As everyone reported yesterday, it seems like Brandi Glanville sort-of, kind-of got married on New Year’s. She got “hitched” to her self-described “BFF” Darin Harvey, who… I actually find attractive. Us Weekly’s source says Brandi isn’t hittin’ that, though. The source claims that Brandi and Darin have been tight for 20 years, but they’re “like brother and sister. They’ve never hooked up. He came along with her to Vegas and they both got really drunk and thought it was a good idea at the time to get married… They kissed for the cameras and that was it. There’s nothing romantically there.” Damn it, Brandi! Get on that. He has a job and he’s not some 20-something fey boy. Hit it!
Anyway, as it turns out, there might not be a need for an annulment. Brandi told Us Weekly, “[We’re] married! But to make it legal, I have to go to the courthouse today and I don’t think we’re gonna. Super fun though! We’re not gonna stay married. But it was a fun way to start out the new year!” She went into greater detail on her Twitter page, where she wrote stuff like, “We’re just friends! I will get married for real when everyone in the world that wants to can!” and:
“we got carried away by getting married! I didn’t realize what we did wuld affect Others so seriously! in my head I was just having fun w/ my best friend who I adore & has been there for me during all my tuff times! I didnt mean to offend anyone! I beleive everyone shud be able to get married & maybe even embarass themselves in Vegas ;). This yr has been Great for me in many ways! Im gr8ful for all the ppl I met thru RHOBV. Bare w/ me, Im gonna make mistakes, but I always learn from them! xob
[From Brandi’s Twitter]
So, there you go. Brandi and Darin had a ceremony, but they didn’t fill out all of the paperwork and such, so they’re not legally hitched or anything, and it won’t affect her child support or alimony, I guess. It was just a drunken extravaganza, with strippers and friends and lots and lots of alcohol.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Brandi’s Twitter.
Major eyeroll
She just wanted some attention from us I guess. PR stunt.
If that’s true, which I think it may be, I wish she’d done something for positive PR rather than shady-ish/weird PR. Like leaking information that she was volunteering at a pet shelter or with the elderly or something. I guess getting drunk and fake married just pops more.
Leak “volunteering at a pet shelter?” Really? *RME* You obviously know nothing about the publicity & what gets headlines. It’s all part of the game. Pet shelter…*still SMDH
It worked for Angelina.
Brandi’s coworkers have gone on record saying that Brandi is all about drama all of the time.
He is hot!
Yes she is !!!!
Take the alcohol away and keep it in a locked closet where Brandi can’t get to it.
Agreed, legal or not, she still does have a problem with alcohol (disregarding the fact that it was New Years Eve) and I think deep down she is a nice person I just wish she would get some help for it. Why not her friend Jennifer Gimenez who has been there done that and come out the other side?
Agreed. Brandi doing drunken escapades reminds me of dear old mom. It’s not a good look. I don’t like the other 2 in this triangle one little bit, but I don’t think being a good mom is dressing like a hootchie, swearing, and getting drunk in public.
Brandi is self medicating her problems with alcohol and attention seeking. If she could just ‘fake’ her party girl persona for TV like Dean Martin often did & imbibe alcohol free if that’s what she needs to do to make money for her family, quit dressing like she’s a video vixen, and curb her crude language for the sake of her little boys, why then those children won’t have to be saddled with an alcoholic tramp ‘who loves her children to death’.
Brandi needs to get sober, do yoga, volunteer, work at the animal shelter, basically do anything other than drink “to have a good time” in her free time. It’s affecting those little boys in a deep way, and they’ll carry those scars for a long time. I know what I’m talking about.
That’s why, what happens in Vegas, should stay in Vegas. She amuses me though.
Person most disappointed by this trick: Leann “Yay! No more alimony” Rimes
She is hilarious! Sorry but she is. She doesn’t do things to impress anyone else, she just lives her life. I want her and Darin together. I’ve expressed that many times. It’s no dice though, she cares for him on a platonic level. Damn!!!
Double damn!!
Out of the mouth of Brandi’s spokesperson Jezi – “she doesn’t do things to impress anyone else”. You are right – she doesn’t impress anyone. Her trashy behavior is simply unimpressive.
I’m a spokesperson? Hahahahahaha!!! Wow! So everyone else can post something but I can’t because I personally know her? Wouldn’t that make me a better judge of her character than you? Since I actually know her? I think so.
certainly can’t compare to what Leann and Eddie did. lying and cheating on their spouses. Two peas in a pod, simply adulterers. me thinks Mr Leann rimes has to keep that alcohol flowing just to face the day and know that everyone knows what a dirty, rotten person he is. Can still see him facing the press and saying I LOVE MY FAMILY AND I AM NOT HAVING SEX WITH THAT WOMAN, LEANN RIMES, oh wait. different cheater but same response. He will now be free to follow squint eyes on tour and step out on stage shirtless to hand her a guitar, bet there was alcohol involved in that stunt. What a life, kept gigolo. Don’t think he has ANY respect for women especially his now wife or he would get out there and get a job. RIGHT, THAT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN AS LONG AS SHE HAS MONEY IN HER ACCOUNT
I haven’t been around here long, but I’ve been around here long enough to know that Jezi speaks for no one, only herself. And she happens to know Brandi Glanville. Friends stick up for each other. Nothing wrong with that.
How old are you and Brandi? 17?
Sorry, can’t find any respect for any supposed adult who chooses to wear Love Boat-inspired outfits and feels the need to join the cast of any reality television show.
I feel bad for the kids; lame, fame-whore, plastic-looking parents on both sides of the fence.
How old are you? That’s your opinion and that’s fine. I honestly don’t care what you think. Have a nice day.
“How old are you and Brandi? 17?”
Said the sooo mature person reading a celeb/tabloid site?! LOL!! Puh-lease!
How does Brandi having fun with her new found (not by her choice) freedom even remotely affect you again?? Get a grip she had some fun in Vegas on NYE just get over your sanctamoneous self.
Between alcohol and Xanax Brandi has some serious problems.
I agree. I can’t stand Leann and Eddie, but Brandi is right there with them. Her behavior disgusts me, and this stunt just says to me that she definitely is not taking the high road.
I can see her yelling April Fools at LeAnn and Eddie. She knows it’s early and mean but felt what the hell. I’m gonna have some fun.
Every time I look at her I mentally say, “Oh bless your little heart”
I think Brandi seems like a fun chick. A little wild when she drinks, but really it was New Year’s Eve. If she wants to get drunk on New Year’s Eve or at any party or on any vacation, then let her. At least she doesn’t have a huge stick up her ass.
Such a fun chick!!! Why don’t we all praise the drunk actions of a woman who also drinks and drives? Why is it that none of the pro-Brandi supporters ever bring up her DUI?
I loathe this woman. She is so pathetic. She is just a taller LeAnn Rimes. That’s why they hate each other, it’s like looking in a mirror.
Apparently someone needs glasses. Brandi doesn’t have the face of a pig or horse & if anything looks alike to you, its from LeAnn Single White Femaling Brandi. IF you doubt that, look at before and after pics of her … before she met eddie & Brandi.
Have any of u actually googled pics of LeAnn? While she has been in the public eye since she was in her early teens, the pics taken thru out her 20’s do not look all that different from how she looks today, albeit she is at her thinnest.
She has almost always had blond mid-length hair which she sometimes wore up, sometimes wore straight, but just as many times wore wavy as she does today. Yes, her weight has gone up and down, it is obvious she struggles with it, but this is not the first time she has been thin and toned. As far as her style of clothing goes, it hasn’t changed that much especially when u look at the later years in her marriage with Dean.
There are pics of her in lingerie, pics of her wearing what would be described as sexy clothing (not hoochey), and pics of her wearing pretty full length gowns which are anything but frumpy. In many of the pics she looks good although there are some very bad shots. This entire thing about the drastic change in style to copy Brandi is not supported when u skim thru the wide range of photos that come up when u google her name.
But, don’t take my word for it, google it for urself.
I’ve googled for myself, and the change is OBVIOUS.
Watch any slideshow of her over the years, like they have for celebs, and they go from LOTS of sweats and regular casual, to BAM!, 2010, doesn’t leave the house without couture and high heels. Sure, there are awards shows with glamour dresses, but everyday style was NOTHING like it is now. You can obviously see the change to wanting to be a fashionista. And she has never been so skinny that her ribs and all else are showing. Her face has aged 10 years in 1 year alone. So you have got to be joking that you don’t see the difference.
Brandi sure does know how to have fun! It’s good to see that she has such a great group of friends.
What is going on with this woman’s face?? She needs to chill with the ‘tox.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the photo in the post, Gosh she looks weird. I really don’t see how anyone can find this beautiful or think it will get them an edge in the entertainment world. I know that people side with her about the whole LeAnn and Eddie thing but that does not mean I can’t point out she looks ridiculous!
Brandi is finally feeling some freedom after years of being married to a controlling cheating rats ass named eddie cibrian. he controlled her every move and was very jealous of her. She stayed home to have his babies and take care of them all the while he was out having affairs and lying to her about where he was. That is why he now has a GPS up his bum, because squinty eyed Leann knows how She got him. took a lot of money to haul that sucker in and now she has tp protect that investment. EDDIE CIBRIAN NEEDS TO STEP UP AND SAY THAT BRANDI IS THE MOTHER OF MY BABIES AND MY now WIFE NEEDS TO BACK OFF AND LEAVE HER ALONE WITH HER SNARKY COMMENTS FROM HER AND HER PR PEOPLE AND HER ‘FANS’. My feelings. he won’t do that, of course, because he blames Brandi for all the crap he has done and the mess he is in right now. wish his Dad would man up and slap him up=side the head and say “GROW UP AND GET A JOB:
Well said!!
Yup!!! Agreed!
Well said BooBear 🙂
“That is why he now has a GPS up his bum, because squinty eyed Leann knows how She got him”
It’s often said, the way you get him is the way you’ll lose him. Leanne is just delaying the inevitable with her obsessive behavior.
Yes. EC needs to say “I don’t care WHAT your personal feelings are about Brandi; she’s the mother of my sons and you WILL NOT disrespect her. In front of the boys or publicly.” (Because you know they probably both bad-mouth BG at home.)
She needs to learn how to spell.
Meh. She got this far without knowing. I’d say that’s pretty smart. Maybe she’s not conventionally intelligent, but she’s got hustle.
Yes, because we all know where ‘hustle’ will get you in life. LMAO. Pathetic!
@Jasperkitty, I have an education and a career. However, I recognize there’s more than one way to become successful. In show business it’s ALL about the hustle. MOST stars don’t have a “traditional” education, but still manage to make a boatload of money (more than you and I will ever see). So, hustle gets you nowhere in “our” world, but it DOES get you places in Hollywood.
hey, every woman in her twenties deserves to party! oh wait……this is a publicity stunt. well done, Brandy.
I hate all of these Brandi fans defending her awful choices. Get over it. She was cheated on yes, does that give her the right to act like a teenage delinquent ? No… she’s a mother and at the moment an awful role model… I’d want to take the high ground especially if my ex husband was as bad as y’all say he was… but no here she is drinking and getting ‘married’ hmm… Just because she talk to you on twitter doesn’t make her your friend… get in the real world you cray cray bitches
Poor misguided person. You really don’t have a clue do you? How dare B have fun on NYE why that should be a crime (major eye roll) FYI Darlin some actually do know Brandi
Oh. Dear. If you do know her why the hell are you trolling the internet to defend her? I guess thats because in your world a reply on twitter or the internet means you are bosom buds… You my dear are misguided to believe that this is ‘fun’. To tweet and get a fake marriage is not fun. She is a ridiculous human being. I don’t grudge any fun. You are pathetic. You want to defend a woman that does this? Grow up… Get a clue and get in to the real world.
Actually Kylie, she does know her. In the real world. Friends defend friends. It’s called loyalty.
Jezi… You can’t always defend bad life choices. A real friend tells a friend about herself maybe you ought to. I’d rather be honest with my friend and say she’s making bad choices and have my conscience clear, than defend the awful decision and say I’m being a friend. Noone is saying Brandi is a bad mother or anything just a bad role model at the moment and blaming the way an ex treats you is bitter and ultimately makes her look awful. You ought to maybe take your head out of her ass and be a friend.
But Brandi never said she wanted to be a role model. She’s on a reality show to support her kids. People are making it seem like she’s going to change the world. She went to Vegas and had fun. There was no harm in that. Her boys love her and know she’s a free spirit. How is this an issue? I know her and know there is no problem.
Thankyou! some people seem to think that the way EC/LR treated her somewhat justifies her actions. You can’t say anything negative about her on this site though, Brandi is the drunken patron saint of wronged women.
Preach.. Don’t worry the ‘friends’ will be after us… (I’m scared) the internet is these cray cray’s ‘real world’
LOL @ “the drunken patron saint of wronged women.”
I DO think that the way she was treated by EC & still is so disrespectfully treated by him leads her to do some crazy things to try and find fun in her life to erase all the crap she went through. So yeah, if anyone is to blame, it’s Eddie and let the woman do what she needs to do to have some fun. Plus, it was NEW YEARS EVE 2012 people, LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!! She didn’t even get paperwork, lighten the F up.
Thank you. That is all.
Trolling? You are a funny one.what are you doing here? Did you just happen to “stumble” upon this site?
so anyone and everyone who disagrees with her poor choices are ‘trolling’? do you know the meaning of the word?
No I didn’t but then I don’t claim to be friends with celebrities do I? I think it seems a lot of the Brandi lovers are looking for an argument and its kinda disturbing. If I was her I’d lose you as friends as it makes her look bad
Trolling?!?! I hope to VALLHALLA That Brandi is paying you for your efforts…like you…I am POSTING MY OPINION…
Thank you!
Lisa! You are a hero!
I’ve tried to make this point before and it just gets lost on her supporters and I end up being accused of being one of LeAnn’s trolls (though I’ve posted here for years).
This isn’t a cutesy NYE thing to do. She’s not 21 and even then it would annoy me. How do you explain your “pretend” marriage to your children?
As I said from the start: she had the public sympathy and should have just left LeAnn to be crazy on her own. When she got on the RH show everyone is like “oh, she just wants to support herself”. But now she’s hosting parties, partying her ass off and acting pretty immature.
If this was Lindsay Lohan or any other celeb we trash would this have been viewed as just a little fun or “notice me, notice me?” And again, as I’ve said all along, if people are her friends instead of justifying pretty stupid behaviour why not be like “Okay Brandi, you should back off a bit?” That’s what I say to my friends.
So I feel as though her sympathy card has been revoked.
Well said, Roma. I totally agree.
Roma it seems you can’t tell the small minded. Let them be… its a bit sad and pathetic they have to argue online. There are no valid arguments to defend this behaviour, fun is dancing with a friend n ‘pretending’ to marry them and questioning the sanctity of marriage. It makes me worry when people can have drunken fake marriages and yet in some places gays and lesbos haven’t even got the right…lets see them defer that crap
People who don’t agree with this are “small minded” ? Seriously? This is just ridiculous. How can you call people names who don’t agree with you about a REALITY celeb? You just completely counteract your point.
I wasn’t saying that people who don’t agree are small minded I meant that you can reiterate a point and it seems glossed over is small minded. I can see the pov of these friends, it just seems to me that they can’t see anyone else’s pov. It is small minded to just defend a friend and not look at the situation. I never once contradicted myself. I was clear and concise maybe you ought not to just hop on the band wagon when someone expresses an opinion against other users.
This is a blog that’s open for discussion isn’t it? So now your public replies can’t be disagreed with or I’m against you? Again-getting awfully worked up over a gossip blog.
Its not the fact that I am being disagreed with, its the fact that those who are disagreeing are friends of hers and are only doing so because of this fact. It seems that my opinions are being deliberately misinterpreted just for arguments sake.
Well there’s several people on here who have disagreed and feel like its not a big deal. Two appear to be her friends. Damn, i was told there would be no math on da blogs! lol
Anyway-regardless of who they are, they are intitled to their opinion without being called Small Minded. Again-just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
Can’t we all just get together and beat the shit out of each other?
NOW, THATS A PLAN BUT BE SURE TO GET THE PRESS OUT THERE CAUSE THERE WILL BE HUNDREDS OF BRANDI SUPPORTERS THERE TO WHUP UP ON THE ONE LONE LEANN FAN ON THIS SITE. but, don’t worry, we’ll just take turns and not all jump in at once. than, again maybe not.Just need to get my can of whup ass ready
LOL! that’s awesome. We need one of those Sumo wrestling rings with the giant fat suits! But naysayers beware: don’t clutch your pearls if moms show up and drinking happens! :O The nerve of mothers having fun!
Love her.
I really like Brandi. I think she’s fun. Thank God for it too or RHOBH would be the most miserable hour on tv.
Gay Bull Mastif– lolz!!
oh and p.s. Camille owes Brandi BIG TIME! Since the pairing on Beverly Hills, Camille finally has a personality.
She sounds fun to hang out with. The people who down her for this are boring wet blankets who wish they could have fun in Vegas on nye
I agree! THe only thing I’d have added and next time leave the phone and camera in the suitcase! 😉
Oh, yeah, like she’s the first person to make a bad decision in Vegas!
I’m on the fence. It was probably a publicity stunt, but if we can’t all get drunk and fake marry our BFF in Vegas on New Years once in our life, what can we do? Looked like she had a blast. And a really big hangover the next day.
A single mom going to Vegas with her good friends, getting tipsy, and having fun. Good for her.
Note to Brandi: Please don’t feel the need to respond to critism, it’s going to come with celebrity. Hell, there’s more whispered gossip and criticism at a church brunch. Love your children, be a good person, live life, and if you judge your own actions to be in line with the woman you want your children to be proud of, then to hell with everyone else. If you get too close to the line, be aware of it, learn from it, and pull back a bit. It’s life honey. Be well.
Interesting how Camille Grammer suffered a worse humiliation from Kelsey and yet she never felt the need to party it up and get drunk in public. Furthermore, Camille has the intelligence to date a bankruptcy lawyer (not a model or a surfer or a longtime “BFF” like Brandi). If you all need an ex wife who has been cheated on and dumped to get behind, why not choose Camille. She certainly has shown a lot more class.
I like Brandi on the show. She has some great qualities. But there is enough about her that is very rough and crude that she isn’t going to find a classy husband. Her next one is probably going to be worse than Eddie.
@ Jayna – I too remember it being said on the show that Nick was Kelsey’s friend, but to me it looked more like Nick was Camille’s boyfriend.
I don’t think that Nick was off season 2 because of Kelsey. Where ever Camille went, Nick was there too. They seemed very close. What I think happened was that Camille’s PR ppl gave her a checklist of all the things that got her bad press last season, and Nick was one of them.
It got so bad that Nick & his wife went on an interview saying that Camille & Nick repeatedly kissing on the lips for any occasion was a traditional Italian thing – I dunno about that….
Again, I have to hand it to Camille for turning her image around this season. That shows she’s smart and is strong enough to take charge of her life for her own betterment. So long as it doesn’t hurt anybody, good for her.
Well… considering that last year Camille got a lot of flack over her very flirtatious ways with Nick, the married tennis partner/actor with a newborn, including numerous kisses on the lips, long snug hugs, clutching on him on motorcycle rides, etc., it seems like Camille’s PR ppl gave her good advice and told her to tune it down & keep Nick off the show.
Good for her if she found someone steady in place of married ol’ Nick. It took her an entire first season of RHOBH to wise up.
Idk if Brandi is dating Darin, but he’s single, not married with a newborn like Nick was, and this joke they played out in Vegas was harmless, imo.
Anyhoo, I admit I’m liking Camille 100% more than I did last year, and I like Camille’s & Brandi’s friendship on the show. It’s nice to see people have fun, be comfortable with each other, and not put each other through the disgusting drama that Taylor, Kyle, & Kim love to bring onto others.
Actually, Kelsey said on Jay Leno he was on a flight with his friend Nick when he met Kayte and that Nick encouraged him to talk to her. There is really bad blood between Camille and Kelsey, so friends probably had to pick which side they would be on for friendship. Nick is Kelsey’s friend.
Mixing alcohol & xanax is very dangerous. I almost lost my own mother b/c of this. I hope she makes better choices in the future b/c it’s one thing to go out and have fun with your kids but another to make choices that could take you away from your kids permanently.
Um, she had a xanax before she got on a plane because she was deathly afraid of flying. They were serving drinks on the plane and she had some. She doesn’t regularly do this, hello. Lighten up.
doing it once can kill you, hello.
Its not like body chemistry takes into consideration why you mixed chemicals. Its not like her liver would be all “OH, you are scared of flying? drink up sweetheart!”
if you are going to take prescription drugs, at least read the major warnings. Hell, I didn’t drink yesterday watching the Rose Bowl because of the midol I took.
side note: I want to shake the hand of the person who invented midol. seriously.
Wow.. just wow.
I’m sorry, she is a grown woman, and a parent. It’s not like she is an average everyday person without tabloids ratting out your every move..
It would be totally different if this wasn’t public, they could have had shared the laugh and moved on, but she put this out there, and now people have their panties in a wad because someone dares say “Chick, that ain’t right!”
Come on.. she isn’t in her early 20’s, and can chalk it up to a dumb kid prank.
I get that she was the wronged woman, but at some point you cowboy up and act like a freaking adult, and move on. At a certain point, you heal yourself and take responibilty for your own actions. You can only play the blame game for so long.
But whatever I don’t drink the RHBH or Brandi kool aid
I also want to make an observation.
I find it interesting that the passion in a mixed martial arts expert kissing his best friend and temporary wife is eerily similar to that of an out of work gold digging bedsheet salesman and his temporary wife.
Request to Kaiser: Please update this thread with a side by side pic of Brandi and Darin kissing outside the wedding chapel and the picture of LeAnn and Eddie kissing on the ski slopes. You know the one where they’re all puckered up but there’s no place to go.
Go ahead, Kaiser. I’ll wait.
Wait… what? So it’s all in good fun to get piss drunk, get married on a lark & then get it annulled, BUT we can’t legalize same sex unions because it would “cheapen” marriage?
Ok…I’m getting SO tired of the comparison of BG going thru a non-legal and basically pretend “wedding” and the fact that in the majority of this country gay couples still can’t legally marry. It is NOT BG’s fault–nor the majority of straight peoples’ fault–that gay couples can’t legally marry. Please stop acting like her getting NOT LEGALLY MARRIED on a whim has anything to do with gay marriage. Gay couples can do exactly what she did–go thru a meaningless (or meaningful) non-legal ceremony. Gay couples have commitment ceremonies all the time. The woman did not legally get married, and therefore won’t even get divorced or an annulment, so please shut up about her destroying the ‘sanctity of marriage.’ What she did is pretty much the equivalent of you getting drunk in a karaoke bar and acting out “Summer Lovin'” from Grease with your girlfriends–it means absolutely nothing. Actually, I find drunk adult adult women singing “Summer Lovin'” in karaoke bars much more offensive. I happen to hate Grease.
I should probably add that I am pro-gay marriage. And, I have no interest in this woman whatsoever (except I have mild disdain for LR). Just so over celebrities being blamed for the lack of legal marital rights for gay couples. I’ve been divorced and am now re-married–should I also be blamed for the lack of legal rights of my gay friends?
I was just talking to a friend and said the same exact thing. Blame the government and the political parties who have the ability to make these types of changes. A celeb on a reality show should not be held responsible for all of the worlds issues.
I don’t think anyone is ‘blaming’ Brandi or any celebrity for same sex marriages not being allowed in most states, that’s silly. People are highlighting the hypocrisy in the law. I don’t see anything wrong with that.
No one “blamed” this alleged “celebrity” for gay marriage. Just noting how bizarre the laws are in this country. I don’t believe I referenced the “sanctity of marriage.”
I think the point of this comment was pretty clear-the idea of marriage as a cherished institution between two heterosexual people is (at best) an outdated and (at worst) a homophobic stance. I don’t think the commenter’s intent was to “blame” any “celebrity” (and I use the term loosely) but to point out that sadly, any idiot can destroy the *ideal* of marriage, and sexual orientation should not be a determining/preventing factor.
@Rubenesque: My post wasn’t specifically in response to just yours–it was my irritation in general to the many posts comparing this ‘wedding’ to gay marriage not just on this thread but the previous BG post, and a variety of other threads (Katy Perry/Russell Brand’s divorce, etc). The fact remains that what this woman did has nothing to do with gay marriage whatsoever. It’s a non-comparison. There is no ‘hypocrisy’ because the woman didn’t even get married. There’s alot of blame and contempt out there for people who don’t stay married as long as posters seem to think is acceptable, or who haven’t had a good enough marriage according to the posters’ standards.
Jezi: True, but it was pretty stupid of Brandi to pull the “i will get married for real when everyone can get married” card on her twitter. I mean really, we all know that is not true, she was just using that as a cop-out, throwaway line & I was embarrassed for her when she said that. Just own the fun. I’m saying that & I love that chick.
She said it because her mentions on twitter was filled with “I’m gay and find it disgusting that you would play with marriage like that” stuff. So she said that so that everyone knew that she wishes everyone could get married. She’s said in the past that she’s not looking to get married again. If it happens it happens but she didn’t do it to hurt anyone.
same sex marriage is legal where I live.
Wonder what her children and their friends think about this?
Wonder what her children will think when they watch the video of LeAnn sucking their father’s fingers while their mother sat at home taking care of them.
Wonder what her children will think when they see photos on the Internet of their father and Sheana Marie Jancan together while their mother was at home pregnant with unborn Jake.
Wonder what her children will think when they see the tweets from Darrell Brown and Mateo bashing their mother relentlessly with hateful words while LeAnn LOL’d in response.
Wonder what her children will think when they see tweets from LeAnn’s Twitter fans/buddies that said the most vile things about their mother while once again LeAnn LOL’ing in response and the continued association with these ‘selective people’ even to point of LeAnn bringing these ‘selective people’ around them.
Wonder what her children will think and feel like when they see the pictures of well documented SWFing that LeAnn did of their mother.
Wonder what her children will think when they see the Twitter photo that LeAnn tweeted that says: “Bitch Be Gone” (on a spray can) after Brandi made a comment about the necklace their father once gave to their mother when they were married.
Wonder. Oh I wonder. What will these boys think of LeAnn Rimes and their father Eddie Cibrian when it is all said and done?? Because that day shall surely come. Oh, I wonder…..
Agreed, Brandi isn’t a manipulative liar.
This is hilarious to me..of how ppl are taking this so seriously as if I k.ow her or she is ur bff..let her be as long as she is a good mother to het kids who are to sit there a judge do not live thirty life god is the only one that can judge and last time i check I don’t thinl any of u are…k.ow that when u point one finger at someone there is 3 other ones pointing right back at u …so let her be get a life and worry about u as long as she is not killing,raping ,or being. Bad mother to her children then who ppl act as if u are saints I’m sure u have skeletons in ur closets..funny thing is u talk craap here but if u meet her in person u would be like a barking bog all bark but no bite..she was married for so many years and faithful to a dog at a young age and didn’t get to do all the crazy stupid things we get to if she wants to be crazy sometimes what is it to u!
Now that I know its not legal I think its funny. No legality, no sex = no marriage. Just sily fun on New Year’s Eve. With a BFF who looks like he might even bat for the other team.
I haven’t the foggiest if she has a drink problem. If she has, I hope she gets assist.
Best part of this story = the hissy fit LeAnn Rimes will throw, because she cannot bang on Brandi for an ill-advised marriage and she can’t get rid of the alimony payments. I’m certain that LeAnn’s lawyer has had an earful (and a splitting migraine)over the past few days with the never-ending gnat-wing sound of LeAnn’s whinging voice screeching about bad-assed Brandi’s badness.
LOL…that is the best part (that and the fact that LR wasn’t mentioned in it).
I never thought of it that way before but you have brought up an interesting point of view, Scarlet Vixen. I do agree with you and find it refreshing to see a differing perspective.
And in other news Leanne Rhimes is still voted the most destestable woman in Hollywood going into the New Year. That is all…
Katherine Heigl’s doppleganger! Also, this story is so stupid. Why the hell would you go through all that trouble to have a ceremony, and not actually be married? Yeah she was drunk, but it just sounds dumb. Just dumb.
Jesus-this back and forth is nauseating. Kaiser: I get it now. Oy.
I think everyone is taking what she did way out of context. If it offends you personally for her to get pretend married in her late 30’s, that’s a shame. BUT- There’s no reason to call people names who don’t agree.
I think what she did is hilarious and man I wish i was there! Everyone worried about her boys, I think they won’t care either way if Uncle Darin who they’ve both known since birth moves over to stepdaddy-which its clear he’s not. I’d think they had more of an issue accepting the famiy dynamics of his dads bad coices than this.
JUST MY OPINION-keep the insults to yourself.
I have to kinda agree. I really have no problem at all with what she did. Who decided that being 38yrs old and having kids makes you too old to get drunk and have fun while your children are somewhere else and being taken care of? I’m a 32yr old mum who got a good babysitter and then got drunk (ok, I got tipsy–not a fan of getting drunk anymore!) on New Year’s. Damn, I thought I was being responsible but I guess I’m really a bad mom because I still wanna have grownup fun sometimes. Or, is it the tweeting about it that makes her an awful person? I’m sure kids know that their parents do crazy things to blow off steam sometimes, so who cares if there’s a twitter trail? As long as she isn’t drinking around her kids I personally don’t see the problem. I really don’t get the hate directed at a woman who had some alcohol fueled fun miles away from her children while they were being cared for. Who decides when we thirtysomethings with kids aren’t allowed to do crazy sh*t anymore? I thought that was my decision to make…
I know right!?? I’m 37 (wahhhhhh!!!) and GIRL I was a WILD child before kids and marriage. We’re talking waking up on top of my car after I broke into a zoo on tequila crazy! Clearly those days are over. but I DO go on a girls trip once a year-usually to Vegas but this year was a cruise and we DO get crazy and have tons of fun! Tattos, out dancing all night and even get a driver/bodyguard who walks us in and out of the clubs. I can tell you that if I was partying with my guy BFF who I’ve known for almost 2 decades and I was single…a drive thru marriage COULD happen! lol And we’d have had a frickin’ ball. 😉
Marissa, I can think of a few reasons. Maybe she did it to tweak LeAnn, who she knew would go ballistic. But I suspect she did it because she’s had a stressful year and wanted to do something giddy, silly and quite harmless. If it’s not even a legal marriage, then no one gets hurt. Its pretend vows at a silly party.
Lol, whut??? I’ve been relaxing in the NY (and carting my husband back and forth to the cinema so he can see Hugo again, and again and again and again…) and I completely missed THIS!
Okay, let me just say this, I’ve posted here on numerous stories a few times (I avoid Kardashian posts the best I can though. I’ve never felt ashamed to be part-Armenian until I see them) and I like Brandi. I think she was hard done by, thrust into the limelight by that relentless Leann Rimes, who I really, really don’t like. I never have so my dislike of her did not stem from the affair scandal. I hated her damn music. And I didn’t like her attitude.
Brandi, by all means should go out and have fun, she deserves it… BUT, she is a mother now, of young boys. She needs to set an example because Eddie sure as sugar ain’t any kind of ‘role-model’ to them. And God Forbid Leann is a role-model.
Stories and antics like that can really cause trouble. This could be small ammunition that gives Eddie and Leann the lee-way to take Brandi to court and take her kids. Don’t harp at me, I know LR and EC were irresponsible with their affair and Tweets and photo-ops but seriously, a judge don’t care about that shit. THIS is what they’ll take aim and fire on. And I never want Eddie or Leann to take those boys away from Brandi, especially when she seems like such a good mother.
Also, this is my last point; BITCH, PLEASE! I can’t legally marry my husband because as gay men, we destroy the sanctity of marriage but Sinead O Connor can come off her meds, Brandi Glanville can get off her face and Kim Kardashian can whore herself out for a damn TV special and get married and WE are destroying the sanctity of marriage? Please. At least me and my husband are in love and committed. We have a baby on the way in a few months and being married to this man, who I’ve been in love with since I was 17, would be the icing on my cake. But I can’t. Not yet. I wish celebrities would stop making these damn stupid mistakes.
Any-doodle, Happy New Year everyone 🙂
Eddie sure seems to go for the horse face gals doesn’t he?
Duh! Did anyone believe she really got married? She only said she did for the publicity. Its not funny when she has 2 small children who could be affected by her ” silly fun.” She needs to grow up. It might be funny if it was a 20 yr old with no kids but that she is not.
I want to like her so much, because I just can’t stand that bratty Leann. Leann is a stalker nutcase, but this chick seems a little off. She had everyone in her corner, & while I still can’t stomach Leann, I’m questioning Brandi’s choices. She needs a good PR person/image consultant, STAT!
‘Can,t get over how worked up people are getting over a Vegas wedding. Don’t people do this shit in Vegas all the Time?
Yeah, why is that? Isn’t Vegas, with its casinos, strip joints, marriage chapels and other “pleasures,” the amusement park for adults? Why should Brandi and Darin become the poster children for the “mockery of marriage”? Aren’t there better examples of this, in Hollywood? … in Politics? … in Royal circles? … among our own community leders, families and friends? Are the brooms stuck so far up our own asses that we need to stone these two BFFs? It makes me smile a bit, as does the “reality” that now Brandi can say, even if it’s just a fantasy, her current husband and sadly soon to be ex-husband (simply by not showing up in court) but BFF is a stand-up guy and not a jerk, a regular person she can count on. What a liberating experience for her! You would think anyone who’s been bullied or publicly scorned would put down the stones and applaud!
Its too funny reading the reactions of LR’s paid mouthpieces are having over this little joke. You can tell they had a private twitter meeting to tell everyone where the stories are so they can all post their comments about BG.
Im willing to bet we’ll soon see more staged photo ops with LR & EC and some random strippers and maybe even a renewal of vows ceremony in LV just to keep up.
Funniest part is Eddie probably thought this would get him out of his support only to find out they never really wed or even attempted to. BG is probably laughing her ass off at all this.
What’s too funny is that people who dare to say what Brandi did was dumb are ‘LR paid mouthpieces’
It’s ALMOST as funny as someone saying Brandi had a DUI because the police officers were paid by LR to follow her around.
wait she got a DUI?!?! that kind of de-legitimizes all those ‘justing having fun’ and the ‘pills and booze was only once’ thing. 3 strikes and you need to remove yourself from the bottle.
I really don’t like her at all. Cibrian has weird taste in women.
Brandi is just rebelling against her Amish up brining.
Seeing a lot of references to Brandi’s “poor choices.” I was wondering:
• who went to Mason’s school play and did not post any photographic evidence of same online?
• who went to Mason’s school holiday party and posted a photo of Mason with the name of his school (how convenient for a kidnapper — especially one who knows the photo poster is rich… and BTW, the school officials should put their faces in a used toilet for giving this person so much unregulated access … perhaps due to a substantial donation?)?
• who took the kids for a Christmas holiday to visit with family and strengthen family ties?
• who took the kids for an “apre-Christmas” snowboard vacation and had the paparazzi at the ready?
• who has friends?
• who has paid retainers?
• who had to find a job after being out of the workforce for years, bearing and raising two children, because the ex-spouse had his child support payments reduced while shopping for an $85M engagement ring?
• who can’t seem to break out into larger movie roles and also is the kiss of death to any t.v. series/t.v. role?
• who holds up a new body of recorded work for several years before releasing it and relentlessly promoting it, only to see it sell poorly?
• who is the spokesperson for Don Julio tequila?
• who has no spokesperson at all, taking ownership for her own words and deeds, mistakes and all? (that’s pretty grown-up, no?)
… ahhh there’s so much more but there are patterns to be seen here, no?
Well done.
who got a DUI?
who didn’t?
• Who had the malice to relentlessly stalk another human being, to the point of renting an apartment close to the home of a family with the intent to break up the home and take possession of the husband?
• Who had the malice to show up at a sporting event attended by this husband and wife, with the intent of staging an interception so she could see the husband?
• Who got in her car to stalk the wife on the road while the wife was trying to get the kids to school? (Imagine how that felt, seeing “the other woman” coming at you on the open road?)
• Who created bogus Twitter accounts to cyberbully the wife, even after the wife kicked the husband to the curb? (Remember how Dean Sheremet went on Twitter and kicked WeWe in her bikini wax after learning about the WeWe tweets?)
• Who is a multi-incident stalker, a cyberbully, a Tequila-fueled self-appointed prophetess of blessings and love, who posed for the NOH8 campaign and took a paid gig to sing for a political hate group?
If any of your answers are “WeWe” “Speed Bump” “Spokesperson for Don Julio,” “Consumer of many cocktails on her four bikini birthday celebration with “bonus” children on the beach,” “Let me kiss you while I shove my scantily clad bottom in your four-year-old’s face, etc., you are correct. Before you play this tennis volley, make sure you have enough balls to hit back.
@Diana, DAMN!
holy shit how do you know all this stuff??! oh….
hahaha. well done!
Yes, Brandi got a DUI when she went off the rails after being betrayed by her partner of 13 years and father of her kids. She owned up to it and did her service for it. LR on the other hand, does all kinds of screwy stuff, and doesn’t own anything. So why all the admiration for her, seriously?? Oh, I should say, she owned the affair, but with the caveat of: didn’t have tools, it was fate, have no regrets. The woman has zero accountability.
Brandi is transparent, and people like her for that. Though it’s her own PR undoing, as well. 😉
And if you want to go tit-for-tat, LR has a history of driving into cars and hit-and-runs and driving erratically(tmz has the video)…she’s lucky she hasn’t hurt someone.
Loads of cookies for you. That was a brilliant & thorough breakdown of what has gone down.
@Diana…Well played, well played… 😉
The truth hurts a ‘lil don’t it? Especially when perfectly outlined including bullet points no less!
I liked Brandi and sympathized with her before but after watching her this last episode hanging all over Lisa’s husband and walking around in that tiny bikini, I’ve lost all respect for her. She another fame whore in Hollywood.
So much time invested in something that has no consequences on any of us. Brandi seems like the type of woman who forgets that she’s now deemed a “celebrity” and posts stuff on twitter as if she was just “one of us.” It happens. Nothing pathological about it. Personally, I think it was a dumb drunken thing to do, but it wasn’t legal, so no harm, no foul. I do think that she needs to remember that her actions do impact upon her family more now, though, since every move she makes is now under the celeb-microscope.
now would be the time to seek some PR advice!
True, although I rather enjoy her uncensored attitude, and it’s not like we are lacking in the Uber-Controlled Fem-Bot department in HW…oh well…
A part time job on a trashy reality show does not make one a celebrity. LOL.
Nor does a has been
Actually, it does.
Wow…..1st I find it crazy that everyone that comments on here with a even a mild opinion on this gets attacked by personal friends of Brandi on this thread. I started reading this site after it was mentioned numerous times on dlisted (LoVe MK <3) the more commented on posts seem to float to the top on the mobile site. I say this to preempt the flurry of questions of why I read these comments and why I "care" about this story. I don't. Lets make that clear. 🙂 I am simply amazed by the threads. Not pro Leann and not anti Brandi. But I am old enough to remember leann when she came out with Blue. Good song. talented girl. I really would like to see her not in a bikini all the time and ignore all of this meaning no more comments from her or friends. If she cares for her bonus sons than that should give her even more incentive to revive her career. right? To insure her families financial comfort for years to come. thats my extent of feelings on LR as she is called on here. I honestly dont remember hearing of EC before all of this, mild name recognition but thats it. Def. not Brandi. She got cheated on. many times by eddie. makes him a jerk. yes it does. but I wonder if they lead a party lifestyle together? Maybe it kinda got old. Maybe. I just see Her "friends" saying these things and defending her every move but it seems like brandi wouldnt want to make it look like she knows these people. I find it creepy when the comments on a blog are from people claiming to know her saying things like "brandi has known him for years actually" like its public knowledge what these zlisters did before any of this anyway. and Ive looked at these Twitter documents that show proof of LR being a bully. I dont have a twitter, maybe i dont get it but that shows me nothing but she replys to comments to people that were mean to brandi on twitter. I talk to "friends" on my FB I hardly know – I hope if one of my FB friends murders someone the jury isnt like some of you. Ive told some people I hardly know That they are sweet people on FB to be nice. Just sayin'. I have seen a lot of pro brandi people on here being big ole' bullies. My opinion. I dont work for leann or leanne or whatever. but jeeze. This is crazy Sh*t. The comments make it seem too personal – like these friends are in Brandi's living room typing. This whole married and twittering pictures was trashy. my last bit of sympathy went out the window with this news.
I think it was a PR stunt, sure. Brandi is working on getting on as a full time Housewife- isn’t this this kind of thing you do when you want a better chance at making it in reality TV? Not sure, just askin’ ( :. Maybe Brandi is doing what she needs to do to achieve financial security for her kids. I would do the same… unless dear old dad is suddenly sending out resumes. Oh and then there is this:
OMG more responses than an Angie post. I only read 1/2 the comments and have the distinct impression it’s filled with ALOT of friends/reps, etc. from both sides. We know Brandi contacts those who run this blog. I’m sure Leann has folks watching it to. Who really gives a shit what this woman does. The ones on here that do are protesting WAY too much not to be Leann or her buds.
Brandi will be explaining her “non wedding” to Ken Baker on E News tonight.
I want to hear about it.
Has anyone seen the report on radar that her BFF/fake husband’s ex wife is fuming over this? Radar is claiming she feels that Brandi betrayed her for a cheap publicity stunt.
The plot thickens…
Ooohh, thanks for the tip!
@Detriotgirl….like a Lifetime movie… lol. I hear the ex has issues.
seriously – it was NEW YEARS 2012 – its ok for people to party their arse off!! brandi isnt out there being VILE toward others like leanne, shes just living it up, and WHY THE HECK SHOULDNT SHE??? MOTHERS ARE WOMEN TOO WHO HAVE NEEDS BEYOND PARENTING – SO UNLESS HER SONS WERE OUT BOOZING WITH HER TILL 5 AM – YOU COMMENTERS NEED TO CORK IT BECAUSE YOU SOUND IGNORANT AND NARROW. also brandi is just a lady having fun post divorce and doing her best to support her kids, shes not mother theresa. whats wrong with you girls on here? uhg. NOT smart. AND as if none of you ever went through a red wine phase. please, bitches. POT-KETTLE-BLACK
“‘uhg.’ NOT smart” hahahaha NOW that is pot calling the kettle black. classic.
I’m sure most of us on this thread have not been convicted for DUI. Was that just Brandi having fun?
May I just ask when and where anyone said she was a) a bad mother and b) not allowed to have fun? This has not been said at ALL. Maybe you should all read what has been actually said instead of inferring incorrectly. This is getting ridiculous, no other thread has so many people harping on and attacking other users.You should actually READ what others of said before commenting. Stop making things up so you have something to argue about.
Wow. Just read the Radar online remarks by this guy’s ex-wife.
Brandi is stupid as hell. People have not focused on her until now because everybody was focusing on the “bad” LeAnn and Eddie. Brandi in fact is worse than LeAnn, she just used the victim card for so long and now she is showing her true colors. In a long run LeAnn will come out a better person than Brandi, trust me. We are going to see a lot of Brandi’s craziness.
Totally false.
LeAnn is so demonic and diabolical that any mistakes Brandi has ever made or will make in the future…..make Brandi look like a choir girl. 🙂
A choir girl who drives drunk and puts other people’s children in jeopardy. I’m sure there were other people on the road who had their children in the car.
Radaronline says that Darin’s ex is angry and she’s fired off a torrent of tweets about this. But guess what? This is Michelle Harvey’s tweet on October 4th:
modellharvey Michelle Harvey
@iluvLeAnnRimes @leannrimes morning Leanne it’s Michelle have Elisa give you my #! we have lots to speak about!
4 Oct
Hmmmm. The plot thickens.
Professionally, I get it, but as a human being, I just don’t get it. LeAnn WON (a dubious win, but a win nonetheless). Why can’t she simply enjoy her “prize” and act like an adult instead of doing all this crap and seemingly gathering all this “ammunition” on the ex? Just be happy. Just live your life. Leave everything else behind. She really needs help. It’s actually sad.
This. Leanne is so disliked because she is such a poor “winner.” Despite the cheating, I bet LR could easily have salvaged her PR image. When it comes to love, the American public can be very forgiving. But instead of being gracious about “winning” Eddie, Leanne gloats. She brags. She encourages name-calling and LOLs at people who call Brandi bitter and old. WTF? Just be nice for godssake. Brandi seems fine to me. If she’s not fine, it STILL behooves Leanne to shut her mouth. And how Eddie does not put his foot down about this baloney is beyond me.
Sorry, people. That was a slightly off-topic PMS-fueled rant. Here, I’ll get back on topic:
Oh, the sanctity of marriage! (clutches pearls)
Maybe it’s because the only reason EC is with LR is because he got dumped. EC is a serial cheater, those types don’t cheat because they’re in love, they cheat because they have self-esteem issues. Also, they rarely leave their wives willingly. He may throw it in LR’s face that he lost his family because of her(they also take NO responsibility)= LR hating BG, even though BG never did anything to LR. Now LR is stuck with a bad image and tries desperately to make it seem like her and EC were meant to be, all the while forgetting the fact that she has a singing career, she is a bit obsessed with getting away from being seen as the “other woman” and doesn’t seem to deal well with the reality that some people will never get over it, and some will, and at the end of the day, she should stop caring so much what others think. You know, be like Brandi 😉
@Sab: Now I think that it’s your fault that LeAnn is becoming like Brandi, lol joke. She’s not only overdoing it but – in her nutty SWF fashion – she probably thinks she is Brandi and the wife she stole the husband from is the other woman. It’s a mad mad world in her brain.
OK. I understand it was just for fun, no legal marriage took place or was ever intended to take place- She was in Vegas on NYE and just letting loose. I understand all that…BUT I still think it was a bad move on her part.
I’m all for having fun. BUT I can see Eddie (with a big push from his wallet Leann) using this to make an issue of custody based on Brandi’s behavior. Leann would love to try and take those boys from her (not that I believe Leann actually wants those boys FULL time…but if it helps secures Eddie to her and hurts Brandi, she’s all in) and I just think it was irresponsible for Brandi to hand them more ammo.
Sometimes you need to think about future consequences more than the “in the moment” fun. I hope it all works out for her and that it passes without much, if any, issues from Eddie and Leann.. but I don’t see them letting it slide.