“Honest question: is Alec Baldwin wearing a rug?” links

Honest question: is Alec Baldwin wearing a rug? [Go Fug Yourself]
Oh no! Adele is still smoking. [Life & Style]
Calvin Klein and his…er, “boy-toy” are on a break. [Gawker]
Still don‘t get the Bar Refaeli thing. She’s busted. [INFDaily]
Stacy Keibler doesn‘t allow George Clooney to prank her. [Videogum]
A really bad photo of Princess Beatrice. [Celebslam]
Amber Rose cries famewhore tears. [Bossip]
Sh-t Nobody Says. [OMG Blog]
Kylie Minogue tweets about Olivier & Halle‘s engagement. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Kat Dennings looks terrible. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Kim Richards is out of rehab. [Radar]
Hooker photos of the day. [Hollywood Rag]
Man wins $1 million lottery – AGAIN. [LimeLife]
Michelle Wiliams covers Vogue Germany. [Celebs]
Ke$ha shaved part of her head. [Bitten and Bound]
You have to look at Steve Carell in these photos. Seriously. [Starpulse]

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32 Responses to ““Honest question: is Alec Baldwin wearing a rug?” links”

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  1. Ruth Dunbar says:

    Maybe maybe not. His hair in that second pic reminds me of the way he wore his hair in his younger, much hotter days (lust). The top pic totally looks like a rug, though.

  2. Tazina says:

    I doubt it. His hair looks messed up and he’s had it cut a little shorter. That’s all. Otherwise, it looks completely real.

  3. CG says:

    Alec walked right past me a couple times when I was in line at the East Hampton Starbucks over Thanksgiving. The people in line behind me were all abuzz about him. IRL he looked pretty fit. I didn’t pay attention to his hair, though!

  4. bea says:

    He has a thick head of hair. That’s just a short haircut and it’s making him have fake-looking bangs.

    He does need to lose weight – he’d be so great looking if he did. He always looks uncomfortable, but he does dress well.

  5. Quest says:

    Can’t say…hmmmmm!

  6. jules says:

    i think he lost a bet and let his girlfriend cut his hair

  7. Insertrandomname says:

    calling Victoria Silvstedt “hooker of the day” is kind of rude don’t you think?

    • Nanea says:

      Would calling her overpriced unclassy escort be any better?

    • KJ says:

      She IS a high-priced escort, though. She’s not throwing shade or being snotty, the woman is actually a hooker.

      • Insertrandomname says:

        Do you have any proof that people pay just to have sex with her?…. Yeah, didn’t think so.

        Just because she has been in relationships with less attractive, though rich men doesn’t mean she’s a hooker. How rude.

      • HadleyB says:

        Does she only date rich men? Does she accept “gifts” from them and would not go out with them or have sex with them if they didn’t?

        If yes, then HOOKER.

        You don’t need to be given cash to be a pro…many women hook for marriage, houses, cars but they call it a relationship.

  8. Petunia says:

    I hope it is and I hope it slips off his head and falls into an American Airlines toilet, whereupon he desperately calls for a flight attendant to fish it out for him, and they all refuse and the toilet gets flushed due to sanitary reasons.

    Revenge is sweet!

  9. kay says:

    halle berry got engaged? is he nuts?

  10. Kim says:

    If you look at pics from just a few yrs back he had very receding hair line so this looks like plugs.

  11. Lairen says:

    Why doesn’t Adele just smoke electronic cigarettes? They’d wreak far less damage on her lungs. I can’t believe she’s still smoking.

  12. danielle says:

    If it’s a rug hard to believe anyone would pay money for that…

    I think Bar’s problem is small eyes. She looks rough in the one photo, but fine with sunglasses.

    Kat Dennings has looked bad since she started that stupid show – I always thought she was gorgeous before. The show is so bad it’s sucking the hot out of her!!!

  13. Lairen says:

    And OMG, thank you so much for the link to Steve Carrell. That photo brought a much-needed smile to face.

  14. Luise says:


  15. UKHels says:

    I know I shouldn’t but I have a massive soft spot for Alec B

    and Bar without make up? just an ordinary looking gal! This is not a criticism by the way

  16. novaraen says:

    Nah…he’s just got into the grecian formula and lost a few pounds to boot. Seems the girlfriend is doing him some good. He looks better than he has in a lonnnng time.

  17. lucy2 says:

    It’s his real hair. After all, according to Jack Donaghy, your hair is your head suit.

  18. David says:

    Hell no

  19. katielouisiana says:

    He should really address that nose hair situation he has going on.

  20. sosuzy says:

    In my senior year of HS, I had his dad as my homeroom teacher. When Alec gains weight he looks just like him. Alec even has his hair, so no, I do not think it is a wig.

  21. gab says:

    I have absolutely no explanation for this, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Alec Baldwin. With all of the crap out in the public, all of his struggles, etc., I still find him endearing. He is just human after all, still handsome and smart.

  22. HadleyB says:

    Bar looks cute without makeup.

    Giselle is the one who looks busted looking..with or without makeup.

  23. Stephanie says:

    He has the sexiest voice EVAH!!

  24. crtb says:

    I have met Alec at least six times and I can tell you that he does not wear a rug!

  25. taxi says:

    Buffed, fat, any mode at all – love him. So smart, so funny, and sometimes really good-looking.

  26. the original bellaluna says:

    Nah. Alec’s always had an awesome head of hair. It’s just a different style, kinda combed forward.

    Adele, I love you voice. My toddler loves your voice. PLEASE DON’T DESTROY YOUR VOICE.