Eddie Cibrian’s ads for Charisma linens: dimply hotness or aging pretty boy?


Charisma bedding and fine linens usually choose some random beefcake to be their spokespecs. I think the last “Charisma Pecs” belonged to Gabriel Aubry – you can see his Charisma ads here. The new guy is… Eddie Cibrian. Because he might be an idiot, and he might be gross, and he might be sexually attracted to trashy, psycho women, BUT HE HAS DIMPLES. Just concentrate on the dimples and the pecs and don’t even think about how LeAnn is riding that.

Couple of things: would it have killed Eddie to shave his salt-and-pepper fur before they started shooting? I usually don’t mind scruff, but Eddie’s is making me feel itchy. Also – Eddie looks flat-out BAD in some of these shots. Like, he’s tired of dealing with crazy? Like “crazy” is aging him drastically?



By the way, Eddie’s ex-wife Brandi Glanville has officially joined the cast of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. According to People Mag, Brandi isn’t really a “Real Housewife” though, she’s just joining the cast as a “friend of”. Interesting.



Photos courtesy of Charisma.

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130 Responses to “Eddie Cibrian’s ads for Charisma linens: dimply hotness or aging pretty boy?”

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  1. searching4grace says:

    Eh. Nope. Does NOT make me want to roll around in their sheets. Just the opposite in fact.

  2. irena NL says:

    He looks pretty darn HOT to me!!!

  3. katnip says:

    He is a beautiful man. he should have gone the model route or stuck to it. Let acting go because at this point he is not going to be a big name.

    but as I said he is quite beautiful.

  4. elaine says:

    aging is right salt n pepper. Gabriel was SO much hotter take Gabriel any day over this gigolo. Branid is smokin hot while Leann is ROT

  5. dorothy says:

    Can’t get over who he’s married too. That killed his appeal to me.

  6. brin says:

    More like aging gigolo.

  7. mims says:


  8. Laura says:

    He gives of a skeeze vibe…

  9. Sillyone says:

    Is there another option of eewwww? I wouldn’t touch that with…well I just wouldn’t.

  10. Jezi says:

    I used to find him hot, his wife has made me change my mind. He should’ve shaved but I think he just hopes that if he can make himself less attractive maybe Leann wouldn’t want him anymore?

    As for Brandi, well she was shooting a lot. So my take, they were testing the waters to see what kind of reaction she would get from viewers and what type of ratings she will bring. I think GOLD!!!

  11. Thea says:

    I think he is a good looking man, but he turns ugly to me when I think of him and Mrs. Ed galloping along. Gag.

  12. Hautie says:

    I like the pictures. He is a nice looking man who obviously takes care of that body.

    Even if he has a slightly batty life.

    The thing that always stands out to me… is he has to love the crazy that she brings.

    Cause if he didn’t want her doing it, he would have already put a stop to it.

    LeAnn is not going to do anything to jeopardize that marriage and if he told her to “stop” she would.

    So lets be real. He is probably as batty as her. 🙂

  13. jc126 says:

    Oh geez. I think he’s hot.
    I need to think about sex with Eddie Cibrian in order to bleach my brain of the thoughts that arose when I saw the headline about sex with Hugh Hefner. I must purge that image.

  14. irena NL says:

    Thx for pointing out the People article. My friends and I were wondering how Brandi could be a housewife on RHOBH when she’s not a housewife in real life nor lives in BH.OK, she’s a friend of the housewives of the cast and her friend Mrs. Maloof got her the job. That’s the way HW turns-the world too!

  15. TQB says:

    Yeah, i hate myself for it, but he is still smokin’ hot. I actually dig the salt and pepper scruff. Mans him up a bit. And dimples. Jesus christ. Shamef*ck, for sure.

  16. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Ooo. These are my favorite posts 🙂 I see Leann, I mean Irena has already chimed in, I can’t wait to hear what the other ladies have to say 🙂

  17. Jackson says:

    Meh. IDK, there’s something about him that is just always off for me. A bit of inner smarm coming through, perhaps. That middle picture with the robe looks odd, like he’s a younger guy that had his hair streaked with gray to make him look ‘distinguished.’ I do like the scruffy facial hair though. IDK, the pics are ok I guess.

  18. Liz says:

    Aaaaah, gross and creepy – gross and creepy !!!!!!!

  19. EbonyShiksa says:


  20. KatScorp says:

    Ahhh, the face of a homewrecking slut. ‘Charisma’ must think that a man-whore who betrayed his wife with two mistresses will give their future customers that low down happy feeling.

    Excuse me while I go vomit. BTW, he looks fug in two of those pics… and only one hasn’t been photoshopped. Eddie aint pretty anymore.

    Good evening Jezi 🙂

  21. EbonyShiksa says:

    Okay, I’ve composed myself. My thoughts:

    -Honestly, it’s not even fair comparison. Princess Eddie just DOES NOT measure up to Aubrey! At ALL.

    -With Gabriel Aubrey, I want to lounge in bed and help him towel himself off…w/ my tongue.

    -With Princess Edward, I feel like I need a Blacklight, some Lysol, & new sheets.*

    *Preferably NOT from Charisma Bedding!


    Gawd! His TRUE face when the cameras aren’t rolling. I feel kinda sad for him…NOT.

  22. Relli says:


    you need to add some type of warning i almost spit my coffee out.

  23. ladybert62 says:

    I hate those scruffy dirty looking faces (even on Gerard Butler) – why are these men starting to look like pigs – cant they even get up and shave in the mornings now?

    Other than that, he is a cutie.

  24. i.want.shoes says:

    Doesn’t the first picture give off vibes of soft gay porn?

  25. Quest says:

    He looks good, but thoughts of that scruffy-4 o’clock-shadow of facial hair tickling LeAnn’s biscuits gives me the creeps *shudder*

  26. mick says:

    He’s some what hot….

  27. brin says:

    I’m sure Leann wouldn’t ok this shoot unless he flashed his wedding ring in at least one picture.

  28. Heatheradair says:

    I say this every time I see a picture of this guy: I HATE myself for thinking he’s so flippin hot. I think he looks great here (but I agree – the top picture does evoke a romance novel cover or something…).

    Totally agree with TQB – the salt n’ pepper in the scruff are actually my favorite part.

  29. Anita says:

    Leann killed him for me.

  30. charity says:

    would never buy any of that bedding simply because he is the model for it. see him N I think of his lying cheatinfg N boinking another woman while his wife was carrying his baby GROSS. If he ever wants to have a career, he needs to MAN up N apologize publicly for all his lies to the public N his wife Never Never will I watch anything with that man scum in it until he does. of course leann will never let him do that. He is just nasty to the mother of his beautiful kids. Can’t wait until Jake is old enough to know what his dad was doing while his mom was carrying him. go get a new car Eddie from Leann will make you feel better waves to all my buds on twitter N u too RITA give us ur hysterical and pithy comments

  31. Funnylilou75 says:

    He is still a bit hot to me… but in a kind of ageing pretty boy way… like for bimbos there is an age limit for gigolos… and he has unfortunatly reached it…

  32. whitedaisy says:

    Knowing he is with Rimes kills any fantasy.
    I like how he is wearing the wedding ring, but it is conveniently hidden in nearly every shot.
    (Sort of like real life, I guess.)
    I’ll take bets on whether or not Leann was in attendance for the photo shoot. I don’t think she lets him so much as sneeze out of her line of sight.

  33. Praise St. Angie! says:

    never mind the face scruff…what about that halfway-waxed chest hair?


  34. Jezi says:

    @KatScorp hey girl.

    @Irena Oh lordy, many of the housewives aren’t housewives. Some are business owners and/or have nannies doing the majority of the work. It’s just the name of the TV show. Some aren’t even…dun dun dun “married”. Shocker, I know!!!!

  35. Lady D says:

    ” don’t even think about how LeAnn is riding that.”
    That line ruined the pics for me.

  36. Linda says:

    At once upon a time he was a ‘hottie’ but now the ugilness of his actions & that wife of his brings the ugilness to the surface. There is absolutely no sex appeal there, he looks like the aging ‘pretty boy’ that he is.

  37. skilo says:

    I don’t mind the facial scruff or the salt n pepper in his hair. It’s the sleaze oozing from him, and the squinty, beady eyes that ruin him. Not to mention what we know about his personality and who he is currently married to, and how he cheated multiple times with other women. Leann was just the only one who wanted him bad enough to go full psycho and publicly out him to drive his wife to the breaking point.

  38. YvetteW says:

    That isn’t his best hair style. He seems too cock sure for me to find him attractive anymore. I guess the chick fights and LeAnn’s slavish devotion has made his head a little too big for a turtleneck. Shame. He used to be so cute.

  39. sharylmj says:

    agree… I can’t stand him now by association.. so sad because he really is a handsome man. He married crazy and killed his sexy.

  40. REALIST says:

    A super stud/fantasy modeling gig. He is good looking, no doubt. Better still, he has his own job, so he won’t feel emasculated by LeAnn.

  41. Christine says:

    Hand hair. gag.

  42. brin says:

    He looks like a used sheet salesman with that cheesy grin.

  43. 4Real says:

    ITA #39!! He is so HOT but WHY am I looking at the bedding?? Oh yeah because he’s gross!

  44. Rita says:

    This guy is a “man” in dong only. He’s as big of a weenie as they come….the very definition of “dong-fluff” (that’s got to be a real word. No one could make up dong-fluff but I’m not sure where I heard it).

    By the way, the only time LeAnn is hitting it is when she’s beating on him begging for sex.

    @katScorp-Love it when you visit.

    @TCC-Irena’s not out of line with her comments so I hope we’ll let her have her fun.

    Go Brandi Glanville!!! You’re beautiful. Must be nice to be rid of Mr. Dongfluff.

  45. Annie B says:

    My favorite part? The prop Poindexter glasses on the nightstand. Oh Ed, were you “reading” again? Add a glass (bottle) of Don Julio and it’s our dear Eddie fer realz. Hot little bookworm. Books get you out of sessy times, dontcha know?

    I feel like I’m leafing through a Sears catalogue I’ve gotta say with this cheeseball set up.

    I wonder how long before Eddie has a Bruce Jenner like forehead. He’s gotta see those forehead fault lines every time he looks in the mirror. I’m predicting Botox then fillers, to start. He is the (only) “pretty one” in that couple.

  46. Rita says:

    I’m sure LeAnn will be visiting today so I wanted to address her personally.

    LeAnn, I can see from your latest pictures that you’re stress eating. You’ve gained back all the pre-wedding weight and then some. Stop fretting about Eddie’s cheating. You need to be with him more and keep telling yourself that he loves your company. His expression in that second pic says it all….the photog is hot.

    Keep very close to Eddie because as one tweeter put it:

    When you marry a man who cheats on his wife, you’re married to a man who cheats on his wife….(such wisdom. Must have been from a fortune cookie.)

    “He looks like a used sheet salesman with that cheesy grin”…it’s spelled “shit” not sheet.

  47. brin says:

    @Rita….lol, good editing, gf!
    These comments are hilarious!

  48. Parker says:

    He looks so smokin’ hot!!!! Love this ad, good call Charisma!

  49. mannequin says:

    He doesn’t look bad. He doesn’t look so enticing, but there are worse. Still, I don’t like his attitude, I think he needs a good slappin’.

  50. Truthful says:

    His scarecrow crazy wife, sucked out all of the sexy for me…

    I’ll pass.

  51. John Wayne Lives says:

    He needs to play a grownup now.
    Brandi on a real housewives show? Well what a shocker.
    Sure LeAnn is a psyco, and of course Eddie is a dirty dog, but all this exposure as a result is the best thing to happen to this no-name’s career. ever.
    I think she had her heart and family broken, and no one deserves that.
    But Brandi has screamed famewhore to me from Day 1.

  52. sapphire says:

    Looks like an ad in the back pages of an alternative magazine along with a “900” number.

    @Ebony Shiksa-you have the best screen name and are queen of the hashtag!

    Wonder if they photoshop him, too?

  53. Jezi says:

    @John Wayne Lives Honestly, I could care less if she’s a “famewhore”. She used to model so she’s never really been the type to shy away from a camera, however, when she got married to dipshit, she gave up her career to support his. So now is her time to shine. She lost a good 10 years of herself in that marriage. I’m excited to see her.

  54. Rita says:


    “alternative magazine…900 number”. That was funny!!!!

  55. Pyewacket says:

    I have always thought he was hot, ever since his Young and Restless days.

  56. the original bellaluna says:

    *waves @ Rita, brin, jezi, sapphire & KatScorp*

    I used to think he was kinda hot, but I started feeling that his inner sleeze was surfacing. It’s a gross feeling, looking at him since then. *shudders* (He invokes thoughts of Scott Peterson. NOT good.)

    And don’t even get me started on LeAnn.

  57. Rita says:


    He’s like a guy who eats nothing but garlic and onions. You can smell it even if he doesn’t breathe. What this guy oozes ain’t sexy.

  58. the other mel says:

    Those ads look way too overly styled for a straight guy, especially the carefully shaved chest hair and too-perfect coif. Looks like he’s afraid of mussing things up too much. Might have been better if he had a little bed-head and the sheets were mussed up a bit.

  59. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Rita – And whatever it is, I bet it leaves a slimy trail!

    I would never, EVER want to lay on those sheets. Or any other sheets he’s been on.

  60. Tierra says:

    I dont find him appealing at all. I think its his squinty eyes and that batshit crazy thing he is married to.
    idk, he just reminds me of a slimy used car salesman and a gigalo.

  61. DreamyK says:

    He’s a pig. I wouldn’t buy anything he was whoring out.

  62. dr.bombay says:

    The second photo looks like he’s trying to figure out 2+2.

    Last photo he looks like a young Pierce Brosnon.

    He does nothing for me whatsoever.

  63. Blue says:

    I still think he’s beautiful. Love his dimples. I would do him but scrub for an hour afterward.

  64. why? says:

    The first thing I noticed in these photos is that EC looks quite bored, just like how he looked when he was at the ESPY party with Leann. Is modeling supposed to look that painful and awkward? LR must have been at the photoshoot with him. Wow, so even when he does his photoshoots LR won’t leave EC alone? Well at least he got in shots of his wedding ring, that’s all that matters to LR right, that everyone know that EC is HER hubby?

    Now we know why EC was sending BG those emails. He was trying to depict himself as a “devoted father” in preparation for the People mag exclusive.

    Why did this company pick EC of all people(a man who is more of an attention seeker than Heidi and Spencer)to promote the concept of Charisma? Do they REALLY think that people would buy their product because EC is promoting it, seeing how public EC and LR have been with their personal life? Does LR have ties to this company? Why would anyone believe a thing EC says about this product when he such a liar?

    So is that why EC is ALWAYS “sleeping”, he just can’t resist the Charisma bedding?

  65. why? says:

    People mag says that BG is going to be featured as one of the friends of the Housewives and doesn’t actually have a real role on the show, which contradicts the article that was released by Radaronline(which said that they brought BG on the show to boost ratings).

    What is odd is that wasn’t one of LR “fans” going around saying this very same thing about BG just being featured as a friend of someone on the show? So once again Leann is feeding her “fans” information about BG because how did LR “fans” know the extent of BG role on the show a month before it was released to the public via People mag?

    I love how People mag threw in that bit about EC and LR in their sentence about BG. Which makes it even more interesting that they diminished BG role.

    Oddly enough, on the People mag site the article about RHOBH is ranked in second place. I would have thought that People mag would have made the article about EC modeling job their top story.
    Just about every article that is posting about EC new job also mentions how BG and how she is going to be on the RHOBH.

  66. Tara says:

    Its a good thing his eyes are so squinty because I’m sure it helps conceal the horror within. He is hot but in sort of an obvious way. Like the way people loved Pierce Brosnn in the 80s. But I’ve noticed for the first time that Eddie has a HUGE forehead and that cracks me up. The dimples are priceless but no. Just no.

  67. Debra says:

    Is it just me, or are all of his expression blah and fake looking? forced?
    He just has a vacant expression in his eyes and on his face…not sexy at all…

  68. why? says:

    LR and EC are nothing more than a publicity stunt. They are now releasing their projects within the same timeframe of one another to convince us just how united they are as a couple.
    So on the day that the NEW Billboard list for the top 60 country songs is released, which has LR song Give ranked at 47(while her song is nowhere in sight on Itunes, which is odd because a song she made in 2003 is ranking much better on Itunes than her current single, which means she paid for the Billboard rank), People mag releases it’s exclusive on EC new modeling job for towels and bedding.

    EC and LR didn’t stage any photo-ops last week because they were gearing up for the release of these photos of EC (on the day that just so happens to be the same day that LR Give single jumps from 55 to 47)? I knew it was unusual for EC and LR to go a week without staging one photo-op, they are just too much of attention seekers to skip out on those photo-ops. Charisma must have put them on a staged photo-op time out, which says alot. You know that EC and LR reps are bad when companies investing in them put them in staged photo-op time outs for fear that their personal lives will overshadow their products. With EC and LR we learn a great deal about how the pr machine works.

    And now that this is over, I’m sure that EC and LR will resume their DAILY staged photo-op routine.

  69. John Wayne Lives says:

    @ Jezi , well you go on and be excited. I’m sure Brandi will exactly fit the bill for the people that get cast on these kinds of shows… obscure claim to fame, heightened sense of self-importance and self-righteousness, plastic face, plastic body, a willingness to sacrifice her family, and integrity for her 15 min despite all former protests to the contrary. Yep, she’s perfect. How exciting. Another fake a$$ “wife” willing to let herself be the fool (real or scripted) for ratings and money.

  70. Rita says:


    The Billboard rankings mean almost nothing. The heart of those rankings are radio play time. If you remember, LeAnn started spending big money on radio adds a couple weeks ago but it has not improved her sales one bit. In fact, they keep sliding. It was a giant waste of money. Basically, LeAnn is paying radio stations so people can listen to her music for free or change channels which most do.

  71. wresa says:

    Meh. Not as hot as Gabriel Aubry’s! I guess Eddie just isn’t my type…*squint*

  72. why? says:

    Wayne Lives

    Well Eddie is a FAKE HUSBAND who is willing to let himself be the fool (yes we know that it’s all scripted with EC and LR, just look at how EC looks bored and out of in this photoshoot simply because his wife was there to babysit him during his job)for money, shopping sprees, expensive trips, watches, jobs, and cars? The bad thing about EC is that he drags his parents and kids into his scripted life with LR.

  73. why? says:


    I agree that LR must be paying for the radio airplay because just like what happened with her last single, her new song Give is no where on Itunes(which means that the public isn’t supporting it the way she wants us all to believe, these people are “faithful” enough to request her song on the radio but not faithful enough to download it) and a song that she made in 2003 is ranking much, much, much better than Give on the Country Itunes chart(it was in the 80s).

    Not only that, Leann is so deperate to make Give a success that she has attached it to several charitable events. I read somewhere that she has made Give the “offical” song for some organization/website involved with abused kids. Isn’t that sick? LR will step on anyone to make herself a success.

    I think that Charisma must have put EC and LR on staged photo-op time out as in “if you stage any photos before we release the pre-ads for Charisma, we will replace you”. It looks like Charisma was more successful than NBC/Playbouy in getting EC and LR to lay low. Charisma needs to put EC and LR on more staged photo-op time outs. I wonder if this was why LR took that minor break from twitter and why she planning on taking yet another break from twitter to spend time with EC and his kids.

  74. crtb says:

    When he smiles, he lights up the room!
    I really don’t know a lot about the story of him leaving his wife for LeAnne. I just remember him from CSI – Miami. He is a very good looking man.

  75. Ruffian9 says:

    La cheese

  76. John Wayne Lives says:

    @ why?… I’m sure being fake is one of his more charming qualities. How about faithless, liar etc…
    but just because her ex is a dog, doesn’t make her some saint.
    Any high road she was walking erroded with her diving in so willingly with the rest of these pigs.

  77. Ashley says:

    This all seems so budget and cheesy to me. Although, him and his wife are painfully downmarket, so it fits a pattern.

    And while I think he’s objectively handsome, there’s just something about his face that seems ‘off’ to me. I can’t figure out if it’s his eyes, a general vacancy, or something else entirely.

  78. lola says:

    just you wait until Leann finds bunny fur in her hubs toothbrush but its all good cause Leann has some knock out pics on the web of her picking and grinning 10 to be exact go to ‘Leann rimes nose picking” to see the BEST OF LEANN RIMES

  79. why? says:

    Wayne Lives

    So that is what this is all about? You are upset because the public has more sympathy for BG than they do for LR and EC?

    Leann has been tweeting several women(ie Khandi from the RH of Atlanta) from the Housewives reality tv shows, so then do you also think that those women whom LR has been in contact with via twitter have erroded the high road that Leann seems to praise them for walking on?

  80. Sinder says:

    Hot! Hot! Hot! Who cares who he is with? Dodecanese is FINE!!!!!

  81. ZenB!tch says:

    Why is he “famous” I wouldn’t know who he was if he and the anorexic ho-bag-o’-bones hadn’t cheated on their spouses for each other.

    He looks old to me and I think he’s younger than I am which is not a good reaction to have to someone.

  82. John Wayne Lives says:

    @ why?… “So that is what this is all about? You are upset because the public has more sympathy for BG than they do for LR and EC?”

    Um, no…
    why would I be upset Brandi has gotten sympathy for her divorce? She got cheated on and her family was broken. She was totally done wrong.

    And as far as I know, LeAnn has never walked on any high road, at least in my opinion.

    But I think Brandi is a phoney, famewhore just like LeAnn. Eddie sure does have a type.

  83. Camille says:

    He has a nice smile. Otherwise ‘meh’.

  84. why? says:

    John Wayne Lives

    Well let’s see, why would someone get the impression that you are upset because BG is getting more sympathy than EC and LR?

    Could it be your massive campaign to convince people that BG is the villian for being on RHOBH?

    BG gets more attention than EC and LR because she is on RHOBH and all of a sudden you come out in full force trying to convince everyone that she is the bad guy.

    The highroad was in reference to the double standard, so LR “fans” trash BG for being on the Realhousewives show, despite the fact that LR commonly tweets several women from those shows.

  85. Messenger Of Truth says:

    LeAnn has remade Adele for the music track to Eddie’s Charisma commercial. It’s “Rolling in the sheeeee-eee-eet.”

    (Credit goes to Rita for the inspiration I received from the other thread.)

  86. John Wayne Lives says:

    @ why?… My “massive campaign”? lol, riiight.
    And btw, not liking Brandi doesn’t mean I like LR.
    I Dislike. Both. (this point obviously is important to you, so there you go)

    And if the kind of fame Brandi wants, is the kind of fame RH will give her, well good times on her.
    It simply confirms what I think of her.
    are we done yet?

  87. Jennifer says:

    Yuck…being a dishonest selfish cheater makes him ugly…

  88. Dana M says:

    Great note Rita! I’m sure Irena…I mean Leann will be lurking this post.

    I find intelligence more attractive than appearance. A smart man who makes well thought out decisions in life, unselfish and chooses to be a faithful man is HOT in my opinion. I find EC very ugly from the inside out, dimples or not.

  89. charity says:

    Brandi HAD to get a job that paid her some decent money because Eddie cut back on his child support. Leann chasing a married man to the ground like a dog in heat is far worse then Brndi being on this show. Brandi was a stay at home mom for Eddie to take care of his kids for 8 or more years. I admire her for getting out there and getting a job after what those 2 lying cheating adulterers put her through. this is for you Mr john wayne lives aka as leann, only the real john wayne was better looking than you Leann

  90. Messenger Of Truth says:

    Oops. I guess the “shite” talk was on this thread. Apparently I can’t handle 2 threads going at a time…

    Just noticed you must be 13 or older to comment here – wouldn’t want comments about nose picking popping up from those pesky pre-teens. “…she was a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there…”:)

  91. Rita says:

    @Messenger of Truth

    You’re making me laugh. Calling for the crackitini calvry on the other thread was funny as well. See you tomorrow.

  92. Jennifer says:

    And another thing, can’t believe any respectable company would pay EC or LR to endorse anything because anything they endorse would be a total turn-off.

  93. Dea says:

    I do agree with you Kaiser. He is quite a handsome man. Let’s give credit when due. And as far as I have read, people who have worked with him say that he is a very nice person to work with. His family life is not my concern.

  94. Dea says:

    Now I do not know why my previous comment is under moderation…

  95. John Wayne Lives says:

    @ Charity… first of all John Wayne was a Stud, please don’t trash him by associating him with LR. lol you’re funny though lol.
    Second, the “she has to make money” line is what strippers and whores say.
    Have fun with that.

  96. LuckyLilGem says:

    Hot, but I know too much about his drama to buy his bed sheets.

  97. Dirty Martini says:

    He is one fine damn looking sleeze bag. Yes hes quite the looker. Yes beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone, and this man is mighty mighty fine to look at.

  98. Lola M says:

    Charisma, you idiots! Congratulations on successfully turning me off a product in seconds!! Who wants to sleep in sheets promoted by a spineless cheater whose career has tanked?!?! Least those freebies you’ll be giving him will come in handy when he next cheats on his man bride!!

  99. AnnieB says:

    Hi Charisma brand. Never heard of you before today, will definitely be putting you on the “never buy if you ever notice anywhere” category. Even if it’s a really good sale price!! Fail.

  100. japrufrock says:

    I need to go back and read the Celebitchy archives on this guy because I don’t know who he is and why there is so much revulsion towards him.

    An advert like this does no favors for a fella’s manhood and sex-appeal…Cheezzy. Very Harlequin-novel type styling.

  101. why? says:

    There is a new article on E News about how Playboy Club is getting some heavy criticism from anti-porn groups. They are even threatening to pull their resources or donations if NBC airs the show.

    I thought that NBC/Playboy had settled everything with these groups because we didn’t hear anymore about the boycotts, but perhaps the PTC thought that EC was mocking them with his Charisma ads and then took action against the show. Who thought that these Charisma ads were a good idea since the PTC and anti-porn groups were still actively working hard to keep Playboy Club off the air?

    I don’t believe that they should boycott the show because it means that EC will once again claim that he can’t pay child support/alimony, despite the fact that he will continue to go on expensive trips and shopping sprees.

    Who is advising EC and LR? Great idea. Anti-porn groups are boycotting Playboy Club and EC does a photoshoot promoting sex. Note to NBC/Playboy, it would be wise to keep EC and LR on a staged photo-op timeout until this blows over.

  102. Sami says:

    Some botox in the forehead might help, also, are his dimples stitched in? I saw a program recently about this surgery. WTF?

  103. charity says:

    nah, those dimples are real. his 2 little boys have them too ,just the rest of him thats fake just like his new N 2nd wife. by the way, he did mention getting a 3rd wife at his wedding

  104. Lucy says:

    Since Charisma has had Aubry and EC as its models, I guess a requirement to be in their ads is sleeping with crazy-ass women…

  105. Nat says:

    Oh man, Kaiser, I disagree wholeheartedly about the salt and pepper scruff. I love that shiz. In fact when I see it, I start getting images of me and the dude at our kids baseball games, him in a flannel shirt and baseball hat, going back to our big cabin-style house on some lake… (do I have weird fantasies or what?)
    Anyway, for all his terrible life choices, guys is pretty smokin.

  106. Charlotte says:

    While I do not find him to be in the high ick order of Tom Cruise, I also feel Eddie’s hotness has been tainted by LeAnn Rimes. Plus, he did that role on Criminal Minds where he was a serial killer/murderer of women, and well, that does stick in the back of your mind. You know Mark Harmon as Ted Bundy, or Dean Cain as Scott Peterson… It’s just kinda flicks in your brain when you see them.

  107. limelite says:

    Gabriel autry was really hot in the ads for this sheet company, whereas this douchebag treats the mom of his children with absolutely no respect. after all she bore those kids N he chose her to be their mother N yet he cheated on her while she was pregnant.wonder what he would have thought if his dad had done that to his mother. Eddie Hot –NOT amoral actually

  108. Anonymous says:

    Hey, everybody should go over to the Brandi/RHOBH “slut pig” thread and check out why?/Brandi. She thinks I’m someone Important!! lol. B!tch be cracken up!!!

  109. John Wayne Lives says:

    Hey, everybody should go over to the Brandi/RHOBH “slut pig” thread and check out why?/Brandi. She thinks I’m someone Important!! lol. B!tch be cracken up!!!

    Dang it! I did it again with the double post lol.

    (and I’ve never been a BG fan. I’m sorry, what exactly has she done that merits a fan base, and I mean “work” people, not being famous for being jilted)

  110. charity says:

    what is Eddie Cibrian famous for? a string of d listed roles in a few t.v. shows his BIG role was when he made the made for t.v. movie with grinch face, It’s not easy being green ,but to help them out financially, be sure to buy the Eddie Cibrian sushi fa.rt candle which Leann makes at xmas time yum yum her very fav ,I just bet, as much as she loves the sushi and HER man

  111. Krissi says:

    @John Wayne- CB shut down the thread not sure what the reason could be… maybe because Why went crazy last night.

    PS…. once again, I am not anyone else but myself, Krissi. 🙂

  112. hyena says:

    For some reason, commenting if off on the slut pig thread soo @why here my response to you!

    First of all, I am embarassed for you. You care way too much about this.

    Second of all, if you are Brandi then I’m glad you got a job on the Housewives show because damn girl, you have way too much time on your hands.

    I just hope that you come to realize that when you are on television, some people aren’t going to like you. And when you are on a reality tv show, a lot of people are going to dislike you. I just hope for your sake that you learn to chill and let it roll off your back. Otherwise, youre never going to have peace.

    In regards to your comments about EC’s show getting complaints from the PTC- if anything that just drums up publicity. If they think it sounds too hardcore for NBC and thei normal drivel, I just might watch! HBO and FX shows are the best so those would be better channels anyways.


    “It’s Friday, Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!” I think we need to do some shots. Hell I think @why needs to do some shots too. Chill out girl!

  113. John Wayne Lives says:

    lol holy craziness this is phyco fun lolol…

    @charity.. you know, when this whole thing started with these 3, I had a vauge idea that LR was some country singer, I had to google EC cause I vaugely remembered seeing his face here and there but couldn’t for the life of me think of who he was, and when I saw the first pic of Brandi, I thought, well she’s pretty. An ex model? sure I can see it.
    But now they will all be known for this. Forever. By everyone. Bravo.

    @ Krissi & hyena… what ever the reason, I think it’s hilarious they closed comments after all the insanity why? laid down. Oh god, I couldn’t stop laughing and shaking my head lolol.

    Lemme know when it’s 5 and I’ll have the first round ready to go!

  114. charity says:

    hey john wayne wanna be===if UR serious about wanting to know these people check out Leann twitter acct at xmas time U may be able to purchase one of her SCENTED candles .think she sold at least 3 last year or maybe gave them away with her latest song release,,oh wait those songs haven’t even made it to the top 80 yet. sorry pal maybe next year.have a good un/

  115. Jezi says:

    @anonymous I can tell you Brandi does not post on these threads. She had made a comment on one post ages ago and used her real name. How I know this is becuase I am a friend of hers.

    @John Wayne Lives You don’t have to like her, not everyone will. I am answering your question regarding why she has a following. Well she developed a following because she was being emotionally abused by Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian and harassed by Leann’s fans on a daily basis. Some of us related to her story and thought she did not deserve the treatment she was getting. We stood by her through it all, even got harassed ourselves just because we disliked Leann. We were the ones who emailed Bravo and requested they put her on the show. Especially since Eddie cut her support in half and she needed the money. She was a model and probably would’ve had her own money if she had kept working, however, Eddie was a control freak and didn’t want her to work. So she gave up her career only to be mistreated and cheated on. Like I said before, this is why she’s doing the show. I don’t think this will change your mind about her and honestly I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind. You can watch her on the show or you don’t have to, that’s the beauty of it all.

  116. Sam H xx says:

    Eddie just makes the Charisma brand look cheap and down market considering how he shacked up with LeAnn Rimes doesn’t help his image at all…They should have kept Gabriel Aubry he suited the brand better…Now, Aubry can sell bedding and bathing to us ladies without putting us off!…xx

  117. elaine says:

    Eddie does not look nearly as hot as Gabriel A did last year. Now. Gabriel was a man you wanted to roll around in the sheets with. so sad that he can’t go ANYWHERE without the woman what bought him on his tail

  118. Kate says:

    I read this site everyday and never comment. But the thread on the “slut pig” really pissed me off. Why? This isn’t your own personal website and I do think you are “BG” because on a post a long time ago they said you read this site. I also think alot of people here are your friends who you use to promote yourself. Get over it! You’re worst than Aniston!

  119. Kate says:

    I would’ve posted on the other page but after all the craziness no one could even leave a comment. Crazy bitches

  120. indi says:

    The person who writes comments using either why or gwen as a tag has been submitting comments for a long time on stories about adultery. Why/gwen/abc/c/c2 made alot of comments regarding the sienna miller affair with balthazar getty back in 2008/2009. The style of writing is quite distinctive and it was easy to pick up who it was when comments starting appearing on the cibrian/rimes affair. There was even reference to histrionic personality disorder in relation to Miller which has also been used in reference to Rimes. Therefore I sincerely doubt that Brandi has been submitting these comments about other people as well as her own situation for this long. In the link below the name used was c2 in the comments section – the style is recognisable as why or gwen.
    Look at comments no.s 59,112,122,152 and 154 from c2.

  121. Melancholy says:

    He can’t even work up enough enthusiasm to attempt blue steel.

  122. AshleeD says:

    Dam! He looks so good! I’ll take all the sheets he layed on!

  123. Lady D says:

    @Nat, awesome fantasy!

  124. Baylor says:

    OMG! Check out Leann’s latest blog. So, not only does LeAnn have wedding rings to rep. the boys but she also have necklaces that she wears with their initials. Wow! Talk about overkill and being a stalker!

  125. why? says:

    John Wayne Lives/Hyena/Krissi

    I see that you just picked up where you left off from the other thread.

    So why are you posting under all these different names?

    Didn’t they close down the thread a week ago because of the insanity you laid down by stalking and harassing other posters?

  126. why? says:


    No, what embarrases you is the fact that PlayClub is getting boycotted.
    So is this what LR Skype session was about? Deflect from the backlash EC is getting by arguing that it’s all caused by BG and convince everyone that BG is the villian by being on RHOBH?

    So that is what this is all about? People don’t like EC.

    If the articles from the PTC was drumming up publicity why then are you still posting under all these different names and trashing the RHOBH? Have you seen the comments? No one wants to see EC.

    I love how you came back with even more different names. Yeap, EC show is doing REALLY bad isn’t it?

  127. why? says:


    Hi IRENA.

    Stalk much? What are you afraid of?

  128. thisishoweasyitisforkrissitochangehername says:

    This is me why?, I was just showing how easy it is for SOMEONE to change their name because it’s obvious that this is what is happening with this KRISSI/hyena/johnwayne character. She is upset because my posts calling her out for posting under different names weren’t deleted from the other thread.

    Hi IRENA/GUNGHO/ELLEN(she also used to post on this site as CBME, but she was banned for using mutiple names in threads).

    Stalk much? What are you afraid of?I must have struck a nerve because now you came back with two more different names. So how do you bypass the system so that you don’t get caught posting under all these different names? You forgot to tell everyone how the posts that you are making as John Wayne Lives are the very same posts that you made on JJ, the only difference is that on JJ you used 5 different names every 30 min.

    Thanks for posting those comments as post 120 because you made a ton of those posts on JJ and US weekly, which proves that you are indeed exactly who I think you are.

    So what has hyena/krissi/johnwaynelives/kate/anon pot 108/post 120
    in such a frenzy(and I love how she just keeps adding 2 different names each and every day)?

    1) Because BG is getting more attention than EC Charisma ads. For every article that EC received, BG and the RHOBH received 10x that much.

    2) To deflect from the fact that Playboy Club is facing some major problems and is in a position to be shut down. We know that it’s bad because the response to EC press conference of Playboy Club was not favorable at all.

    3) EC and LR were gearing up for yet another major mega media blitz.

    I thought that EC and LR were going to stage photos on the weekend, but instead they planned the photo-ops on Monday to coincide with EC press conference for his show.

    Seriously, where did all of these so called “anti RHOBH” posters come from? It looks like someone has found a way to scam this site so that they can post under different names.

  129. thisishoweasyitisforkrissitochangehername says:

    This is why? Again.

    @post 120(aka irena/ellen/gungho)

    Now do you really want to play that game because there is a ton of posts on other sites, that match the ones that you are making on this site as John Wayne Lives, hyena, Krissi, kate, irena, and heavenbound.

    In fact post 120 can be matched to the many posts that you made on x17 and on E News.

    How exactly are you getting past the system so that it doesn’t catch the different names that you are using?

  130. Sue says:

    He is totally hot! Love the ads. He is beautiful just as he is…