Kelly Osbourne versus Jennifer Lawrence: whose stylist hated her more?

The only thing that joins Kelly Osbourne and Jennifer Lawrence in my mind is that they both looked super-rough at last night’s People’s Choice Awards. I mean, I get it. It’s JUST the People’s Choice. No one is bringing their style A-game. But when making an appearance on a red carpet, I would really love it if celebrities would dress is a way where I would never have to use the phrase “wrath of God.” That’s what I thought when I saw Jennifer Lawrence – who is ordinarily a beautiful, stunning young woman. She has a great, athletic body and a gorgeous face. I have no idea why she chose to present herself this way. The Viktor & Rolf dress is… well, maybe someone will like it, but I think it’s hideous, and it looks uncomfortable. But what’s worse is Jennifer’s styling and makeup. She looks like a half-dead zombie. Much, much too dark. It’s not “sophisticated” it’s just too dark.

Meanwhile, I have no idea what Kelly Osbourne was trying to do here. I don’t think she knows either, and she doesn’t look pleased with her result. The dress is Honor – color blocking can be cute, but not with off-white and orange, and not on Kelly Osbourne. The only nice thing I can say is that I like the fit of the dress – if it was all one color, and that color was lavender or red, it would have been really interesting. But the worst part might be Kelly’s hair? I think she was aiming for violet, but in photos, it just reads as old-lady grey. The length is good – imagine this cut and style, but in a shade of honey-brown with some red highlights. Wouldn’t she look so much better like that?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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83 Responses to “Kelly Osbourne versus Jennifer Lawrence: whose stylist hated her more?”

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  1. Marjalane says:

    One time I tried to color my hair myself and it came out like Kelly’s. Cost me $200.00 to get rid of it!

    • Meg says:

      The same exact thing happened to me! It was GREY!!! Yikes.

    • Alix says:

      How does it manage to look brown and gray at the same time???

      Don’t mind the dress, though; I kinda like it. Her makeup’s not up to the usual flawless standard, though. Girlfriend is a genius at doing her own face — would make a great makeup artist.

      • samab says:

        she bleached her hairs on the lenght and left the roots of her natural colour.I’ve done all kinds of colours in my teens,and I tried this lilly- violet -grey once ,i must say it is one of the most difficult colour to’re hair has to be white in order to get that shade of lily,otherwise you’re gonna look like this.I kept a hat for three days when I tried it on me

  2. Veruca says:

    Are we sure that isn’t Ozzy? (Ok, it’s mean, sorry.) I never saw how much she looked like him until now…

    Normally she looks very cute. Not that day.

    And for the love of Pete, what is Jennifer wearing? Or better question, why??

  3. k says:

    I think I read somewhere that grey hair was being worn as a fashion accessory by the likes of Kate Moss and such. While grey hair can look fantastic on many women, this shade is just so off and not complementary to Kelly’s skin coloring.

  4. Lupe says:

    I hate reading about Kelly–she just seems like a spoiled and graceless little twat. But unfortunately, even as bad as she looks here she still takes it over Jennifer. The hair and that awful, awful dress.

    • OriginalTiffany says:

      Jennifer’s dress and make up win the fug by a mile!
      I actually think Kelly’s dress flatters her and looks like she should sit down in it.
      Jennifer and that dress! Mesh and blue velvet boob swirls with black netting and horrid makeup, just a big no.

      Looks like Kelly is in a weird transition shade. I tried to go for bright violet highlights, but because of previous color, came out like this, only my cousin was patient enough to do it all again and cover up with bright red streaks instead. Before I moved to London, had to go dark again, as red washes out SO fast. I don’t trust stylists on the road, so I box colored for a while, not good. Thankfully I didn’t ruin my hair, it’s the longest I’ve ever had it. Sorry for the hair diatribe, but I’ve had everything from a pixie to super long and every color. I get bored and have super healthy hair. Why not? I think of it as an accessory, the worst thing hat can happen is a chop off.

      • Franny says:

        I agree with you. I’ve had long hair, short hair, blond, brown, red hair. who cares, if it doesn’t look good, you can change it back!

        Unless you are linnocent. then you need to go back to red, and get rid of the extensions.

    • bros says:

      no way is kelly winning this. she looks like a troll living under a bridge with that hair. Jennifer’s face looks great, and I dont even mind the dress because its a flattering color on her and cut (possibly not the best design).

    • thebutlerdidit says:

      A close friend of mine is a publicist who has worked with the Osbournes. She says they are all super nice and down to Earth. According to her, Kelly isn’t the least bit pretentious, and is truly funny. However, the poor girl needs a style intervention, STAT.

      • TG says:

        Glad to hear this about Kelly because I love her on the Fashion Police. I like them all actually. Except Kelly sometimes can’t be subjective about fashion because Madonna is her boss so she always gives Madonna a best dressed bs, but I would do the same thing if soemone was writing my checks for me.

        Oh and call me crazy but I love Jennifer’s dress and Kelly looks good in hers too except for that gray hair.

  5. mia girl says:

    I was surprised when I saw Jennifer Lawrence walk on stage with this dress.
    It fit her well enough, and the color is good for her – but I just didn’t get “it”.
    Is the dress some type of fashion metaphor for a beautiful siren whose trying to break free from the nets of conformity while she battles the waves of discord?

    • Faye says:

      Yes, that is exactly the metaphor. 🙂 It is sort of a silly dress, but I like it. If I were going to wear it though, I’d have the “waves” on maybe a soft cream fabric, not on fishnet. The cream would look pretty on her bronzey skin and would set off the blue nicely, I think.

  6. David says:

    Jennifer Lawrence was great in her 1st movie

  7. Jayna says:

    Jennifer. Wow, that’s one of the worst dresses I have ever seen.

    I actually like Kelly’s dress for some reason. I am glad to see that awful blonde out of Kelly’s hair. It washed her out and made her look 40. I guess, this hair color is cool for a month or so just for fun, but she needs to go back to her pale skin against her naturally dark hair. It really brought out her features the best and suited her.

  8. Zigggy says:

    I kinda dig Jennifer’s- only because my immediate thought was something weird Katniss would wear being paraded around the districts… maybe that’s what she was going for?

  9. Bubbling says:

    Jennifer shouldn’t really look like that she is cute! As for Kelly, I do not know a single person that would look good with that hair.

  10. Sara says:

    How ironic Kelly is on that Fashion show on E judging celebrities fashion choices. She has no right to judge fashion after this imo.

    • Bermuda Blues says:

      I agree 100% why should anyone take style critique from the freak who showed up with grandma’s wig.

    • jay says:

      no one on Fashion Police is really known for being high fashion or super fashionable. They’re just commentators on the E! pay roll.

      Kelly actually tried to work grey hair before. But with little success. The weird thing about this color is that it looks brown, grey, and violet all at the same time. In the worst ways.

    • sosuzy says:

      Grey hair and orange dress… brilliant combo…yuk.. from the pics, she seems to know she looks bad,,, time for a new stylist or is her stylist her mum?…

  11. Miffits says:

    I don’t even know what colour to call Kelly’s hair. It’s kind of grey… beige?

  12. Stubbylove says:

    Holy shit Kelly looks amazingly bad – “major what was she thinking?” moment. Joan better not hold back on Fashion Police – Kelly tee’d it up and Joan better knock ’em down!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      That’s the ironic part of this-she’s on a show where she criticizes others’ fashion choices. Ugh.

  13. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Jennifer Lawrence is so beautiful but why does she dress like that? She has a really great figure but I always get the feeling that she’s uncomfortable with it-or maybe she’s just uncomfortable getting dressed up, period?

  14. Samgirl says:

    I saw JL and said, wth is Emily Blunt doing there? Then I realized…that’s my Katniss Everdeen. Sonofagun. The dress is awful, and the makeup is too much. She’s such a pretty girl, and she looks stunning in red…she should have gone with it again.

    As for the grey hair look on kelly, I hate it, especially with the super red lips.

    I think they both look like crap. But Kelly was recognizable. I don’t know if that’s a good thing, though.

  15. DontRainonmyPrada says:

    I’m more shocked at Sharon Osbourne than anyone else in this post. I haven’t seen her for a long time; looks like she’s struggling with her weight again (post lap-band removal) and she looks really uncomfortable.

    • Marc says:

      Yeah Sharon looks like silver condom with all that spanx underneath.

    • Jules says:

      Sharon’s weight is ok, but she definitely looks like she is sucking it in and uncomfortable. I didn’t know she had a band removal.

      • DontRainonmyPrada says:

        Well, I think she had it removed quite awhile ago – around 2006 – so it’s probably not directly related to that. I definitely identify with the struggle…I have a band and it somewhat keeps me in check so I don’t become obese again. However, it doesn’t prevent me from making bad food choices and I would be thinner if I could be more disciplined.

    • Jayna says:

      Sharon on that talk show she is on was talking about her weight gain. She was very candid about it and pretty much said when she is ready she will work on being more disciplined but wasn’t there yet.

  16. Bermuda Blues says:

    I kinda like Jennifer Lawrence’s dress, but I think she’s a bit too young and too fresh to pull it off. I like the concept of the dress. I think the colors work. Her makeup is certainly too heavy.

  17. Marc says:

    Kelly still has fat face and arms. How is this possible? She looks horrible. She should go straight to the Fashion Police Station and sherif Joan Rivers should put her to the jail.

  18. madpoe says:

    Do not view these photos while walking down stairs…will cause tripping!

  19. for real? says:

    i love Kelly’s dress, i hate that hair, she has had it for a while now, i hate this color on her, i dont know whats going on with Jennifer her dress her make up hae her shoes are too big!

  20. Jules says:

    Jennifer’s dress is hideous…her stylist should be fired.

    Kelly’s hairSTYLE is pretty, color doesn’t work at all. Just like her dress.

  21. Brooke says:

    I actually think Lawrence’s look is genius and a nice change of pace, transitioning into her next character.

  22. Jackson says:

    Ugh. They both look fug and budget. Not good. The only nice thing I can say is that up close, JL’s face/makeup looks very nice. That’s all I got.

  23. LDL says:

    I think Jennifer looks straight out of hunger games, I think this is what they were going for. I think she looks rad!

  24. juju says:

    Kelly looks pretty, but that hair color is awful !!! is that grey ??? really bad

  25. judyjudy says:

    Kelly looks awful. I want that dress, though. I would seriously rock that dress.

  26. BBB says:

    Ugh Kelly’s hates her more. She looks like she’s having a hangover

  27. kingkayski says:

    The 3 of them together could passed for “Walking Dead “zombies

  28. spinner says:

    Good Lord!!

    Exits thread…

  29. DarkEmpress says:

    Is Kelly trying to age herself? With the grey hair colour and the outfit??? I feel like she and sharon should switch dresses and hair colour. That would be more appropriate. What is with her sour face??? Maybe she is still depressed over Amy Winehouse.

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      Possibly. Now she needs to find someone else to brown-nose to pick up residual attention and that’s depressing. Or perhaps upon realizing that her horrible blonde hair, grease slick lipstick and weight gain was starting to make her look like a certain ‘fat bitch’ she excoriated obsessively, shamelessly and inaccurately (she seems to get her self-image from a funhouse mirror) caught a peek in a reflective surface and heard strains of ‘Old gray mare she ain’t what she used to be’ neighing inside of her head. Maybe she’s saving her face muscles so they can look adequately scandalized on demand when Joan says something randy. Never overindulge in schadenfreude, lest people find themselves defending Christina Aguilera’s highly, highly dubious honour. How this kind of circus monkey wardrobe got on FP is beyond me.

      This Lawrence girl is re-booting the Ice Capades franchise, I presume?

  30. Nessa says:

    Why, Jennifer? Why? You usually look do fresh and beautiful!

    And I got nothin’ on Kelly. Just … No.

  31. Roxy750 says:

    I think Kelly looks good, for some reason I really like her whole ensemble. For real.

  32. Zorbitor says:

    A bag of Cheetos would smartly accessorize Kelly’s dress for the occasion!

  33. Turd Fergussen says:

    I actually think Jennifer’s dress is kind of cute, and I like her makeup as well — especially her lipstick color. The smokey eye makeup really sets off the color of her light eyes.

  34. Franny says:

    Why did you not even comment on the monstrosity that is her mothers dress? Holy unflattering disco ball.

    also, I don’t believe anyone should walk out of the house, much less be photographed, without some eyeliner on. It makes you look like you haven’t slept in days.

  35. Emily says:

    I think Jennifer Lawrence’s dress is pretty and cool for the People’s Choice Awards, but I agree that her make-up and hair kind of ruined it.

    As for Kelly…her hair does look bad these days. There was a time when she had lavender hair that LOOKED lavender and I remember thinking “she is actually managing to pull that off and look good”, but this grey is not doing it for her and the dress is awful.

  36. eileen says:

    Ok I know I’m in the minority here but I don’t think Kelly’s dress is all that bad. I like the babyblue and orange-but the hair and makeup are not good. yikes. and that blue dress is BAD! So not even close to her style…or anyones for that matter unless you’re on Dancing with the Stars!

  37. Dee Cee says:

    I love the dress and hair.. she looks dainty fragile and lovely.. fantastic skin.

  38. Seany D says:

    Goddamnit, I just melt and babble incoherently in my head whenever I see Lawrence. Good outfit, bad outfit, it doesn’t matter – she’s just too gorgeous.

    No other actress has ever had this effect on me, it’s weird.

  39. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    I wonder if Kelly didn’t tip well on her last visit? Actually the hair colour is not too bad, now if she would just smile. And Jennifer Lawrence is a doppleganger for Emily Blunt.

  40. Rhiley says:

    Jennifer is clearly wearing a poor choice of dress but her face looks beautiful. Kelly, however, looks horrible, like she is sick, or, and I hate to say this, but like she is back on drugs. She is an ashy, moody mess and probably should’ve stayed home.

  41. Marianne says:

    I kind of liked jennifer’s dress. It was different. She coud have easily done the short sparkly mini like other stars…but she took a risk.

  42. The Orignal Original says:

    I would have liked Jennifers dress if it had been fitted on the bottom instead of looking like a bell

  43. HappyJoyJoy says:

    Kelly looks like a posessed menonite. That awful make up and that god awful hair. I hate everything about this. I wish I could un see it.

  44. bea says:

    I first thought – nothing could be worse than that blue dress – then I scrolled down and saw Kelly! Holy shiz – it looks like a bad day at the thrift store!

    K looks alot like HERMAN MUNSTER in that pic with her mom. Very weird shade of brown on her hair.

  45. Alimar says:

    Kelly looks soft and elegant. I like the color blocking on her dress, soft and fragile, fits her really well, and is different. The hair color is questionable, but I dont see it as grey. Jennifers dress is kind of cool and who could wear that with out an amazing figure. Make up could be a bit lighter.

  46. JuliaDomna says:

    I think Kelly looks pretty great.

    And who is this other Emily Blunt-ish person? Horrible dress. Horrible!

  47. kay says:

    I love that blue dress!

  48. Deven says:

    Kelly would definitely profit from a good relationship with a hairdresser. Not only is the color bad, the “style” is unbelievably bad! This is how she goes out of the house??

  49. ema82m says:

    WTF is with Kelly’s make up…I mean orange eye shadow & pink blush!!!

  50. Maya says:

    Kelly Osbourne can be a billionaire and she’d still look as horrid as Tori Spelling.

  51. RobN says:

    Maybe Kelly could try not looking so completely miserable. That would really help.

    As for Jennifer, I think she’s so naturally pretty that she can pull pretty much anything, this dress included.

  52. BerMan says:

    Kelly’s second photo looks like she wants to throw up ! – Not a happy or healthy camper. (barf) – (Celebrities do go through extremes looking thin for all these upcoming awards shows.) Perhaps its a residual affect from a cleans or other treatments. – So onward to the award shows where everyone will appear 20 lbs lighter and showing extreme weight recoveries from those who gave birth in recent week(s). Cheers !

  53. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    How did they make Jennifer Lawrence look like my highschool gym teacher in a dress? I’m baffled, I love her, and she has looks I’d for but nothing about her look here is working. I’m only semi excited about Hunger Games because of her.

    … as for Kelly Osborne. Glad to know my grandmother’s hair is in fashion now. Reminds me exactly why I follow my trend on not the whims of various morons who think anything that pops into their addled brain is “fashion”.

  54. ocean says:

    I like Kelly’s hair and think its much nicer than when she was sporting the blonde look. I dont mind her outfit either, its neat. However, I think sharons dress is seriously fugly. As for the other lady, that is one hella a weird dress.

  55. Darla says:

    I dig Kelly’s look, I’d totally wear that dress too, although orange isn’t usually a color a feel drawn to. Her lipstick seems a bit weird in that photo, but I dig it!