Melissa McCarthy starting her own clothing line, calls her body a “work in progress”

Melissa McCarthy was a guest on Anderson Cooper’s talk show yesterday, and the hilarious 41 year-old actress revealed that she’s starting her own plus-size women’s clothing line. Unlike most other celebrities who slap their names on clothing, McCarthy has actual experience in the field. She went to fashion school and used to make clothing for clients. McCarthy even made the dress she wore to the Emmys this year. So when she told Cooper that she was starting her own clothing line it sounded like she was genuine about it and not like she just wanted to make some cash. McCarthy also discussed her body image. She said that while she cares about her weight and would like to be thinner she realizes it’s not that important in the scheme of things. This is similar to what she’s said in the past about it, and it’s nice to hear. Here’s more:

On her body image
“I’ve been up and down. I’ve been much thinner since my second baby. I’m still working on it. It’s a work in progress.”

“I hope I wake up at, like, 94 pounds. But I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

“There’s so many other things to worry about. I still worry about it, but I think, my kids are healthy, I’ve got a great husband, and I go to work every day and do what I want.”

On her kids
“I have a four and a half year-old and a 19 month, and I want them to be confident, strong, happy, healthy women and define themselves by their actions and what they do, and how they treat other people. I know everything else is going to get all caught up in it. My job, I think, is to always bring it back to what do you do, how do you live, what do you say to other people?”

[From, some quotes via People, ]

She’s kind of awesome. I haven’t been a fan as I’ve only seen her in Bridesmaids, but I’m really warming up to her. I didn’t know that she was a mom and that her kids were so little! The Daily Mail has a whole article on McCarthy’s goth past, including a photo of her with porcupine hair which Anderson points out looks just like Kate Gosselin’s old ‘do!. You can see a video of her talking about being a goth in high school here. I can relate, as I went through a similar phase in the very late 80s. I used to shave my hair on one side too, but thankfully I grew out of that, and grew it out, quickly.

Photos credit The Anderson Cooper show. Tune in information here. McCarthy is also shown on 11-7-11 outside The Late Show and at an event. Credit:

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22 Responses to “Melissa McCarthy starting her own clothing line, calls her body a “work in progress””

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  1. Flan says:

    She seems like a fun person.

  2. Artisan says:

    Oh gosh I love her! Been a fan of hers since Gilmore Girls. I’ve been meaning to catch her new show but dang at DVR only allowing 4 recorded shows at a time!

  3. HoustonGrl says:

    I wish there were more people like her in Hollywood. She seems really nice and down to earth…and the outfit she’s wearing (with the pink blouse) is lovely.

  4. Sarah says:

    How is someone being that overweight any more of a healthy role model than someone who is equivalently underweight?

    • someone says:

      i’m not a nutritionist or anything (maybe i shouldn’t even be responding at all), but being overweight or underweight doesn’t necessarily mean someone is unhealthy. apparently some people just have more fat cells than others and a much slower metabolism and vice versa. weight isn’t always an indication of health.

    • blc says:

      I totally agree. It is so frustrating when the media, gossip blogs, everyone calls out the thin models/actresses for being such a terrible role model but then they have nothing but love for someone who is grossly overweight. I personally think it would be best if there was a healthy medium, where women who had a healthy body weight but were not necessarily pin thin were the ideal. That will probably never happen. But to make someone who is very overweight into a role model for “real women” or whatever other nonsense is just crazy. The long, long list of health problems that come along with being overweight should be enough to make people realize that we don’t need overweight being the ideal.

      • lucy2 says:

        I think the difference is those models/actresses are being presented as the ideal – for the fashion and beauty product world especially, magazine covers, etc. The message always seems to be “be like them”, whereas no one is really saying that about an overweight person. I don’t know that they’re being looked at as role models in the same way.

    • theaPie says:

      Welcome to the wonderful world of double standards.

      Having said that, I really love this woman.

  5. Erin says:

    I love her – hilarious! Everything I see her in cracks me up 🙂

  6. Jolene says:

    I’d check out her clothes. It would be nice to see plus sized clothes designed by a plus sized woman for a change.

    • curegirl0421 says:

      Here here! She’s about my body type, I’m really excited to see what she comes up with! I truly am tired of things that look either like something an elderly hooker might wear, or a tent, which is pretty much the extent of department story plus-size “fashion.”

  7. Jen says:

    She is really working those leather trousers in the last pic!

  8. boo says:

    I love her, she is down to earth, self-deprecating and just seems like such a nice person! I liked when she talked about being goth, although she dressed all in black, she said she was still really chatty and friendly, which kind of goes against the goth image! Too funny.

  9. lucy2 says:

    I’ve been a fan of hers for a long time, and am happy for all her success. She’s very funny and talented and deserves it.

  10. sierra says:

    Can I say I can’t stand Anderson Cooper as a journalist anymore. He lost all journalistic credibility with me. The man is a tv personality nothing more. CNN is a truly craptastic news channel.

  11. guilty pleasures says:

    LOVED her in Bridesmaids!! She stole the show in a really great cast.
    Love her sitcom, but don’t get to catch it too often. She is pretty, funny, smart, I’d want to be on her short list of friends for sure!

  12. Amea says:

    She dresses really well for her size, knows what works for her shape and everything and doesn’t resort to huge clothes that hide her shape completely. She’s cute! I’m interested to see her line!

  13. Michelle says:

    LOVE HER!!! I watch her show and it is great. She comes across as being fun and down to earth. I wish she was a friend of mine!

  14. Lisa says:

    so she’d rather waste her resources on making a clothing line for overweight girls, than put the effort into losing weight.

    • Fatastic says:

      you are rude, and should really grow up and learn that not everyone wants to be a skinny bitch and infact Men prefer curvy women.

  15. Laura says:

    Some people start out disadvantaged in some way whether it be financially or genetically or behaviorally that can cause weight gain. Once the body has too many fat cells it can take enormous effort to reduce…and you still need energy to live…so people eat. Then there’s all the temptations and even just a bit of this or that is enough to keep the weight on. What does help is kindness, understanding and love.
    Now that’s a motivator.
    We all could use more.

  16. Saide says:

    I love her and i cant wait for her clothing line to come out. Im smaller than her but still overweight.
    People need to understand its really hard to lose weight. One day you might lose five the next gain 2 or 3 pounds back.
    I ended up gaining all the weight back that I lost and to find someone who to me is role model for girls of a bigger size is great.
    So understand just because you can lose weight easy and its easier for you to mantain it doesn’t mean it’ll be just as easy for everyone else.
    People are different whats what inside is what counts most than whats on the outside.