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8 Responses to “Courtney Love and Lindsay Lohan banging the same 20 year-old guy”

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  1. Farnsworth says:

    Let’s just hope he uses super-strong condoms 🙂

  2. Poor Boopie says:

    OMG! That guy better get to the VD clinic and get himself swabbed! Courtney Love is the petrie dish of venereal diseases!

  3. Alexi says:

    Thx Ms CB – love the post – always like to hear about rocker chick ms love…22 years you go girl!!!

  4. Viv says:

    “the petrie dish of venereal diseases” HAHAHA, Boopie, you summed it up quite appropriately.

  5. skip says:

    Yeah, she just like Althea the character she played in the people versus larry flynt, Junked out old mess full of pustual diseases.

  6. MIch says:

    What’s funny is why are they involved with same guy?

  7. Poor Boopie says:

    thanks Viv

  8. helen says:

    God he’s ugly,look at the only trash in Hollywood that will go out with him.