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5 Responses to “David Beckham confirms that Victoria is pregnant (update: not true)”

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  1. Neuvo says:

    Victoria Beckham pregnant a fourth time…

    Yes indeedy, Posh Spice is pregnant a fourth time and this time there are hopes that the Beckham baby will be a girl. At least this seems to be what some of her fans are hopig for. According to Cele|bitchy:…

  2. millie says:

    Hm.. there are still some doubts about her being pregnant. the way he confirm it didn’t seem quite official to me and she doesn’t look one bit pregnant on those photos. I can’t quite figure out how she can nurture a child with that anorexic body of hers but she seems to be popping them out without fail. if she’s preg, I hope they finally have a girl. can you imagine her shopping for a girl?

  3. millie says:

    Just on, Victoria not pregnant, David misunderstood the question (in Spanish):,26334,1531679,00.html

  4. Chocolate says:

    well damn,there are only so many ways of asking if somebody’s pregnant…
    tendra un hijo?
    esta emabarazada?
    esta preñada?
    esta encinta?
    andddd embarazada is misunderstood by english speaking people as embarassed..maybe he confused tendra (future tense) with tiene (present tense) :S still it’s weird…

  5. Randi says:

    Too bad. Posh could stand eating for two. Or at least one.