Stacy Keibler is not going to be ignored, George Clooney


A few weeks ago, In Touch Weekly had a story about the hot mess that was/is the Stacy Keibler-George Clooney situation – the story made it sound like Stacy is totally cray-cray. Basically, it seemed like Clooney was off in Lake Como, living the bachelor life with no “special someone” while Stacy, his most recent piece, was in LA, talking up her relationship with Clooney to anyone who would listen. Many expected Clooney to debut his new piece at the Venice Film Festival – that didn’t happen. Instead, Clooney looked rather friendly with Evan Rachel Wood. Still, the stories kept coming about Clooney and Keibler and how they were still on, and basically the whole thing was starting to sound very one-sided, all Cray-Cray Keibler, who had convinced herself that Clooney would marry her when he was really trying to dump her. Anyway, People Magazine just got a “confirmation” that Clooney and Crazy are still on.

George Clooney’s summer romance is heading into fall.

A source tells PEOPLE that Clooney, 50, and former WWE star and Dancing with the Stars contestant Stacy Keibler, 31, are still dating.

Speculation that they had cooled off surfaced when Keibler was a no-show on the red carpets at recent film festivals in Venice and Telluride, where Clooney has been promoting his films The Descendants and The Ides of March.

But they may finally be catching up on some quality time: both stars are expected to be in L.A., before Clooney jets to the Toronto Film Festival later this week.

On Friday, Keibler – who dated actor Geoff Stults on-and-off for five years before splitting in 2010 – attended an event for the video game Call of Duty XP, where she was coy regarding questions about her Oscar-winning beau, but gave a few hints as to why Clooney may be smitten.

“Anybody that knows me knows that I’m definitely a guy’s girl,” she told PEOPLE. “I just can really adapt to any kind of environment. So I can get all dressed up and have a great girls’ night out, and then can also be playing beer pong with the boys.”

“I’m always happy,” she added. “Anybody that knows me knows that I’m a very happy person.”

[From People]

So Stacy spoke to People directly about what a “happy guy’s girl” she is and suspiciously there’s an unnamed “source” who confirms that Stacy and George are still happening. Sigh… girl, enough. Red carpet girlfriend-debut or GTFO.

Just once – ONCE – in his adult life, I’d like to see Clooney date a woman of substance. I know it wouldn’t last or anything, but I’d like to see him with an award-winning writer or philanthropist or just his intellectual equal. I’m so tired of Clooney only getting hard for ditzy bimbos who spackle on the smile – “I’m always happy. Anybody that knows me knows that I’m a very happy person.” YIKES.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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59 Responses to “Stacy Keibler is not going to be ignored, George Clooney”

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  1. Goofpuff says:

    George can’t handle a woman his intellectual equal. He wouldn’t know what to do with her since he seems to think women are only here to have crazy sex with.

  2. says:

    She says “Anybody that know me” a lot. The problem is, who the f* is this girl?!

  3. brin says:

    Wasn’t she at one time a wrestler? He’s probably scared of what she could do to him.

  4. coucou says:

    Kaiser, I totally get what you mean by wanting to see the G-Cloon date a “woman of substance,” but did you ever think that these types of women may not be particularly interested in his questionable amount of substance or lack thereof?

    I mean, not to bash him, he’s a relatively (former) hotty, rich actor…he’s spent his life acting like he’s someone else…he probably doesn’t really even know the real George himself, and frankly, probably couldn’t give a shit, la vie est belle and all…

    His best lines are written for him, his best scenes are set up around him, he likes the bimbos because they keep the spotlight off of him (and his lack of substance) all the while maintaining his perpetual playboy status.

    Money, yachts, cars, and recycled bimbos…that, my dear, IS his substance, and i doubt he’d have it any other way.

  5. the original bellaluna says:

    Is “guy’s girl” code for “willing to wear a strap on?”

    Somehow, I think GC is going to end up regretting this more than his marriage. This chick will just not. shut. up!

  6. You don't say says:

    Amazing that People magazine now needs the same type of “sources” the tacky tabloids use. Why has neither of these people said anything if it is so “strong”. He has alot of red carpets coming up, but so far he is alone. He might spring her in Toronto since Pitt/Jolie will be there and he needs some headlines to counter them.

  7. UKHels says:

    perhaps he is dating chicks who are his intellectual equals? just sayin’

    I’m not sure his ego could handle anyone smarter, funnier, etc.

  8. dahlia1947 says:

    I’m just bored with whatever he is doing dating wise. It’s the same old routine.

  9. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    Maybe the sensible chicks are afraid of picking up an STD, the dude appears to have slept with a lot of ladies if that is what was really going on.

  10. Rita says:

    There’s a blind item going around that Clooney has fallen in love, deep and eternal love, with a midwestern housewife whose first name rhymes with PETA but she is not affiliated with that organization. There are no pictures of them together but an inside sources says this woman was seen at the Venice film festival eating pistachios and drinking Don Perion while seated next to an internationally know gossip columist (Initials CB) and her sidekick (K). However, none of this can be confirmed.

  11. M says:

    what kind of crazy sex are we talking about? Lainey referred to that a few times, how has not one of the multiple pieces he has dated not spilled the beans. Contract?

  12. Smokey says:

    Why do you think the women he dates AREN’T his intellectual equal?

  13. Stacia says:

    LADIES……..GEORGE CLOONEY IS NOT ALL THAT! Why be with a serial dater that does not want to marry you. He’s not even that great an actor.

  14. giorgia says:

    He’s well known in Italy for being a closeted gay. Yesterday the Italian Gay Community held an award ceremony during which, after being nominated for an award, he has been asked to come out with a statement.

  15. Christine says:

    Rita – LOLOL. As long as you share him with me, I will support that!

  16. Cindy says:

    @Rita Bah ha ha!!!!!!!! Awesome!

  17. Kellie says:

    I will believe these two when I see them together-thats one. I think George is gay-thats two. He’s not aging well-thats three. I never really thought he was that attractive to begin with-thats four. Finally, its one thing to want to remain single, I can understand that. However, find someone you can be deeply committed to long term. Its not a good look for him to be an old whore.

  18. Thea says:

    He needs to go ahead and debut Rande Gerber on the red carpet cause that man is not into chicks. Chicks with d**** and men. After a while the beard contract gets a little old and is insulting to people.

  19. M says:

    but he knows it looks bad, he even commented that he did not want to be the old guy at the bar picking up the young girls … yet here he is

    • Old Stahsh says:

      It looks like you don’t like older people. I am not defending George Clooney nor condemning him. Cause it is non of my business nor should it be yours. Everybody will eventually get old. You, I am, George C and Stacey eventually. If this relationship does not fly and she eventually goes out with a guy younger than she, are you going to criticize her?
      Tell me is Clooney or Crooney, I have this horrible Japanese accent I have trouble with.

  20. M says:

    why do people think he is gay?

  21. april says:

    On Entertainment Tonight yesterday they showed the two of them together and hugging. I liked his last two girlfriends but this one seems pretty blah. Like attracts like so he must not have much substance either since he keeps switching partners.

  22. Hautie says:

    Obviously, Miss Keibler did not read the rule book for dating Mr. Clooney.

    Rule #
    1) At no time do you ever blab to any tabloid about the affair.

    2) If you do. You will be promptly dismissed without any parting gifts.

    So if he did shag her. He will no longer be. Big mouth girls do not get ask back.

    And she has not stopped leaking this stuff. So I suspect she has already been cut loose.

  23. Lewis :) says:

    She not dating cloony

  24. Justwow says:

    @coucou Well said. You nailed it!!

  25. shiba says:

    Talia Balsalm (Slattery) is a woman of substance. For whatever reason, he is choosing a different road.

  26. Nick says:

    Cloony how old are you?? Yous didn’t marry?

  27. DetRiotgirl says:

    @coucou ditto and THANK YOU for saying it! I have never understood the hype around Clooney, or his buddy Leonardo DiCaprio, for that matter. People always talk about how much substance and intellect those two have, and to that I say this; where? Where are people seeing all this value?

    For that matter, how do we know what kind of conversations their model girlfriends are capable of having in private? It’s not as though the press asks these women questions about modern literature or about their thoughts on string theory. The press asks about George Clooney. So, they give predictably air-headed responses about their relationship and consequently sound like fame seeking bimbos because of it.

    I’m not saying that George is an idiot, or that Sarah Larson and her fellow rent-a-pieces are secretly rocket scientists. I’m just saying that I find some of the assumptions people make regarding this man and his love life puzzling.

  28. Kimbob says:

    Yeah, @coucou, you NAILED it. Clooney’s all fluff and no tuff. My opinion is that he swings both ways…that’s just my humble opinion. Also, I’m kinda getting the vibe that he possibly thinks this Stacy girl isn’t “good enough” for him to parade around in public. Again, just my humble opinion.

  29. Aqua says:

    As much as I like George as an actor.Their is something emotionally amiss about him.I don’t understand how someone can date a person for a couple of years,kick her to the curb,then move onto someone else so quickly without even batting an eye.I really don’t care that he’s George Clooney and he does this because he can.Their is something very cold and calculating about anyone who does this over and over again.

    I guess the bottom line is he could be very immature when it comes to his dating life.He doesn’t want someone with substance and possibly someone with substance doesn’t want him ( they both get what they want without expecting to much from each other in return) and we possibly expected something from him that he just isn’t capable of or maybe he just isn’t willing to give.After all he is JUST AN ACTOR. I have a feeling that everything about him or around him is carefully crafted for a reason.

  30. palermo says:

    George Clooney is gay. If you can’t see through all these so called “girlfriends” … I know somebody who knows his family, yes really, and he is GAY.

  31. Tiffany says:

    ‘At the end of the day, you want someone you can talk to.’ William Jefferson Clinton as to why he and Hillary’s relationship is still going strong. Substance over style at the end of the day should prevale but with George, oy vey.

  32. Linda says:

    I’m quite sure his girlfriends are his intellectual equal.

  33. Joe Shmoe says:

    Clooney doesn’t date intellectual women because he himself isn’t an intellectual person. He only pretends to be. It’s good for his heavily manufactured image.

  34. Jenny says:

    I know nothing and don’t care about his sexuality. It is his business.

    But, I think that he is something of a gold plated phoney with a great publicist who works overtime on his ego and image. When he first started with the UN he made a report and screwed it up royally. He was name some kind of goodwill ambassador, but never goes anywhere. He shows up in Darfur like he discovered it, but others had been there long before he did and he has only been going for about three years (a couple of visits or maybe three), but you would think he solved the problems on his own. Darfur Now is a group developed by himself, Pitt, Damon, Cheadle and others, but he never gives them any credit.

    When he pouted through some Oscar Show when Jeff Bridges won and it was pointed out and lit up the internet, it all of a sudden got out that he was in on some joke (that was told in the beginning of the program though he pouted for three hours). Then it was leaked that he voted for Jeff Bridges anwyway. Then all of a sudden Clooney is just the greatest and so unselfish. Why not say who else he voted for.

    He has two films to promote and neither has exactly lit up the Festivals like he thought, so he needs something big. The LA Times and Deadline Hollywood have run at least one glowing story a day on him, so he has them wrapped up.

    For him it is image and Awards. He and his publicist will find a way to make this all look good.

  35. YvetteW says:

    Maybe, just maybe, George’s intellectual equal is a bimbo. I don’t think he is really looking for a “meeting of the minds”. He likes short-term one-on-one with an young agreeable woman. When he tires or she balks, it is time for the next. It is a simple plan.

  36. dirty martini says:

    I look at him and still see that goofy guy flirting with Blair on The Facts of Life.

    So many bad memories rolled up into a single image…..

  37. Joanna says:

    I don’t think he wants an intellectual equal. Brainless bimbos are much easier to manage. Plus, he doesn’t strike me as that smart, anywya.

  38. Snowbunny says:

    @coucou – well said but I do have to add this. If George did find a woman of substance who would enter into a relationship with him, he would have to put forth some effort or compromise. Well, I don’t think he is capable of working on a relationship so I think we will continue to see the same types, over and over again.

    And yes, maybe these are his intellectual equals.

  39. CC says:

    Clooney? Substance? He’s too busy drinking Nespresso. It may be sort of “in” to drink it, but come on… that’s where it ends. The quality isn’t all that, you drink it for show.

  40. Kelly says:

    Thank you! I also would like to see him with a woman of substance.

  41. LeeLoo says:

    Is it just me or is it the older George gets the more he looks like Cary Grant?

    If George wanted a woman of substance he would be married. George just wants a biscuit to put his dong in. But I’ll hand it to him, at least he is honest about it.

  42. observer says:

    ROFL! Very funny stuff, Kaiser. I agree with your take on this.

  43. LucyOriginal says:

    I will have to put my Clooney admiration aside and agree with Aqua,, coucou, the original bellaluna,UKhels,shiba,leeloo, snowbunny…

    I think now that the closest he is to an intellectual person is to be a son of a newsman.

  44. LucyOriginal says:

    “Still, the stories kept coming about Clooney and Keibler and how they were still on, and basically the whole thing was starting to sound very one-sided, all Cray-Cray Keibler, who had convinced herself that Clooney would marry her when he was really trying to dump her. Anyway, People Magazine just got a “confirmation” that Clooney and Crazy are still on.”

    @Kaiser: Cray cray?! hahaha. Thank God, I did not spill my beer reading it< that was fantastic!

    Rita: loved your comment as well!

  45. VintageBum says:

    I agree the Georgie’s sexuality is his business, but I do think that perhaps he is in the closet. Just like his buddy Leo. One of my uncles worked on the set of ‘Titanic’ (he had one line ‘Yes Ma’am’ lol) He said the Leo was bringing his boy-toys on set *hint**hint* Leo and George have very similar dating patterns. Same type of girl, same type of situations.

  46. Ms.JAPrufrock says:

    I enjoy Clooney as an actor, but I’ve never found him attractive. His handsomeness doesn’t do it for me. I prefer men less conventionally handsome, with soulful eyes and bit more dash to their smile, like Marlon Brando or Timothy Dalton. Clooney’s features are pretty pedestrian next to them, but I think the real reason he doesn’t do for me, is that he seems too self-absorbed and hammy. Just look at these pictures! He may be seductive because wealth, fame, and power, but his manly presence is diminished by his hammy “I want your attention” kind of attitude.

  47. april says:

    Aqua – well said and I couldn’t agree with you more.

    Also, I hope these women who date him do speak up and say whatever they want. I don’t get it that they have to abide by his dating rules and fear that they will get dumped if they speak out that they are dating him or want to get married. That is so weird in the year 2011 you cannot express yourself or you will risk losing this guy. He’s not worth it.

    I do like the outfit Stacy has on in the first photo.

  48. Wolfgang Gunnerson says:

    No way will I watch his films.
    He’s a sleazy immoral individual.
    A patronizing moron!
    A corrupt sellout!
    With appalling taste for borderline lame ugly women.
    Cultural leader?
    This guy’s a joke!
    He’s not in love with anyone but his own ego.

  49. Ides of George Clooney says:

    !Those who got sick of discussing hookers… can find more intellectual thing to do. To discuss Ides Of March film, for example. For this please follow facebook – Ides of George Clooney

  50. secret says:

    I found out in the past that gays’ gaydar is usually quite accurate. And in this case gays’ gaydars in US and in the places where he uses to spend time having fun are have been screaming GAY for years. Besides, there’s no way you can keep a secret in that community, something always leaks, but rarely these information reach the big audience outside or are reported by the gossip sites.
    I read the news regarding this week Italy Gay Village Awards, too and I definitely think they may know something about the way he’s spending his time in Villa Oleandra.

  51. nemera says:

    George really does not date that many women. He keeps them for at least a year. But I don’t care what anyone says. I never picture George in a sexual way with any woman. I never get that animal thing from him. Even while he was with Eli.. and I get the same thing from Leo. He has been with some beautiful woman, but I have never ever sensed a sexual thing with any of them. George seems to be very insecure to me. Covering it with that self depreciation jokes and such. I don’t know if he is gay. I just don’t think he is the woman eater that he is made out to be. It fits a packaged image, but I don’t care how many women he is involved with, There is nothing sexual about him. He has a suave image but that sexual thing is not there. If you look at him or even Leo with any woman that Heat is never ever there.

    And I won’t even get into his relationship with Cindy and Randy. They seem to float in whatever direction George needs them to.

  52. Blithe says:

    Ugh. He totally bugs me. If the people you choose to surround yourself with and date are an indication of who YOU are, I’d say this case is solved.

  53. Juliesunflower says:

    Feel so sorry for George with all these gay baiters waiting outside his door with sharp knives. Leave him be!

  54. about says:

    yes very right observation actually. It’s because he was madly in love with one woman, and all these girls are only escort. I just read on Just Jared (thread called GC discusses ‘Descendants’) that they recently broke up with this woman so now we will see real George

  55. Hugh Drocket says:

    George is gay as gay can be. “Not that there is anything wrong with it”, but do us all a favor and come out of the closet already!

  56. As advertising says:

    This gay-propaganda comes from Kirstie&StanProduction so that George would take Stacy to Toronto.

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