It’s all Angelina, all the time this week, but I doubt it will be enough to boost ticket sales for her probably great, but undoubtedly depressing kidnap film, Changeling, which is even set in the depression era. People just don’t want to see doom and gloom at the movies at this point, and a stupid talking chihuahua film is still at the top of the box office almost two weeks after it opened.
Angelina let it slip in a NY Times interview that she fell in love with Brad while they were both filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
She said that she will play Mr. and Mrs. Smith for her kids once they’re old enough and that “not a lot of people get to see a movie where their parents fell in love.”
Of course US Weekly is quick to point out that she’s saying that she fell in love with Brad while he was still with then-wife Jennifer Aniston – as if this hasn’t been obvious for years. She has long maintained they she wasn’t physically cheating with Brad at the time, and said in a 2005 interview “To be intimate with a married man, when my own father cheated on my mother, is not something I could forgive.”
Angelina also said she worries that her kids might become curious about their family and start to look up stuff online once they’re old enough. She told the NY Times that Maddox might “look up my name and see some kind of sexy pictures or read a story about himself that isn’t true. There’s a lot we’re going to have to explain to them about how public their family is.”
As for Angelina she doesn’t look up stuff about herself at all and says she lives “in a bit of a bubble when it comes to people’s perceptions of me, which I’m sure is a very good thing, because I’m sure it’s not always very nice.”
So it doesn’t really matter what you say about her. All that stuff about tearing Brad away from poor Jennifer is old news, and she’s in her gorgeous, shiny impervious bubble, mothering all those sweet children and nursing two infants at once. There’s plenty of room in there for more orphans, but the rest of us are just going to have to observe from the outside, like a rare collectible snowglobe creche.
No Shit Sherlock! And I really don’t believe either of them when they say “they weren’t having sex.” Blah, Blah, Blah, she did something to that man to make him split from his self-centered wife. He was “fine” being with Jennifer, until he went away to film the movie with Angelina. I think that they make each other happy…but he sure in the hell has aged since he’s been with her (Angelina). I know the fact that having and taking care of all those kids in such a short time span can and will takes it’s toll on anyone. He does appear to be a good father and he seems to be happy, so kudos to him!
Oh really?! Wasn’t he married than? Hmmm…
Can’t believe she still “maintains” nothing happened physically then. Yeah right. 🙄
I’m sick of hearing about how she “met the right man” and how “in love” they are —- how wonderful their kids and their life is together.
To be physically intimate with a married man is something she couldn’t forgive, but to fall in love and be intimate emotionally with another woman’s husband IS?
The latter, to me, is a bigger issue by far. That is the real betrayal as far as I’m concerned.
I think stealing a woman’s husband is bad no matter what. It doesn’t matter when you became intimate; the outcome is the same.
This is going to sound lame and stuck up, but I’m a local newscaster so people tend to say things about me as well. I NEVER Google myself because some of the emails I get are bad enough (no avoiding those)… so I totally get the “bubble” thing.
Ditto baholicious.
FYI when you fall in love, really in love it’s all consuming and overwhelming. Love doesn’t give a care about gender, race, age, class or even the availability of the beloved. That said I do think two people crazy in love can wait to be physical especially if they recognize what they have as the real deal and want to start their life together unattached. I’ve have friends in similiar circumstances who waited.
Have no idea what B & A did but just saying people do wait.
edit: per @Wif: sounds like they did not, but hey, sometimes it’s bigger than both of you.
I saw her on The View when she was promoting Mr. and Mrs. Smith and she was glowing with beauty and happiness. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and I’m not a fan. Anyway, they were asking her about her sex life, and she blushed and said “I was with someone just last night. After feeling like a mommy all day it’s just nice to feel like a woman again.” There was just something about it that struck me, and I hadn’t even heard the infidelity rumours yet. But that glow wasn’t just a sex glow, it was a newly in love glow. So yep, they started things before he was done with Aniston.
This is something she and Brad have talked around for a while – I remember the Vogue Jan. 2007 interview where she talked about how close they grew during filming, how they talked about the possibility of getting together.
Honestly, I’ve thought about this a lot (obviously, I’m Team Jolie) – I think Brad and Jen had big problems before Brad and Angie even met. I think Brad and Angie fell in love while they were working on Mr. and Mrs., but didn’t have a physical affair.
I think Angie blue-balled him, and he got out of his marriage quicker because he was desperate to be with Angie.
Of course, that’s just my opinion. But my version makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it? 😛
@breederina: aw, you had me hearing violins 😉
@wif: that makes me chuckle because I’m sure us gals know when we run into a gf for instance who is looking all glowy and grinning really goofy and we say “you TOTALLY got laid, didn’t you! It’s so obvious, isn’t it?
I think stealing a woman’s husband is bad no matter what.
Brad & Jen’s marriage was on the rocks way before filming on Mr. & Mrs. Smith began
they seem happy and all but i still can’t help but sympathize with jennifer as this has happened to me and it is friggin DEVASTATING… so i hope she at least feels SOME semblance of remorse for being… well, let’s just say it… a bitch…
Tsk. Careful what you say about St. Angelina lest some may have your head! Talented and beautiful yes, but she screwed a married man nonetheless. One would have to be from another planet not to have picked up on the affair years ago. I have no respect for either of them. And to the person that said Brad has aged, you hit it spot on! He looks haggard.
“…she screwed a married man nonetheless.”
Gistine, did you even read the post?
I fell in love with my current husband when I was still married to my ex-husband. Our marriage had died a long time before, and he had actually moved out at the time, but he planned on coming back. I met and fell in love with the man I’m married to now. We didn’t have sex until I was divorced, but we talked about it. You can consider this some sort of huge betrayal, and call me and people who’ve found their happiness outside a failing marriage bad things, but I am happy and loved by an amazing man now and there is no way in hell I would change a single thing I did. I’m not sorry we took what was given to us when it was. Of course Brad and Angelina fell in love before Brad and Jennifer ended their marriage, but they all did what would make them happiest in their lives, including Aniston. The “sensitivity chip” remark was made because of the magazing spread being splashed all over, not because their marriage ended. Jennifer wanted out of that marriage as much as Brad did, for her own reasons.
@Diva – 😆 But don’t you ever stay awake at night fretting over how you’re a ZOMG HOMEWRECKER? For shame, Diva. 😆
btw, to our CB Moderator out there, I’m not trying to “out” anyone in a psychotic blaze of glory, but this seems like a thread that will be very easy to “catch” multiple-named posters. 😉
I think the affair hit Jen like a ton of bricks. Problems with her and Brad or not — I do not think she saw it coming.
I feel bad for JA and always will. I mean — who can compete with AJ???? The woman IS gorgeous.
I am just saying — shut up about it already. The whole world KNOWS. And, please — stop gushing about your “perfect life”. It’s gotten to be obnoxious.
And, it’s doubly obnoxious because he was married to someone else when all this transpired.
Paul Newman was married when he fell in love with Joann Woodward on the set of Long Hot Summer too. But, you never heard him (or her) gushing to the press 24/7 about it. He got divorced and married Joann — and they obviously were very much in love – one of the longest marriages in Hollywood history for sure. Their relationship spoke for itself and they both had enough TACT not to brag to the press about it every chance they got.
I think it’s just another example of how self absorbed she is.
Also, imho, married actors who make out with other actors of the opposite sex ARE cheating. I commend Kirk Cameron for standing up to the industry and refusing to cheat on his wife for the movie Fireproof (which is awesome btw).
So, yeah, AJ and BP WERE cheating physically because they were rolling all over the floor and making out while filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
very well said, diva. people tend to think that a marriage is totally fine and then from one day to the other there´s a divorce. normally when people divorce they were unhappy for a longer period of time. relationships end. if you are married or not. they end. and when you fall in love again within this particular period…that´s not cheating. you can only cheat on someone you love. if the feelings are long gone…i don´t see a problem in that. are we supposed to stay with one partner forever and ever and ever even if we are miserable AND in love with someone else? that´s just not fair, huh?
susan: you consider filming a steamy scene cheating? you DO know that tv and movies are fictional, do you? like, actors… they ACT?
yeah i really like the good work angelina is doing but she seriously does need to stop talking about how perfect her life is… it’s getting annnoying… stfu already especially when so many people are hurting financially these days…
nobodies life is THAT perfect…
@Susan – If we’re including film and tv roles, then Aniston was “cheating” on Brad too. See Friends, The Good Girl, Along Came Polly, etc. 🙄
Anni and Diva… in my case, i totally didn’t see it coming…we don’t know what happened in this marriage so it’s all just speculation… no scenerio is 100% for everyone…
You cannot steal a happily married man.. Simply because if said married person was happy, a lil chemistry wouldn’t matter. Besides only 2 people know what happened in their marriage nobody else. There are always two different stories from two different sides. Therefore only BP and JA know what went down and since I don’t think they are going to come out with the exact reasons, all trolls should just give it up.
The ones that always claim they are in love usually have the worst problems at home.
In my experience.. 99.9% of the time, the married party is doing the pursuing. Not defending her for leading him on and twisting around her finger instead of running like hell, but I would venture to guess that there wasn’t much stealing involved. Let’s face it, the two are magnetic, and look incredibly happy and in love with each other. Poor Jennifer and all that, but I think it is the real deal.
I can’t blame her for falling in love (no one can control it) but I do believe she didn’t sleep with him at that time. Not because she said so but because she got him to fall in love with her first and you don’t do it by jumping in bed with a guy. She got him to lose his head for her first. She wouldn’t have accomplished that if she immediately went to bed with him. Angelina is smart and knows what she wants.. sleeping with Brad on the first date would have been stupid and nearsighted (btw, Jen did it). Anyone knows that’s not how you get a guy for a long-term, commited relationship.
LOL Kaiser… I know, I’m such a Jolie, aren’t I? 😛
My ex-husband didn’t see it coming either, he thought he could continue to dictate my life as well as his own forever, that he could keep me in a perpetually miserable marriage and I wouldn’t grasp happiness and true love when it came straight to me. I’m sorry I blindsided him, just as I would suspect Brad is sorry that things ended the way they did with Jennifer, but I’m not at all sorry I’m living my life out with the person who does actually make this life happy, again, just as I would suspect Brad is. And, sorry to burst your bubble, Anoneemous, but I’m completely in love and very happy in my marriage.
I HAVE to ask you, Susan… if you’re sick of hearing about it, why did you read the article? Why do you read every article that comes up about them? And why do you comment a half dozen times? That’s the part I just don’t get. I mean, sure, post your opinions on them as celebrities, that’s cool, even “hate” them if you must, but why would you subject yourself to more about them if your base complaint is being subjected to so much of them?
You can’t STEAL someone away. No one has that power. Anyay, does anyone remember that Brad had already cheated on Jennifer a few years prior to Angelina with some unknown actress?
And Brad didn’t believe that marriage would last forever anyway. Didn’t he say that on Oprah? He was out of it years before…didn’t he also miss her Friends finale in early 2004?
I believe Angelina. Besides, you can’t control emotional cheating…you feel what you feel. Physical can be controlled.
she is simply awful and my deepest sympathy lies with Aniston. she did not deserve what was dished on her plate. i wouldve had more respect for her if she had come clean! she remained dirty and she’s a dirty player.
Isn’t she known as the homewrecker? I swear that’s how she ended up with Billy bob. He was married to the lady on Jurassic Park (first one). And Angelina started fooling around with him and so Billy Bob and his wife split up. I don’t believe that her and Brad wasn’t doing anything physical. You get two good looking people in one room alone, you don’t know what’s gonna happen. But also kudo’s to Brad and Angelina for adopting those kids and actually giving them a good life. Those kids (all 6 of them) are very lucky.
@Diva – I don’t even want to hear it from you ZOMG HUSBAND-LEAVERS anymore. Just don your sack-cloth and be done! 😆
But your situation would have been similar to The Brange if, post-divorce, your ex had done an interview with Vanity Fair and other magazines, critisizing you and your new boyfriend, having his friends “leak” it to anyone who would listen about how horrible you are, etc.
As I’ve said before, I initially felt bad for Aniston – it was so obvious that she got dumped, obvious that she had no interest in having children and that Brad didn’t want to put up with her any more.
But I began hating her post-divorce, when The Never-Ending Pity Party began (and has yet to stop).
Diva, did your ex do that? Does he “emotionally stalk” you?
Holy shit, you freaked me out for a minute when you said “don your sack cloth”… my ex’s name is Don, lmao.
While he didn’t have access to Vanity Fair, lol, he certainly did the best he could to get sympathy. I don’t blame him for that. He was hurt, and embarrassed. But yeah, on a much lower public level he was the Aniston.
We’re actually very good friends now, though. And my husband now is friends with him, too. Honestly, I love my ex like a brother now and can’t even believe I was married to him!
One thing that keeps intriguing me… there are TONS of people in Hollywood who cheat, why is this ONE woman villified for the assumption that she was involved in an affair? The whole “talking too much” doesn’t cut it, either, because the hate started well befoe Angelina was talking about how happy she and Brad are.
P.S. Kuuipo, Billy Bob and Laura Dern were not married.
Yes, I do think that “filming a steamy scene” is cheating. I sure do. I think that doing anything physical like that with the opposite sex is cheating. It’s just like if your husband were making out with another woman — it’s cheating. Just because they “call” it acting doesn’t take away from that fact. So, yeah, JA was cheating on him too. But, that is the hollywood mentality. That doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s comical for AJ to say nothing went on. 😕
I can’t believe this old debate is being hashed yet again. Sometimes I think Angelina Jolie can be a little too forthcoming in her interviews and then her words are twisted and thrown back in her face. Look, you can’t help when or with whom you fall in love with. Whatever happened between them only they know…the rest is just speculation. One thing I do know is that actions speak louder than words. Look where they are now. Brad is with Angie and they have 6 kids together. They travel worldwide and pursue many charitable causes. Jen is pursuing her movie career, choosing committment-phobic guys to date, and content with her superficial Hollywood life. It’s obvious that Brad and Angelina are more compatible mates based on the actions of all three of them in the last few years.
I, too, felt sad when Brad and Jen announced their split and thought they made a nice couple. But, it’s obvious that was all a facade. They had nothing in common. Even if Angie didn’t come along, I bet Brad and Jen would have split regardless.
And, all those stupid pics of them together in that mag — the 50’s pictures or whatever — those were also supposedly taken BEFORE anything happened between them. That is ridiculous.
And, then Brad’s “private pictures” of her coming out? GAG
Nobody can steal another’s husband or wife unless that person wants to be stolen.
susan…you live in lalaland.
Nobody can steal another person, period. Happily married or not. It just is not possible
I don’t see how I live in lalaland. Why does it make it ok (and apparently living in smartland) for a married man to make out with and get naked with a woman he’s not married to just because they “call it acting”?
Well, its their job.
It’s also a prostitute’s job….????
Kaiser, I read it. So, what? You think they just admired each other from afar and didn’t indulge in sex? Right….it was LUST first, I don’t care what she says. Call me old fashioned, but I think if one falls out of love, get a divorce first–or legally separate. Don’t shag your coworker and then backpedal into separation. He’s just as much to blame as she is. The whole thing is just crap and no way to start a healthy relationship-any marriage counselor will tell you that. And as long as they are in the public eye, I will continue to scrutinize them and so will a lot of people. Its called an occupational hazard on their behalf.
Even though I don’t agree with how things went down with her and Brad, I do think she is a great actress and very talented in that respect, but that’s it.
Actors totally hide behind the “it’s just acting” baloney, your telling me two sexy actors are just “pretending” while they make out and film a sex scene, and as soon as they are done shooting they move on cause they are “acting”. Dont believe that for a second. There have been tons affairs that happened because of sex scenes being filmed in a movie.
Wish I could “act” and make out with Brad!!!!!
What evidence is there that Brad & Jen had a terrible marriage? Even Angelina said that Brad was married to his “best friend.” He even threw a birthday party for Jen a month after they announced their split.
I think Brad just found somebody who was hot, available, and willing to instantly produce the soccer-team-size family he wanted. Clearly his relationship with Angie is all about the kids.
I totally agree with susan!
for those of you who say she is living in lala land, you are so jaded by todays society that you cant even tell the difference between what is respecful and what is not. Cheating has many levels and even something so small as to kiss another person while you made a valuable committment to your partner is cheating. People need to realize that just because it has become socially acceptible does not make it honorable. If you consider yourself to be a good person, then the actions that you do should portray the true nature of your personallity. Cheating can include a multitude of actions. Just because assumtion of acceptence is concidered to be ok does not make it ok. Eveyone will have to pay for their “crimes” sooner or later.
It has not “become” socially acceptable. Acting is a centuries old craft, and romance and sex have always been a part of productions. Just because it’s on a movie screen instead of the stage of the Globe theatre doesn’t mean it’s new.
I think actors would be fairly insulted that you think they’re not capable of honing their craft to be able to do whatever it takes to pull off a role. People play murderers, doesn’t make them want to kill people. They play bank robbers, doesn’t make them want to turn to a life of crime. Your reasoning obvioulsy applies only to the actors and parts that have something to do with love and sex, and that’s kinda messed up.
am sure Brad wasn´t the only married man (or woman)Angelina screwed, so whatever.
I do not condone cheating in any shape or form, but I think there is a huge difference between actors who are merely doing their job & those who cheat just for the hell of it. And I think most people would agree with me. But that’s just my HO.
kissing someone on screen is cheating? i’m sorry but that’s ridiculous… actors know this is a part of their life so i think they expect it to a great degree…
susan you have obviously no idea how actors work. if they do a love scene they are surrounded by at least 10 people, director, soundguy etc. moreso, the actual sex scene you see on screen is not likely to be filmed at one day. the scenes are filmed and then edited together so the timeline for us viewers is right. there is nothing sexual or romantic about it whatsoever. how can you call that cheating? that´s lalaland, sorry.
Wasn’t Shiloh conceived long before Jen and Brad’s divorce was actually finalized?
Even when Jen and Brad sat down and decided to break up, it just seemed that Brad then jumped from Jen to Ange before you can say its “over” then paraded around in different countries soon after and taking part in photo shoots like one happy family and was there when Ange adopted Zahara and then before we had time to blink, Brad seemed to have adopted Z too and then both the kids took his surname and then Ange was pregnant a short time later.
Looking back it just seems that Brad did not let the separation with Jen take a breather first before he hooked up in Ange, because although they denied it at the beginning that they were a couple, it was very obvious from photographs and insiders that they were very much together.
It just shows how disrespectful Brad was to Jen’s feelings and how tastelessly they both handled their relationship in public. It just seems that they did not have very much time to be in that ‘get to know each other’ phase as well.
Whatever, they should just admitted that they had an affair, they will get more support from the public that way (which looks like deep down they desperately seek), particular now that they have created a family together and from the outside seem happy enough.
This is shocking! Wow, what a revelation!
I agree with Diva. By Susan’s logic, Anthony Hopkins would rather be eating human flesh for dinner, etc.
A person can’t be stolen from a relationship. Only women use this archaic belief to justify a breakup when a relationship has run its course. Any couple in therapy as Brad and Jen were from the beginning of the relationship/marriage has problems. Jen said the marriage was over in the summer of 2004. Now just because they did not announce this to the world at that time, well, it was their business not anyone else’s. Some of you are so angry because a couple did not let you know all about their private lives, and how rediculous you people are. Anyone with any functioning brain knows that a couple does not separate and not see each other for 5 months as Brad and Jen did when he was making Troy in 2003, with Jen telling an interviewer that she was happy for the long separation as she could decorate their home as she wished. That relationship had tanked long before Angelina and MMS.
DIVA!!! ZOMFG!! You’re worse than Hitler!!! You should be dragged in front of some sort of War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague 👿 👿
😉 (as an aside, I’m sorry that you were left devastated by your louse of an ex Christina. I do think though that each situation is different, and none of us knows what really goes on behind closed doors).
I don’t think anyone here is saying that cheating is ok – but in the scale of shitty behaviours that people are capable of it’s really the lesser evil of say, drink/drugged driving, violence, torture and murder.
Susan and co are allowed to think on-screen “romances” are cheating if they want – I don’t think they’re being realistic unless everyone decides that they just want to watch social commentaries from Iran or whatever. Romance has always been a big part of film and in some circumstances not even seeing a kiss would be ridiculous.
BTW most of us who know a bit about the history of films are aware that affairs and hookups happen as a result of filming – even as far back as Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. Strangely, their marriage was accepted in the 1920s, but we’re getting very puritanical in supposedly “enlightened times”
I so don’t care anymore whether or not Brad cheated on Jen. I just want to know if anyone else has seen the trailer for “Marley and Me” and thinks, as I do, that it’s yet more proof that Jennifer Aniston CAN’T ACT!!! Once again she’s playing a slightly different version of the same character she always plays — herself. Sigh. I just don’t understand why she keeps getting film roles.
And that’s my rant for the evening. 😕
While I don’t condone extra-marital relationships– the fact that Jolie and Pitt have made their relationship work and thrive on the love of their family–I’m happy for them. It’s a great feeling to build a life together. So inspite the name calling of “cheaters” and “whore”– they absolutely don’t care what you haters think!
Aniston didn’t get enough because perhaps she didn’t give enough. If Team Aniston wants their girl happy- then just let let her move on with her life sans the comparison.
I am happy for them, I can’t really imagine a better match for either of the two.
I am not sure whom the “perfect” match could be for Jen? Any unusual quirky actors from another country she could be interested in? Whom could be good enough for her? hmmmm
And another couple of thoughts. Once people make the hard decision to split, their relationship is over. They then move on with their lives. I believe that Brad gave Jen plenty of time to get used to the fact they were done with, as Jen said she knew their marriage was over in the summer of 2004, so the end had been decided by the two of them at that time. It appears Jen had time to get used to the fact, but maybe thought like many that Angelina was just a fling, and as Jen said in VF Brad told her of his feelings for Angelina(CCox also said Brad was honest with Jen). What seemed to anger Jen (and some women here) was that Brad moved on with his life as he did. Well Jen moved on also with VV.
Whether the emotional bond between Brad and Angelina was also a physical bond cannot be discerned from her words to the NYT. People will believe what they want to believe and that is the way the world works.
All I know is what present reality is. Brad and Angelina have SIX kids and seem very much on the same path in life. They so far are not apart more than a few days at a time in going on FOUR years,very much unlike how Brad and Jen conducted their lives from the very beginning of their marriage.
Jen has dated around, and now seems to be happy with John Mayer. He is her choice and maybe has what she needs.
I wish the best for all of them.
I agree that a person can’t be stolen from a relationship. However, when you go through a break-up like Brad did he should have taken some time out and lay low, particularly if it was so publicized but what he and Angelina did was jump head first in a ‘serious’ relationship straight away and then adopted and gave birth to a bunch of kids. That is unhealthy for any relationship so they really need to start being more private as possible because if and when they break up, then I get the feeling that they will get little sympathy and a world of “I TOLD YOU SO” from people and that will be very hard on them and their kids.
If they are happy then good for them but they really need to keep that to themselves from now on.
BP & JA signed their divorce papers in August 2005. The judge also signed their divorce papers the same day.
Their divorce is final the day the judge signs off on it.
It took 6 weeks (October 2005) for the Los Angeles court to file the divorce paperwork. YES…it took them that long!!
So NO, Shiloh was not conceived before the divorce was final.
i would do brad too,so way to go angie
Actually Shiloh’s conceived date seems earlier then the finalization of the divorce and given a long time of Brad and Ange ‘trying’ (as they said), it seems that they started their relationship ‘officially’ short after the break up. That can easily be interpreted as them having an affair and if Angelina and Brad were fooling around EVEN before Brad and Jen sat down and mutually decided that they will break up then A&B were obviously cheating (no ifs, no buts), even if it can be said that Jen and Brad were not in love anymore (but yet not officially over).
I sure hope so, and that they acted on it too. Quite a waste if they did not. 😆
what a ridiculously stir-it-up article; you take something out of context that is innocent and faithful and then contrive to make it seem sordid and nasty.
since time began:- all’s fair in love and war; we have no control who or when we fall in love with. why do people say: “I was swept off my feet.”
Reason why Angie states this love she feels for Brad is that it is so special and genuine – and for those who don’t understand- they have probably never fell in love truly madly deeply. Some of us love someone but are not ‘in love’ with them.
Angie is so ‘open’ about her emotions -she doesnt realise others try to make it all seem bad and scheming, which I dont beleive it was. Jennifer had no real substance, just wanting to be in movies . . . it wasnt enough for Brad to hang on in their. Angelina is so much more a person of substance; no comparison. leave her alone; she is brave and true.
Random thoughts:
1) Nobody can steal anyone who doesn’t want to be stolen. Not even someone as smart and beautiful and sexy as Angelina Jolie.
2) A marriage that is happy and healthy cannot be broken up by anyone. Not even by someone as smart and beautiful and sexy as Angelina Jolie.
3) Brad is the “homewrecker”, not Angie. He broke up his own marriage and never looked back.
4) The marriage was effectively dead before he ever met Angelina. Brad spent six months overseas filming Troy in 2004 and during that time Aniston did not visit him even once. If you want to keep your spouse, that is not the way to do it.
5) Pitt and Aniston were in counseling on and off throughout most of their marriage. If a marriage is happy and solid, counseling isn’t necessary.
6) Aniston put her needs first and foremost. She didn’t give a damn about Pitt except that being married to him got her on the A-list. She made a public statement, while she was still married to him, that “He was never the love of my life” and when they were in an interview together and he said he’d love to have six children, she looked at him like he was crazy and said “You’ll be lucky if you get two.” If a woman loves and respects her husband, she won’t cut him down like that.
7) She’s a narcissistic bitch who essentially had it all and shat it away on a pipe dream, and expects the world to feel sorry for her. “I was shocked! The world was shocked!” Pardon me, lady, but the world has a lot more to be shocked about than your failed marriage. Get the hell over yourself.
Brad wanted what any man wants in a relationship: a woman who loves him and puts his needs first at least some of the time. He never found that in Aniston. He found it in Angelina. She gave him the love and the family he always wanted. I couldn’t be happier for both of them. As far as Aniston is concerned, she can drown in a tub of Smartwater.
I blame Brad ‘DUH’ Pitt for starting this Bradangelina Vs Jennifer Aniston war and then exposing us all to it. Stupid man could not keep his zipper closed. 👿 I hope his cheating ass gets stuck with diaper duty for the rest of his life (which he probably will if they continue to adopt and breed).
Great to know DECENT people like Susan still exist! Acting and prostitution are sometimes one-in-the-same, if you allow yourself to be used that way!!!!!!!!!!
Yes a man can be stolen. Your all so silly, Even when she admits what you all have said she didn’t do you still twist it to sound so pleasant. It wasn’t nice period. And she should stop being so needy and keep her trap shut. She is building up a big karmic blow. And I will smile wide when she get hers
The divorce was finalized August 23, 2005 (signed by both parties and the judge).
Brad and Angelina went out and celebrated.
Angelina said neither of them have fertility problems and they got pregnant with Shiloh quickly.
They conceived Shiloh by the end of August 2005 and Shiloh was born nine months later at the end of May 2006.
So what if they were screwing each other before the divorce was “finalized”. I’m only responding because you threw out the lie that Shiloh was conceived before the divorce was finalized.
Private Judge Handles Aniston-Pitt Divorce
August 23, 2005 · Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt finalized their divorce Tuesday thanks to Jill Robbins, a private judge. By using her services, Pitt and Aniston were able to keep the proceedings private. They were also able to expedite the divorce.
Popo, karma is the sum of a person’s own life, that when one is reincarnated, has an effect on the new life. Your wishing evil on others will instead follow you if you are reincarnated. So sad you are asking for another miserable life. The whole very common incorrect misuse of words is so widespread. If one looks at history love is love, it is not definable, it is not quantitatible, it has no rhyme or reason to it, love is what it is. Anyone who has sight can see that bountiful love exists between Brad and Angelina.
It is so easy to see that you have been unlucky in that someone you loved did not love you. That’s part of life, it has happened to me as it has happened to just about everyone. But you choose to live your life as a negative instead of accepting that there are both good and bad things in life. Mature people just deal with what is and do not seek to cast blame when there is no blame. You sound as if you are 5 years old.
Where did Jennifer say her marriage was over in the summer of ’04? That’s news to me.
Angelina annoys me because she’s always bragging about how wonderful and perfect her life is.
I just think it is a little sad. When someones relationship goes awry, you can’t help but feel a little bad for them, you just kind of want other people to be happy too.
I am not a Brad and Angelina fan, but it is nice they have found happiness together, I just wish Jennifer A. could also find that same peace and love in her life…
I was surprised to see an interesting man, Brad Pitt, a good actor, rather intellectual and non conventionnal, to be “cought” by a weak actor, self-centered & always yelling, in any movie, Jennifer Aniston.
She managed to marry a very talented and sexy man, I don’t know how. Maybe because she was everywhere due to the popularity of Friends.
But this relationship, doomed from the beginng, couldn’t last. A “mariage contre nature” since the day they met.
What do they had in common? Not a lot. It was obvious.
PJ, check out Jen’s last HarperB’s interview.
Angelina does not bragg about any perfect happy life, the tabloids and bloggs pick apart every word she says when she answers a question.
Just as the headlines blare today, affair began while filimg MMS. That is not what she said at all. She said they fell in love, which squares with what she said her Vogue article in 2006.
Cheyenne I’m with you. I do believe Angelina. Besides, Brad was married, Angelina was not.
A person can NOT be “stolen”.
If Angelina “stole” Brad from Jennifer, then it’s a kidnapping. Jennifer never filed a police report…
HallieB, You have been making such good points.
When Angie was in Cannes, she did an interview, I think it was for Wanted, and she made a similar statement to the same question. She said at that time that “it would be funny for the kids to see their parents when they first met”. That staement has been out there since the summer, and I know that US and other media that is making such a big deal now, has read it. Angie is just reiterating that they met on the set, and EVENTUALLY fell in love. To pick apart an innocent and simple statement, and twist it just for shock value, and to give the people who continuously criticize this woman, more ammunition, is beyond hateful.
I am sorry, but I have to corect you. Angie NEVER said they were trying for a long time to get pregnant. What she said,is that after seeing Brad with Mad and Z, and how much he loved them, she knew that any biological children would not be a threat to them, and so she wanted to try. She the said that her friends had told her that because she had been on birth control, it may take up to 6 months to become pregnant, but that they got pregnant very quickly. This was in her Vogue 2006 interview.
By the way, Jen was also seeing Vince before the divorce was final, why is it ok for her, but not Brad?
KC def took the high road when he refused to kiss another woman on stage because it would go against their vows of marriage and against the law of the bible. That right there is an argument in itself, all you people who read the bible should well know. But it begs the question, if you’re an actor/actress.. it’s your job to kiss or even perhaps have faux sex with another actor/actress all in the name of cinema. Wouldn’t that equate to Pharmacists not selling birth control because it’s “against their beliefs” ?
In my opinion, if you’re not gonna do the job, gtfo.
@popo #68: Um, Popo… a man can be “stolen”? How? Hogtie him and drag him back to your lair? Work roots on him? Do a mojo on him?
You can’t steal any man or woman short of outright kidnap, and I don’t think Angelina had to kidnap Brad in order to catch him. In other words, he was ready and willing to be “stolen” by a better woman than his whiny bitch of a wife.
You sound like somebody “stole” your man. Perhaps you need to ask yourself why he preferred her to you. In any case, luv, shit happens. There’s no cosmic law that says it will never happen to you. Sooner or later everybody gets hurt. You get dumped, you get angry, but unless you’re a total loser, eventually you get over it. Something neither Aniston nor most of her pathetic fans have managed up to this point.
It’s interesting to see how Angelina Jolie’s fans feel the strong urge/need to defend her after so many years.
Move on already. Your idol couple have a big family living happily in France. Leave the old hag alone to hang out with her new boy toy.
Go back to your life. Gosh, enough is enough.
Just don’t buy the whole thing Angelina has going on. Usually those who tell you how great things are, over and over and over like this wack job, it is usually not the case.
🙄 Oh, for God’s sake. There’s too much stupidity on this thread to even go point by point. Instead, I’ll just call out my lovely girls – Bodhi, Diva (aka ZOMG SACK-CLOTH DONNING HUSBAND-LEAVER), Anni, Cheyenne, Hallie, Granger, and all of those who see through the insanity. Love ya! 😀
Not Many people are aware of this, but Brad HAND PICKED Angelina for that part. So if you want to blame someone, blame the married man… Course who really cares now… who could stand in the way of that charmic connection…
A few points:
1. The reason Brad is looking haggard/old is because he stopped the Botox and other rejuvenating stuff. I guess Angie likes him natural.
2. Angelina is NOT going over and over as to how happy and in love they are, it’s just one quote spun into hundreds of articles about the same crap, can’t blame her. Plus, what do you expect her to say? we hate each other? so everyone will say they knew it wouldn’t last? get real.
Some other sites have said that now that the economy is crappy and people are not buying as many magazines, to expect the AJ and BP stories to be spun out of control since she’s #1 in magazine sales.
Miriam, I wouldn’t really say Brad looks old and haggard, but tired, yes. With 6 kids, neither one of them is getting a lot of sleep. Angie said they are both sleep-deprived. Somehow, I dont think Brad minds the added wrinkles too much. 😆
Pamela, I think he looks great, but some spiteful people on this thread and others keep commenting on how awful he looks. I mean, the man is almost 45 what do they expect? They imply that the relationship is prematurely aging him…
Never been a big Brad fan but I like him a whole lot more since he’s been with AJ. Personally think he looks way better now than he did when he was younger (not a fan of pretty boys at all so that could just be me) And yeah, he DOES look a bit tired and drained. Big deal. Still looks damn happy to me and that, I think, is what some people really don’t like!
Such odd opinions on here: so all married actors who take on love scene roles are ZOMG CHEATERS??? Oh, and ZOMG DIVA ANGELINA (love your posts here btw, shameless tho they are…
Eh, geronimo, I just blame that damned English accent. I was powerless against it.
Bloody British bloke.
Never believed much in shame. {=0)
Miriam, I hear you.
I am getting to the point where I am sooo tired with this onging hate. A simple quote from Angie, should just be that, instead of using it to start a thread, and so continue this seemingly never-ending haterade. How long are they going to crucify this couple for falling in love, and a marriage ending? A marriage, that by all accounts, was on it’s last leg.
This crap has got to stop, and I blame the media entirely for continuing the drama.
geronimo, I was not a big fan of Brad either, but to be fair, i really did not follow celebities all that much. I love movies, so i tended to like the actors based on their acting, rather than their personal lives.
On the other hand, I have a friend who LOVED Brad, especially in Legends of the Fall. I remember a couple years ago, I spent a weekend with her, and she played the damn video all weekend long. She played it so much, she knew the dialogue. To say I was annoyed would be an understatement. 😆
I have however, come to admire him, both because of his work and his personal life, Probably AJ had something to do with that. My friend says she has never seen him looking happier.
😀 Diva. You were helpless, he stole you with his accent!
Pamela – couldn’t agree more re the media as far as these two are concerned. They provoke and stir continuously and incite most of the real ire that’s directed towards them. Also, re JA – I know you’re not a fan (I’m just pretty indifferent to her either way) but I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy the very sly passive-aggressive way they treat her also, this constant holy, reverential, fulfilled, happy AJ V the sad, lonely, unfulfilled JA is just cruel. If they stopped, this whole AJ-JA media-generated so-called competitiveness would disappear and, along with it, the intensity of the hatred toward both of them. But hey, it sells, so not holding my breath. 🙄
Edit: You were posting as I was writing. Yeah, me too re his films, he just wasn’t on my radar at all as man-meat! Now I just like him a lot more for the same reasons as you.
LOL… yes, he STOLE me…he used the accent to bypass the burgler alarm wrapped around my ass and THIEVED me right off the Indiana Jonesesque pedestal I was being kept on, quickly replacing my weight with a rhinocerous, lmao
But yeah, I blame him. Ian is the true ZOMG HOMEWRECKER! hehe
Geronimo, you know what’s sad? Angie is promoting a movie, and instead of them focusing on that, they instead pick out one quote and blow it up, in order to detract from the movie. Sometimes I wonder if it’s deliberate, if they are trying to sabotage her career somehow, by making her this tabloid staple. It may backfire though, because,she does seem to be more focused on family rather than films.
What gets me quite upset, is the media trying to claim that Angie’s constant tabloid headlines is probably affecting HW taking her seriously as an actress. The woman does nothing — other than trying to live her life —- to justify her constant presence in the tabs, so it does seem to be deliberate.
As per JA, as you said, I am no fan, and although I actually felt a smidgen of sympathy for her at one time, she has brought a lot of the media mess on herself.
BBL guys.
*hugs kaiser*
i am leaving this thread now. too many dumb people. can´t take it without my eyeballs melting and running down my face.
can’t beleive this thread is still going, and with such vehemence against AJ. Twas Brad’s behaviour with Maddox that sealed their romance; they were meant for each other in so many ways.
And, hey- have we seen jennifer having a more meaningful romance other than hanging out at beaches, swimming pools, gyms, bars andd clubs with “Mr good-looking?” Sorry, but I don’t see jennifer as having much depth to her personality / character; the girl needs to look away from her own glam-promo-life and develop some meaningful interests.
IMO…every time AJ opens her overblown mouth, she sticks her size 9s in it…I don’t believe a happily married man can be “stolen” either..its the way they threw thier relationship in Jens and everyone elses face immedietly…He did have a “sensitivity chip” missing, to put his “best friend” thru that embarrassement so soon after the split..he should have had at least a little consideration for Jens feeling…
Nope my man was never stolen. And the word stolen can be interchanged with the word seduced. I think you know what I meant by the word karma. Not next life but this life. In all it”s improper usage. I don’t think I will go into a long drawn out explanation on how a man can be stolen. But you all know it’s true. Really you do. Mature people can have morals and understand the ways some woman operate to get what they want. Narcissists are cunning.So perhaps you’ll understand that I can relate to being a victim of narcissism not adultery.I took notice with what happened and I formed my opinions based on that. And came to a conclusion. I do not need to have suffered the same fate. To have an opinion on the matter.
I don’t assume people who like and defend Angie of being housebreakers. Please stop assuming people who don’t like her as being victims of a housebreakers. It really is childish
As to Jen. Why must you all assume she was beneath Pitt. All you need to know is they we married and they promised to love honor and cherish each other. Pitt failed and stop giving him excuses for his behavior by saying Jen was some how to blame for being bland. Who sounds 5?
Conclusion these two are not admirable in any sense of the word. No matter how you try to twist it.Stop taking the word stolen so literal.
whoever said that theres no actual intercourse in sex scenes is seriously mistaken! lmao
how many takes and the edition really depends on the scene/script and the shots the director wants.
sex scenes are so hard exactly because of that, you don´t just throw two people there to have sex, as they please! same with porn movies.
that´s why it can take days to shoot. If it was all pretend my dears, you could be done with it in less than 2 hours.
acting is about impersonating a character, someone that is not you, living a story that is not yours! is not about faking everything!
thats so last century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s.: except hallmark movies! lol
Just wanted to say. A happily married man has times when he is not so happily married. Woman can sense it. You all act as if marriage is one big bliss with no peaks and valleys. It is these valleys when it happens. Come on. Stop kidding yourselves, Think,
If she had him, she’d have kept him. It takes two to kill a marriage, just like it takes two to build a good one. If you have to write more than a paragraph about this after all this g*dd*mn time- you need serious f*cking mental help. Quit beating a dead horse. It’s Brad and AJ right now- deal with it.
Larissa love – given your logic, with some people if you throw enough cameras at ’em they could be finished in 15 minutes and it be absolutely real intercourse 😉
But surely the whole idea of actors being the same as prostitutes went out of fashion along with cholera?
Um, lads… if we’re going to believe that JA was faffing around in heartbroken, holier than-thou and completely celibate haze after her and BP separated (have to be separated before you get a divorce lads) – when exactly did herself and Vince Vaughan get together again?
If JA and VV really didn’t sleep with each other until after the divorce was final, then what a gent Vince is
Oh and Diva, LMFAO!!!! 😆
i lost my husband to another woman. we had sent each other mixed signals about having children — i said clearly that i did not want any; he claimed this to be true for him as well. turns out he was lying to himself. he left me for a younger woman with whom he cold have babies.
at first i threw myself a pity party and felt sorry for myself and made sure that others did too. it took some time for me to gain a better perspective.
the truth is that the marriage had been dead for a long time. we had both been miserable. what i did not expect was that he would leave. i suspect that that is what happened with Ms. Aniston. in her case, being left became a publicly humiliating experience. in my case it was only privately so. but with time and distance i have been able to let go and set my ex free to be happy. i will always be sorry that we could not recapture the happiness that first brought us together. but i no longer begrudge him for having found that with another. i regret still that i wasted so many years (10) with a man with whom i thought i would enjoy a child-free life. i wish that he had been more self-aware about wanting children. perhaps we would never have gotten together
Ms. Aniston needs to do the work of moving on. self-pity is rather unattractive. i wish Brad and Angie and their kids nothing but happiness.
Brad want kids Angelina give it to him. It’s the all story.
I dont see love between this couple. 😀
Poor and pathetic couple.
I see love for kids and thats all.
Jen was always be Brad wife.
We can see where the true love and where the interest for this man.
not a lot of people get to see cheat mum and dad 😛
Poor kids 😆
Oh, I just wanted to say, before I left this thread to the coughcoughHaterTrollscough –
ZOMG HUSBAND-LEAVER Diva – you realize that in your situation, you’re the Brad Pitt, right? Your first husband is Aniston and your second husband is La Jolie? Oh, Diva Pitt! 😛
Oh, I forgot something. *hugs Anni back* Sweet girl!
Not sure who is posting as me – probably some Brad/Angie fan so there is something to argue about – but whatever. This is my first post here. Sad that someone has to use my name.
Anway Angie is stating what we already knew. Brad must be some upset as he has been trying so hard to make it look like they were not involved on set. When Larry King asked him last December about becoming emotionally involved on set he stated “that came after”. Of course only the Brad/Angie fans believed him at the time. Sad when he has to lie like that why didn’t he just tell the truth.
Now Angie was not asked a question about her and Brad falling in love or anything like that. This comment was totally out of the blue so don’t try to pretent that it was in response to a question and she was just doing her job. Angie made this comment for a special reason – wonder why? Perhaps some of you have an idea about this?
Why would she bring up old stuff now?
And do you honestly believe that she lives in a “bubble”. Come on she knows exactly what is going on and what people think about her. This acting like she doesn’t care is getting old.
And since when do people promoting movies talk all the time about their bed and who sleeps in it and all things about their personal life. Can you imagine Reese talking about how the kids come into her and Jake’s bed, or what about Johnny Depp ever heard him talk over and over about his bed and who sleeps in it or all the personal things that Angie does. This is a desperate cry for attention. Am I tired of it – no not at all really I just laugh at the odd statements she makes and find the whole thing quite funny. If she didn’t mention brad no one would be interested in what she has to say – and she makes sure she mentions him over and over and over and over. pretty pathetic. But certainly entertaining. They really are like circus animals and they perform wonderfully
Susan it’s not “your” name until you sign up for Gravatar.
This is how the media can twist whatever Angie says around; she made the following statement about having Brad’s biological children:
“I suppose I just looked at him and loved him and just felt open to (getting pregnant),” Angie explains. “I suddenly wanted to. It’s one of those things you can’t explain.”
A blog called BEST CELEBRITY GOSSIP turned around and posted the following about that statement about what Angie supposedly said about why she bought Maddox knifes.
“what you don’t see on the cover is a picture of the knife she bought for Maddox. I wonder why, probably because the SANE people wouldn’t buy a magazine that endorsed child weaponry! But she said to W, ‘I just looked at him….loved him…and felt open to it…’”
This is the most irresponsible entry I have had the misfortune to read!
I agree that Angelina’s probably full of crap when she says she lives in a bubble and doesn’t listen to anything that’s said about her. Funny — Aniston said basically the same thing in a recent interview, too, and I don’t believe her either!
Miriam – that was a satire. I realize that you probably would not understand that but they were makin fun of her comment! It was a joke to make her look stupid.
Susan, I most certainly would understand if it was a joke. I read this site almost daily and unless you wrote the article yourself and knew it was intended as a joke, I don’t see why someone else would know it was a joke. The entire content of this particular post was quite scathing(IMO). Perhaps I am wrong. Here’s the link if anyone wants to jump over and read it. Please let me know if I misconstrued the entire posting.
@revi #103 OMFG!!! ROTFLMBAO!!
How old are you, honey? Thirteen and a half?
“Jen will always be Brad’s wife” (I suppose this is what you meant to say). Honey, please. Idiotic statements like that encapsulate in a nutshell why poor Jen can’t move on. She can’t move on because her idiot fans won’t let her move on.
How in hell do you expect any man to want her if she “will always be Brad’s wife”? Do you think a man wants to have to compete with an ex 24/7/365?
God, this whole scenario is getting to be crazier than a football bat. I’m betting when Jennifer is dead and buried in another 50 years or so, the remnants of her lunatic fans will erect a tombstone over her grave that says “HERE LIES THE FORMER MRS. BRAD PITT”.
@ James, #81: “It’s interesting to see how Angelina Jolie’s fans feel the strong urge/need to defend her after so many years.”
It’s even more interesting to see how Aniston’s fans feel the strong urge/need to bash Angelina Jolie after so many years. They have taken a divorce that had nothing to do with them and made it their own. Tell them to get over it and move on. This over-identification can’t be healthy for them.
*pops head around door* ZOMFG *retreats swiftly*
Geronimo, agree.
Looks like a slow day on D-Listed 🙄
Unlock you caps key folks.
Has it ever occurred to any of you fools that it may be Brad the one that wants all these children and she’s just accommodating him? she said it herself that if she wouldn’t have met Brad Maddox would have been her only child.
Miriam, the media and JA “fans” are behaving as if this is thE first time Angie has ever made remarks about (1) getting pregnant the first time, and (2) falling in love with Brad while doing M&MS. If you ever get the time, read her Vogue Jan 2007 interview, where she addressed both issues. All this is just over-kill about statements she has made before. Angie is always honest and consistent with her remarks. They are trying to pretend that these are “got ya” statements, but anyone with any common sense can google her and read her previous interviews.
And why the mockery over her statement about living in a bubble in regards to what is written about her? She has ALWAYS said this, that’s why she does not have a PR, and that is why she does not respond to any of the lies and minconstrues written about her. She does not know about it.
As a fan of hers, I have nothing to be ashamed of on her behalf. All this “white noise” is just people being upset that Angie and Brad seem happy together with their family. Nothing is “perfect” in any family, but love and compromise will always sustain you during the difficult times. Like she said, she doesn’t like being without him. How come no one is focusing on such a beautiful statement? and that was from the “horse’s mouth” in her Today’s interview.
What hell is happening here today? Who let these “crazies” out? 😆
EDIT: I know Pamela; looks like “Chris” and some of the other more rabid commentators have been culled 😉
I’d still like to point out that Billy Bob Thornton never adopted Maddox.
I just had a light bulb moment 💡
I think the reason for all this sudden “anger” over statements that Angie has made before, is because she dared to say the word “love”. Don’t forget all the “they are only together for the children”, and “Brad does not love her”,and “Brad is going back to Jen”, and best of all, “Brad always seem unhappy” statements. How dare she change the perceptions of those who will continue to hate, regardless?
You know, being exposed to all this stupidity (even on the internet(s)) cannot be good for whatever brain cells I have left. 😆 I am going to take a breather and try to enjoy what’s left of Saturday. Hopefully, when I get back, there will be a return to sanity at CB. 😆
Fellow Badettes, I suggest you do the same. We don’t want to be infected. 😆
I have never seen an interview where brad ever said he loved her EVER! so for those who say that brad said it please show it to us.
@lukey #125: Did it ever enter your pointy little head that maybe Brad used Maddox to get to Angelina?
Brad always wanted children and he and Maddox hit it off on sight. He’s also smart enough to know that if you fall in love with a woman who has children and you want her to return your feelings, the best way to reach her is through her children.
Angelina has said on several occasions that one reason she fell in love with Brad is because he is a wonderful father. Most women with children find men who are good with kids very attractive.
One more thing: how come so many of you Aniston fans seem to be intellectually challenged as far as writing a coherent sentence goes? Apart from your numerous spelling and grammatical errors, I’m cracking up at “laura dem”.
Brad never use maddox for anything angelina always het her stories twisted she said the maddox just suddenly started calling brad daddy when they were doing the movie YEAH right she told the kid to.
Angies fans come up with the same old lie, but Brad was the 1st one to publically say that the rumor about jen not wanting kids was a lie. BOTH Brad and her wanted children and planed on having them when friends ended so jennifer would have more time to dedicate to the kids. she said brad and her became friends so
Brad must he told her he was about to start a family, and she figured she could trap him like she did to Billy , bob She loved attention and she knew no one could bring her more press than Brad, and she thought she would be put up on a pedestal like the golden couple Brad and Jen were boy was she wrong. The nasty wh8re starting sleeping him, and she “mysteriously” got knocked up, yeah right. THAT B**TCH KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING FROM THE START.
It’s not like she believes in God or believe that marriage is scared so she didn’t care to think twice about stealing him after all it’s not like he was the first guy or 1sr relationship be had broken upShe must have forgot what it was like when it 1st happened and everyone was team Aniston and hated her. Now that shit is about to start again. This stank is going to get hers big time.
OK, here is what I don’t get (and judging from some of the posts on other threads, I am pretty sure there are some other ladies around here who will agree with me): Angelina Jolie, who is arguably one of the most beautiful women in the world, had the chance to snag Gerard Butler when they filmed one of the Tomb Raider movies together…and she didn’t? Ended up with Brad Pitt instead? Damn, if I were her I would have snagged Gerard Butler and never looked back. Gerard is to Brad Pitt what Haagen Dazs is to skim milk. Give me the ice cream any day, baby. And, I’m so sorry to inform the other ladies on here who were fighting over Gerard a few weeks ago – I claimed him back when it was announced he was going to be playing Attilla the Hun, so I win based on first dibs alone (that movie was filmed back in 2001). Sorry about that.
Damn, I gotta buy Attilla on DVD (fanning self) – I had forgotten about that movie. He’s shirtless in that. Often.
*ducking* Ruh Roh when Kaiser sees this 😯
Edit* again back.away.from.the.lock.caps.key.
While you’re at it, throw some Visine in your eyes and stop thumping your bible.
Is DL’s site down or what?
Christ on a motherf*cking cracker.
All-caps posts will be deleted. So you just frothed and ejaculated on your Bible for nothing.
And “lukey” – where the f*ck do you get off talking to Mairead like that? Step off. 👿
@Chic, #128: If Jennifer planned to have children once Friends ended, why did she immediately sign up to do four movies back to back as soon as Friends ended? That must have tipped Brad off that she had no intention of having children for the next few years at least. In fact, she never intended to have children at any time and she never will. Now if she doesn’t want to have kids, that’s her business, and it doesn’t make her contemptible; but lying about it to her husband certainly does. The woman’s a straight-up fraud and thank God Brad had sense enough to realize it and bail the hell out of there.
LMFAO!!! How come skimming chris/lukey/johny’s posts I get the impression that she(?) is actually just randomly hammering their keyboard and not breathing 😆
Sweetheart – you do know that the “each person is not allowed to use more than one nickname” and “don’t type in Block Caps” rules applies to you as well? 😉
(we all know that I’m not a big fan of jumping on the whole accuse someone of posting as multiple people – but there can really be no doubt in this case. I mean how many people out there honestly thinks that “Laura Dem” is a real actress 😆 )
Wow, that is kind of weird. More than one poster has referred to her as Laura Dem. Strange. ; )
On the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the crew gave Angelina the nickname “the black widow” because she ws setting her trap for Brad. She’s a lying ho.
Chic – could you possibly post link to the interview where she said that, or do you remember when and which magazine you read it? Ideally actual quotes and not just sources. Thank you.
Also, marriage is not a sacrament in all religions. Plus, I don’t think it’s really illegal in Western society to be an athiest/agnostic. Just so that you don’t waste your application to join the Spanish Inquisition. 😉
OldKC – you know, you’ve just hit on something I’ve always wondered about. It’s like we’re meant to believe that Brad Pitt is meant to be the nirvana of Hollywood men and AJ has to do everything in her power to keep him in her clutches. I just can’t see it myself and there are men out there who would seem far more compatible with old-Angie. It looks like she really has grown up (well, within reason) and maybe they actually are in love?
Oh and Kaiser – thanks for sticking up for me sweetie 😀 But honestly, it’s like one of those little terriers yapping and acting the big man at a big f*ck off-rottweiler 😆
It must be a slow day at D-Listed because the crazies have arrived here it would seem…
I had to laugh about the comment that JA’s ex’s never have anything bad to say about her.
Tate Donovan who she dated before BP had this to say about her:
“She likes top-notch hotels and luxury, and I like bed and breakfasts and riding my bike. That’s the most shallow version of it, but it’s indicative of our personalities”.
I think that says it all really doesn’t it. Basically JA is a high maintenance, shallow, vapid, boring person. No wonder BP went off with AJ. I think he was very tired of leading such a shallow life and wanted more from his life than endless holidays, tanning, plastic surgeons offices and smoking/drinking all day long 🙄 .
Found this on DListed;
Submitted by BellaDiva on October 17, 2008 – 3:13pm.
Like we didn’t know? Where are the assholes that defend her now? I don’t even think JJ is going to post this on his site. I would love to see what they would say. This stupid bitch, Angie ho just played herself with that. No one ride that whole Brad and Jen break up like she does. Its almost like that and her collected babies are all he has and its empowering to her, after all she threw Billy Bob in laura dems face every chance she got. I fucking hate this worthless sorry exuse of a human being.
One more thing I hope that movie suck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trolls are on the loose………
OMFG! What the heck is going on in CB town?
This is one of the few times I feel bad for a celebrity… it does cross my mind that BP is to blame for a lot of this. Had he shown a little class when all this went down, this may not have been such a big deal. Is it really necessary though to dredge up the past? It’s well and truly over with.
As to JA — I don’t find Tate Donovan’s comments to be negative at all. I personally prefer top notch hotels also – nothing wrong with bed and breakfasts, but preferences are just that… a preference. It doesn’t make the character of a person. In addition, they dated years ago – when AJ was still a drug addicted person who wore blood around her neck. One tends to think that if AJ can change as drastically as she has, then surely the ‘old news’ about JA and her hotels is sort of silly to dredge up.
@grey: No, I can’t show you an interview where Brad mooned “I love her”, but I can show you an interview on Larry King Live on CNN last year when Brad said this: “The greatest gift I can give my children is Angelina for their mother.”
Sounds like a man in love to me.
@Ran I’m pretty sure that Tate’s comment was actually fairly recent- only a few years ago at most I think.
And yes I do think that it speaks volumes about her character- that is fairly obvious I would say. You can’t compare personality traits such as being shallow with being an ex junkie, two different sides of a coin I’d say.
But whatever you think, everyone is allowed an opinion 😉 😆 .
Oi Buttercup!! Nowt wrong with wanting to stay in a nice place 😛
RAN, we need you to be one of the voices of reason on the “I don’t like AJ” side 😉
LOL Daisy – funny how I guessed it was a girl writing 😆 God love her if she can’t string much of a sentence together on either site.
She did make me double-check about Maddox, as I thought it was odd that BP would adopt Maddox if BBT had already done so.
It was a little confusing as articles from 2002 have AJ and BBT as announcing the adoption of Maddox together. Also on their divorce papers BBT is noted for visitation. But according to this article at least, only AJ’s name appears on the adoption papers and they soon divorced, so BBT doesn’t seem to have ever adopted Mad?
I’m still open to correction though.,,20137667,00.html
@mindy: Where did you read that? Life & Style mag? Don’t believe everything you read in the tabloids. You Aniston fans share something in common with your idol: none of you seem to be very bright.
Question for you: You Jeniloons call Brad an adulterer for having sex with Angelina before the divorce was final. Aniston didn’t wait for the divorce to be final before she started knocking boots with Vince Vaughn, so what does that make her?
Bet a dollar to a donut hole you don’t answer that one.
In rebuttal to Susan; I once was in an independent film where I had to give head (whoops, lesson learned, always read the FULL script before signing on). I spent the day on my knees with some guy’s penis knocking my forehead. I do not feel like I violated my vow to my husband in any way, nor does my husband. The only repercussion was very sore legs.
Mairead, I don’t think there’s any opportunity to rationalize with the absolute hate from either side. People who hate JA because she likes nice sheets, and people who hate AJ because BP loves her… that’s just irrational.
Btw… you were right about Maddox – he’s the reason BBT left AJ (or one of them, who knows?) – because he didn’t want the child. I thought he was such an a@@ about all that…agree to adopt the child, then when she goes off to do it, have the house cleared out of your belongings when she gets back. I don’t think BBT’s name was part of the overall adoption.
Cheyenne-r u angelina spokesman?
Bla bla bla this what i think about your words here.
😛 😯 😮 😀 🙄 😉
I think we can all agree that the media manipulates quotes in order to sell magazines. What bothers me about the tone of this thread is the fact that Ms. Jolie seems to be the only star to whom her fans will extend the courtesy of reasonable doubt. If you call out celebrity rags for spinning false or exaggerated stories about Jolie and then buy into whatever negative press thrown at the stars you dislike, you undermine your argument. Actually, you can do whatever you want, but snark without smarts and a sense of balance is neither witty nor amusing.
Bili, I’m sorry if I hit a raw nerve. Now go slobber over your photo of Jenzilla the Moose and leave the grownups alone.
This argument never ceases to amuse me. Unless you were there, you can only speculate and assume you know how these parties interacted.
This article was posted Jan 8, 2005.
That one is the 10th of January.
I agree with CC. It’s also nobody’s business. Our impressions of celebs are gathered from interviews and their performances in movies. We don’t know them personally, and even if we did there’s 2 sides to every story. It reminds me of high school when all the women who like Angelina start up with the women who like Jennifer. Grow the hell up.
Gosh we haven’t had a good AJJABP-scrap in a while, it’s nice to see it confined largely to one thread though 😉
I see the copy-and-paste-comments-from-DListed-session has ended. I love DListed as much as the next person, but I rarely read the comments there as the format, as much as anything else, hurts my eyes.
MB Travis, usually when a celeb is being torn apart, it’s usually either someone the majority of people on the site don’t like – Tom Cruise and the like – or it’s over a specific action.
With JA and AJ these two polarise opinion so much that people are willing to deliberately misquote, misconstrue and or just plain make shite up about them. With AJ especially, it seems that there is a huge group of people out there who want to take every little thing as a personal insult.
And thanks for the links CC – I wish more people would link to their sources. So it looks like the timeline was:
Dec 2004 – JA is without her wedding ring (meh as far as I’m concerned, lots of people don’t wear theirs). But BP and JA go on holiday with the Cox-Arquettes.
Jan 2005 – BP and JA announce their official separation.
(as per two links above)
Spring 2005 – reports of BP and AJ getting together
July 2005 – first W spread.
Summer 2005 (confirmed October 05) – JA & VV get together (but are obviously completely celibate 😉 )
May 2006 – Shiloh is born.
December 2006 -JA & VV Split for the first time. (seems to be done with long-term relationships in 2007/8)
Now I don’t know much about babies – but if she was conceived before or “suspiciously soon” after Brad and Jen split (Jan 05 down as being date of legal separation) as some Antilinas insist – that would mean that she was gestating for approximately 16months. That seems a bit excessive, no? 😕
Very well said, MB Travis. And this particular thread has brought out the absolute worst examples of what you describe in your post. And you sum it up perfectly in your final sentence, very much worth repeating: snark without smarts and a sense of balance is neither witty nor amusing.
I miss the old J-P threads where people could just have a laugh and roll their eyes if they wanted to, without other people coming down on them like a ton of bricks.
Whatever… You can’t choose who you love. Marriages end, especially when peeps get hitched for the wrong reason/s! I don’t read the Bible very often but seem to remember some warning about casting the first stone!
So Angie and Brad fell in love while he was still wearing a wedding ring. It would not have been possible if his heart belonged to Jennifer — and it sure as he!! wouldn’t have lasted this long!
Who wouldn’t fall in love with him.
Just proves how dumb Jennifer Aniston was back then and still dumb in 2008. Stamp stupid across Jennifer forehead.
@Maireid: Angie said on more than one occasion that Shiloh was very planned. She deliberately waited to get pregnant until she was convinced that Brad would love his adopted children equally with a natural child.
There is no way in the world Shiloh was conceived before or “suspiciously soon” after he and Aniston split, but just when he and Angelina started having sex is anybody’s guess and nobody’s business.
I’m just delighted they found each other and he unloaded that annoying dead weight of an ex-wife.
@ itshere: LOL! “”? Somebody has way too much time on their hands. That’s almost as pathetic as Jennifer Aniston.
@grey and Cheyenne:
Brad said in Toronto (I think it was) that Angie is his great love, and in Italy he said that Angie is his focus and he can’t be seduced.
*singing* “Feels like old times…”
I’m glad to see the moderator hard at work in this thread. Thanks for all of your efforts, CB and CB Moderator! 😀
If anyone wants to get all frothed-up over Angelina again, there are some news stories about a CFR forum Angelina hostessed through The Jolie-Pitt Foundation in NY – she drew support staff from both McCain and Obama campaigns, journalists, etc – all to work towards improving legal representation for refugees and redefining the ICC in the modern era of genocide.
ps…I hope a lot multiple-named, nasty douchebags got banned over this thread. 👿
Well, I always wondered why this whole triangle story intrigued me so much for a long time, since normally I’m not that much into this celeb gossip stuff. But I think’s it s because not only these are very high profile star people, but this is also a story about human relationships that intriguingly keeps us guessing to what is really going on an who’s who in this situation. We think we need to pick sides because that’s what happens also most of the time when we are confronted with this kind of ‘husband leaves wife for other woman’ stuff in real life, but obviously getting into a black and white positioning then becomes inevitable.
So after reading about this Jolie/Pitt/Aniston business for over two years now, I would like to share my view points with you guys if yoy are OK with that 😀 .
– I never minded Jolie doing bat shit crazy stuff before she met the Pitt, to the contrary I perceived her as a free spirited strong woman who went her own way in life.
-Before this affair I never gave Aniston much thought, beside the fact that I believed her hair to be overrated.
-Pitt to me was a pretty boy wanna be tough guy with a good heart.
– Aniston/Pitt loved each other very much for a few years and shared strong connection,but after a while they drifted apart and the marriage was over long before Jolie came into the picture.
-Jolie never physically cheated with the Pitt, but I think she wouldn’t have minded doing that anyway as much as she later said she would. She’s rather spontanous in getting what she wants without giving it too much thought or consideration.
– Like an earlier press article stated: it was Aniston’s decision to break it off. Pitt is by nature a traditional guy who is more committed to the idea of a lasting marriage and trying to make things work.
-Going after a married man to me is not that wrong if it is clear that the marriage is over and will be put to an end in the near future.
– Jolie/Pitt are a good match because they both have the high A list profile, are energetic, child loving persons and both they crave for the media attention (especially her). They clearly are in love with each other and also seem to bring out the best in each other.
-Aniston is a mediocre actress but one who is modest and aware of her own limits. She also a very kind, strong, independent and spiritual person who does not shy away of self controntation.
-Jolie is a mediocre actress with an ambition that overstretches her talent.She takes her UN ambassador work seriously and has the intention to do good. Though in real life relating to other people (especially women) seems a difficult thing to do for her, so I’m wondering if doing all this ambassador stuff for poor countries is maybe a way to compensate for that handicap. She means well in what she does, but isn’t as self reflective as Aniston is, and thereby not always aware of her own truest motivations for doing the things she does. Loving her children and doing the ambassador job can be a way for her of overcoming her initially selfish personality and feeling more empathic to other human beings besides herself.
-All of the above are personal opinions, by no means I want to represent them as confirmed facts.
For Kaiser, from the JJ blog:
I think Brad Pitt is a womanizer. He has been with half of Hollywood and 5 years is about his duration with any woman. Jolie is a husband stealer. How she has the nerve to judge her own father about infidelity and not herself is beyond me. She will never be able to do enough good works to erase her crazy past. The sad part is-now she is making 6 plus humans as insecure and unstable as she is by all the moving she does.
Again, I’d like to extend an open invitation to get over it. It wasn’t your mommy and daddy breaking up after all. Too bad this culture can’t generate this level of mind-bending fanaticism when it’s a topic that really matters and has impact on the lives of millions.
well, i said i left the thread, but it´s just too tempting. so many stupid people. it´s delicious, really.
@Sharon: Jolie gave him something none of those other women ever gave him: a family.
Poor Jennifer. She must have holes in her butt from kicking herself for the past four years. Had it all and blew it. How dumb is that?
@Mairead and Ran – I was only responding to the one poster who was (all in caps) going on that none of JAs exs ever said anything bad about her- so I felt like responding. My prerogative I thought?
Yeah nice sheets can be lovely, who doesn’t like a bit of luxury now and again? However I think you are both missing the point of Tates very obvious comment about her. But whatever.
And please don’t lump me in with the JA haters or AJ lovers or whoever. I am neither a hater or a lover of either of them. But sometimes I do feel like playing devils advocate depending on how I feel at the time 😉 .
Buttercup, I didn’t miss your point. I merely pointed out that Tate Donovan dated JA before she even met BP, dated him, then married him. Since JA and BP have been divorced for several years now, it makes anything T Donovan had to say completely irrelevant. BP and JA were together (dating and marriage) for nearly 7 years and have been divorced for close to 4 years. Therefore, TD is crying over spilt milk that is (at least) 11 years old. Now we’re talking about spoilt, spilled milk and sour grapes…. and that bit of insight ‘speaks volumes’ about a person’s character? That just didn’t make sense to me.
Please continue to comment on these pages – no one was intending to insult you, just pointing out that TD’s perspectives are beyond stupid. Mairead’s and my perspectives are few of many and devil’s advocate is one of my favorite roles as well.
@Ulrike – have to say, your post pretty much sums it up for me too. I neither hate nor worship either of them — although I have to admit to a growing dislike of Mr. Pitt as he’s far to overrated. I also find myself defending JA a great deal lately for some reason… maybe because I don’t think she’s as bad as she’s made out to be.
RAN: I also find myself defending JA a great deal lately for some reason… maybe because I don’t think she’s as bad as she’s made out to be.
Check yourself. How “bad” is anyone making her out to be? She’s been called pathetic and desperate because she’s been acting pathetic and desperate, but I don’t think anyone has called her “bad”. Certainly she hasn’t been subjected to the kind of vicious attacks that have been directed at Angelina on dlisted, FF and even on this blog.
If you are bothered by people laughing at her and ridiculing her, you have to admit she’s earned it.
@Ran, Once again it would seem that I have to explain *sigh*, as I said I was responding to another poster who made a very sweeping statement about JAs exs, it had NOTHING to do with her relationship to BP or anything else that various people are talking about.
So whether posting an ‘old quote’ is worth posting or not is pretty moot I would say, given that people post all kinds of things here pertaining to these people, including from interviews from years go by.
Once again, each to their own, and thankfully like everyone else here I can say/post what I like, from whoever or whatever I like :-).
And well said Ulrike and Cheyenne, you made some excellent points there :-).
Oy!!! Can we get off the triangle already……
Love her , Love him … the other one (the ex)I really don’t care about. so I would rather not go back into the ocean screaming , Oprah crying scene… that’s so 2005!!!
I really like these two togather… They seems to have a well odered (6 kids and envious), planned chaos life. yes sometimes , I do think it’s media manipulation but hey they are in the business after all..I Love them and whatever they are selling , I am definately buying.. heee….
I did get your point Buttercup; I was just joking – hence the *raspberry* smiley.
If I did disagree with you, it’d probably have been with a much longer comment, complete with bullet-points and diagrams on an overhead projector. 😉
I hope she can now forgive her father. Sorry, she has different rules from every one else.
Good for her that she ‘fell in love with a married man and she gives her son knives. Cool down every one. These statements and breast feeding pictures are just desperate attempts tpo promote her dud of a movie. Goodness but she has tried. And it still will not save that dud.
You can’t STEAL another person. No one can WRECK another home without being INVITED in. I have no idea what was going on with Brad’s marriage having not been a part of it. They seem happy and very much in love. Good for them. I don’t care much about any corner of this triangle but from the outside looking in it seems they at least are trying to do something positive with their celebrity and I admire that. Jen seems to be ummmmmm what is she doing? Going to the beach?
She seems in love with all the fame she has out of this than with Mr Pitt himself. We have seen him in love with Jen and he doesn’t seem in love now. Sometimes he looks beleaguered. This union will be like Madonna and Richie, weather all storms and yet will crumble eventually.
And it is true that some one can be stolen. Convice yourselves otherwise but stupid people like Brad Pitt are always stolen but schemeing black widows like Jolie.
October 21st, 2008 at 9:56 am
Oh good lord, is that what happened to you? Some scheming poisonous temptress stole your man? Get over it, chica. Like as not, he just got sick and tired of your whining and decided to look someplace else. Shit happens. Quit over-identifying, you act like you’re thirteen and a half. Your name is not Jennifer Aniston. The guy who dumped you is not named Brad Pitt. And the woman he dumped your whiny ass for is not named Angelina Jolie.
To the people that identify with Jennifer Aniston in this triangle:
She’s obviously moved on, it’s been almost 4 YEARS, I think it’s about time to let go of a marriage that you weren’t even involved in. If you’re still reeling from the time that one guy dumped you, cheated on you, whatever was done to you…it wasn’t meant to be and you’re better off without him. No use hating someone you don’t even know for something that may or may not have happened. People can’t be stolen, it’s called free will and most of us have the ability to think for ourselves.
It’s true people can’t be stolen… I tried to get myself stolen but well…. didn’t happen… 1) I chickened out half way and decided I actually wanted my man after all
2) He ( the thief to be ) gave up half way too 🙂
I don’t think that Angelina&Brad had sex, but i bet their emotional connection was/is very strong.
Their (Jennifer & Brads) marriage seemed to be dead much before Brad met Angie. Someone said that Brad didn’t show up at Jennifer’s Friends thing.. Doesn’t that already approve that their marriage was on the rocks?
I used to team up for Aniston but now I’m a total team Jolie : )
COurse I feel sorry for Jen but shit happens. And maybe she didn’t deserve to be treated like this no one does, but she has already lost Brad.
&& Angelina can stop telling ‘how they didn’t have sex during Mr&Mrs Smith’ story becuase nobody really is interested in this. We’ve heard this same shit about two years now lol.
And I don’t really think that having on screen sex is really counted as cheating. It’s just they were doing what they are getting paid of.
It seems to me that the JA/AJ blame thing is so old. Why bother?
Paparazzi take photos that sell. If you follow the history of them, they are more and more intrusive, according to many stars who have taken some of them to court or assaulted them. Jolie/Pitt photos sell. One or both of them have talked about deciding a long time ago that if they were going to be tracked anyway, they could get $$ and donate it for charity. I think they wish the kids were left alone (meaning the older ones who know they are being bothered) but there are no laws stopping photographers in public places so they keep it up.
The other thing is that Pitt, when he was with JA, was a typical star with a bad attitude. He avoided fans and was quite cynical. Jolie always loved her fans and was open to talking to people. He has gone a bit more that direction since getting together with Jolie. I can’t fault her for being friendly to people. I think her attitude actually helped Pitt.
As far as acting, Pitt has never been my favorite. Jolie is very good as described by a number of great actors and directors. I figure, while anyone can have an opinion, those who are the experts probably know what they are talking about.
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