Linnocent “was indignant that she was not considered for Black Swan”


Yesterday, we reviewed The Portrait of a Crackhead Catastrophe, otherwise known as Linnocent’s Plum Miami cover shoot and article. Radar had a great preview of the piece, which basically made it sound like Linnocent is too much of a cracked-out mess to even function enough to answer a handful of interview questions (#truth). Now, I get that at this point, the only thing we’re doing is rubber-necking the train wreck and feeding her delusional, cracked-out narcissism, but that doesn’t mean Linnocent doesn’t still know how to bring the LOLs. Take this, for instance: Linnocent was “indignant” that she wasn’t considered for a part in Black Swan.

Lindsay Lohan is definitely not the swan queen. Though she participated in a ritzy photo shoot for Plum Miami Magazine, the 25-year-old actress backed out the accompanying interview at the last minute. As a result, writer Jacquelynn Powers chose to focus on Lohan’s diva behavior on set.

“As we pulled up to the Fontainebleau, a bright-orange parking cone was blocking the entrance. Not accustomed to waiting, apparently, she lowered the car’s window and shouted, ‘Move that cone. I’m Lindsay Lohan,'” Powers recalls. “And it was done.”

Noting that Lohan drank wine while discussing her sobriety, Powers says the Mean Girls star was “constantly looking for drama, whether it was picking a fight with her younger sister…or freaking out over a lost pair of Zanotti heels.”

Frustrated with the state of her career, Lohan said she “took ballet until she was 19 and was indignant that she was not considered for the movie Black Swan,” Powers adds.

Though Lohan abruptly canceled the interview, that didn’t stop her from making the most out of her time in Miami. “Monday morning was supposed to be check-out time, but Lindsay and her posse refused to leave,” Powers writes. “It was like watching the lights come on at a nightclub after-hours — not pretty.”

The most annoying part, Powers tells Gawker, is that “Plum covered all Lindsay’s expenses, including airfare for her and her family/entourage, lodging at the iconic Raleigh hotel in the penthouse suite and all transportation costs.”

[From Us Weekly & Gawker]

Now, I didn’t care for Black Swan, just because I find Natalie Portman’s constipated face completely annoying – and that’s what the movie was, just her little “I have to poop, but I can’t” face, in close-up, over and over and over again. Would Linnocent have been an improvement? Maybe, maybe not. Even if Linnocent had gotten in the door for an audition, she wouldn’t have landed the part. And even if she had landed the part, bitch would have been pink-slipped the second she turned up late and high as a kite (the first day). So we shouldn’t really play the “What if…” game with Linnocent and Black Swan. But this is just further evidence that in Linnocent’s own mind, she should be getting parts like Black Swan, while in reality, Hollywood types are telling her, “Uh… maybe you just start doing porn.”





Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

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81 Responses to “Linnocent “was indignant that she was not considered for Black Swan””

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  1. brin says:

    She also thought she should have won an Oscar for “Herbie: Fully Loaded”.
    Her next appearance will be in a crackhouse near your local movie theatre.

  2. the original bellaluna says:

    Oh, Linnocent, you cracked-out little crackie. Always good for a laugh! For those who ask why we keep tuning in to the All Crack All the Time Channel (ACATC), it’s because Blohan shows us our lives could be so much worse.

    (Maybe she was drinking non-alcoholic wine…you know, like her kombucha – or whatever- tea?) HA.

    She needs to move to the Valley and just embrace her inner porn star. That’s really all that’s left for her.

  3. Isa says:

    Yes, she should get a serious part!
    Either it will be a huge success and prove us all wrong, or it will flunk and she will prove herself wrong and we can all put this whole Lilo acting thing behind us.

    How many years is this going to go on?

  4. teehee says:

    Translation: “Dammit, how will I pay for my alcohol for the next few months now? It means I have to steal again! Sh!t!”

  5. john thing says:

    Spoiled little tart.

  6. Sue says:

    Wow, she looks older than her mother in that second picture.

  7. sasha says:

    The Crack Swan.

  8. brin says:

    *waving at bellaluna*

  9. Shay says:

    This girl’s future is in late night infomercials from this point on. She ruined every chance she had.

  10. the original bellaluna says:

    *waves back @ brin* Good one, Sasha! 🙂

  11. dorothy says:

    Plum magazine is suprised by her actions? Where have you guys been all this time? Everyone else knows her behavior, thus the abscence of a role.

    As for even thinking she was in the same league as the actors in Black Swan. Dreamer….she’s so screwed up…she doesn’t even know how she’s viewed in Hollywood.

  12. Sara says:

    she used to be so pretty… Now she looks a trash. Even in Vanity Fair photos. Do drugs do that? then i never will be close to that.

  13. MarenGermany says:

    they should make her pay at least a part of the expences since they didnt get an interview.
    just saying.

  14. Addie says:

    She also thought she should have won an Oscar for “Herbie: Fully Loaded”.

    Bwwwwaaaahhaaaahaa!! Too funny!

    But seriously, HOW can they just slip that little tid bit in like her possibly getting the Black Swan role is a believable fact.
    Also ballet till 19? Her? Don’t think so.

  15. Micah says:


    That first shot must be the:

    “Monday morning was supposed to be check-out time, but Lindsay and her posse refused to leave,”

  16. Quest says:

    Sippin’ on too much tea.

  17. OriginalGracie says:

    @the original bellaluna: “She needs to move to the Valley and just embrace her inner porn star. That’s really all that’s left for her.”

    Ha, Good call!

    I think she has two options.

    One: (this would only happen in the most optimistic of imaginings) She gets clean and sober for real and works her way up, picture by picture until she proves herself.

    Two: stop being a delusional whore and when she is offered “Lindsay Does California”, sign on the dotted line and take her salary advance to buy more drugs to take during the filming.

    Unfortunately Lindsay does not have a support system that could even begin to help her get clean. And hey, maybe it’s too late. This chick is dirty, entitled, mean and small minded. It’s like she’s killed off 2/3 of her brain cells. I’m sure that none of this would ever occur to her.

  18. Whatamess! says:

    The Crack Swan..that was inspired

  19. gee says:

    I don’t really like Natalie Portman, but she does have talent. No way Linnocent could compair to her. I didn’t really like Black Swan, but I might actually watch Crack Swan.. imagine, black swan but with crack?? I love this website/the comments here.

  20. NicoleAM says:

    I don’t recall her mentioning taking ballet before…unless I’m mistaken? Anyway, the headline alone had me laughing. This mag and others like it have only themselves to blame. She wants to be taken seriously among producers and directors and yet she can’t even show up to do an interview for a lousy mag? One that graciously (and stupidly) gave her the cover no less!

  21. OriginalGracie says:

    I loved Natalie Portman in The Black Swan but I loved her more (and perhaps secretly wished she was like this character in real life) in Garden State.

    Natalie has shown she has talent in real movies. Lindsay peaked with Mean Girls and that was so good due to other actresses, Tina Fey, and a great script.

  22. Happymom says:

    Who are these people in her “posse”? It’s not as though she has money to pay them. Are they other rich, drugged out losers that want to hang with “a celebrity”? The most appalling thing to me in all of this is that Dina is still having Ali live with her cracked out mess of a sister. That makes me so furious-it wasn’t enough to ruin one kid with this fast lifestyle and no responsible adult supervision??!

  23. CooCooCatchoo says:

    Lindsay sippin’ on wine while talking about her sobriety. Good times. This chick is never gonna get well. Burned out at 25. It’s sad.

  24. Elizabeth says:

    @ Addie

    re: ballet until 19
    At that age, she was already too busy doing drugs, parties, clubbing, etc. A hangover gets in the way of a good plie (sorry, no accent)

  25. zinnia says:

    Ballet? Does tiptoeing around trying to find your crack stash in the middle of the night count as ballet?

  26. yeah right says:

    this girl needs help oh my effing god how old is she supposed to be…. HELP HER NOW

  27. jamminatorr says:

    I didn’t read the actual write-up yet… but I think it’s funny that you guys keep using that “Heyyy I’m a pretty dolphin!” picture of her. It makes me laugh.

  28. yeah right says:

    ive just read the article 25 are you kidding me the pic in the black looks at least 40…… help help

  29. fabchick says:

    She looks old as hell. Crack is whack.

  30. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Addie & Elizabeth – Yeah, she started partying around her 17th birthday (that’s 8 years of drunken cracknanigans, for those keeping score at home). I doubt she ever danced.

    As a former dancer, there is no way she was a dancer for any significant duration: dancers have w-a-y more discipline and poise than this crack-head could ever hope to possess. The only thing Blohan’s ever denied herself is her (once potential) career.

  31. Mika says:

    Yeah, Black Swan was overrrated and Natalie Portman is a total cow, but at least she’s a professional cow. She’s the type of cow who shows up on time, the cow who gives it 110%.

    Kaiser, I love that you hate her too.

  32. lucy2 says:

    That’s hilarious! As if!

    Besides, I don’t even think they did auditions for Black Swan, I think Natalie and the director were signed on for years, it just took a while to get it made. But reality has never stopped Lohan’s delusions before!

  33. Roma says:

    In the same way I banned myself from posting on Charlie Sheen I’m doing a Lindsay ban.

    I’m currently back in my hometown for the funeral of my brother because he had a tragic accident & drowned while drunk. I’ve had enough of her and the fact that she continues to act like a mess with absolutely no consequences. It is too heartbreaking that a bad case of judgement took my brother but she continues to act like…. Well, like herself.

    I’m tapping out.

  34. DetRiotgirl says:

    @Roma I’m so sorry for your loss.

  35. someone needs to put this girl in her place! She hasn’t had a movie in over 6 years. Man, those “mean girls” residual checks must be huge to support her cracked out lifestyle.

  36. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Roma…I am SO sorry for your loss. sending peaceful thoughts your way…

  37. Mia says:

    Delusional crackhead. It’s amusing how far up her own ass she is.

  38. Liz says:

    Yep – Natalie Portman is a narcissistic snob, but she deserved that Oscar and that part. Lindsay’s name should never be even uttered in the same sentence as Natalie’s unless we’re talking about different extremes

  39. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Roma – I’m so sorry.

  40. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I’m going to attempt to explain her cracklogic here: White Oprah falsely claimed to be a Rockette so therefore Lindsay took ballet until she was 19.

  41. madpoe says:

    Puh-leeze! The only role crackie should be cast is for five across the eyes, the bitch slappin’ sequel, maybe even in 3-D. I didn’t care for Black Swan much either but I’d rather watch paint dry than Lohan any day.

  42. Annie says:

    Don’t like Portman- I think she’s a psudointellectual snob, but the thing is she’s a clean looking, non methed out, non prematurely aging, reasonably talented and hard working psudointellectual snob. And therein lies the difference, Lohan.

  43. bored says:

    Sad. She is really out of touch with reality.

  44. Charlotte says:

    I don’t understand- why does she continue? to get interviews and photo spreads? She looks like hell, everything that comes out of her mouth is delusion… Oops, just answered my own question! Why would this magazine be surprised that she bailed on her agreement to them? Why would Matt Lauer be surprised? My God, she’s such a train wreck!!!

  45. anoneemouse says:

    After reading the Linnocent post yesterday and all the comments that were left I have to tell you that if anyone thinks that family can control her actions then they are living in a fairytale world. NOT that I am in any way condoning Dina or Michael – they are trash and always will be but everyone seems to think that parents can control the actions of a child but once they reach 18, that is just not true. At 25 if Lindsay wants to party and screw her life up then that’s what she’s going to do.

  46. Rosina says:

    Talking about people not looking their age, I did not know that Tilda Swinton is 50, no one mentioned it her post.

    I was just thinking looking at some of the pictures of Lindsey that she looks older than Tilda, who is twice her age, and that’s just sad.

  47. Thea says:

    WTH is going on with the left arm (our right) is that freckles? Dirt, flesh eating virus?

  48. Ren says:

    @Annie – Yes – psudointellectual snob is a perfect way to describe Natalie! She annoys the hell out of me, but she still is not trash like Lohan. Poor pathetic Lohan – I can’t stop laughing!

  49. Samihami says:

    She used to be so pretty! She doesn’t even look like the same person anymore. Heck, I’m 46 and she looks older than me.

  50. lilred says:

    Roma,My heart goes out to you.I’m so sorry for your loss.

  51. dread pirate cuervo says:

    @Roma, my deepest sympathy to you & your family. Sending prayers & peace your way!

  52. TxGal says:

    I find Natalie Portman’s constipated face completely annoying – and that’s what the movie was, just her little “I have to poop, but I can’t” face, in close-up, over and over and over again.<—–LMAO

    I really don’t see why she got the Oscar. She is a good actress but still can’t see why.

    Anyway regarding Ms. CrackFace she really is in Never-Never-Land thinking she deserves this and that. Next headline she makes it will be her obituary the way she is going.

  53. DemoCat says:

    @Roma, I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the agony you must be feeling.

    I am also disgusted at watching Lohan getting into trouble OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again and facing no real consequences. She is a disgusting individual, but the system is also disgusting for not truly punishing her and keeping her out of society.

  54. Cheyenne says:

    This whole thread is supposed to be a joke, right?


  55. Madisyn says:

    “The most annoying part, Powers tells Gawker, is that “Plum covered all Lindsay’s expenses, including airfare for her and her family/entourage, lodging at the iconic Raleigh hotel in the penthouse suite and all transportation costs.”

    This is Blohan doing the only thing she knows how to do and does quite well, I might add: GRIFTING!

    Promising something (the interview) and not following through. If these Z list magazines don’t realize this, I don’t know what to say. If they need the publicity that bad, well they sure got it. Not that I’m going to run out and buy the magazine. Anyone who would have researched this twit on the internet would know this is her M.O. Not only not following through but ‘missing’ jewelry and designer clothing.

    This little trip to ‘work’ in Miami for a week must of cost this magazine a small fortune.

  56. mia girl says:

    So very sorry for you and your family. My heart goes out to you all.

  57. Lady D says:

    Roma, so sorry about your loss. Losing either bro would destroy me, I hope you can find some peace. Again, so sorry.

  58. Tiffany says:

    Is falling on the ground out of clubs considered ballet?

    I just love these pics. EVERY time:)

  59. Lady D says:

    As another poster pointed out, in order to be indignant you need to have dignity. Ha ha, this loser wouldn’t know dignity if it walked up and slapped her (like I and so many others want to do).

  60. OhMyMy says:

    @Madisyn: (**waves**)

    Yup. They got exactly what they paid for. You buy a train wreck you get a train wreck. They didn’t really think Linnocent cared about the success of the magazine launch or the people of Miami for that matter.

    They got publicity, I don’t know how much good it’s going to do them. They’re still a regional mag that doesn’t seem to be focusing on their locale. If this is their decision making I wouldn’t be surprised if they go belly up in 2-3 issues, 6 tops.

  61. TG says:

    @Charlotte and @Madisyn – I know can’t believe anyone would even want to interview her, but I guess @OhMyMy is correct the magazine gets publicity. That has to be the only answer. I think it just shocks us that anyone could behave that way and think they can get away with it. And then actually get away with it. Do they not sign contracts for stuff like this? I mean if you refuse to leave the hotel why not sue for damages or something like that.

  62. It won’t be too much longer before she won’t even be able to buy an interview.As for her career,she has no one to blame,but herself.

  63. the original bellaluna says:

    D-Listed has THE BEST pic of one of Blohan’s falls to accompany the Black Swan story.

    It is HILARIOUS!

  64. OriginalGracie says:

    @Roma: So very truly sorry for your loss. I lost my brother to drugs and then his suicide. I wish you all the best.

  65. Rosalind says:

    Those pictures of Linnocent are bloody terrifying. What has she done to herself?

  66. Madisyn says:

    @ anoneemouse, I too believe its waaaaayyyy too late to ‘control’ Blohan. This twit was the bread winner from age 12 or 13. She had much too much control in this family, still does, and it shows. Thats why the word “NO” is a foreign concept to her. Her mother/parents had to instill that from birth. You don’t lose control of your children at 18, you lose control if you don’t teach discipline and personal responsibility from birth. Just my opinion.

    @ Roma, having good thoughts about you and yours. God bless.

    @ OhMyMy, waving back! Can you imagine that bill? For a week! Hotel, not only for her but her hangers-on. The food and DRINK bill alone would wipe out my savings account. Again, I just love that this woman called her out, I wish she would have went into more detail. Let it be a lesson to other no-name publications, “you get what you pay for” which in this case pictures of some ho with her dress blowing in the breeze and not a whole lot else. Except one HUGE bill and lots of headaches all around.

  67. Cindy says:

    Ugh. I’m sure she means she “took ballet” once a week from Sept.-June every year like lots of little girls do. That’s very different from a professional dancer or the crazy conditioning Natalie Portman did to get in shape for the role.

  68. mrsezc says:

    Wow she looks OLD!!! I don’t feel bad for her though .. she’s always been “entitled” and she keeps getting away with it. She was probably never considered for the Black Swan because she CAN’T Act!!! Who cares if she took ballet till she was 19 … really 19??? Wasn’t she already into this behavior by 19??? More like she took ballet till she was 9 or 10.
    I really hope she gets her act together before we read her Obit!!!

  69. jayem says:

    She really does look like a truck stop hooker…

  70. Roxanne says:

    She’s only upset she didn’t get the part because she wanted that love scene with Mila Kunis.

  71. Lucky Charm says:

    Ballet until she was 19?! I think she’s confusing the barre with the bar, lol! Because she certainly was spending a lot of time at the bar at 19! Can this…person, just take a swan dive out of the news now, please?!

    ETA: @ Roma, I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family.

  72. Gossip Owl says:

    Gross. While I agree with Kaiser about Natalie Portman’s constipated face. I do not believe that Crackie would have been a better substitute.
    I’m with Charlotte on this one too, why in God’s Green Earth does she still get interviews?
    Considering the nasty comments everyone makes about her, I’m surprised she doesn’t want to disappear. Can you imagine being on a movie set where everyone is going to talk about you behind your back and make snide and rude comments about you. Or that there are so many people who will refuse to work with her because she’s so difficult? She’s done? We need to quit rubber necking. I’d rather rubber neck Courtney Love’s train wreck or hell, even Paris Hilton’s train wreck ANY day of the week than deal with another insufferable Lindsay/Crackie story.

    @Roma, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I know how difficult it can be. I think you are right for tapping out on this one.

  73. Lindsay says:

    @Isa Why does she deserve another chance? In the beginning she had a career many aspiring actresses would kill for. Do you want to put up millions of dollars to produce, promote, and insure (with ridiculously large premiums because of her) just to see if she can get it together enough to do her job? Why should anyone have to spend money on that, not to mention making the entire cast and crew deal with her? She is pretty much done, she had her chance. From now nit will be stunt casting and/or low budget movies that want a star.

    Plus, her movie failing wouldn’t get her out of the spotlight. She has had plenty of stops. I think, sadly, the only ways this will stop is if she quits running her mouth, blatantly lying, calling the press, and acting completely unhinged. Option two is she cleans up her act or stops intentionally getting her antics into the press. Three, a bigger better train wreck comes along who isn’t press shy/fame whore that believes all press is good press and maybe even has a crazy, litigious, fame whore family too. Four, she dies young doing something stupid. She will get sympathy and probably a few nice articles before being forgotten about and becoming just another Hollywood cautionary tale.

    But if you have stacks of money lying around and are tired of lighting them on fire, go ahead and give her the chance you thinks she needs. Or get a helicopter drop money from the sky and watch people scramble for it. You could also have a monkey trained to be your butler, he would be much more professional! 🙂

    ETA: I’m not trying to attack you most of this is a little tongue in cheek. I understand you wanting her out of the media but giving her a undeserved and expensive chance isn’t the way.

  74. Enny says:

    @Roma – I know nothing we say can ever come close to healing your broken heart, but if it helps you in any way to know that a stranger on the other side of the country/world is thinking about you, then know that I am, and hopefully take comfort in it.

  75. Lucky Charm says:

    @ Lindsay – I’d be careful using that name (even if it is your own) on a public forum – little Miss Crackypants may just sue you for using her name and saying “negative” things about her, lol! (Remember the whole milkaholic fiasco?!) 😮

  76. Rog says:

    Swan? What idiocy is this?

    Lindsay is far better suited for a role as a pigeon, or a seagull… an annoying, obnoxious bird that shits on everything it flies over or lands on.

  77. skilo says:

    @ Roma, I am really sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family.

  78. Madisyn says:

    @ bellaluna

    “D-Listed has THE BEST pic of one of Blohan’s falls to accompany the Black Swan story”.

    The was the start of the ole the “papparazzi pushed me” phase, which continues to this day. If memory serves (too lazy to look it up) she was leaving a house party at 4 or 5 in the morning. When I used to keep those hours, I was ALWAYS SOBER! Not. Twit!

    If you like the pic, read the article. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  79. Laura says:

    Lindsay Lohan is a crazy bitch, so I suppose she could have done that part pretty well.
    New favourite saying ‘MOVE THAT CONE, I’M LINDSAY LOHAN’

  80. phaksi says:

    At least she is a cautionary tale warning people about the dangers of drinking and drugs. They really have messed her up, she looks like she’s pushing forty

  81. alecia moore says:

    gosh she looks old as hell older than her mother what happen to the cute little redhead what happen to to the pretty mean girl from africa as i would say she had too much freedom i blame the parents they should of gave her disipline just because u are an actor doesnt mean she is a grown up u perents sit there uer daughters having cocktails at 14 go party every night look how she turned out crackhead hmmm.