/it on their on, wonderful. If you have to plant the idea, not so much.

  39. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Being pleasantly surprised when our men buy us a gift for having a baby doesnt mean we don’t appreciate the gift our child is or ‘ruin it with consumerism’–that’s silly. When I had my 2nd 9lber in Dec my DH surprised me a beautiful locket engraved with our surname and birthstone charms for each of our children. While I didn’t expect it, I do think that in a way us mums deserve some recognition for the hard work pregnancy and delivery are, whether that be thru a gift or otherwise. I’d personally never heard the term ‘push present’ until on the site a couple months ago. If Hubs could afford a 10k ring that’d be awesome, but I don’t know if I’d appreciate it as much as my “mama” necklace.

  40. poodlemom says:

    Maybe the ring will help cure her post-partum depression. She can put on the ring…and hand the baby off to the nanny! That would cure my depression!

  41. kelbear says:

    I guess my push present was the baby itself.

  42. Blue says:

    lol looking back at the pics, in the first one her face is like “did you take the pic so i can get this thing (the baby) off me?” she looks so uncomfortable

  43. Matt says:

    Original Kate:

    “i’m not sure that her husband is entirely straight.”

    LMAO. He also needs to get his own life, he seems like he hates the fashion biz but never leaves RZ’s side.

  44. Kat says:

    Beautiful ring, beautiful baby.

  45. Sumodo1 says:

    One of my cousins got a diamond Rolex from her husband when she delivered their son. The end.

  46. Micki says:

    My husband bought me some other kind of jewellery but my “push present” I got from my mother-in-law, who had a terribly hard time delivering my man. So of all women she knew best what it is/could be. I admit I was touched as she’s not exactly the gushing sort of woman.

  47. capepopsie says:

    I also hinted a LOT. Didn´t get anything from the husband, but from friends and parents. After vomitting for 9 months, gaining lots of weight, being all swollen up, I really DO think
    we deserve a small token of appreciation. Of course the baby is reward enough, but since the husband can´t help you with this, he can at least show a little appreciation.

  48. Nia says:

    I am in my late forties. My father had a piece of jewelery made for each of our births'(five) for my mom and a charm with our name and birthdate. It was very sweet of him but my mom used to say we were enough of a gift. When I wear the piece my dad had made for my birth I feel connected to my mom.(both have passed).

  49. TG says:

    I think what bothers me is a woman expecting a “push present” because she did all the work. Please, that is they way we are designed by nature if you don’t like it don’t get pregnant. On the other hand I do find the stories touching of the father honoring the children and his wife with a token gift such as the charm bracelet mentioned above. My mom had a bunch of kids and my dad had a ring made for her with all of our birthstones on it including theirs, but it wasn’t a “push present”.

    And by the way if you didn’t already know what a push present was you should congratulate yourself it means you have better things to do than read hollywood gossip (unlike me). I have only ever heard the term when it comes to hollywood spoiled celebrity women.

  50. Sassy says:

    Courtney 25

    Your comment about Richard Burton being straight as a post, needs some clarification. When he was a budding actor, he dabbled in homosexuality with Gielgud and Olivier. He “got over it” and went on to Marry Sybil and then Liz, and was straight from that time forward. This info is well documented and covered in many books and interviews he did. I confess that I have read everything about Burton and Liz in print.

  51. painterspirit says:

    “I think what bothers me is a woman expecting a “push present” because she did all the work. Please, that is they way we are designed by nature if you don’t like it don’t get pregnant”

    I agree. I don’t see why a woman should get a “push present” (hate that word) just because she was performing her biological function. A little crass, but true.

  52. Fulana says:

    I don’t know what Americans see in diamonds. They are tacky; a very expensive way to show vulgarity.

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