Star Wars fans outraged over changes between the original and Blu-ray releases

I vividly remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the movie theater with my older cousin and her date. I was ten and was more interested in checking out whether she was holding hands with the guy than seeing the movie. Of course I’ve since seen all the Star Wars movies and enjoyed them, but they were never my thing. I’ve had boyfriends, though, that have seen the original films over a dozen times and can recite all the lines. (I’m a geek lover, what can I say?)

These are classic science fiction movies that were groundbreaking and showcased the best in special effects at the time. So there are people that are understandably upset that the massive Blu-ray release of the Star Wars saga, featuring over 40 hours of extras, messes with the original movies to make some noticeable changes. It’s not out in stores until September 16, but I guess the Blu-ray editions leaked and that’s how people noticed the differences. To me the differences seem relatively minor and cosmetic, but I’m not a Star Wars fan, and that series has some pretty hardcore fans. Here’s more, and I’ve linked the noted changes to YouTube videos that show them:

So George Lucas is coming in for some heavy criticism for altering several scenes in the Blu-ray edition of ‘Star Wars: The Complete Saga,’ which is scheduled to hit stores on Sept. 16.

At the center of the controversy is the addition of audio to the scene at the end of ‘Return of the Jedi,’ when Darth Vader throws Emperor Palpatine down a shaft; in the original, Vader was silent, but now he cries out “No!” foreshadowing the end of ‘Revenge of the Sith.’ There’s other changes, too, that are bothering fans, such as CGI versions of Yoda and the Ewoks (their eyes now blink) as well as audio changes for Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Krayt Dragon howl when he rescues Luke Skywalker from a Tusken Raider attack.

One of the major beefs has to do with the fact that the original versions of the first three ‘Star Wars’ have not been released since the days of VHS — the first DVD versions already had been altered by Lucas, who added scenes and spiffed up some of the special effects. (Most notoriously, he added in Jar Jar Binks and Hayden Christensen prequel references; clearly merchandising efforts for the new films). You would think that — like other directors who have tinkered with their work with director’s cuts — Lucas would at least include the originals along with his new cuts on DVD? Not so.

Now the folks over at have reprinted a speech given by Lucas before Congress, on March 3, 1988, to argue for the preservation of films and to condemn those who would change films without the creator’s permission (this was at a time when the studios were colorizing black and white films to increase catalog sales).

Here’s some of what Lucas said:
“The destruction of our film heritage, which is the focus of concern today, is only the tip of the iceberg. American law does not protect our painters, sculptors, recording artists, authors, or filmmakers from having their lifework distorted, and their reputation ruined. If something is not done now to clearly state the moral rights of artists, current and future technologies will alter, mutilate, and destroy for future generations the subtle human truths and highest human feeling that talented individuals within our society have created.

In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.”

Of course, Lucas was lashing out at corporate entities, not directors such as himself who want to change their original vision (or product) to make it better (or re-merchandise it).

[From Moviefone]

The videos I’ve seen as evidence of the edits just show these changes and not the originals. In one the Ewoks have eyes, in another there’s a cheesy cheap-looking light emanating from Han Solo as he emerges from a suspended animation thing in carbonite. (Apologies to fans for having no clue about this.) However, the list of changes from the originals to the earlier releases are very massive. has more information about it, and apparently Lucas has been tinkering with these films with every release and “has refused to have the original versions of the films be seen in high quality.” Even Steven Spielberg has mildly called him out on it.

I understand the urge to make changes when you’re a perfectionist and new technology makes it possible, but it does sound like Lucas is a hypocrite for speaking out for film preservation on one hand, but messing with his massively well known classic films on the other. Still, I don’t have a dog in this fight and I probably won’t see the films again until my seven year-old is old enough. He just loves Lego Star Wars and can’t wait to see the real movies. I told him to wait until the 3D versions come out. You know Lucas is going to mess with those versions even more.

Vader cries out “no!”

The Ewoks have eyes:

This song is overdone, but this parody version of the Blu Ray changes cracked me up:


George Lucas and his wife, Mellody Hobson, are shown in Cannes in 2010. Credit:

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49 Responses to “Star Wars fans outraged over changes between the original and Blu-ray releases”

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  1. Eve says:

    Did they remove the Stormtrooper goof? You know, that one where he (his forehead) bumps on the door.

    EDIT (this one):

  2. Goofpuff says:

    George Lucas disgusts me. I’m a massive fan of the original and I wouldn’t mind the tinkering if he would just release the originals along with it, but the only thing in his eyes is $$$$ not creativity or to make it better. Its to change it to force people to buy his improved crappy version. He is just angry because people thought the prequels were crap (and they do suck mostly) because he had TOO MUCH control and nobody to clean up the mess for him.

  3. TQB says:

    Allow me to speak for female geekdom here. I’ve seen these movies hundreds of times and this crap about changing who shoots first and adding lines really is awful. The big problem is that you cannot get a copy of the original-original movies on DVD. We’re geeks, but my husband and I actually do still watch these movies every now and then. I was even thinking these releases were going to be the excuse to finally upgrade to Blu-Ray. So yes, to the people who care about the re-releases, this is really a huge disappointment.


  4. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    OMG I totally know how those Star Wars fans feel. I can relate too. This is probably not the same thing but one of my favorite Disney movies is the Lion King and I would watch it VHS tape all the time. So when they re-released it on DVD years go they added a freaking song called “Zsus (the bird, don’t how to spell his name) song.” I hated it.

    Like why fu*k with what was already perfect? That contrived horrible song doesn’t make the movie any better. I am so distracted by how much I hate the song, I lost that nostalgia from loving the movie as a kid. I have been desperately searching my attic for the original VHS ever since.

  5. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    I wonder what Carrie Fisher-who-now-looks-like-janice-dickinson thinks of all this.

  6. Jenna says:

    Oh sweet merciful gods… this is gonna be my whole weekend now, isn’t it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m a very happy nerd married to her Princely UberGeek (basic differences – Nerds: Lord of the Rings, Sword&Sorcery stuff. Geeks: Star Wars/Star Trek) but I swear, Lucas just has to keep frelling with the childhoods of millions and just needs to STOP IT.

    Personally? I don’t care. But my husband is going to be making me crazy for a good two weeks because of this. (I can’t claim I didn’t have forewarning – I DID knowingly and willingly marry a man who for our wedding made custom combat capable lightsabers for all the groomsmen.)

  7. fancyamazon says:

    Lucas obviously has run out of ideas, or he would try more new projects to showcase his delightful ideas for CGI, instead of messing around with classics. It’s all about the re-release and more cash without any extra creativity.

  8. heb says:

    Vader saying “no” when getting rid of Palpatine doesn’t make sense….at that point he’s supposed to be Anakin again…why would he say No?

  9. Mia says:

    Another money-grabbing ploy by Lucas. If he released the originals as is, we’d snap those suckers up so fast it would make his hair curl. But nooooooo… He can’t do that. Well, I hope he has room at Skywalker ranch for all the extra Blu-rays that no true fan of Star Wars is going to buy.

    I’m usual anti-remake, but if someone with fresh ideas wanted to reimagine those godawful prequels, I’d be all for it.

  10. Lenore says:

    It’s so sad and pitiful that with all the artistic freedom Star Wars has brought him, George Lucas has nothing more to do or say than to stick eyelids on the Ewoks.

    Yeah, George, they’re your movies, and you have every right to use all the technology at your disposal to perfect them, because God knows, until those Ewoks blunk just now, I thought Star Wars sucked. I see now how wrong I was.

    And the “Noooo” thing? Genius. Because that moment in Revenge Of The Sith was totally a magnificent moment of high drama (not, you know, hammy and painful and deeply moronic) and it should be repeated as often as possible.

    I mean, is he totally oblivious to the fact that nobody – literally nobody, except him and maybe Rick McCallum – thinks these alterations actually improve the films?!

    Is he blind to the fact that what most fans really want is the originals – the unaltered originals, the Han-Shot-First originals?

    My theory: George Lucas hates Star Wars. He wanted to be an artist, but what people loved, what they bought into, was Star Wars. So he’s determined to ruin it, piece by piece, bit by bit, until there’s nothing left.

    Next up: Carrie Fisher will be digitally replaced with a motion-captured Miley Cyrus, and the flying motorbikes from Return Of The Jedi will all be replaced with CGI versions of the GagaBike from the cover of Born This Way, and those will be the only versions you’ll be able to buy, and you will forget there was ever anything else, and George Lucas will sit stroking his cat like every other evil genius in history, and ordering his minions to render sweatbeads on Jabba The Hutt’s arse for the 2017 anniversary re-release, and the future of cinema is George Lucas stamping on a human face forever.


  11. WOM says:

    Comment #6 from Jenna made me giggle.

    I’m a huge geek, and have loved Star Wars since the get-go, but I don’t care about Lucas tweeking his movies. I watch these films with my sons frequently. The original, original trilogy (which I own on VHS) looks really lackluster (especially on a big screen tv) after you watch the CGI-rich second trilogy. An example is in the throne scene that concludes A New Hope, you can see most of the rebel audience are cardboard cutouts. It looks cheesy.

    All Lucas is doing is changing details that he compromised on when the films were originally released because special effects technology has finally reached the stage where his vision can be fully realized. When we watch our newer dvd editions, it’s kinda cool to compare and contrast the alterations.

  12. VV says:

    I love that Jenna said frelling hahahaha! Right on.

    It makes me wish we had more Farscape movies and less “new” re-released Star Wars crap. I am a fan of the original movies but I am so sick of the money making machine it has become. My kids are both Lego Star Wars addicts.


  13. jesikabelcher says:

    @ EVE – LOL!! I forgot about that!! LOL
    And I always remember the ewoks having eyes???? wth?

  14. Kaboom says:

    All this tampering only cements fans’ view that Lucas lucked out big time with his career and not because he’s a genius.

  15. Harley says:

    @Lenore-loved your rant! Especially the image of Lucas stroking his cat like every other evil genius! Lol 🙂

  16. DetRiotgirl says:

    @TQB cosign!

    @loveagelina OMG! Disney put some crappy new song in Beauty And The Beast too! Why?!? And don’t get me started on those awful Disney pop remake videos they include on all the DVD releases. Ashley Tisdale singing “kiss the girl” dressed up like Ashlee Simpson pre-nose job? NO THANK YOU.

    Anyway, back to Star Wars. George Lucas is ridiculous. I’m actually in the process of writing/drawing something about this for my own blog at the moment. Let me just say, right now, I am planning to recap the Ewok movies (because I own those. Don’t judge.) and possibly the Holiday special. If anything proves exactly how little integrity George Lucas has in front of a dollar sign, it’s the existence of those three films.

    Let him mess with my childhood. But, I just hope he knows that the collective voice of angry nerds on the Internet like me will never stop bringing up the holiday special, until he puts the original films out on Blu-Ray. He can run from his past greedy marketing decisions, BUT HE CAN’T HIDE!

    (sorry for all the caps here… It’s a side effect of severe nerd rage)

  17. S_____ says:

    My 7 year old was really into Star Wars for a while. We watched them over and over. He actually like the ‘new’ (Anakin) ones better.
    For him 6 years old seemed old enough. Though man, there’s some major violence.
    He’s already tired of it now. Typical.

  18. Cheyenne says:

    Oh no he didn’t.

    I remember taking my son to the first Star Wars movie when he was seven and having to literally jack him out of his seat after we sat through the movie twice. I think he saw it 15 or 16 more times after that. He used to be able to quote the whole film script by heart.

    Dammit George, didn’t anybody ever tell you IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT?!

  19. Chickie Baby says:

    Aren’t these films HIS in the first place? He’s one of the few directors who has purposely retained all the marketing and ownership rights (which was brilliant on his part), so he can tinker with them all he wants. If the current film and CG technology was around in 1977, he probably would have already had most of this new stuff added, anyway. Big deal.

    Those of us who grew up watching these flicks will always remember the original versions as the best versions, no matter what future generations get to see.

  20. 4Real says:



    George Lucas blows for that!

  21. Cindy says:

    ITA Lenore. Lucas needs to let it go, find a new hobby other than ticking off the people who made him a multi-millionaire. James Cameron doesn’t re-tweak Aliens and Terminator every other year, he (gasp) makes other movies!

  22. DavidBowie says:

    I could a rat’s hoo hoo about Jar Jar Binks and the Ewoks but why for the love of god did Lucas have to mess with the Vader/Emperor/Luke scene?

  23. Cindy says:

    @Chickie, yes he may own it, but it’s the fans who supported it, watched the films, bought tons of merchandise. A special effects tweak for a Special Edition would be one thing, but he picks at these films like they’re zits.

  24. Tabby says:

    For light relief I recommend watching “Geordie Star Wars” on YouTube. Not work or child safe, but hilarious if you like crude comedy and a Geordie (Newcastle dweller)’s take on SW 😉

    Also Han Shot First!

  25. lucy2 says:

    I hold the original 3 in high regard – I grew up with them, loved everything about them. It made me sad when he tinkered with them a few years ago and added stuff, and now again? Sure they’re his to do with as he chooses, but it does seem silly to consistently mess with them. I wish he’d either create something totally new, or just sit back and enjoy his billions.

  26. I grew up watching the Original Trilogy. I have a deep and unabashed love for my childhood heros (my “baby name” for my future unborn daughter is “Leia”).

    Lucas trying to further profit off a legacy is tragic. (The majority of his “bonus features” all reference back to the abominations that make up the Prequel.) I for one, won’t be supporting his masturbatorial fodder.

    Han Shot First.

  27. layla says:

    As a unabashed Star Wars geek I just have to simply shake my head and look away.

    Were the original Star Wars perfect…. No. And thats why we love them. For all their cheesy awesome goodness.

    The cgi added to the originals ont he dvd editions is so glaringly bad when watching these movies it breaks my geeky little heart.

    And heaven knows… I’ll take the tiny little hand built models flying through space over the cgi atrocity that was the first 3 movies any day.

  28. kristine says:

    Okay first of all Nerd does not equal Lord of the Rings. Nerd= a sterotypical lack of social skills (i.e. Zuckerburg) Lord of the Rings folks fall in with the geeks, like girlie me.
    Lucas really does need to stop and release the originals as they were unadulterated. he wants to eff them up for his personal collection fine but I am not shelling out 100s of dollars for him to rape my childhood. Bastard.

  29. Incredulous says:

    During the original trilogy, George was surrounded by talented people who wanted to make a good movie. These days, he’s surrounded by Yes Men. I have the old lot on VHS if I ever want to watch them and the new lot is shown on TV often enough if I ever feel masochistic enough to rewatch them.

    George is rich enough to do whatever he wants. Mostly, this seems to be pissing up a wall. Hint, stop buying this crap.

  30. Nymeria says:


    I believe that George Lucas HATES his Star Wars fans. How else to explain the diarrhea he called the “prequels” and his neverending tweaking of movies that, as poster #27 said, we love “for all their cheesy awesome goodness”?

    Look up “Star Wars Episode 1 review part 1” (there are 7 parts total) on YouTube. It’s a – gasp! – review of Star Wars: Episode 1, and examines the utter dearth of logic in the movie’s plot, the lack of characterization, and the arrogance of George Lucas. In the behind-the-scenes footage, Lucas is surrounded by flunkies who look terrified of him, say “Yes” a lot (never “No”!), and, as the reviewer said, “laugh at all his bad jokes.” It is hysterical. It also helped me to laugh in the face of the “No! Noooooooooooo!” which Lucas felt he had to squeeze into the already awesome scene with Luke, Vader, & the Emperor.

    Yes, I realise it’s just a movie & that an outside world exists. But damn it all, Lucas… Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    P.S. – I Heart LOTR. Forever. Thank goodness Lucas had nothing to do with that! Frodo would have somehow wound up with a light saber & he & Sam would have played with it… endlessly.

  31. TQB says:

    @lenore, will you marry me and my husband and come live with us? Your rants are welcome in our home.

    Han shot first and damnnit, it’s probably the reason I have so many scoundrels in my life!

  32. snackysnaxx says:

    @TQB I got the Star Wars DVDs at Target. They come with two discs. The main disc is the unholy remastered version we do not allow our sons to watch and the original movies are on the bonus discs. Hope that helps!

  33. Bopa says:

    I was mad about the first round of changes but Lucas really pissed me off when he was a bit rude to frank oz during filming. Apparently frank wasn’t doing yodas puppet the wag he wanted during the first prequel. So he took frank to another room to show him video of his cgi yoda tests while saying soon he didnt need him.

  34. says:

    Fuck you George Lucas, fuck you.

  35. Seal Team 6 says:

    Not a Star Wars geek, but:


    And, putting Hayden Cannot Act Christensen in the Vader/Yoda/Kenobi scene in ROTJ?! IT MAKES NO EFFING SENSE! Luke wouldn’t have any idea who Hipster Anakin was.

    caveat: I am, however, a BSG, BTVS, and LOTR geek.

  36. normades says:

    Bring back Nub Yub!!!

  37. Cherry Rose says:

    This is blasphemy!

  38. Mairead says:

    Making arguably the best movie villain ever into a melodramatic sap? – Lucas, you’re a twat.

  39. jane16 says:

    Also furious with that ahole megalomaniac lucas. I hate what he’s done to Star Wars, and also the Young Indiana Jones series. We watched those on tv in the 90’s with our oldest kid and loved them. Later, when they came out on vhs, our youngest son was bought the set by a friend for his birthday. Lucas made horrible changes to them, took out Indy as an elderly man telling his stories. It ruined them. We were so pissed and actually told Lucas what we thought about it. Then when they came out on dvd, we got them from netflix (not going to pay for them again unless they’re returned to original state) but they were the same altered, or altered more. Shameful!

  40. jane16 says:

    Nymeria, Bravo! Great comment & agree with everything you said!

  41. jemshoes says:

    All I can say is, those of us old enough (and lucky enough!) to still own the VHS digitally remastered versions of the original trilogy (ie without all the tweaking etc) – keep these videos close to your heart and your old video player closer! Or else put them onto DVD! 🙂 Lucas has imploded on his own genius in the quest for whatever he thinks perfection is.

  42. trh says:


  43. JT says:

    @ fancyamazon – COMPLETELY AGREE. The latest India Jones was a bloated piece of CGI crap along with all the new Star Wars films. It has become quite clear that the genius of Star Wars could not have been his alone. The people that first worked on the films with him must have had him on a very tight leash.

    lenore – “the future of cinema is George Lucas stamping on a human face forever.” LOL love the 1984 reference.

  44. LouRob says:

    The originals ARE on DVD. When the remanufactured versions were released, they came in a two-disk set. One disk had the new version, the other had the original version, uncut and unaltered.

    IIRC, it was so orignal, Star Wars had not even been renamed “Episode IV: The New Hope.”

  45. Carolyn says:

    As a Die Hard SW fan I share the outrage over Vader’s NOOOOO! cry. What the Force? Some of the tweaks George Frakking Lucas has made over the years have improved the movies. I actually like it that Warwick W Wicket can now blink. The SW franchise jumped the gundark with the abomination that is Jar Jar Binks. Don’t get me started on Hayden Christensen. Not buying any of the newly released movies out of principle. It’s never wise to upset a wookie. Thanks for posting CB. There’s more to life than the Kartrashians and Leann Rimes. PS onya all SW fans on this thread. Love it that there’s stuff here like HAN.SHOT.FIRST. Cosign.

  46. Emily says:

    I’m beginning to think that Lucas had a deeply f’ed up childhood. It’s the only explanation of why he wants to ruin everyone else’s childhood memories.

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