“Jude Law’s raw, unfettered talent is gonna get you pregnant” links


Jude Law is a good actor. Also: he‘s still pretty. [LaineyGossip]
Another Bewitched remake? Ugh. [Dlisted]
Gloria Steinem versus The Playboy Club: Redux. [Gawker]
Racism, The Help and our modern (racist) world. [Pajiba]
Sparkles spends time with a dude friend. [Pop Sugar]
Ginnifer Goodwin‘s shrug is weird but oddly enchanting. [Go Fug Yourself]
The gold/bronze Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez statue. Ugh. [Yeeeah]
Katie Holmes is like Princess Di. Sort of. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Wow, Frances Bean Cobain looks so pretty here. [ICYDK]
Emma Stone & Olivia Wilde are the new faces of Revlon. [A Socialite Life]
Charlie Sheen was hit by a train (it‘s not what you think). [Evil Beet]
Zooey Deschanel, you‘re 31 years old. Stop with the cutesy girlish crap. [The Frisky]
Everybody hates George Lopez, so his show got canceled. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Blind item: Kiki Dunst, right? And the guy is…? [CDAN]
I don‘t actively hate Patton Oswalt, but he annoys me. [PopBytes]
Larry David, Feminist Hero? [Jezebel]



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33 Responses to ““Jude Law’s raw, unfettered talent is gonna get you pregnant” links”

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  1. brin says:

    Kirsten & Jamie Hince? He was just on his honeymoon…what a pig (if true.)
    Happy to hear George Lopez got canceled.

  2. cmc says:

    Seriously, the Zoe cutesiness has got to stop. It’s similar to Paris Hilton’s refusal to grow up…yeah, it’s gross in a totally different way, but does anyone want to be compared to Paris’s maturity level?

  3. kim says:

    Love Jude

    I hope the play come to broadway, So I can see him.

  4. Lucky Charm says:

    LOL, all he has to do is walk by you and a woman falls pregnant. I love Jude Law, he’s the bad boy you secretly crush on but are still kind of scared of.

    And Frances Bean is beautiful. I’m sure Kurt would be proud of her, she’s not a hot Hollywood mess (hello, Courtney!) like she could have been.

  5. Nanea says:

    The Guardian had a very readable piece on Jude Law the other day, about that play, Anna Christie, and about the Murdochs.

  6. inthekitchen says:

    I never really got his sex appeal. He’s so wee and has such a huge head. Fug. And he seems like a slut.

  7. jesikabelcher says:

    Frances Bean is quite Selma Blairishy in those photos…

  8. Sigh. says:

    The comments in Pajiba’s article are…interesting…

  9. JaneWonderfalls says:

    Why does it seem that these celebrity men look more gross as the years past, but women are always made to feel to look younger and younger and become physically better with age. Double Standards are a bitch!

  10. Melissa says:

    Frances Bean got the good features from both of her parents. She is beautiful. I would not be surprised if one day there is a surgeon general warning for women. That standing too close to, accidentally bumping into or staring too intently at Jude Law for a significant amount of time, could cause imminent pregnancy.

  11. jill says:

    Jude Law = Talent Sexy Beast.

  12. dee says:

    Jude law is one sexy mofo

  13. LeeLoo says:

    Frances Bean is gorgeous!!! It seems she has a better head on her shoulders then say…her mother. I think she would make an excellent model.

    Buh-bye Lopez.

    Is Jude Law drunk?

  14. Darla says:

    I’m with Lainy. When this turdbath balding wonder dumped his kid, he lost all appeal to me. I think he really would stick it in anyone. He’d probably go at Leann Rimes if she wore a bag.

  15. Aria says:

    I don’t think the blind item is for Kirsten Dunst….

  16. Az says:

    Did Frances Bean get her nose done? Good for her if she did, it was the one feature on her face that made her look like her mother. Now she looks more like her father, especially those eyes of hers, very haunting like Kurt’s were…

  17. Sheigh says:

    I never see Jude Law as a cute boy too.
    But in this picture, I just want to push him into Hudson River and shower him.

  18. Esmom says:

    Frances Bean looks just like Megan Fox in the first shot! I used to think she was a carbon copy of Kurt, now not quite as much. He was beautiful, with such delicate features.

  19. SFRowGuy says:

    Actually, it’s that ‘look’ that he does, wide-eyed, somewhat questioning, somewhat needing, that’s what gets them pregnant. From a photo, that might get one or two women pregnant, but in person, waves of swooning women suddenly become pregnant and reach the first trimester. That must be his ‘X’ power.

  20. buckley says:

    Not sorry at all to see Lopez go.

  21. Melissa says:

    @19. Haha, true!

  22. Meadowlark says:

    Seriously agree with Deschanel needing to dress age appropriate.

  23. nikki says:

    Dear Jude Law, you’re hot !

  24. Maripily says:

    Frances is a beautiful girl, but those pic makes her look dirty and the the cigarette is gross.

  25. teen says:

    Jude Law is Crazy Sexy Cool.

  26. JaneWonderfalls says:

    I love Zooey Deschannel,I think she does dress her age like a women in the 50’s and 60’s dressed at 31! I love her a lot, I totally have a girl crush on her so nobody better say anything bad about her!
    (Just Kidding) I do really admire her a lot though..lol

  27. kim says:

    Jude Law seduce critics and me in new play Anna Christie. Oh Yes !

  28. Trillion says:

    I agree, Jane. Zoey is one of the most interesting, multi-talented, down to Earth actresses at her level. Some friends of mine worked with her on a movie and had nothing but very high praise for her. I also appreciate her style. It’s far from mine, but she doesn’t look cookie cutter and you won’t catch her trying to look all Maxim cheesy.

  29. Joanna says:

    jude law is butt ugly to me, i don’t get his appeal! but then again, i like sweet men who treat me right, not bad boys!

  30. Annie_Grey says:

    Wash that man!

  31. hairball says:

    Oh good god, I still find RPatz attractive.

  32. Venefica Delirium says:

    Frances Bean Cobain looks unique. Pretty.

  33. Grace says:

    Frances has really grown into her features. I guess she’s living her own life and not trying to get famous off the fame of her parents. Good for her. Agreed with Az, her eyes are quite haunting.