Scarlett Johansson got an invite to a Marine Corps Ball, but she refused


When a Marine made a YouTube video inviting Mila Kunis to be his date at the Marine Corps Ball, many of us found it charming. Mila was told about the request, and she agreed to go, although for a while it looked like she was trying to get out of it (but she wasn’t). Many of you took Mila’s side and claimed that she was publicly bullied into accepting the invitation. I disagreed. There was totally a way for her to say no without looking bad, but that’s not even the point – the point is why would you say no if you’re a young, single starlet looking for good publicity?

Well, Scarlett Johansson doesn’t give a crap about any of that. When she was asked to the Marine Corps Ball, she had prior commitment and she didn’t feel bullied into trying to work her schedule around. Here’s the invite:

He’s kind of cute, right? Right. Well, ScarJo isn’t going. Some may say “ScarJo hates the troops.” She may, but I doubt it. I think she just didn’t feel like rearranging her schedule, or maybe she didn’t realize that if she went, she could make Sean Penn jealous! She did find the time to release a statement about it, though:

“I feel incredibly honored to have been invited to the Marine Corps Ball by Sgt. Dustin L. Williams. Not only does Sgt. Williams deserve recognition for his bravery, selflessness and dedication to the United States and its people, but he also displays a cheeky talent for film making. Sgt. Williams, unfortunately due to prior commitments I will not be able to attend the Ball with you this year but I am sending you a case of Moet and Chandon with gratitude. In my absence, I raise a glass to you and all the men and women of the U.S. Marine Corps, past and present, in thanks for your continued commitment to preserving the safety of our nation.”

[From ScarJo’s exclusive statement to Zap2It]

She sent him a case of the champagne that she represents! She didn’t even have to pay for the champagne she sent him. Oh, well. Zap2It spoke to the Marine and asked him what he would do if ScarJo refused. He replied: “If I was told she could not attend, I would understand. I would not believe the invitation would be denied without good cause. With her current career I would imagine Scarlett Johansson is a busy woman.” So, he’s nice about it at least. Damn. Now I kind of want to go in ScarJo’s place.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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64 Responses to “Scarlett Johansson got an invite to a Marine Corps Ball, but she refused”

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  1. Dominique says:


  2. brin says:

    An officer and a gentleman! Scarlett’s loss is some other woman’s gain.

  3. Nanea says:

    In this case I’m Team ScarJo. The invitation to Mila was something new.

    This is number…? I lost count. I remember those invitations to Timberlake, Betty White…

    The Moet thing though? Cheap.

  4. dani says:

    Just because u r invited doesnt mean you HAVE TO go! I mean, its up to u…that doesnt mean you hate the troops….

  5. Liz says:

    Cute vid. And as much as I dislike her, the response she gave was thoughtful and seemingly nice enough – free advertising for the champagne company she represents aside….hey, at least the dude gets some free bubbly

  6. Quest says:

    I am honestly getting tired of this. It was ok the 1st and even the 2nd time…but come onit is getting kinda stale.

    Still… he is in good physical shape and nice on the eyes…much better than Penn. I only hate her for sending him a CHEAP apology

  7. spinner says:

    I think ScarJo handled this nicely. As for that fine young marine…If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.

  8. jj says:

    uhm i’d totally go! he’s a hottie

  9. Turtle Dove says:

    I’m with Scarlett on this one. They aren’t trained dogs that have to jump at command. Blind dates also suck… HARD.

    These military people need to stop with this silliness and putting celebs in awkward positions. This is NOT the way to get a date. To paraphrase Nanea – it’s been done; time to move on.

  10. arock says:

    omg, i love a marine. he seems so sweet and smoking hot, but thats just my uniform loving biscut talking. this is kind of getting beat down, theres been so many at this point. but really, scarjo? you sent a free-to-you/i-get-paid-for-it champagne to the guy? pretty tacky, princess. that screams “i had my people do something, anything really, i dont care. just make it look good.”
    this is a dude in uniform, show a little pride and do better than that.

  11. Nancy says:

    That guy is cute but he could do way better than that ugly pig ScarJo!

  12. Rita says:

    The Mila and Justin’s acceptance was good but someone had to say no eventually before this got to be one of those politically correct things where I ask Celine Dion to attend my fifth year highschool reunion. I wouldn’t want to put her through that.

  13. Rose says:

    Serious arock, that she even bothered to address a STRANGER asking her for a date shows class, uniform or not.

  14. jc126 says:

    I’d totally jump at the chance to go with this guy, but I knew this would happen, and people aren’t under any obligation to say yes. How would you feel if you were forced into a date you didn’t want to go on?

  15. Zoe says:

    I’m sure a lot of celebrities have now been invited and decided not to go. And no, a star isn’t a bad person for saying no. They have busy schedules, between photo shoots, press junkets, work, and a million other engagements. If their schedules allow and they want to do it, great. But they shouldn’t be villainized for saying no.

  16. Ycnan says:

    Jeepers, I don’t blame her at all. This is a STRANGER. She handled it great I think.

  17. Swanson Jacco says:

    It WAS cute…the first time. Now it’s already a tired, played-out scheme. Good for her.

  18. Bill Hicks is God says:

    @Nanea: What are you, in the 18% income tax bracket?

    Are you aware what a soldier’s salary is? That comment about Moet being cheap is rude. Smarten up and get a clue – or some frigging manners.

  19. WillyNilly says:

    Why is giving them free champagne cheap? He’s a f*cking marine! He’ll love it!!

  20. lucy2 says:

    I think her response was well done. The champagne would have been a really nice gesture, except for the fact that it was done as a promotional thing, which is sort of tacky.

    I agree that the invitations should probably stop now. The first time was really cute and original, beyond that it’s enough, and there’s probably some hack Hollywood screenwriter typing out a romcom based on all this right now. I give the guys credit for trying though!

  21. Eryn says:

    I think she handled it well. I would be really uncomfortable going, simply because he’s a stranger — I’m sure he’s a fine guy and is just having fun like all the other people who have asked celebrities, but you just never know, you know? But I’m paranoid like that.

  22. Mia says:

    A little shocked at all you calling her cheap & tacky for sending champagne. She didn’t have to send anything. Instead she sent him a $400 case of champagne. Who cares if she didn’t pay for it. He didn’t either.

    Nice gesture. Nice response. Now let this be the last time we hear about one of these.

  23. jc126 says:

    I’ll be difficult and say that I didn’t think it was cute the first time. I felt bad for Mila K. being put on the spot – no one would fault for refusing some crazed lunatic, but to say no to a Marine or any guy in uniform, she runs the risk of being accused of being unpatriotic or “not supporting the troops”. Bad precedent, and again, I love Marines. A LOT.

  24. wunderkindt says:

    He made a very good film effort.

    Sgt.: Forget ScarJo and go into making films instead. You have talent!

  25. Ari says:

    She doesn’t owe anyone JACK – he is lucky he even got a reply and some booze

  26. kaligula says:

    her publicist did a good job on that statement. can’t believe she sent him champagne that she gets comped on. but even if she wasn’t affiliated with that company, i’m sure she wouldn’t have had to pay for it, anyway. i mean, do celebrities have to pay for *anything*?

  27. Nanea says:

    @ Bill Hicks: You’re the one who needs manners – or a lesson at reading comprehension.

    ScarJo had the company she’s shilling for, Moet&Chandon, send out that case of champagne, free advertising for them and completely unclassy from her. A simple no would have been as effective.

    I have no idea what my income tax (in my home country I’m actually paying 37% right now, nice try whining about 18% in the US) or my taste in champagne (there are houses in France that produce better champagne than Moet that are cheaper) has to do with anything.

  28. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Whoops, my bad. Sorry Nanea, she sent him the Moet. Yeah, I agree that’s cheap…but look at her hair. She’s obviously cheap when it comes to spending on that too.

    *edit* p.s. I have a crazy headache today. Mis-reading and posting while crabby and in pain = not good.

  29. Rita says:

    @Bill Hicks

    Loved your comment about the 18% income bracket. For those who don’t know, the richest 400 people in the US are in that bracket while their secretaries pay 24%.

    Bill Hicks is on top of it ladies and while Celine Dion is no Bill Hicks, she’s much prettier.

    Off thread, I know but there it is.

  30. Kim says:

    Classy? I dont know anyone who would describe Scarlet aka flavor of the week/Sean Penns hand me downs as classy but its a cute video and i will say her PUBLICISTS response is nice.

  31. Heather says:

    Shoot, I’ll go!

  32. michael bays comb over says:

    agree with commentors who say shes under no obligation to take the invite. also why is there this notion “oh this would be great publicity”. surely they should go because they want to go.

  33. Ellie says:

    Yeah, It’s kind of weird this trend. I mean, yeah I can understand that they are fighting for our conoutnry and freedom, and we owe them. But it’s just seems like they are taking advantage!

  34. danielle says:

    I agree with alot of other people, celebrities shouldn’t feel any more obligated than anyone else to go on a blind date. I’m sure the guy was quite nice, but I wouldn’t want to go on a date with anyone who asked me either!

  35. John Wayne Lives says:

    *sigh* I love Marines 🙂 Been married to one for 10 years!

  36. Melinda says:

    This talk about Moet and Chandon makes me sad. Just opened up a bottle and it had turned. 🙁

  37. serena says:

    Well, now this is pissing me off.
    Just because Mila accepted all the marines are asking celebrity-dates. That’s not right..I get that they would feel pressured..its’ just not right.

  38. Jenni says:

    @Mia- Exactly. I bet it’s the nicest rejection he’ll ever get. Definitely nicer than any rejection I’ve ever received. “No I can’t go with you, here’s some free alcohol.” I don’t care how she came about it, it’s his now, and alcohol’s expensive. Also I can get people disliking ScarJo as an actress (I do), but she doesn’t come off as rude so I don’t get the ugly attitude toward her.

  39. The Bobster says:

    What the hell happened to her face? It must’ve been the curse of the Spicoli. It just sucks the life force right out of you.

  40. kimm says:

    Ok this man has a future in filmaking!!!! *Loves it!!!!!!!

  41. Diane says:

    Her hair is hideous. That last photo reminds me of my Aunt Minnie at the Boca Annual Holiday Ball.

  42. jay says:

    c’mon, it’s not like she is going to send him a case of Strawberry Hill wine. I’m sure she would have gotten flack from someone is she sent something other than what she contractually represents. It’s pretty ridiculous if you’re complaining about her sending some random guy champagne.

    And I think they like to use those pictures because Scarlett looked pretty rough at that event.

  43. Heatherrr says:

    LOL Diane!!!

  44. the original bellaluna says:

    He’s adorable, but I’m kinda glad she said no. Maybe now it’ll shut this sh!t down.

    I love a Marine as much as the next gal – I grew up on Pendleton; dad is a retired Marine; ex is a former Marine. But this is starting to get a little tiresome. I mean, it’s July. Marine Corps Balls are in November. That’s a lot of invites to “stars.”

  45. mystified says:

    Not a fan of ScarJo but she has a right to decide with whom to go out. (IMO, I’m sure the marine is a much better catch than that aging twit Sean Penn.)

    I think she gave the nicest, classiest refusal that she could under the circumstances. I thought it was especially nice of her to sport that hideous haircut so that the young man wouldn’t regret not having a date with her.

  46. D. Jackson says:

    I’m with Scarlett on this one. These troops are bullying people into dates. These troops know that people have a ‘soft spot’ for them because they are serving overseas and they use it to their advantage. I wouldn’t go on the date either. She doesn’t know this man. Just because he’s in the military doesn’t mean he’s a nice guy. As far as I’m concerned, Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis should decline.

  47. Barbara says:

    Her loss…he is quite handsome..

  48. Danie says:

    This is all bs to me. Why are these ppl asking strangers to go to a ball with them?? Publicity? I think it’s all pretty lame.

  49. tvcon says:

    The real reason she can’t go is she starts shooting a movie in September in Europe.

  50. Shy says:

    So Mila and Justin will be the only fools who would go? Too bad other celebrities don’t have to promote anything right now. Otherwise they would go.

    Betty White was the first one who sad no and that madness stopped. Now no one wants to go. And after all those efforts Friends with Benefits underperformed at the box-office. And now in 3 month they would gave to go to that ball for no reason 🙂

    Blame it on Justin. He was the one who made Mila say yes. And then when he was asked he couldn’t say no. But watch out how those two will walk out and blame it on schedule. Betty White sad No. Miley Cyrus just ignored it (hilarious isn’t it), now Scarlett sad No.

    And I still don’t know what happened with Linda Hamilton. She did it for publicity? I mean it was fun, but still it was kind of pathetic and sad. She was begging some dude to take her on a date. And that guy still didn’t reply to her 🙂 That is even more sad.

  51. Shy says:

    And can we ask those marines to stop humiliate themselves? First one did it for fun. His friends encourage him to do it for fun. And he probably never thought that she will hear about it and agree. He looks like a shy guy who does’t know how to talk easy with women. He will be nervous and I don’t think they both will enjoy the ball.

    And all the other are just a publicity whores. But at least Miley’s and Scarlett’s guys were cute. I even feel sorry for them.

  52. jc126 says:

    Jamman – was that a joke?

  53. munchies says:

    what else should Scarlet offer? A competitors brand for Moet? Champagne would be best for the ball.

  54. Chris says:

    Good on her. We don’t want a situation where every celebrity who gets invited to the marine ball feels too scared to decline because they’re afraid of being labelled un-American or some such shit.
    That’d go against the grain of the whole liberty and freedom thing the troops are supposed to be fighting for.

  55. ElleGin says:

    I think her reply was alright. I’m sure the marine is happy with the gift whether she actually paid for them or not. Also, would she be allowed to send other alcoholic drinks? Wouldn’t that be read as promoting other brands? Of course she could have send other stuff or not send anything at all, but it’s a nice gesture.

  56. Shy says:

    Actually there are so many reports about soldiers who were torturing civil people in Iraq that you never know who you will get. We don’t know those people. We see them 1 minute in Youtube. And then they demand celebrities to go with them on a date. And stupid people like Justin Timberlake make celebrities go. Like he did with Mila who would probably laugh and sad No. But he made her give that promise.

    And with so many marines you don’t know who you will come with. It could be brave and good man or it can be one of those who was killing and torturing innocent people in Iraq. It’s wrong that public demands celebrities to go on those blind dates or you will look unpatriotic. Kudos to Betty White who was the first one who sad No and stopped that madness. Now everyone feel free to say No.

  57. Chris says:

    How about a bumper sticker that says “I Support our Troops but I don’t have to date them” 🙂

  58. Cakes says:

    No one has demanded that these people go with them to the ball. It was a simple request and none of the MARINES (not SOLDIERS!!! Please get it right people) ever expected them to say yes. When Dustin first told me about his video his exact words were “theres no way she will ever see it but it was a fun thing to do.” Meaning he had zero expectations. So when she called him personally to turn down the invitation was beyond anything he ever imagined.
    Oh and #59- I would suggest that you do some research on PTSD, Combat Stress, and TBI’s before commenting that service members are “torturing” innocent people. New research is coming out that TBI’s are affecting parts of the brain that are responsible for judgment and decision-making. Across the board Marines are some of the safest people to be around. They just have a rowdy reputation.

  59. John Wayne Lives says:

    @ the original bellaluna… get out! lol! I met my hubs while he was stationed at pendleton 🙂 I’m an LA girl myself, and steered clear of Marines per their rep, but I sure fell hard for that green eyed Marine 🙂 sigh…it’s never worn off lol

    @ Cakes…Everything you said, Yes! Especially this…”Across the board Marines are some of the safest people to be around. They just have a rowdy reputation.” Well spoken.
    And BRAVO to Dustin! He seems like a sweetheart 🙂

  60. Cakes says:

    @John Wayne Live- Nice to meet ya! Im a Pendleton girl myself!! Practically all of my friends are Marines now and they definitely have earned their rep lol!
    @Original Bellaluna I think you and I live very close. Im in O’side.

  61. trixie says:

    “a case of Moet and Chandon”– so pretentious and tacky. I so dislike her. Doesn’t she hate America anyway just like Penn?

  62. REALIST says:

    Loser! Does anyone get the feeling that she’s hit the skids since her divorce? Also the hair color-hideous!

  63. Anonymous says:

    I am a Marine. All you liberal pie holes need to STFU Try stuffing a pie into that hole of yours. These guys were not trying to put anyone in a bad position.
    It take a liberal pie hole to see it that way. They were just giving it their best shot and they can except no as the answer and it sure wont hurt their pride. Saying no doesnt make you anti-American. Winning about it like you liberals idiot do is.

  64. Angela says:

    Why are you assuming they’re liberals?