Sister Wives: teen daughters don’t want polygamy, son isn’t ruling it out

Last night was the second episode of the latest season of “Sister Wives.” The first half of the show revolved around the older teens going out on group dates with their friends of both sexes. There was a parent talk ahead of time, with Kody emphasizing that he didn’t want any of the teens to get sexual until they graduated high school. Since the teens were going out with friends from “traditional” families, the polygamist issue inevitably came up. Two out of three of the oldest girls expressed that they did not want to be polygamous when they grew up and they were adamant about it. The one boy that came with them on the group dates, Logan, 16, didn’t rule it out at all and sounded like he would possibly be down with it. Meri’s daughter Mariah, 15, was the only teen who was positive she would like to live a polygamous lifestyle (their words) when she was ready:

Aspyn, 15 (Christine’s daughter): Right now, I’m not sure I could be in a polygamous lifestyle. Maybe in the future I’ll change my mind and I’ll want to be part of that. I just don’t really want to be jealous and I don’t want people to be jealous of me. I think sister wives would just be too much drama.

Logan, 16 (Christine’s Janelle’s son): My family chose the polygamous lifestyle. I had a very blessed life because of it. I personally at the moment just don’t care. I’m just going to finish school, finish college, maybe when I feel like it’s time to set something in stone I’ll start to study and see what the lord has in store for me…

I don’t really think about it. Right now I think about what college I’m going to, and graduating, but I haven’t really put any thought into it, and don’t really want to think about it right now… maybe in 3, 4, 5, 10 years I’ll start thinking about it.

Madison, 15 (Janelle’s daughter): I don’t think that I would exceed to the fullest I could be in this polygamous lifestyle… I would not be able to do it because I would be jealous… I wouldn’t be happy.

Mariah, 15 (Meri’s daughter): I just kind of prayed about where I want to go with my life. And I see all these good things that come from plural marriage and I honestly think it’s a beautiful thing. I honestly can’t wait for the day when I can have sister wives.

[From Sister Wives, aired 10-2-11]

Well at least the teens weren’t as sad and withdrawn as they seemed to be last week. I was really worried about them after watching last week’s episode. However we didn’t see 14 year-old Hunter at all, except for a brief recap scene from last week. He’s the one who was hanging out in his room during the big pool party and who was upset most the time. There was no follow up on that poor kid at all. I guess he didn’t fit into the plot points this week, since it was all about dating and talking about polygamy. (And a miscarriage scare. Then they bought furniture and a ring for Kody. Boring.) At least Hunter didn’t have to deal with being filmed when he was so vulnerable. Hopefully he’s doing better now.

Here are a couple of videos that are web-only from TLC and were not shown on this week’s episode.

The kids talk about college:

The teen girls discuss polygamy:



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19 Responses to “Sister Wives: teen daughters don’t want polygamy, son isn’t ruling it out”

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  1. RocketMerry says:

    I’m with Madison. I would be destroyed if my boyfriend cheated on me, can’t imagine willingly sharing your husband with other women!

  2. Riana says:

    God this show creeps me out so much.

  3. WickedSteppMom says:

    Miscarriage scare, my ass. More like scripted drama. They kept saying they couldn’t find the fetal heartbeat w/the doppler, but I heard it 2 different times before the midwife would quickly move the wand away. Now, 10 weeks is early to hear it on one of those hand-held dopplers (usually 11-12 weeks is recommended.) Of my 4 pregnancies, 2 were successful & high-risk, so I had multiple ultrasounds & I rented one of those dopplers for both pregnancies and got very good at being able to tell the difference between my heartbeat & the fetal heartbeat.

  4. Leah No-No says:

    that child’s name is Aspyn? When I first read it, my initial reaction was to pronounce it Ass-Pine. I hope the kids end up having really good and fulfilling lives of their own choosing. And if the other girl ultimately decides to be in a “plural marriage” I wish it would be after she moved to San Francisco and worked as a waitress in a crappy pancake place and dated a guy in a band- had some adventures. I hope those girls are getting the same encouragement to go to college pursue other options as the sons, and not to, at 18, become a baby factory for some dude with a wienie haircut & daddy issues.

  5. Iggles says:

    I feel sorry for these kids 🙁

    There’s no way I could do “plural” marriage either. I don’t like to share. Even the other way around with 2 husbands doesn’t appeal to me! I just need ONE person to share my life with. ‘Forsake all others.’ It’s right there in the vows…

  6. Judy says:

    What is w/ Logan and the obvious sores on his mouth…the kid looks like he has a bad case of herpes. Not noticeable in this pic, but it was very distracting in last night’s episode. And they even tried to photograph him from the left, because it’s the lower middle and right sides of his bottom lip that is covered in sores.

  7. Bad Fairy says:

    Okay I haven’t seen this show. But why is everyone on this site so creeped out by Toddlers and Tiaras, which only seems creepy to me on a case by case basis, but they are ok with the polygamy show? Talk about sending women back to the dark ages, it makes T&T parents look practically progressive. I’m just curious.

  8. Schnauzers!!! says:

    Robyn has the same stuff on her lips/chin. It weirds me out and is very distracting.

  9. Bermuda Blues says:

    Question – Isn’t Hunter Robyn’s autistic son from her previous marriage?

    If so it explains why he is having such a difficult time adjusting to all these new people and new surroundings, and adjusting to less attention and time from Mom.

  10. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    I wonder if the family could have scabies?

  11. PyCaramel says:

    @Bermuda no Hunter is Janelle’s son. And I could have sworn Logan was Janelle’s son as well.

  12. Mika says:

    Of course the boy is down with polygamy, he’s watched his father be an irresponsible child with a fleet of women to look after him, his children, and his sexual needs. What boy wouldn’t want that?

  13. lucy2 says:

    I haven’t watched, but in general if adults chose to live that way, whatever. But when kids grow up, they should have the choice as well, and other opportunities for different lives. Same for all those families where the girls are just baby factories in the making.

  14. Kara Ann says:

    You know on this I just have to say, it is so strange. I find it disgusting and, possibly, warping for the children involved.

    It just seems to me that “sister wives” would have to devalue themselves and/or repudiate their true feelings (even to themselves). Seems very unhealthy. Lastly that term “sister wives” is so stupid. It brings to mind something like “brother husband” or “father lover”. Hearing or reading it, just makes me cringe.

  15. bettyrose says:

    I have no problem with adult lifestyles involving multiple partners (even with children involved, assuming the children only see the g-rated portions of the relationships). But I think it’s very rare for educated, financially self-sufficient women to enter into polygamy. Reaching the legal age of consent does not undo a lifetime of inadequate schooling and parental brainwashing. This is not an informed, egalitarian lifestyle on par with other forms of polyamory.

  16. Miranda says:

    If you’re going to name your daughter Aspyn, could you at least spell it like the actual city of Aspen in Colorado?

    I looked quickly and wanted to say Aspirin. Should have just named her Tylenol and called it a day.

  17. the original bellaluna says:

    Kara Ann – Like “Uncle-Daddy Felton” from Hotshot, on True Blood. ICK factor 12.

  18. Sara says:

    I hate how Mormons wear tank tops over t-shirts. Drives me nuts.

  19. eternalcanadian says:

    Of course Logan would want to be able to bang as many “wives” as he could. That’s typical male attitude–spread the seed as much as you can and have the females take care of you. Pfft. Bleh.

    Sure wish all the daughters would take a stand and say “heck no, polygamy no!”