Linnocent Open Post: The Cracken’s Court Date With Destiny


This is your Open Post for all of the Crackie Court Shenanigans today. Linnocent should be appearing at the courthouse momentarily, and once her hearing is done, we’ll have new posts up with information on everything that went down. I already did one LL story this morning – with updates about the judge making Linnocent begin her morgue hours, and how LL “donated” money to a children’s charity. TMZ and Radar both have live feeds of the courthouse here and here to watch. TMZ also has a good summary on what’s happening right now:

Lindsay Lohan will face Judge Stephanie Sautner at 10 AM PT, and the stakes are high … her probation could be revoked.

TMZ broke the story … Lindsay got kicked out of the community service program the judge ordered her to attend because she was a no-show 9 times. We’ve learned the Probation Department was extremely forgiving, reassigning Lindsay to the Red Cross, but Judge Sautner apparently is pissed at Probation and yanked Lindsay out of the Red Cross program and ordered her to work at the morgue.

Today’s hearing could be explosive. It seems the judge and the Probation Department are at odds with each other.

Judge Sautner will certainly have some questions for Lindsay. Among them — how could she have seen a shrink every week as she was required to do if she was out of the country for several weeks?

And Judge Sautner will surely have some choice words for the Probation Dept. and Lindsay over a remark in the Probation report, which says one of the reasons Lindsay left the Downtown Women’s Center was because it was “not fulfilling.” Seriously.

We’re told Shawn Chapman Holley, will bring a bail bondsman to court in case the judge revokes Lindsay’s probation. The judge could set bail as high as $100,000. If Lindsay’s probation is revoked, the judge will set a hearing to determine if Lindsay should go to jail — for as long as a year-and-a-half.

UPDATE: If Lindsay is sentenced to jail, it is almost certain Judge Sautner will order that she NOT serve her time on house arrest. You may recall … after her recent house arrest, Judge Sautner expressed regret that she did not specify to the Sheriff that Lindsay was to serve her time only in jail, not at home. It’s unlikely the judge will make the same mistake twice.

[From TMZ]

See? “The judge will set a hearing to determine if Lindsay should go to jail…” Meaning that even if the judge is all “SEND THIS BITCH TO JAIL,” Linnocent still isn’t going. She’ll be given bail, and God knows, her bail bondsman is part of her entourage at this point. And even then, there still has to be another g-ddamn hearing.

UPDATE: Crackie Von Cracks-Alot has arrived, nine minutes early. She’s wearing white. Of course. They’ll have to rename that color “Linnocence White”.


Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

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201 Responses to “Linnocent Open Post: The Cracken’s Court Date With Destiny”

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  1. Obvious says:

    Let the games begin!!!!

  2. Madisyn says:

    Mornin Everyone

    Mitch, per your request 360 hours + 100 extra/No


    LeeLoo – 33 hours – Yes
    Green_Eyes – 35 hours – No
    DiaBLa – 36 hours
    Firecracker – 38 hours – No
    shoeaddict – 39 hours – BIG YES
    Ruby Red Lips – 40 hours
    Memphis – 41 hours – HELL NO
    Hillbilly in the Corner – 42 hours- Yes
    Lady D – 44 hours – No
    Lucky Charm – 45 hours – Yes
    CdnDutchGirl – 46 hours
    gizmerelda – 47 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours – HELL NO!
    MacScore – 50 hours – Yes
    Seal Team 6 – 51 hours
    Morticians – 52 hours – Yes
    theotheryael – 54 hours
    Bess – 55 hours – No
    newtsgal – 56 hours – No
    Jackson – 57 hours
    SCREEEE – 58 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hours – No
    Sisi – 62 hours – No
    KatScorp – 64 hours – Yes
    WTF – 67 hours – No
    HannahF – 70 hours – No/Yes?
    Devon – 72 hours – No
    Danielle – 74 hours – hell NO
    G – 80 hours – No
    bellaluna – 40 hours – 50/50 on jail
    Madisyn – 45 hours – NO

    Mitch – 360 hours + 100 – No

  3. G says:

    She looks nice. Did she pay the car service cash? I see we’re doing white again?

  4. Green_Eyes says:

    Waves and a big hello ..let the Cracktini’s start flowin … The shrimps on the barbie as I type;). You know you have “ARRIVED” when the legal system is in a battle over you….way to go Crackin!

  5. gee says:

    5 MINUTES! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Oh noes, I just realized I’m still being moderated.. welp, no comments in real time for me. Sorry CB and Kaiser, I promise I won’t ever comment on a Jane Fonda post agian so I can stay nice!

  6. KatScorp says:

    Early? Blohan must be worried! ‘Tis a good sign 😀

    I’m on a (crack) sugar high – lots and lots of milk chocolate…

  7. Sisi says:

    party post!

  8. gillie says:

    Pass the crackie popcorn

  9. brin says:

    Brought the pitcher of lintinis and the shrimp cracktails….dig in, y’all!

  10. RocketMerry says:

    White. Innocent and pure. We get it. Suggestive. Not true, but suggestive. Irritating, also.

    I’ll wait to read updates, crossing fingers that she is held responsible for her actions this time.

  11. the original bellaluna says:

    Where’s the link to the outfit?
    Help! I’ve got a toddler in full-blown terrible-two mode this am.

    KatScorp, I brought your crackspresso!

    (still on mod too.)

  12. JoanCrawfordHangers says:

    Cracken’s loving her blush today!

  13. Obvious says:

    cup-crack anyone? crack-mints? crack-pie? I was up baking all night for this! =)

  14. Sillyone says:

    Oh no Madisyn my hours have disappeared.

  15. Samigirl says:

    Her blush is AWFUL. Looks like someone bruised her cheek. I’m keeping zipped about the white outfit. We all know it’s awful.

  16. kay says:

    here we go!

  17. G says:

    who is putting that blush on?

  18. bluhare says:

    Wonder if judge will order drug and alcohol testing after the horrible photos this week.

  19. G says:

    She’s practicing her “me so sorry face”

  20. yt says:

    Please, no gales of laughter from this audience. We should respect and appreciate how special LL is. *snort*

  21. chichai says:

    omg lindsay looks rought. girl go easy on that bronzer on the cheeks. she not only looks dirty but not healthy.

    Team Saunter!

  22. GlitterSha says:

    doesnt sound good! judge is handing her her ass…

  23. the original bellaluna says:

    LMAO @ this.

  24. Sillyone says:

    Bwwhahaha Judge is not happy!!!

  25. Samigirl says:

    It looks like she’s about to cry. Jeeze. I feel no sympathy. I love that Sautner isn’t giving her credit for doing stuff at the Red Cross!!! YES!

  26. GlitterSha says:

    crack tears flowin!

  27. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  28. Sillyone says:

    Told you!! Told you!! NO ONE CAN CHANGE JUDGES ORDERS!!

  29. Obvious says:

    dude no credit for her Red Cross hours sweet!

    and 8 hour shifts at the morgue <3

  30. newtsgal says:

    No credit for Red Cross time

  31. brin says:

    Move that gavel….I’m Lindsay Lohan!!!

  32. Heather M (Heather) says:

    Looking at those (cringe inducing) photos of her entering court, I feel like she must push the envelope like this on purpose–for the drama (of course) and publicity. I mean, she looks so dramatic with her silly scarf and stage makeup…

  33. chichai says:

    the judge is calling her out! this is amazing

  34. gee says:

    I don’t have volume at work! What’s going on??

  35. kay says:

    This so awesome.

    she is so getting in shit.

  36. Green_Eyes says:

    Darn I cannot find any coverage of it on television..

    @Gee, I’m being moderated as well love so we can be late to the party together:)

  37. Jackson says:

    Haha!!! Probation is a gift, bitch!!!

  38. KatScorp says:

    Ooooh, Green_Eyes, pass me some “crack and garlic shrimp”!

    Bellaluna, girl, caffiene me up! I’m about to fall asleep and drool on my keyboard again 😀

  39. Turtle Dove says:

    What’s with the hooker blush???

  40. chichai says:

    the double chin kills me. she looks scared

  41. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  42. kieslwoski says:

    OMG her make up is so meesed up!! WHat the hell, she looks like HELL!

  43. KatScorp says:

    The Red Cross hours are erased?!?

    Everybody dance! Throw your hands up in the air and wave ’em like you just don’t care! 🙂

  44. Mich says:

    Whiiine! I’m sitting in Africa and my connection is too slow for the live stream! It is killing me – please keep the updates coming. I’m clearly a crack addict in need of a constant fix. I have (hee hee) already lost the bet.

  45. the original bellaluna says:

    LOVING this! She’s going to have it revoked and going to jail.

  46. Innocent says:

    I remove my comment about Judge Sautner being fair

  47. Sillyone says:

    Jesus why can’t she keep her eyes still?!?!?!

  48. WTF says:

    omg the blush…was she high when she got ready…..wait of course she was **smacks head**…

  49. gee says:

    She’s buggin out.. her eyes are crazy!
    @Green Eyes, lol! I’m sure we’re not alone too!

  50. kay says:

    Poor Shawn. She’s trying to spin it, but it’s not going to fly.

    She sounds desperate.

  51. Denise says:

    Yawn; another episode in the long running reality show called “Lindsay goes to court”. synopsis of today’s episode; Judge will rant and rave, Lindsay will look contrite,get another talking to by the judge, another date will be set for a progress report on her community service. This shizz is like groundhog day.

  52. Jackson says:

    Oh, I see Mr. Abrams got himself a free BJ, eh?

  53. CJW says:

    Did Chapman really just say that Lohan would be an asset to a substance abuse program? As what exactly? She is the blueprint of how you don’t stay sober.

  54. ladybert62 says:

    I DONT HAVE AUDIO AT WORK AND CANT HEAR IT – help me! What is being said – linnocent looks scared and like she cant believe what her attorney is saying!

    I am trying to watch it on the sly at work..

  55. jermsmom says:

    I don’t buy for one minute that the judge is doing anything but bluffing. I think she knows the public is fed up and giving them a little grandstanding so she doesn’t look as bad when she continues to allow this sh$t to go on. And god help us all if this is the cream of the crop in attorneys! Neither side can even speak with any command – it is just a travesty. The banks should recall their student loans immediately!!

  56. G says:

    Shawn is really earning her money AGAIN.

    Unfortunately she’s just catalouging all the ways Lohan has conned people!

  57. Soxfan says:

    I can’t get the feed-what is happening?!?!? Thanks.

  58. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  59. Obvious says:

    did anyone else hear she got served on her way into court for the whole betty ford incident? niiiiiiiice

  60. CJW says:

    “A turning point in her accountability and maturity”? What tha……

    I pray to sweet baby Jesus that when Saunter throws the book at Lohan, it knocks some of that crappy blush off her face.

  61. Turtle Dove says:

    The judge isn’t letting her get away with much. She’s knocking down a lot of defense positions..


  62. Turtle Dove says:

    @ obvious… really? What a mess this gal is.

  63. the original bellaluna says:

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😀 Lie, lie, deny, deny.

    Bullshit – she absolutely travelled to Europe for fun.

  64. Diane says:

    It’s all leading up to another hearing.

  65. kay says:

    She really is taking it right back to the defense, and is not holding back.

    “she is supposed to be an actress, so I hear”


  66. Samigirl says:

    “She’s supposed to be an actress. From what I hear.”
    I literally LOL’ed. Hubby home for lunch LOL’ed too! That’s AMAZING!

  67. Sillyone says:

    Bwwwhahaha “I hear she is an actress, but I don’t know” bwwhahha snort cough snort

  68. Green_Eyes says:

    @KatScorp… Gladly passing it your way hon..plenty for all;).

    @Turtle Dove OMG LMAO @hooker blush!!

    The news here just flashed a quick frame of it got to see the Virginal white & hooker blush…

    Darn I just love this group!

  69. beclove says:

    good lord she looks like craaaaapppp

  70. Saor says:

    “She is supposed to be an actress, right? I don’t know how much acting work she’s done..” LOL, yes Judge, yes I love you.

  71. Lucky Charm says:

    @ Obvious, if any of those treats are chocolate, please pass me one. Good morning, all!

  72. chichai says:

    i can’t believe her attorney. all the defenses are ridiculous.

    linnocent supports her family? give me a break. ali supposedly models. she is supporting her crack shenanigans

  73. WaywardGirl says:

    That judge is no holds bards! She pretty much called out her lack of career.

  74. G says:

    did anyone else hear she got served on her way into court for the whole betty ford incident? niiiiiiiice

    Really? wow.

  75. KatScorp says:

    Shawn has really big set of brass ones on her to try and sell that crap to the judge! “Oh, Blohan couldn’t do her CS for five months because of the one month house arrest”, “Oh, the glowing reports are glowing soooo glowably!”…

    spin faster Shawn 😀

  76. eileen says:

    Ok just jumped on the live feed and OMFG her eyes! Cracky-Crack-Crack Shifty.

  77. Turtle Dove says:

    Here opportunities are out of this country.

    Uhh…. lol.

    Damn… I missed it. Why did the judge say, “Miss Lohan”?????

  78. beclove says:

    just do what she says ho! it CANT be this hard!!

  79. Samigirl says:

    @G-where is this information coming from? Link me, woman!

  80. WaywardGirl says:

    Lindsay’s lawyer has to do her job and defend her Lindsay. Even if the defenses are crazy. She has to scrape the bucket and do the best she can.

  81. jermsmom says:

    “Support her family”????? Give me a break!!!!

  82. Samigirl says:

    Also, I guess nobody wins…apparently she only did 1 1/2 hours at the DTWC? I guess we gave her WAY too much credit.

    edit: I don’t want to refresh my page, ladies, lol. boo.

  83. Obvious says:

    @Sam girl i pulled it from TMZ, this is fantastic. Judge slammed her for the “not fullgfilling comment too”

    chocolate all around Lucky Charm. chocolate and crackie.

  84. G says:

    @samigirl, came from obvious above. I’m asking too.

    Holley is a great lawyer. I’ll give her that.

  85. Isa says:

    Shawn is really giving it her best….

    But the judge seems pissed……

  86. kay says:

    I can do the math.

    6 months since the sentence. 1 month home arrest, 1 month working.

    4 months, 3 days finished of her community service.

    she sucks.

  87. eileen says:

    “So how are you complying with the court, when you didn’t comply with what the court instructed you to do? Anyone see what’s wrong with that picture?” OH SNAP!!!! Lovin this!

  88. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  89. sapphire says:

    Seven layer dip here-WHERE’s the FEED????
    @Katscorp-warned you about the “sugar”

  90. atorontogal says:

    Somebody throw the lawyer a life jacket, she’s sinking fast!!! Seriously what’s up with the blush?

  91. eileen says:

    HAHAHAHAAAAAA THis jusdge is giving her some shit! lol Lets hope she isn’t all talk!!!

  92. the original bellaluna says:


  93. Green_Eyes says:

    Eileen hook me up sista..where did you find live feed??

    @Mich I’m an addict too sweetie:), lol think we all are at this point.

    @ Gee think your right hon:)

  94. chichai says:

    @Turtle Dove The judge said Ms. Lohan because she was rolling her eyes and shifting a lot in her seat like she was about to say something. It kind of reminds me of a two year old tantrum.

    “How many violations would this make?” LOLZ Team Saunter all the way!

  95. icantbelievethis says:

    This judge is cracking me up. ‘how many violations is this?’

  96. chichai says:

    omg I want a recording of this

  97. Turtle Dove says:

    Her probation would have been over last year….

    … but less drama and chaos in her life.

  98. Obvious says:

    and now the judge is listing her previous violations including the “passport incident” LOVE

  99. ladybert62 says:

    Since I cant hear it, I have been focused on watching her crazy crackin eyes and facial expressions –

    sometimes it looks like she is trying not to laugh at what her lawyer is spinning and sometimes it looks like she is trying not to say “F-U” to the judge – even just watching her facial gyrations is great fun!

    Hope the book is being thrown at her and hits her in the face with all that ‘hooker blush” – damn, my makeup looks better than hers and I am not an “actress”.

  100. kay says:


    she got served??

  101. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  102. Turtle Dove says:

    2 x DUI
    Reckless driving
    coke possession

    Didn’t let her (Shawn) get away with that

  103. proudly Nigerian says:

    Watching it on TMZ……sad…so sad…..a shadow of her former self….
    Its a bird,its a plane,no its Judge Sautner….to the rescue….

  104. Green_Eyes says:

    OFF Topic, but television broke in here (local story) Cadavier Dogs @ home of missing Baby Lisa in Kansas City, wow they are going thru EVERYTHING @ that home & property..Sad:(.

    Then you have Craclin Linnocent who just throws her life away on purpose…NO JUSTICE..

  105. laurie says:

    Holy shit. That nutcase is high as a kite. Watch her eyes (if you can look at her face for a period of time without getting physically ill).

  106. KatScorp says:

    Yippee! Probation revoked!

  107. Samigirl says:

    YESSS! Probation REVOKED!

    Ha @ “big surprise” from her when she said the bail bondsman was here. LMBO. I love this judge.

    And I swear to God, I know this b*tch won’t do 8 hour shifts at a damn morgue. If she does it, I’ll eat my shoe.

  108. Orange Cone says:

    REVOKED! Bail $100,000

  109. WTF says:


  110. Turtle Dove says:

    Revoking probation…. bail $100,000

  111. atorontogal says:

    revoking her probation!

  112. Turtle Dove says:

    cuffed O.O

  113. Orange Cone says:

    They CUFFED her!

  114. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  115. KatScorp says:


    “Your honour, the bail bondsman is here”

    “Surprise, Surprise.”

  116. Sillyone says:

    Bwwhahahhaaa!! Handcuffs!!

  117. ladybert62 says:

    She just got handcuffed!!! WHAT HAPPENED!! I cant hear it!

  118. WTF says:

    100,000 bail

  119. Obvious says:

    DAMN! I missed her eyes when it go revoked! can someone make a gif out of that?

  120. CdnDutchGirl says:

    OMG. This is definitely interesting today.
    Her probation was revoked! Wow. And the judge tore her a new one. I’m so glad I’m home today to watch this.

    Did you hear the sigh coming out of her?

  121. kay says:

    wow. busted.

  122. Jackson says:

    Hahah.Money shot!

  123. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  124. CJW says:

    $50,000 each case. Loved it when they cuffed her!

  125. JoanCrawfordHangers says:


  126. Lllllll says:

    So what’s going to happen after she bonds out? She has to do her morgue time and that’s it, or is she really in trouble this time? She’s like teflon…

  127. Turtle Dove says:

    She was SO annoyed that she was being cuffed and lead out by the sheriff… upset in the corridor too

  128. chichai says:

    $50,000 each case and she is immediately remanded into custody. so despite that her bondsmans was there, she still goes to jail and gets processed! *happy dance*

    saunter was not playing this round.

  129. ladybert62 says:

    SHe wont be in there long with the bailsbond person there – but even one minute is longer than what she wanted!

  130. sapphire says:

    REVOKED…REMANDED…CUFFED and 100gs of bail. I take back all the mean things I said about that judge-she rules! As a member of the Bar, I salute you!

  131. Lucky Charm says:

    I keep trying tmz and radar and not able to get the live feed 🙁

    Thank you, obvious, for the delicious crackolate cupcakes! Now I need something to drink (chocolate makes me thirsty), can someone please pass me a cracktini?

  132. Splat says:

    Ah nothing brings such Joy as hearing the “click, click, click” when they put the cuffs on Lil Miss Snortcake

  133. Becky says:

    Bail should be set to equal the taxpayers’ expense for this crackie mess.

  134. laura says:

    She looked a little too comfortable in those hand cuffs. (that entire smack down made me smile :))

  135. Nina says:

    My favorite part of all this (and gosh, there were SO MANY) is when the judge said something to the effect of ‘Ms. Lohan’s an actress, supposedly.’


  136. atorontogal says:

    All those reporters and photogs for her?!?!?!?! WTF is wrong in LA???

  137. Isa says:

    OMG who is directing the court streaming??

    They left us with a shot of her lonely Chanel purse…..

    This is better than the movies, tv series, this is pure drama and it’s real!

  138. Sillyone says:

    OMG this is brilliant..Three cheers for Her Honor!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip HIp Hooray!!!

  139. Asha Ali says:

    @ WTF no 50,000 each

  140. the original bellaluna says:

    *doing the Cartman ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-HA dance*

  141. Tierra says:

    I cant believe I just sat thru that hearing.

    1st, WTF with her cheek bronzer?
    2md, I never heard so many “ums” out of a lawyers mouth…talk about talking in circles. I thought SCH was smarter than that. She’s making a fool of herself defending this waste of life.
    Too funny the Judge calling her on her bluffs and double talking.
    Its funny TMZ was reporting that the prosecutors were on crackies side but THEY were the ones that wanted her in jail. Proves again that TMZ’s sources are none other than delusional Dina.
    3rd, Im pissed bail was only 100K, that means only 10G’s to get her out.

  142. ladybert62 says:

    Cracktinis on me! Pass them around ladies – twas great fun especially when they cuffed her!

  143. hemi621 says:

    you ladies are hilarious!!!

  144. WaywardGirl says:

    I wonder if they have money stashed away JUST for bail money. Did the judge say “Why am I not surprised?” when Shaun said her bail person was there? LOL I love this judge

  145. sapphire says:

    How’s she going to get security for bond?

  146. Mich says:

    OMG! OMG! OMG! Probation revoked? Cuffed?? OMG! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Thank you for all the updates!!

  147. ladybert62 says:

    Mark your calendars – next court hearing is 11/2/11 – to see if she actually goes to jail to stay for an extended period of time!!!

  148. WaywardGirl says:

    And this just proves that the Judge reads all these celeb blogs and knows what’s going on with Lohan. She knew all about her trips and the “supposed” movies she was abot to do.

  149. OhMyMy says:

    She has to do at least 2 8-hour days (16 hours total) at the morgue before her next court date on 11/2.

    This may be the first time in her life she has had to “work” a full day.

    Loved it when the judge called her out on the DTWC failing her in late Aug. BEFORE she went to Fashion week in NY and the International Call Girl tour.

  150. Sillyone says:

    I just can’t get over how crazy her eyes were..Good god did she snort a line before showing up to court?

  151. missie says:

    Oh dear, the girl is really, really unwell. I thought she was just a nasty crackie brat, but holy cow, that makeup, the fried hair, the weird looks, she’s not going to make it. Pull yourself together, kid. Jiminy Crickets. The only thing that could possibly save her now is a spin on Dancing with the Stars. What a shame to have sunk so low.

  152. KatScorp says:

    Now I’m gonna need a crack-sleeping tablet, ’cause the sun is coming up in four hours. Totally worth it though. Ha!

  153. ladybert62 says:

    If I recall correctly, I used to work for a criminal attorney here in Calif – the defendant only needs to pay the bondsman 10% of the bail (thus $10,000) – the $100,000 is paid by the bondsman if the defendant flees or fails to show up in court – then the bondsman goes after the defendant.

    I am sure Ms. Porshe has the $10,000 but I am glad she will even spend 1 minute being processed in jail (can we say mug shot?).

  154. fabchick says:

    Lol. Thank yall for cracking me up today while at work. Where can I watch video of this mess.

  155. brin says:

    Everyone raise a glass to the judge….Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!

  156. whome says:

    I was laughing so hard at my desk, ohhh poor lohan. but really she wont do one day in jail…

  157. Turtle Dove says:

    Damn… are we going to miss the exit????

  158. kieslwoski says:

    Holy crap did you guys notice her CRAZY EYES!!!!!!

    The judge was so pissed!

    You guys made my day with your comments, THANK YOU for ALL THE BRIILIANT COMMENTS!!!!

  159. logan says:

    THEY CUFFED HER!!!!! Oh the shame of it all. Yea right. Nothing shames this twit. Or her family. Or her handlers. But people, THEY CUFFED HER!!!

  160. G says:

    From TMZ….

    As if Lindsay Lohan doesn’t have enough on her plate this morning — the actress was just served with a fat lawsuit in court … for allegedly attacking a Betty Ford staffer during her rehab stint last year.

    As TMZ first reported, Dawn Holland — who now goes by Dawn Bradley — filed the lawsuit in July, claiming Lindsay grabbed her wrist and twisted it when she tried to give the actress a breathalyzer last December.

    Dawn claims Lindsay arrived back at the Betty Ford Center after sneaking off to go boozing — and when she tried to administer the breathalyzer, Lindsay grabbed her right wrist and began “twisting and pulling it for 8-10 seconds.”

    Dawn wants at least a million dollars — claiming she suffered “great mental, physical and nervous pain and suffering” from the alleged assault.

    And the day’s just getting started …

  161. Sassy says:

    I can’t believe I sat through this crap but ZOMG, it was worth it!

    What were the best parts? Hard to choose a favorite, but… her makeup, WTF? Who applied that blush? Her McCrackie bug eyes were priceless! Her continuous nodding, rolling her eyes, commenting under her breath and pushing out her duck lips were hilariously entertaining. Also? Being cuffed…HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA. SCH’s double-talk and “ums” were pretty funny, too. When the judge said she’s an actress “supposedly” – bwahahahahahahaa. So many fun moments from court today! The judge was so awesomesauce!

  162. Shelly says:

    Lindsay had to leave her Coco Chanel bag behind! Lindsay, note to self, don’t bring your purse to court!

  163. the original bellaluna says:

    Cracktinis, cracktails, crack-snackage for EVERYONE! Someone pass me something – I’m hungry!

    (I bet Innocent is in absolute fits!)

  164. ladybert62 says:

    Hip hip hooray to the Judge! Finally!

  165. eileen says:

    I loved when she called LL out for saying her community service wasn’t make her feel “fufilled” the judge just was like “welcome to the real world of actual WORK!” LOL haHAAAA

  166. Madisyn says:

    I taped this for later viewing enjoyment.

    And the grand prize of the ‘Big Orange Cone’ party hat goes
    to. . .LeeLoo with the least amount of hours. All those that said ‘Yes’ to jail, get ‘medium’ Cones and the rest of us, get ‘mini cone’ party hats. Congrats to LeeLoo

  167. eileen says:

    OOo and another great thing is we get to see another MugShot! She can add it to her CrackAlbum

  168. Sumodo1 says:

    Word to Dina Lohan: your daughter is NOT all right, just fine, or doing great. What kind of mother are you? What kind of denial are you in? Moms and Dads of America take note: child stars end up like this–do NOT push your children into show biz.

  169. drawbackwards says:

    This is mug shot number… 4? I hope she gets cavity searched.

  170. Diane says:

    Congrats LeeLoo!!!

  171. Jazz says:

    This is far more entertaining than any movie she’s ever done!

  172. Ruby Red Lips says:

    B*gger b*gger !!! I missed it all 🙁

    Cr*p!!! But gd news the judge is totally p’d from what i’ve read and Linnocent may, may, be going to jail 🙂 about time!!!!

    *raises cracktini* to all u ladies in hope justice may actually be served!! Its about time!

  173. Lady D says:

    Ditto on the congrats Leeloo. I guess the yes/no for jail will have to wait a couple of weeks?

  174. G says:

    I’m seeing the point of the crazy make-up now. She’s laying the groundwork for an insanity plea, later on.

  175. MissyA says:

    I agree, Jazz. This is the best work she’s done in YEARS.

    Reveling in the schadenfreude.

  176. Firecracker says:

    Sassy, I was noticing the blush too! It looks like it was applied to make her look sad, or like she was very apologetic, lol!

  177. Orange Cone says:

    You Funny Bitches! Orange Cone Party Hats- LOVE!!! !LOL!

  178. OhMyMy says:

    That’s going to be this year’s favorite Halloween costume. Long white fright wig and an orange cone.

  179. Suzz54 says:

    @ Missy A- Schadenfreude is the exact term!

    <3 this hot mess!

  180. Madisyn says:

    New betting pool starting next week. Get you bets ready ladies.

    Cracktini’s all around. An extra big one for Judge Sautner.

    Best Day Ever! Until Nov. 2nd.

    Meeting with the Fam, I’ll be back.

  181. Green_Eyes says:

    Thanks Eieel:)

    LMAo @ crack in purse comment!! She would do it thinking she’s above the law.

    pRICELESS seeing her in handcuffs..a bet I gladly lost;) Cracktini’s for ALL!~

  182. the original bellaluna says:

    Mad, where’s that 7-layer Lohan dip? 🙂
    I said 50/50 o jail, so do I get a medium orange cone or a small one? Or both?

    I wonder if they’ll search that purse she left behind…wonder what’s in it? Hmmm….

  183. Quest says:

    Rocking back with a cracktini and some rum-balls with everyone else


  184. Lucky Charm says:

    Congrats Leeloo! Yay, another cracktailgate party in two weeks! I really, really, really hope she goes to jail for the maximum sentence this time. And no house arrest, she has to do her time in real lock up.

  185. Sisi says:

    I think the weird blush is for her mugshot… like stage make-up

  186. atorontogal says:

    hahahaha! Another lawsuit! Spin this one Dina!! “Poor Linds, she didnt do anything wrong, she was climbing over that wall for exercise honest! She didn’t hit that woman, that woman ran into Linds’ fist!” GAWD!! Old Yeller’s family treated him more humanely than the Lohans treat Lindsay.

  187. ladybert62 says:

    Bragging rights to LeeLoo – congrats Girl! Any secrets you want to share on how you arrived at the winning number?

  188. sapphire says:

    I wonder if they’ll search the purse before it leaves the building.

  189. DiaBLa says:

    ahhh..i was only off by 3 hours. and I am looking forward to nov 2 crack party. anyone wanna take bets if she actually does the 16 hours a week with the “stiffs”???

  190. daisydoodle says:

    she’s a sad little girl….her parents should be arrested for what they did to her. She needs to go to rehab, not in Calif…somewhere where she can work on her sobriety and far away from photographers, gosh, I need a cracked laced glass of wine.

  191. JaneWonderfalls says:

    I’m going to cool it on the Lindsay bashing for 2-3 days!

  192. MacScore says:

    At somewhat of a disadvantage with the time difference, because I have a daughter and unlike WO I do actually spend time with her at mealtimes, review homework etc…. so now I’m on… and what do I see….
    this has made my friggin’ day… time to catch up with the details….
    @Madisyn – we await the next proposal for Nov. 2nd!
    *schlurps down frozen Cracktini while trawling the net for live feed*

  193. Gizmerelda says:

    Awesome – cant believe I missed it all – I got dragged out shopping!!! Just to clarify Linnocent, shopping is very similar to shoplifting except it envolves paying for your stuff not taking it as you feel like it – ha!!!

  194. TXCinderella says:

    Did she really think that donating to a childrens charity was going to make up for all the no-shows to the Women’s Center? And saying that it was unfulfilling is like a punch in the face to women out there that need and depend on volunteers to help them face a bad situation. Blowhan is so juvenile.

  195. Seal Team 6 says:

    The weird makeup was to “contour” her face and try to hide the coke bloat.

  196. Hugh Mungus says:

    Do you all think she stopped payment on that $50,000 check?

  197. birdie says:

    just to make it 200 comments..

    Lindsay, thank you for the entertainment today.

  198. smh says:

    @128 JoanCrawfordHangers: just reading this entry and i died. thanks for the laughter inducing post (and caps lock)