Enquirer: Ian Somerhalder is about to propose to Nina Dobrev

I haven’t watched Vampire Diaries in some time. They introduced this evil vampire doppleganger for Nina Dobrev’s human character, and then the plot got super complicated with this ancient vampire and a spell with a bunch of witches fighting and I honestly got sick of keeping up with it. I love the male eye candy though, and they have some decent actors in that show, given what they’re working with. It will never hold a candle to True Blood, in my opinion, but just like True Blood there’s a real off-camera romance between two of the leads. Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhadler have been dating for a year according to this report (I would have pinned it at just a few months), and they make a truly gorgeous couple. According to Mike Walker in the National Enquirer, Ian, 32, is about to propose to 22 year-old Nina.

[A source confides] “Ian told me he’s going to ask her to marry him. She knows it, she’s down with it – and it won’t be a long engagement.”…

Love boiled up like a vampire feeding frenzy when the couple went cuddle-crazy during their… Paris getaway in May – and that’s what blew their cover! (Newsflash: Ian’s mulling a Paris elopement!) Bulgarian-born Nina – at 22, the younger by 10 years – joked to a friend: “Where I come from in Bulgaria, I’d already be an old maid!”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker’s column, September 19, 2011]

I think they’re too young, but I would love to see them get married anyway. I want to see their wedding photos too. I’m such a sucker for a good romance. Fingers crossed that this story is true and that Nina is sporting a rock soon. They look so comfortable and cute together. And of course their babies would be adorable.





The limo photo is from the Much Music festival on 6/19/11. Candids are from Coachella on 6/14/11. Credit: WENN.com. Header photo from The 2010 Monte Carlo Television Festival on 6/7/10. Credit: Fame

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48 Responses to “Enquirer: Ian Somerhalder is about to propose to Nina Dobrev”

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  1. Cindy says:

    When I first saw him I thought, lord who could date a man that is prettier then the girlfriend. I stand corrected. Nina is lovely and they seem sweet together!
    Good luck to them!

  2. brin says:

    They are a gorgeous looking couple (she may be too young to marry, but he’s not).

  3. Original Bee says:

    I love the Vampire Diares, and Damon & Elena as a couple. Delena FTW! I’m really hoping this is the season they finally get together. Nina and Ian make a beautiful couple and it would be wonderful if they eventually got married. Hopefully, they won’t split up and have the resulting conflict between them affect the show, and Damon & Elena’s relationship.

  4. Dorothy#1 says:

    He is so flipping hot!!! She looks like she is 12!!! I got married at 23 and 14 years later still happy. So it all depends on maturity not age!!

  5. kpist says:

    I love love love Ian, I think they are the best looking couple in Hollywood. I was watching VD last night and was thinking that, and then you have this article today!!! VD starts up again next Thursday, season premiere.

  6. siska says:

    love this couple

  7. silken_floss says:


  8. Talie says:

    Vampire Diaries is actually better than True Blood, which seems to be flaming out. I can only imagine how much better TVD would be if it was on HBO and could add in some sex and gore.

  9. gee says:

    She looks sooooooooo young, but they do look really cute together.

  10. kimi says:

    I’m sure Nian stans will go mad because of this comment but I’m saying it anyway just to prove that not all fans of Ian are in mental stage of 14y/o fangirl. Ian is lovely and I respect him a great deal for his ISF and enviro work. Nina is cute and OK actress. However I hope they don’t get married in next couple of years because they both need some growing up to do in mean time. Ian still acts like a boy in many ways and while that can be cute from time to time, he’ll turn 33 this year and that schtick will soon look ridiculous. Nina has to grow up as well in every possible way. Those who say she is mature – well she is not. She is 22 and compared to some other 22 y/o actresses(Mia Wasikowska, Imogen Poots, Elizabeth Olsen) Nina acts, looks and talks like a 18 y/o. Wearing a gown and a lot of makeup doesn’t make you an adult but the way you speak, behave and think. As for marriage rumors, NE obviously reads fan boards and Tumblr. LOL

  11. Samigirl says:

    They are both so pretty. I fell in love with Ian when he was in that crappy James Van Der Beek college movie…he played a gay kid. He’s so good looking, and she’s really pretty too. So. Kudos to them!

  12. Laura says:

    I really really dislike somerhalder. Mostly because of that stupid ass half smirk he always does. But also because he is REALLY preachy on Twitter, and makes people feel like crap if they’re not out saving baby seals or something.

    • Maryann says:

      Wow LAURA, really? that was totally rude, Ian does a lot of work and not just for animals, he’s by far preachy and that half assed smirk is hot, get a life, why are you even posting if you hate him so much.

  13. mike says:


    I love True Blood too, but really, there’s no comparison. At all. Vampire Diaries is just better, mostly due to superior storytelling.

    Face it. TB is all about camp and shock, thanks to being on HBO. The actors too often overract, probably intentionally and the storylines tend to be all over and nonsensical. TVD, on the other hand, requires more time because of its intricate storylines, but it’s worth it. In TVD, you won’t find yourself going “f’king Sookie” because the characters actually act intelligently for once and don’t run around like headless chickens.

  14. mike says:

    I forgot.

    I’m gonna pray that this showmance won’t negatively affect the show; let’s hope that they break up AFTER the show runs its course. I couldn’t care less about Bill and Sookie, the most boring couple on TB, but the Elena, Damon, Stefan triangle is too important for stupid showmance to muck up!

  15. Ren says:

    I always thought he was gay??

  16. mia says:

    They are such an amazingly beautiful couple. I’d so be down with a marriage if it means we get more photo ops of them together.

  17. Paula says:

    National Enquirer really??? This sounds so bogus. But whatever makes them happy, it’s hard to have a relationship at any age so if they feel they are ready to marry then they are ready. Hilary Duff married young and having a baby and she’s only 23.

  18. Denise says:

    She is so fresh and lovely looking; compare her with the train wrecks that are the Lohans. Wish them all the best.

  19. Dolkite says:

    She’s almost as pretty as he is.

  20. dahlia47 says:

    I love this show. And he is hot hot hot!! His eyes..they’re just out of this world gorgeous!! They will have beautiful kids!! Hold on to that hunky hunk of man girl!!

    Do not let go! EVER!!

  21. Cleo says:

    Really? I just don’t see it but maybe they hide it well. They look like buddies.

    Wow, look at those icy wolf eyes.

  22. xxodettexx says:

    i agree with those that are saying that they love tVD due to the amazing storytelling; it seriously is beating true blood lately [tho the true blood vamps do NOT PLAY AROUND – eric sucking the blood out of the aorta the other night, anyone??]

    i really have been searching for years for something to replace buffy the vampire slayer [there is seriously only so many times you can watch those seasons and i am at like hundreds of views on certain episodes as it is, yes i obsess on whedon’s universe!] and after reading a lot of the people on here talking about how great tVD’s storylines were i decided to download the first four episodes a few weeks ago [about a month ago] and after i saw the first two, i was hooked, i ended up watching the first season within that week and even got my boyfriend hooked [he is a HUGE damon/alaric fan, but we both agree that caroline is such an amazing scene-stealer!]

    anyway, enough geeking out!

  23. Devon says:

    Nina ia so adorable and they make a very beautiful, happy looking couple. If they do get married, I hope she can break him of his fedora addiction. They look ridiculous.

  24. laylajane says:

    DELICIOUS!!! Rob Lowe 2.0!!!! I’m game!!!

    sidenote:I thought Ian was gay as well, I’m guessing shomance;-)

  25. Kiki says:

    They really look great together, really at ease with each other.

  26. Amy says:

    Yeah gotta jump on the Vampire Diaries is better than True Blood bandwagon. I thought VD was melodramatic at first but then it found it’s footing and the story got really interesting. I thought True Blood was better for awhile but then I don’t know–too many plotlines and ridiculous characters and I just can’t stand the Sookie character. Lots of issues with that show but I still watch because it’s entertaining! 🙂

  27. Clare says:

    Oh here we go, let the rumors begin. Please leave this beautiful couple alone, just for once in Hollywood. It’s their business, no need for everyone’s two cents worth.

  28. Liamarie says:

    ian’s a good guy and deserve happiness. If he’s found it with Nina, good for him.

  29. thetruthhurts says:

    He is not too young, but she is too young to get married. Women change a hella lot from 20- 30. I like them as a couple though!

  30. mzjask says:

    hot couple alert, i bet the sex is amazing! she seems suuuuuper sweet i wish them the best!!!

  31. bringit says:

    They make the best looking couple EVER. I really hope they do get married.

  32. Rayne says:

    I thought they were already in their first year of marriage. If not, then I hope this article is true.

    Ian and Nina have extremely hot chemistry together. Considering they have been a couple for over a year and if they are ready to make a lifetime commitment to each other, then they should go for it. As a fan, I 100% support them.

  33. Laura says:

    @kimi You’re right when you say ian and nina both don’t act very mature in public… But you don’t really know them! They might be more mature in real life than you think.
    I’d say, if they really love each other and want to get married, they should!

  34. Kandy says:

    I don’t believe a “source with no name” from The National Enquirer.
    But Ian is obviously head over heels in love with Nina and has been for some time, so maybe within the next 2 years. They are adorable and seem like a happy, down to earth couple. All the best to them.

  35. kimi says:


    It’s true I don’t know them personally but most of it I picked up from their public appearances, interviews, Twitter feeds and people’s impressions. The way Ian behaves with female reporters is not how a man in committed relationship should behave. He is disrespecting Nina. It’s a sign of emotional immaturity IMO. And I seriously doubt that maturity can be switched on/off as you wish.

  36. Jamie says:

    A) It’s definitely been over a year, considering the rumors started in April of 2010. The only reason people think it’s only been a few months is because that’s when it became public with the pictures from Paris back in May and everything. They’ve been together almost a year and a half already. Locals in Atlanta, Georgia have been talking about it for over a year.

    B) I can’t stand True Blood and truly think it’s overhyped, so I have to disagree about The Vampire Diaries not being able to hold a candle to it. I honestly don’t see what the big deal is about that show.

    C) Since it’s The Enquirer, I will take it with a grain of salt. But on the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be true, since Ian started talking about having kids in the future and everything at the convention in Paris back in May. Nina might be a little too young to get married right now since she just turned 22 in January, but Ian will be turning 33 in December. So, I wouldn’t say HE’s too young. I’m sure they’ve discussed this extensively.

    I do agree with you on one thing, though. Ian and Nina make an absolutely gorgeous and adorable couple, so I hope this turns out to be true. 🙂 I’d love to see their wedding photos and they’d have some of the most gorgeous babies ever.

  37. Dawn says:

    First, He’s abit too old for her, but I wish them the best of luck.

    Second, I love Vampire Diaries and True Blood. It’s okay to enjoy/or not enjoy both shows without WWWIII breaking out the comments page.

  38. Cheyenne says:

    @Dawn: Ten years isn’t really too big an age difference. My dad was 12 years older than my mom and they were very happily married for decades until passed away.

  39. Blue Eyes. says:

    With all due respect are you giving credit to this article? Some people are really bored.

    Personally I am not sure what kind of relationship they have, for me if they are “together” I would define it FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS that´s all. I think that neither of them want or are prepare to have a serious relationship.If Ian had it, he wouldn´t be flirting.

    Both are living the moment and that´s all.

  40. eternalcanadian says:

    Gorgeous eyes, but that’s about it for me on Ian. He’s too much of a flirt and testing the waters with other people to be taken seriously as a faithful spouse. If he marries Nina I give it a year or two. She’s only 22, and despite what she said about being an old maid in Bulgaria, she’s still a child in many ways while he’s 32 and still looking over the fence at what might be out there.

    Plus Ian is a wee bit too preachy. He reminds me of Oprah, that if we aren’t all saving the world and stuff we’re useless humans. Then again he does have valid points on several issues.

  41. LinnetBird says:

    I’m with those who think he’s too old for her. The age difference wouldn’t be so much of an issue if she was 30 and he was 40, but she’s barely out of high school. There’s no way she’s had time to fully figure out who she is and what she wants out of a life partner (and life in general). Since there’s no way she can be on his maturity level, it makes me wonder why he wants to date someone who’s not really his equal. That says something about his character that’s less than flattering.

  42. BAD IDEA says:

    OMG Ian is 32??!! I thought he was in his late 20s! Sorry but he is WAAAAY TOOO OLD for Nina. Nina was just a teenager a little while ago. Ian is a GROWN MAN.

  43. Ellie says:

    I so truly agree with Kimi, Nina has to grow up in every possible way, my 17 years old daughter is more mature than her, in every way! So grow up, girl.

    • Hayley says:

      Every one needs to leave Nina alone… Yes she is way younger than Ian but that means Jack**** I think Nina and Ian r perfect together and their is so many other young celebs out there that r married and pregnant etc…. I’m Happy 4 Them Both!!! And they prove that AGE is just a NUMBER!

  44. Hayley says:

    Besides this is just a RUMOR it might not be true…

  45. Gertrudis Varkey says:

    It’s an awesome article designed for all the online viewers; they will obtain advantage from it I am sure.