Radar Online used to run positive stories on Kate Gosselin when no one really cared about her, which is still true now but I just wanted to comment about what a bitch she is to her kids. Plus it seems like Radar isn’t spinning this story and is just letting Kate’s behavior speak for itself. This latest video (above) from her inexplicably still airing reality show has her bossing her kids around and giving them nitpicking orders when they’re supposed to be making cookies. I’ve seen this woman in action before, although I don’t watch her show regularly, and yet I’m still surprised by how damn mean she is. There’s no reason to constantly belittle little kids, especially when they’re old enough to understand and follow directions like Kate’s sextuplets, who turned seven in May. They seem like happy and well adjusted kids though, despite their mother. When those kids talk I get the appeal of this show, and understand how they must have fans who loved watching them grow up on screen. If this is how their mom treats them with the cameras rolling then maybe they do need the cameras there to ensure she isn’t even meaner to them and that she bothers to interact with them at all.
Even with eight little ones running amok, reality mom Kate Gosselin likes her house just so, and she never takes a break, not even when she’s baking with the kids!
In this sneak peek video of the upcoming episode of Kate Plus 8 obtained by RadarOnline.com, Kate keeps the kids firmly in check even while baking treats for the local dialysis center patients.
“If it turns into a mess you’re instantly done,” Kate tells her boisterous brood. “I’m not into messes and you know that.”
“If you spill sugar you will get down and pick up every granule and you know I mean that,” she says to the kids. “The only excuse for messes is carelessness.”
After making blueberrry cinnamon muffins, brownies and cookies Kate is asked if it is fair to say that she doesn’t like messes. “Is it fair to say the sky is blue on a sunny day?” She replies… in case anyone was still wondering!
[From Radar]
When Kate’s son explains to her what carelessness is, he’s right but she still corrects him. She also tells one of the girls not to touch their hair before making cookies, but Kate also has a piece of hair falling down and is shown pushing her own hair back before they start baking. (Maybe that was before she washed her hands again, but I doubt it.)
The final episode of Kate Plus 8 this season aired last night, and I watched some clips on TLC’s site that didn’t show Kate in as negative a light. She brings the kids to a food bank and a soup kitchen and tries to help them give back to the community. She’s only doing it for the show, but it’s still a decent thing to do. I don’t get why people like this have kids, or why they have more than one kid once they realize the work involved. If Kate would have stopped after the twin girls maybe she would still be working as a nurse, ordering people around at work and browbeating her passive aggressive husband while he cheated on her with coeds behind her back. Kate Plus 8 is supposedly coming back in August, according to what Kate has tweeted, but I’m still expecting to hear that it’s been canceled. As adorable as those kids are, there are plenty of other families with more likable parents clamoring to be on reality tv.
Ugh! I can’t stand her either! I’d love to see someone smack the taste outta her mouth.
Kate who? Dang, thought her 15 minutes were up…..
Id love to see someone smack her right in her phony smile.
This show has to be done soon.
I can’t stand her either. However, I think she probably was a great nurse. I bet she would be happier/nicer if she stayed in that arena because ALOT of nurses have that kind of tough shell but it works in high stress situations.
I don’t like her at all – but – parenting multiples is a ridiculously hard job, and to do it with an active helpful partner is hard, but to do it while attempting to get through the emotional turmoil and turbulence of a divorce and a suddenly uninterested father must have been a nightmare. When you have 6 kids, all the same age, order and rules are imperative. For those kids to have turned out seemingly well rounded and as happy as they are is fantastic. A job I credit mostly her (and her team) with, because you know Jon is off screwing some girls gone wild… I just think we should give credit where credit is due.. Kids are hard. Divorce is hard. Kids and divorce are harder and making sure your kids are happy and healthy during/after a divorce is hardest of all. Kate seems to have done a pretty decent job… That being said, I’ve seen enough of her and her brood. I wish she’d live a quiet life with her kids and keep her face out of the media, cause I’m super sick of looking at it.
I had forgotten all about the show. Had no idea it was still on.
So people are still watching it? (shaking my head)
I agree with mln76, my mother was a nurse and barked at us a fair bit. I think having to contain yourself so much with patient care, hellaciously long hours, etc., quiet sargeant-majors in the hospital but they let it rip at home, lol.
Nurses rule.
mln76, i don’t know what nurses you have been around. As a nurse I agree that many have a protective shell, but the vast majority are kind and compassionate, unlike this crazy, limelight loving nut job.
What happened with PATIENCE with your children? My son LOVES to help me cook. Sure, he’s only 3, but he can still mix muffin, cake, pancake etc. batter. He helps me flip stuff in the skillet too. Has he dropped eggs? Absolutely. Have I inexplicably found brownie batter on my trashcan halfway across the room? More than once. It’s ok though. Because you can clean up messes. The fun part, and the memories, are MAKING those messes. This woman should have never had kids if she doesn’t like messes. B*tch.
Does she have a word a day calendar to impress her toddlers?
She’s wretched.
(And what’s with the giant trash bags all lined up over the counter? Geeesh!)
@Bam not intended to malign nurses did you notice I said happier and nicer in the comment? I meant that toughness that she’s using on her kids would be used to good service in emergency situations and she’d probably be happier at home and easier on her kids if that happened. Now she’s just got this hard ass attitude and no useful outlet for it.
Kate will regret treating her children so badly one day, when one of her eight children writes a tell all book. If she is like this when the camera is rolling, she must be a nightmare when it is off
dark, dead, nasty eyes
If messes are only caused by carelessness then Kate must be careless every time she wakes up in the morning and goes to her closet. Bitch looks like a mess all the time (and not even a hot mess, just a plain ol’ mess).
She looks like she’s dead inside. There is absolutely NO spark in her eyes at all.
I saw Kate push her hair aside! Also, who would have a white couch, even if they didn’t have Kids around. They must be walking on pins and needles.
She is cold as ice but with that many children you need to run your house like a well-oiled machine. I don’t think she was necessarily mean to the kids…just firm…and cold. She needs to remember that it was HER choice to have that many children. Choice is a funny thing.
You can youtube Kate’s worst meltdowns and moments and see some behavior that would make you hate this woman for the rest of your living days. Mean, nasty, emasculating. You KNOW her kids are going to write books between their lengthy therapy visits.
shes a Tiger Mom. Alright for me!
You crack me up Samigirl. Yeah your three year old’s messes totally compare to EIGHT KIDS WORTH of messes.
I’m not a fan of Kate, but having that many kids and trying to control messes really takes a militant style. And all to often I see kids that have no respect for what they do to their own houses, much less others homes. Too many kids nowadays are not taught decency or even respect. Kids do need boundaries and discipline, and to know that they can pick up their own messes. And yes, I am a mother and my daughter is a smart, responsible, awesome young woman.
roll the tape back and check out the look on her face when she says “a litle bit of sunshine” a bout 45 sec in.
it hilarious.
I watched the Palin/Kate show that was on – that Kate woman is so awful she made Palin look great! She does need to be reminded that she chose to have children.
I generally can’t stand her but when it comes to cooking, and I know what kind of a mess I can make, I can’t fault her.
I’m not saying I like her BUT….she’s better than that douchebag she divorced.
After watching her “play” with the kids, I have to conclude that it wouldn’t be much fun in her household. I’m not saying she’s a bad person but she really doesn’t know how to relax and have fun with the kids, it seems. To paraphrase the old saying, “I’d rather hear the sound of little footsteps than have a clean carpet.”
She’s making her children nervous wrecks, and they’ll end up hating her in their later years.
kpist, well that is totally true! Kate’s kids may grow up to be rather anal but people who respect boundaries. I’d much rather see that than kids that run completely wild and have no manners or boundaries. And unfortunately, it’s not an uncommon sight. So I do give Kate that. I just think she needs to learn how to relax a bit and be more fun when with the kids.
Wow Kate, way to take a positive endeavor and turn it into a lesson in how to destroy someones’ self-esteem. What type of neurosis are these kids going to be saddled with when they are adults?
I have to comment on being a nurse as I am one. All good nurses must possess compassion. Without that you will never be able to give the care your patients’ deserve. Patients’ are at our mercy and compassion is what leads us to at times catching a turn in their condition which saves their lives. Those w/o will miss these clues at the expense of the patient. I have seen this happen many times with nurses who don’t care. Kate would be the last nurse I would want taking care of me.
I can understand wanting to minimize the mess factor, but she did put down a tarp, and all the kids could pitch in on cleaning up. By making a stink about the possible mess, you’re sucking the fun out of the activity. I am 31, and I spilled sugar while making cookies last week. No biggie.
Did I see Kate touching her own hair, after berating one of her girls for touching theirs?!?! *insert nervous laugh here. This woman needs to be monitored closely.
Hasn’t Kate always been like this? Remember back when she and Jon were married, how she would berate him (and the kids!) endlessly on the show? Not that he isn’t a doofus, my point is that his behavior didn’t justify her reaction. She’s always had a mean streak.
If her family had lived in my neighborhood when I was growing up, I’m sure that all the kids in that neighborhood would have called her the “mean mom.” She’s the type who would have yelled at you if you ran across her lawn.
Bitch isn’t the right word for her because sometimes the BITCH can be used in a good way. I prefer to call Kate a “C yoU Next Tuesday,” for obvious reasons!
I didn’t watch the clip and I skimmed your post (and I heardly even watch the show anymore – i just tape it for “evidence”) but yeah, I had a father who was like this. My mother used to tell me that she used to tell him “when those kids leave home, they aren’t *ever* coming back.”
Oddly the rest of my comment vanished. Oh well.
Cute kids though 🙂
She is such an ugly person. No amount of exterior work can hide that. It is written all over her face. She should had never had children.
@!- Do you NOT have children? A 3 year old especially is extremely messy. My point WAS that kids are messy. I’m assuming you didn’t watch the clip? It’s kind of a horrific way for a mother to speak to her children. Yes, her children are big enough to not make as bad of messes. But hell, they are human. I can’t make a cake without getting 1 granule of sugar on the ground.
I don’t bother to watch that show anymore, that woman is unbearable and too controlling. I actually preferred Sarah Palin better.
She didnt seem to bad in this video.She essentially let the kids do their own thing. Im not a fan but i cant imagine raising all those kids and trying to keep order, cleanliness, etc in a house with all those young children.
tell me she doesnt have employees to clean up the house & do the laundry. just tell me that. i bet she does.
wasnt there a story about her letting her kids have only one lick of ice cream at the zoo before they had to throw it away cuz some of it might drip on their clothes?
or when kate was screaming across a huge room at jon at the crayola factory cuz she didnt want the kids to get any colors on their clothes – even tho crayola makes water-soluble products.
like she doesnt have someone washing the kids clothes? what? she cant afford the help? sure. that’s why she’s spending $1000s on hair extensions as well as loads of money on all sorts of luxuries for herself.
if she’s so OCD about “messes,” then why doesnt she do her kids a favor and use her money to hire ppl to clean up after her kids so they can at least do normal kid stuff.
i didn’t even know this bitch’s show was still on the air…in the name of god, why? and why does she need to turn what should have been a fun family activity (baking cookies) into boot camp? jeebus, lady, give those kids a break.
The kids are adorable.
And her face is so frickin’ HARD. That’s the only word for it – between her trashy features overlaid by cosmetic surgery/procedures/bucketsful of makeup, and her HARSH, HARSH demeanor… She is a really ugly woman. And there ain’t no fixing that.
Kate is beyond contempt…
I was channel surfing last night and just happened to catch the part where she said to her kids:
“If you spill sugar you will get down and pick up every granule and you know I mean that,” she says to the kids. “The only excuse for messes is carelessness.”
My jaw dropped to the floor. WOW. What a psychotic bitch! Her kids seem sweet natured now, but I hope she doesn’t create a bunch of serial killers with her obsessive anality. Bitch is straight up crazy.
She’s probably high so she can cope with 8 kids. Her eyes are completely glazed over.
I dislike her too. She was tolerable the first couple of seasons, but ever since Jon dumped her she’s been an evil, greedy bitch.
Why are those kids still on TV? Is she ever going to let them have a “normal” life?
I vote for SUPER BITCH! I absolutely cannot stand this woman. She doesn’t even smile during her interviews. JON IS SOOO LUCKY TO BE FREE OF THAT C-YOU-NEXT-TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!
From the start of this whacked out show Kate has been uber-mean to everyone. The worse of her barbs was Jon, but she threw lots of barbs at her kids which made me drop my jaw. I was surprised no one from the Dept. of Child Services checked into psychological abuse possibilities. Didn’t two of her kids get kicked out of school for behavioural problems? They’re going to be seriously damaged psychologically as they continue growing up. They’re already showing neurotic behaviour already. Feel bad for them and it’s all TLC’s fault for their continued filming of this show which just feeds into Kate’s whacked out fantasies.
Kate OWNS being a strict ‘Tiger Mom’. I think she’s a great mom. She’s basically herding cats when you have a room full of little kids to focus on a task.
More moms and dads need to teach basic skills, like don’t make messes if you can help it, clean up, and pay attention. Her kids seem fine with her style.
Kate does have an unfortunate evil queen look and style of speaking, but that’s just her.
Her children certainly aren’t spoiled with the a laissez faire style of parenting!
*I don’t watch the show and am only opining on this clip.*
TOTAL BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH can’t stand this woman,why is she still on tv? shes such a famewhore! no one cares about you Kate go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
She needs A LOT of therapy for being high strung.
I don’t doubt that she’s a bitch, but what’s always bothered me about her is that SHE HAS NO TALENT WHATSOEVER. The multiple births don’t even count as a ‘one in a million’ event like the Dionne Quintuplets were. Bitch has multiple embryos planted (despite already having kids)then plays all or nothing and ends up with six at once. How does that deserve a TV show?
Just because the kids are smiling on camera, it doesn’t mean they’re happy. I used to beam like sunshine in school photographs, and everyone that knew our family superficially thought we were the Cleavers. Those that spent much time with us, though, saw the cracks in the facade – just like Kate’s jabs.
She reminds me so much of my father; I bet she’s told her children that if they don’t put on a happy act for strangers and cameras, they’ll be in trouble, and goodness knows what kind of trouble she gives them. I just pray it isn’t the physical and emotional abuse that was inflicted on me.
We see her saying such horrible things on camera that it makes me sad to think what she does off-camera. But from what was said a while ago, she doesn’t spend any time with the children unless the cameras are rolling, so maybe they have good caregivers to make up for their absent father and hellish mother.
As for her being a nurse, I’d be asking for a different one. Nurses like her are the ones who don’t listen. Who lie to your face about the medicine that they give you – which ends up being something you’re allergic to, so you throw up blood due to it. Who wake up your dying mother to clean a trash can when the large note on the door says not to, and that it’s already been done. Who spend their time talking in the hall while you beg them to come help as your arm swells to football size, due to veins breaking down from a bad mix of antibiotic & not enough fluids, and who rip out the i.v. from your arm when it’s not necessary to, causing permanent damage. (Speaking from experience, and that was more than a few nurses.) Yeah, I hope she goes into something else.
The only funny moment in this was when she was talking about taking sunshine to the hospital with a straight “bitch” face. If that is sunshine, I’m afraid to ask what her taking gloom face looks like.
I will never get over watching this “mother” in an unguarded moment prior to a Today show interview (I’m certain she was unaware the camera was taping) deny one of her daughters water!
The poor little thing was begging her mother for something to drink and was obviously distressed.
Kate told her to be quiet and then proceeded to gulp off a water bottle in front of her
If compassion is a prerequisite to nursing she needs to surrender her license as a nurse …or for that matter a human being.
I literally loathe this woman!
Additionally, I consider myself to be a strict parent and place a high premium on teaching my child manners and self reliance. These attributes can be taught with a healthy dose of love,affection and humor which is what Kate’s methods lack…I’m literally heartsick for these poor kids.
Kids = messes. Don’t like messes? Don’t have kids.
It galls me to no end that my wonderful loving mother would have considered herself endlessly blessed to have this many children, but was only blessed with me.
I watched J&K+8 from the beginning. After the first episode of K+8, I refused to ever watch again. On the couch interview she was so SMUG and obnoxious about being ”back” I wanted to spit in her face. She divorced Jon because he wanted a private life which was shown on their last episode together. He was sick and tired of the intrusion into their lives and babysitting while she was gone all the time with her bodyguard. If he did step out, so what? He was treated worse than a dog by her and I hope and pray that he has found true happiness with Ellen and will continue to be the good person that I know he is.
Kate can go to hell, she is a selfish, moneygrubbing, slutty, ignorant bitch, who will lose the house and crack up. The handwriting is on the wall. The show will be cancelled and she will never be able to pay 9,000 mo. for her mortgage and private school for 8.
Jon will always be there for his kids, thank God.
Ah yes, the right way to tech your children. Don’t give your kids any structure, let them make messes all over the place, there are no consequances to your actions, saying no to them may give them emotional scars from which they may never recover. Please.
teach. (sigh)
No one’s saying kids don’t need structure and rules. Kids need to be taught appropriate behavior, but it can be done in a loving and gentle way. Barking orders at a kid, instead of guiding and teaching, doesn’t accomplish anything other than to make the kid tense and fearful. A tense person – child or not – is more likely to make mistakes and to have accidents. We learn from our mistakes. A person who is afraid to make a mistake is learning nothing.