Kim Kardashian covers Marie Claire, talks about her life pre-divorce


I feel so bad for the editors of Marie Claire. They got Kim Kardashian for their December cover, and the interview was apparently conducted a few weeks before Kim filed for divorce. So there are lots of quotes from Kim about how happy she is with Kris Humphries and how well she knows herself and all of that, but there was still enough time in editorial for the writer to include that “In late October, it was announced that Kim would file for divorce, just 72 days after she and Kris tied the knot.” If I was the editor over there, I might be tempted to simply redo the issue with another (emergency) cover girl. I suspect that Kim made an enemy out of Marie Claire for the way she screwed them over for this cover story. Anyway, here is the full story and here are some of the highlights. In retrospect, it’s fun to laugh at how Kim was so full of herself.

When asked about how much her wedding cost… Kim smiles demurely, “I don’t talk about money.”

Why Kim made her wedding a circus: “I felt like if I didn’t show the wedding, it would be upsetting for people who have taken this journey with me.”

Why Kim married Kris so quickly: “We felt like, ‘Why wait?'” she explains. “It’s fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you. Sometimes my life can be really intimidating for people, but he allows me to work and do what I’ve gotta do.”

On Kris Humphries: “I’m not worried about him at all. We have a lot of trust, and I don’t think either of us would do anything to break that. It makes life so easy. He’s such a good guy; he is so down-to-earth, and it’s such a reality check. He is a normal guy, and I just want to chill out and be normal and not get glammed up all the time. He gets it.

On her first marriage to Damon Thomas: “I was 19, and I didn’t know myself,” she says. “As unhappy as I was, and as happy as I am now not to be in that relationship, I learned so much from it: who I wanted to be, who I never wanted to be — you take all those issues and move on.” She smiles brightly. “I learned how to cook and do a lot of marital things. It definitely taught me what being a wife is all about. I think it means taking care of each other’s needs and being there for someone unconditionally.”

On the family’s reality shows: “We made a pact as a family and said we would be truly authentic because people don’t buy bulls–t. We’ll just be who we are, and – love it or hate it – we have each other. I think that’s what makes it so relatable, because we are not afraid to show crazy things.”

[From Marie Claire]

She’s such a dumbass. I guess it’s one of those situations where “Stars: They’re Just Like Us!” I know people who are all patronizing and full of themselves once they get married, and they make pronouncements about how this is the happiest they’ve ever been and they recommend marriage to everyone, and WHY AREN’T YOU MARRIED TOO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? And those are the people who always end up with the crappy marriages that end in divorce. Kim is one of those people.


Photos courtesy of Marie Claire.

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65 Responses to “Kim Kardashian covers Marie Claire, talks about her life pre-divorce”

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  1. Willworkforfood says:

    Just so…. eeeww.

  2. someone says:

    hahaha eat your words, kim kardashian.

  3. Sahara&Co. says:

    Media and internet need to stop feed K-TROLL. Stop it.

  4. laylajane says:

    I’m glad they are airing her fake life out. I’m so HAPPY to be married to Kris I’m divorcing him:-)I can’t stand all this happiness:-)

  5. Pyewacket says:


    (yes, I am guilty by posting on this thread)

  6. Ari says:

    Gotta love Karma

  7. Criss says:

    Wow, she says she married him because he’s
    “down to earth” and a “reality check”? That just doesn’t add up. He proposed on national television. That’s not down to earth. Really bad reason to marry a guy.
    Her first marriage sounded more realistic.
    But, lust is blind.

  8. Quest says:

    Kim smiles demurely, “I don’t talk about money.”

    Yeah Right, *singing* … it’s all about the money, money, money, it’s ’bout the bling, b-bling.

    Kard$hians only have one thing on their minds – their money and brand

  9. svetlana says:

    She’s unrecognizable on the cover. That looks more like Vanessa Marciel or Naya Rivera. She should be so lucky IRL. Or perhaps she should take some lessons from whoever did her Marie Claire makeup. It looks so much better than what she slathers on now.

  10. OhMyMy says:

    @svetlana: I thought so too. Photoshop much?

    I’m guessing that’s the last Marie Claire cover for any of the K-klan. Pretty embarrassing for them.

  11. Kaboom says:

    The Kardashian’s war against decency, sanity and good taste continues.

  12. ellie66 says:

    o lordie i so sick of this chick and her family..although i do like Khloe but i dont watch any of their crap shows this being said she looks pretty on the cover photoshopped to death but pretty she looks way younger

  13. Rose says:

    That’s a beautiful cover picture though.

  14. Eleonor says:

    Whoever did the photoshop for the cover diserves an award, she looks normal.

  15. danielle says:

    I was just thinking that cover is the best she’s looked in awhile!

  16. Beee says:

    Yeah, she looks great in the cover. Lol, she’s so so so plastic IRL that Photoshop makes her look more natural…

  17. Nanz says:

    Is she living in the 1950s?! ‘He allows me to work…I’ve learned to cook and to do marital things…it taught me what being a wife was all about….’ You know, in the 21st century, women allow themselves to work. And they cook if and when they want to. And being a wife is whatever the hell works for you and your partner. She is so irritating that I can’t help but read this crap. Reading abt the Kardashians makes me wonder if I secretly wouldn’t like to scratch my own eyes out. What other explanation could there be? I don’t watch their shows. So that must be it. I get off on self-inflicted pain.

  18. Maya says:

    Oh, Marie Claire, I’m so disappointed in you. Seriously, what is Kim doing on their cover? They’re not Cosmo!

  19. fabgrrl says:

    Wow, I did not recognize her on the cover. I’d say the stylists did an amazing job, but they probably just told Kim they were taking some “test shots” before getting her hair and makeup done.

  20. Lee says:

    I don’t know who those pictures are of – the cover and the inside shot – but boy, is that girl pretty! Too bad we had to read about Kim Whatserface (who the picture clearly is not) at the same time…

  21. hillbilly in the corner says:

    Well if you all hadn’t told me that was her on the cover I would never have known…Really !! Give that man the photoshopping of the year award or at least till Lindsays Playboy shoots come out then they will win hands down….
    Don’t you just love the way they fake every photo and every cover of every magizine out their now …It like they are afraid to show the world what real people look like without the help of the handy dandy photoshopping tool…
    As for the article……..What a freaking joke……

  22. birdie says:

    hahaahhha, simply pathetic

  23. Priya says:

    They should have done another cover. What a joke!!

  24. sandy#1 says:

    i,.. i just can’t, never could with this family? the reason they are in the media? yuck, when will this end? i close my eyes and just keep waiting, first ever and last ever post.

  25. Amy says:

    I dunno if she’s been photoshopped or what, but she looks great here without all that make up she usually cakes on. She looks more natural and pretty.

  26. miss_bhaven says:

    Make it stop!

  27. Firecracker says:

    My entertaining post for the day, thanks Kaiser! Poor, poor Kimmy. She’s been lying so long she has no concept of actually saying something that is true.

    Lies just spew naturally out of those puffed up lips. ~blink~

  28. lucy2 says:

    “We made a pact as a family and said we would be truly authentic because people don’t buy bulls–t.”
    Bwahahahaha! She’s right, people don’t buy bullshit, and that’s why everyone is calling them out as fake, money-grubbing famewhores.

    What sort of anti-plastic face camera lens did they use for that cover?!?

  29. Gone with the Wind says:

    I won’t buy that magazine full of lies.

    I just saw the you tube video: KARDASHIANITIS and it was so funny, you guys have to see the whole thing thru cause Lohan is at the end.

  30. Mark says:

    I don’t talk about money, unless, I get PAID.
    No talent, Gross.
    The whole family makes me ill including Bruce and Brody, Douche Bags and Douche Nozzles all.
    AND Little Kendall is not model material, Period

  31. Kim says:

    Regarding showing her wedding on tv and her reasoning of showing it because of People who went on this journey with us wanting to see it play out?? What your 2 month plan to find a fake husband? She really is an unintelligent girl.

  32. alice says:

    To “gone with the wind” that YouTube video is awesome!!! spread it around!!


  33. OhMyMy says:

    @Gone with the Wind and @alice: I just watched that video. Tooo funny!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  34. Kasey says:

    These days when I hear or read any of the elegant and important things she says and directs to her minions and “dolls” it always seems to sound and look like this to me……..

  35. sam says:

    The cover shot is gorgeous! Kim please take note: a little less fake tan and a little less make up = stunning.

  36. ChrisC says:

    Dare I say she looks SOMEWHAT natural on this cover? I thought that day would never come…

  37. Lilybee says:

    Thank you @gone with the wind!! that youtube video is the best!! kardashianitis… Ignore for the cure!

    “…Did you actually watch a publicity event dressed up as a wedding between two people you wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire, but it’s not your fault, kardashianitis kills… brain cells and good judgement!”

  38. BELLA says:


  39. sally says:

    I think Marie Claire really missed the boat on this one. They should have pushed the “Kim and Kris’s marriage was a stunt” storyline.

    And I agree with you all, Kim looks SO MUCH BETTER without the troweled on makeup and tarantula lashes.

  40. truthful says:

    I’m soo tired of this troll’s lies, THIS post hit it on the head.


  41. Carolyn says:

    Um….why would Marie Claire put that article in and her on the cover? Are they that desperate for publicity? If I was the editor I would have pulled it and reshot the cover.

  42. Green_Eyes says:

    Eye rolls…. As I gag. Tell me how much you love each other and he supports you after 17 yrs of severe illness…then we can talk. 72 fake days (hmm fake tan, fake butt, fake hair, fake boobs, fake wedding…guess shoulda seen that a fake mile away)

  43. JuliaDomna says:

    What a pretty girl on the cover of Marie Caire! Who is she?

  44. Emma says:

    Kaiser states: “I feel so bad for the editors of Marie Claire.” Well…I don’t. She is the one on everyone’s minds and lips at the moment, so this issue will sell like hot cakes for them. Even though we all want them to go away, this controversy is too big to be ignored. So I bet MC editors are like praising they chose her before the sh*t hit the fan..perfect timing.

  45. ladybert62 says:

    I did not even recognize her – I think she needs to present some ID to prove that the picture really is Spider-Eyes herself! I dont believe it – that girl in the picture actually looks human, normal and pretty – cant possibly be Spider-Eyes!

  46. JaneWonderfalls says:

    Let me state this first, I can’t stand the Kardashian family but I must say Kim is looking natural and actually pretty on this cover…

  47. MellaYella says:

    Can you say Photoshop? She can no longer move her face. On the cover she looks normal

  48. lola x says:

    thank you kaiser for the ending. i know so many women who are so sanctimonious when they get married, including this little twit. and now like kim, they are all divorced. ha.

  49. dorothy says:

    Does Marie Claire have a death wish? Put Kim on the cover, lose readership. Dumb, dumb move.

  50. Amanda says:

    That doesn’t even look like her on the cover.

  51. Dana M says:

    Doesn’t even look like her!

  52. kimberly says:

    she’s so “down to earth”?

    ya right! Just because you scrape off the eyeliner, and pull of the spiders from your eyes for one photoshoot and wear a plain tank top does NOT make you down to earth.

    bitch please.

  53. Madisyn says:

    I understand that petition to remove the Kartra$ians from the E! Network is actually picking up some steam. Rut roh!

  54. Miranda says:

    If anyone is interested…here’s the petition to sign…hehehe

  55. JamTam says:

    That weird little hump/curve that her body is making between her kneecaps and boobs in the last pic…’s just…Off. Somehow.

  56. Zoey says:

    She looks so pretty on the cover….now that I said something nice, I won’t feel so bad for calling her a freaking idiot!!!!

  57. Celine says:

    She looks like Megan Fox in the cover shot!

    Her face looks so different from what she used to look like back in the days when she hang out with Paris Hilton. I’m not saying she’s not looking good – it’s just that she looks like a totally different person/race altogether.

  58. Alarmjaguar says:

    @ Nanz, you took the words right out of my mouth!

  59. poedunk says:

    Why is she still wearing the engagement ring?

  60. Skinnybetch says:

    Will someone please make this narcissist go away already? Everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.

  61. Mila says:

    I can’t believe that Marie Claire would feature this girl.

  62. Bob says:

    How do we get rid of her and the rest of her family. Their 15 mins are up. Go away Kim, far, far away.

  63. chocolate cake says:

    this magazine has the most pathetic moral code it’s a piece of shit they will have this famewhore on their cover who is literally famous for a sex tape but they will criticise no ATTACK a legitimate actress like melissa mccarthy for being well-fed while describing her in the most demeaning manner

  64. skeptical says:

    so i just checked the petition… and I’d like to post a quote:

    Message from GoPetition admin

    We apologize for any server outages, but this petition is just off the scale in popularity.

    (end quote)


  65. betty says:

    Oh my god, I sooooooooo find this family so loathsome, will someone cancel their show already? Hey Kim, I hear Ashton is single now?