Walking Dead season two finale (spoilers): amazing or adequate?

Spoilers for last night’s finale. Veiled potential spoilers for future episodes.
Last night was the finale of season two of The Walking Dead, and it was awesome. We got to see plenty of zombie killin’, people in peril, and chase scenes. I’m an avid follower of the comic series, and there were some excellent references to the comics. At one point, when a new character was introduced to swoop in and save Andrea, I actually gasped out loud. I knew that Michonne was coming, but they really did her justice in this first scene. What’s more is that there was an incredible reference at the end of the show to the place where our merry band of survivors is about to end up. I won’t give anything more away, but I’m getting really excited for next season. Let’s hope they keep up the drama and don’t let it drag as much as it did this year.

Well a bunch of people from Hershel’s farm were killed this episode, and they were people we didn’t really care about that much. (I’m talking about this episode, not last episode when Shane and Dale bit it. I felt like we didn’t get to know the people who got killed last night. When that dude in the RV got eaten I was like “who is that guy?” I’m surprised T-Dog made it, because they hardly developed that character.) At the end, there was an epic scene with the group where Rick admitted killing Shane out of self defense and told everyone “if you don’t like it you can leave” basically. We also got confirmation that everyone is infected with the zombie craze virus, and that they’ll all turn into zombies when they die whether or not they’re bitten.

Here’s a quick peek at things to come for this show. The really spoilery parts are in white, and you can highlight the blank spaces to get the spoilers.

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and his dwindling band of survivors made it through a zombie herd that overran Herschel’s (Scott Walker) farm, and they are left virtually out of ammo and supplies on the side of road.

For readers of creator Robert Kirkman’s comic book — which provides the basis of the hit AMC mini-series — there are a lot of hints that have been planted as to what’s to come. And probing Kirkman and executive producer Glen Mazzara for more details now that the next season has been mapped out in the writers’ room, there are plenty of teasers to sift through.

Here’s what we expect for the next 16 episodes:

* Just as the shocking deaths of Dale and Shane rattled viewers in the last few weeks, some of the characters in Rick’s band won’t see Season Four.

“No character is safe, we have examined at different [times] killing every character,” Mazzara told reporters in a conference call Friday. “No one is safe on this show.”

* Well, no one except maybe Rick…

“I’m very interested in focusing on Rick for the time being,” says Mazzara, who adds that he likes focusing on the character’s growth as a leader who has to make tough choices — like killing his best friend.

* Comic book geeks are buzzing over the introduction of two new characters – Michonne, who is briefly glimpsed saving Andrea (Laurie Holden) by slicing a zombie’s head off with a katana samurai sword, and [highlight for spoilers] the nefarious Governor.

AMC announced Monday that producers had cast “Treme” actress Danai Gurira to play Michonne, who knows how to make an entrance during her cameo, toting two armless zombies with her on chains.

British veteran David Morrissey has been tapped to play [Highlight the blank part for spoilers] The Governor, the merciless ruler of a commune in Woodbury, Ga. How did Morrissey land the part of one of the most intimidating villains in recent pop culture history?

“He had to have already killed someone prior to the audition,” Kirkman told the News recently. “The Governor is a very nuanced character, on one hand, he is a violent madman, on the other hand he is a silver tongued devil who is wooing you or and lulling you into a false sense of security and then cuts your head off, so we really wanted somebody who had tremendous range.”

[From The NY Daily News]

I would like to talk about last week’s episode a little, particularly when Carl shot zombie Shane. In the comics, Carl shoots living Shane when Shane is a threat to his dad. The Carl shooting zombie Shane plot change seemed like a bit of a cop out so as not to have a kid kill someone. Also, in the comics we got to see Dale survive for a while and go on to have a romance with Andrea. I was sad to see him killed off last episode as I liked his character and was hoping to see a Dale/Andrea romance, as ill-matched as they seem.

As the NY Daily News article mentions, there are about to be some new characters that will be game changers. The one who wasn’t introduced last night is one scary mofo, and I’ll leave it at that. Walking Dead will be returning with the third season this fall. Maybe we’ll get some solid shows without as much filler as we had to endure this season. There was a lot of down time at the ‘ol farm.

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114 Responses to “Walking Dead season two finale (spoilers): amazing or adequate?”

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  1. Michelle says:

    Holy crap it was amazing!!

    • Maguita says:

      Unfortunately Michelle, I disagree!

      I was expecting so much from the finale, and having never read the comics, I did not expect to see Shane killed last week. Which thrilled me! That dude needed killing.

      CB – Dale and Andrea… Are you kidding me?? Dear satan in hell, that would be like Peepaw and his “young” lizard bride Take 2! ewwww. Pass the brain bleach if you please.

      And I really could not help myself here, but when you say “there are about to be some new characters that will be game changers”…

      Sarah Palin is coming on board!!!! Now that one KNOWS how to shoot things!

      I know, I know, she can’t commit because she is busy keeping an eye on Russia for us. Thank you Sarah.

  2. LindyLou says:

    I’m so glad you are talking about this show! I freakin’ love it! I’ve never read the comic books but I’m enjoying the show so much. Can’t wait for season 3!!!

  3. Jezi says:

    Can Lori be the next to die? She annoys the hell out of me. Why was she so upset with Rick? Didn’t she egg him on to get rid of Shane awhile back anyway? Rick had to defend himself, had he not killed Shane, Shane would’ve killed me.

    And why are people so upset that Rick didn’t tell them about everyone being infected? It’s not like it’s going to change anything.

    • Celebitchy says:

      Well judging by the comics [highlight for spoilers] you may be right about Lori.

      I also agree that it was totally strange that people turned on Rick for not telling them they were infected, since you don’t get infected until after you die anyway and that made no sense to me. But maybe people think they’ll have some consciousness and they’ll somehow feel it when they change over. I don’t know.

      • Jezi says:

        Maybe they were just upset that they were kept in the dark about something. I’m sure part of being a group is being honest and open with eachother so that there is still communication. I just think people should be happy that Rick cares so much about all of them. He genuinely cares and doesn’t want to see any of them die.

      • Aily says:

        It means that they can’t just “wait it out” – there will always be zombies (until there’s a cure). Your friend could die of a heart attack in the bed next to you and you could wake up to him chewing on your leg. It adds a further sense of hopelessness, so Rick kept it to himself until he was sure.

    • Jess says:

      I personally think she secretly wanted Shane to fight for her and get rid of Rick. It was nuanced that Rick and Lori had relationship issues prior to the apocalypse and with the realization sinking in that her baby was likely Shane’s, she was beginning to be drawn to him as a better protector. I think she was betting on Shane to come out on top, hence the way she manipulated both of them (ultimately causing the showdown). Her plan didn’t work though so she’s pissed she is stuck with Rick. She’s a trifling ho who stands around all day with her hands in her back pockets while her dumb kid runs off at every opportunity. Zombie food, both of them!

      • MA2010 says:

        You are absolutely right. I couldn’t believe her reaction when Rick told her what he did, she made it about herself, so selfish, he was obviously agonized over what he did and I think he picked up on how she reacted as well. I haven’t really like her much but that just did it for me last night, hope they get rid of her.

      • Rachel says:

        Lmao! Trifling ho. I love it! I’ve always kind of hated her, but when she told Rick Shane was dangerous and was pushing Rick to do something about it, it kind of changed my mind. I was just relieved that finally FINALLY someone other than Dale was pointing out that Shane was batshit crazy. And then she acts all kinds of horrified when Rick admits to killing Shane. Bitch, please!

        Although I will admit, Rick was acting more than a little off his rocker. I know he was in shock from everything that had happened, but he seems like he’s really losing it. He seemed to be just as much of a threat as Shane ever was.

        And the whole samurai thing… with her pet walkers… I love Big Trouble in Little China as much as the next girl, but wtf is one of the weird magic ninja guys doing in freaking GA?!

      • Eileen says:

        Girl I live in ATL,GA and I work downtown-I see some of the most F’ed up stuff here just going to lunch! lol I wouldn’t even do a double take if she came strolling past. ;D

      • renee says:

        100% agree. Lori and Carl are my least favorite characters. They are always needing to be saved and Rick was barely (sort of) dead before she screwed Shane. Trifling ho and dumb kid are perfect descriptions.

    • Eileen says:

      I agree-Lori bugged me ALL season and I really liked her season 1.
      and Jess-I was thinking the same thing about Carl. There’s zombies running around everywhere but she let’s her son take off? I’d be on my kid’s asses every second of the day!

      • operagirl says:


      • Maguita says:

        Whomever has been writing for Lori’s character this season, has completely failed to give us a character that has depth, and any motherly instincts whatsoever. How many times has Lori left her son to fend for himself instead of keeping an eye on him herself, or handing him over for others to take care of?

        And I find her character has not grown at all given the situation, she keeps on committing idiocies that are not really compatible with what a reaction should be in such a new world. She gets on my nerves with her displaced anger, and most of all, her displaced “kindness” towards Shane.

        Better turn her character around, because no matter the talented actress, the script shits.

    • Happy21 says:

      I have never liked her. Not even in the comics. Die Lori die!

      I almost want Carl too as well but I think its mostly because the kid that plays him is a shitty actor. You’d have thought they could have found someone who is a better actor for such a huge part in this show.

    • Jazzmin says:

      Well that just goes to show everyone..when the world is taken over by zombies be a Ho! because whorish behavior ensures your survival!

    • Ash says:

      I get where Rick is coming from. The only thing holding these people together is a thin shred of hope. Can you imagine how incredibly depressing and hopeless it is to know you are essentially fighting for your life from these things and in the end you become the very thing you were running from. That’s a real bleak outcome and would not be good for moral

    • Zoe says:

      She played Rick against Shane and for what purpose? Believe Shane pegged her completely. She had feelings for him and was trying to cover up her feelings. IMO however, she was upset at Rick last night because he allowed Carl to shoot Shane. She didn’t become visibly upset until he revealed Carl shot Shane. Whatever her motivation or goal, she completely sent Shane over the edge after their conversation at the windmill. Think she purposely gave Shane hope to either have him kill Rick, kill himself, or for Rick to kill him. She had to know it would send him into a fanatical state. If she didn’t she’s dumb as a rock and a cockteaser. She needs to go.

    • Naye in VA says:

      Rick was acting like a total cuckoo-bird i’d have given him the side-eye too. Instead of telling Lori exactly what happened he goes into this rant about how he WANTED Shane dead. Sounds like self-defense right? Then he spouts off the democracy stuff. Hes saying this to people who only know half the story. i love him but he needed to get a grip. but it doesnt matter anyway cuz nobody else can run the show like him =D

  4. blc says:

    It was incredible! The episode prior, “Better Angels” was so intense too! I thought it was ballsy of them to kill off Shane before the finale. I couldn’t believe they left Andrea behind, and I couldn’t believe what a nasty person Lori is! She is a bad mother and a bad wife. I wonder what will happen with her pregnancy. She can’t handle one kid let alone a baby!

  5. biteme says:

    I love this show ( i have ordered the comic books to so that i can get my zombie fix until the show returns) I am happy to see Rick assert his authority, everyone takes advantage of him while he tries to please every one. ( in a zombi apoco you just cant)!!! i cant wait for season 3.

  6. Jess says:

    Lori needs to become a zombie snack ASAP, she’s bugging the hell out of me! 1. WATCH YOUR KID! 2. Stop being a trifling ho-bag…

    I have an awesome idea for how she can die- She miscarries her baby who then re-animates only to eat Lori from the inside “Aliens” style! Awesome right? Haha!

    • The Original Original says:

      Lori has got to go. I love your idea. I dont think thats how it will happen though, although Im pretty sure shes toast. I guess I just dont like her as an actress. She has bothered me in every role I have seen her in, especially her role on prison break. ICK.

    • Person3514 says:

      Epic idea!!! =)

    • truthSF says:

      That’s a terrible thing to happened to her…I LOVE IT!!!

      I agree with Lainey about her name: Horrible Lori.

      • dahlianoir says:

        I always read Lainey’s review after watching the episode, “Crazy Andrea” and “Stupid Shane” always make me laugh. About this second season, the show was a big downer and but the finale reminded me why I love this show. i can’t wait to see Michonne in action, I freakin LOVE her in the comics. Can’t wait until next fall !!

  7. Eve says:

    I completely lost the interest in watching the series the moment I heard Frank Darabont was leaving. And considering the reviews I’ve read so far, I don’t think I missed much.

  8. Happy21 says:

    I also read the comics and am glad it ended up being Carl who killed Shane although I would have liked it to happen as it did in the comic but they’ve changed so much I really shouldn’t even dwell on that!

    I gasped when I saw Michonne too and had goosebumps all over. I was so excited! It is funny because this whole season I could really have taken or left the show but now I cannot freakin’ wait until next season!

    • Redavia says:

      But Carl didn’t kill Shane his dad killed Shane and then Carl killed the zombie Shane..a big difference to me.

  9. SolitaryAngel says:

    I’m in withdrawal already!! I loved the ending and I’m also liking the new Rick…*rowr*

  10. S says:

    Love this show! Daryl rocks! Can’t wait for season 3. The end 😛

    • Rachel says:

      Darryl is by far my favorite character. No one expects much from him, but he’s always ALWAYS the one to step up and do what needs to be done. I love that he defended Rick. <3 Darryl! That leather vest with wings… and him on that motorcycle … ROWWWWR!

      Back off Carol! You're not worthy!

      • Jezi says:

        Love love love Daryl. He’s such a badass but also has a good heart. Perfect balance. So sessy!

      • H26 says:

        I love Darryl too, he’s a little dirty but kind of sexy too plus I actually think he would make the best leader of the group, he has a heart, look how hard he looked for little Sophia and he can do the hard stuff too (put Dale out of his misery). I co-sign, with everyone complaining about Lori…I said to hubs when she got all cold with Rick “wasn’t she encouraging him to do something about Shane 2 episodes ago.” Hubs said “well she made up with Shane last week” and I am like “but Rick didn’ know that!”

      • truthSF says:

        My girlfriends and I have already claimed Darryl for ourselves if said Apocalypse occur.

        That man can survive anything. 🙂

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        Norman Reedus (who plays Darryl
        Is sexy as hell). Also, I’m kind of rooting for him to get together with Carol.

  11. mssnarnd says:

    Fear the herd.

    This show is sooooo amazing (as are Andrew Lincoln’s eye). AMC has pure gold in its writers: Walking Dead, Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Oprah should have tapped some talent over there.

    I don’t know much about the original comic; but, your commentary tells me the sweatshirt ninja who showed up to help last night is going to be awesome!

    This episode just kicked it. And AMC had a fun interactive app to use during the show to participate in some show quizzes, and follow what other fans were saying in the moment.

    This show can be enjoyed as 100% pure entertainment; but, the writing is so rich that it makes it so much more than that for me. Thank God MM’s season five starts on Sunday. And BB’s final season is on its way.

    I can’t wait for Season 3 (and don’t pull a MM hiatus thing on me, AMC!).

    • Jazzmin says:

      Okra Winfrey is too busy shoving positive phrases down our throats and trying to “save the world” screw it Okra!! we want zombies! screw your save the world and postivity crap! That’s why OWN is failing in the ratings.

  12. Maria_Spain says:

    I havent seen it yet but i love spoilers XD.
    I so much hate that lori-bitch i wish [moderator note: highlight for spoilers] her death to be like the comic soon -_-.

    DARRYL MY LOVE!!! carol and t dog could be eaten 8)

  13. Eileen says:

    I really love Rick & Daryl too! One of my favorite movies is Boondock Saints and I LOVED Norman Reedus in it! So happy I get to watch him all the time as Daryl. 😉
    And WHERE’S EARL? I haven’t read the comics-but does anyone think he’s going to show up again very soon….handless?

    • LucyOriginal says:

      co-sign! Boondock Saints is awesome and I just started watching the walking dead when I saw he was aprt of the cast.

    • Pants says:

      Either Merle, Morgan, or Duane (the father and son who saved Rick in Season 1) will be appearing next season. At least one of them will, it was confirmed on the aftershow, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be more than one!!

    • Eileen says:

      Dude I wrote Earl and I meant MERLE. Monday’s are pretty much a no-brain day for me. : /

  14. Pants says:

    I met Norman Reedus by my job (the guy who plays Daryl), and he is one of the nicest guys! I also love his character, and is so glad he’s around. Is it just me, or is he not in the comic yet (I’ve only gotten through 5-6 issues)…?

    • Happy21 says:

      I’m on #10 and he’s not either. My sister is right up to date and she says he’s not in it at all.

      LOVE him though 🙂

      • H26 says:

        I think I read somewhere that he is orginal to the show, so you won’t find him in the comics. It’s kind of cool though because he has lots of possiblities not being tied to the comic.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      @pants, I don’t think I could hold myself back if I met him. He’d be covered in my lipstick. 😍 I meant Jon Berenthal (Shane) at Monstermania Con and he was very nice. I actually went to see Norman Reedus, but he left early! I was rooting for Shane to live just a little while longer, since Jon was so nice.

  15. Eileen says:

    Another cool thing is one of my good friends and her husband were in last nights episode as zombies! She knows one of the extra casting managers. I want to be a zombie!!

    • Lindsey G. says:

      What does a sista have to do to get on that show as a zombie??? Please advise!

      • Eileen says:

        I’m asking her if she can ask her friend if they need extras and how to apply. I’ll let you know if I find out! Also there’s sites that post when they are casting for Walkers. I joined all of them. 🙂

      • DeE says:

        That’s what I’m wondering. Luv the show, Rick is the best leader…he does want democracy, but at that point my man was like the buck stops here m-effas. Wish this show would give people of color a bit more depth/storyline where they aren’t acting a fool or getting killed right away.

      • truthSF says:

        DeE, That will definitely happen next season with the arrival of Michonne.

        I haven’t ready any of the comics nor do I know anything about her character other then reading fans commenting about her being the best bad-ass ever!!!

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @DeE, there’s another character (Tyronne) in the comics who’s pretty badass. I’m thinking they might introduce him at some point (unless T-dog is supposed to be Tyronne). Anyway, he and Michonne have a thing.

  16. bokchoi says:

    Lori is an annoying manipulative b1tch and I can’t stand her. She whines, she complains, she forever wants to send people or herself to go get people back to the farm, she thinks mothering is all about hugging her son’s head and then wondering where the hell he is, and she has all the charm and intelligence of a rock.

    This is what I don’t get though – why is she apparently so irresistible? Two men in love with this snake at the same time? WHY?

    Up to last nights episode, my favorite Daryl moment of the season was when he called her “Olive Oyl”.

    • Mary says:

      “This is what I don’t get though – why is she apparently so irresistible? Two men in love with this snake at the same time? WHY?”

      isnt this what always happens??!!

  17. dorothy says:

    Lori is irritating. Also, does anyone ever keep an eye on the kid?

  18. Penguin says:

    Can’t wait for this 2 b on here on fri. Can’t believe they killed off Shane and If I was carol I’d do darryl so hard lol.

  19. Addison says:

    Is this the first time anything about TWD is written on this blog, because I’ve not seen anything.

    LOVE this show, my fave at the moment. The final episode was so awesome. (I was hugging my pillow the whole time). 🙂

    Yes, Daryl in not in the comic. I read the first comic and went on Wikipedia some. The sword wielding woman is too cool. I was not sure that they would have her show up on TV with zombies attached to her. Glad they are true to the comic, as I’m sure comic readers are too. Lori will meet her demise later, hopefully. So demented the way one of you want her to be offed, like Aliens. LOL. Wow.

    Kudos to Andrew Lincoln, I had doubts that he could he Rick. Great job! The one thing I hope that Glen is as strong a character as he was in the beginning. They made him a wimp at some point and Glen is a thinking man who knows what to do. What a disservice.

    Best season ending episode I have ever seen!

    • Deliverer Of Deceit says:

      Walking Dead was featured onsite here http://www.celebitchy.com/183932/terrifying_walking_dead_webisodes_give_the_bicycle_womans_back_story_warning_scary/ with the back story of the bicycle woman, if you haven’t seen it. Webisode order is not chronological (not sure why they did it that way). I’d watch this way for chronological order: Webisode 4,3,1,2,5,6.

      • Addison says:

        I wasn’t sure if I should go to the link you provided as your name is “Deliverer of Deceit”

        I see few and far between, is the reason I had never seen a post about TWD. But I guess it makes sense, most people don’t want to see news in regards to decaying corpses.

        Thanks, and I had seen the Webisodes, very sad. I wonder what ever became of the kids.

      • Deliverer Of Deceit says:

        Ha! Link is safe despite my name.

        Yes, those kids. Made me realize there aren’t many (any?) zombie kids in the herds. All at Zombie Day Care, maybe?

  20. Lindsey G. says:

    In the words of Penny from Happy Endings, “Ah mah zing!”

  21. joey says:

    I’m most upset about the Winnebago. They left it behind!

    Can’t wait to see Michonne and her minions!

  22. Deliverer Of Deceit says:

    While Daryl never disappoints – “People in hell want slurpees”/”You shoot me again? You best pray I’m dead”/”Your bitch went window shopping. You want him? Go fetch him yourself” I think the best line of the season has to be Maggie to Glenn – “You see 11 condoms, I see 11 minutes of my life I’m not getting back.” Love. This. Show.

  23. Ann says:

    Glad to see this show getting more recognition now.

  24. lisa says:

    LOVE Walking DEAD.

    do any of you watch The Talking Dead after the show. Anyway the writers were on and regarding Lori..they kind of said her reaction was more guilt for herself. Because she is the one that really set up that event. She was telling Rick how Crazy Shane was then she goes and tells Shane how she appreciated what he did for her and her son.. ONCE again sending mixes signals to a nutcase.

    the Talking Dead had some answers to questions about season 2. The writers said they had planned on killing Hershel a while ago bit held off. Anyway is it a fun show to see after watching the episodes.

    I have never read nor seen the comic book and don’t plan on seeing it. I know the show is following the comic but also branching off. I like the surprise and not knowing

    but man seeing that prison in the background wow .. I love this show so much. Bring on the reruns.

    • Jess says:

      If the writers have to clarify a perception on a main character then they are not succeeding as writers. You don’t get to change how the audience feels about how the events unfold after the fact. It stands. Lori deserves to be zombie chow.

  25. Letty says:

    I think it is boring – I’m actually rooting for the zombies

  26. Amy says:

    Excellent finale!! The first 20 minutes were as entertaining, terrifying and thrilling as any great zombie movie — Tom Savini’s 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead, specifically. The first 20 minutes of the show reminded me of that movie heavily. And I loved it!

    I just wish the second part of the season had been as good. I liked the first six episodes of this season, but after the mid-season hiatus it just dragged and dragged.

  27. islandwalker says:

    DeE- Michonne is a played by a black actress and she is a serious kick ass in the future. I think we will see more diversity when we get to the prison and the Governor (he scary!)

    I wanted someone to eat Lori and her kid form the first time we met her. lol, Seriously, how many people have to die because she can’t keep the brat on lock down? She was totally setting Rick up to be killed. Oopsie- Rick won.

    The group sucked in their turning on Rick, thank goodness my boyfriend stayed loyal. While we are nominating appetizers, isn’t it time for Carol to go? Has she contributed ANYTHING but finger pointing and cowering? I don’t think she’s ever even shot at a zombie, she just waits to be rescued.

    I think what we are seeing in a lot of the characters is post traumatic stress, which I am glad to see them writing in because if there were ever a time for PTS, it’s a zombie world.

    Disappointed that at least a few didn’t look for Andrea but I think her story line will follow michonne so she’s probably better off. (The zombie pets is a little gross tho.) Like the poster above, I wish they would give Dale his wily intelligence back.

    LOVE this show….can you tell?

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      The coolest thing a out Michonne’s pet zombies is WHO they are.

      • islandwalker says:

        Ooooh! Don’t tell me Mort! I haven’t read all of the graphic novels yet but am planning on picking them up the next time we’re in the States.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        No spoilers from me. My lips are sealed 😉

        Actually, I have yet to read the graphic novels myself (I’m currently reading “A song of ice and fire” aka the Game of Thrones series). I just picked my information up on Wikipedia. I plan on reading the graphic novels when I’m finished up with “A Song of Ice and Fire.”

  28. Mary says:

    I miss the serene farm setting, Dales common sense, and I thought Shane was a perfect foil for Rick.
    We still have the issue of whos kid is Laurie having- Andrea did it with Shane to, is she knocked up?
    Look how Darryl has stepped up to the plate. Now have to wait till Sept. oh my head.

  29. Annaloo says:

    This is a terrible question, but do zombies poop? Seriously. After all that flesh-eating, where does it go? And what if the zombie had been gutted (like the bicycle woman who was literally all bones and an exposed spine)? Do they chew and swallow and does the stuff actually give their animated corpses nutrients to maintain their shells? WHERE DOES IT GO?

    This is the stupid sort of stuff I wonder about….

    • Ash says:

      No, the general consensus is that zombies/walkers just attack people because it is a primal urge when they reanimate. They can’t have a bowel movement because only the brain is reanimated. Everything else is dead, no pulse, no breath, no digestion. They don’t really get nutrients because they have nothing to absorb.

  30. Tiffany27 says:

    No one has said it and it must be said. Andrew Lincoln is sexy. That is all.

  31. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Does anyone else (who reads the comics) think T-Dog is Tyronne. If so, I think we may find out more about T-Dog this season since he is supposed to be a love interest of Michonne.

  32. Addison says:

    Oh and I totally would not have told the rest of the gang what Jenner said. I would have said to myself, this man is a nut. He has clearly lost it since losing his wife and being cooped up in there all by himself. I would have not believed it. Probably why he (Rick) hung around Shane, to see if it was true that he would re-animate.

  33. Penguin says:

    @ mortician – I think I read that t-dog is a separate character and they might possibly introduce tyreese next season.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      Thanks. I read that his name is Theodore on the AMC page profile, but I thought there might still be a possibility that he’s Tyreese (being as though they never got into T-dog’s back story, and they continue to keep him around even though his character doesn’t have many lines or do much at all). I hope they do SOMETHING with him next season.

  34. SixxKitty says:

    I was hoping that Lori would get it, She annoys the hell out of me !!

  35. Madpoe says:

    I freakin’ LOVE this show! 🙂
    I’ve never read the comic books, so I don’t know how true they are to the show. I was pissed that Shane and Dale were killed off! I had hoped for Shane to be able to redeem himself or make the wrongs right first. He seemed like buddies with Rick before all this went to hell. I still can’t stand Lori, grrrr! She and Carl need to go man stupid kid needs to get a what for from somebody or something! I too am surprised T- Dog made it and wonder why they’re not using him more. Mmmm love me some Rick- hot damn!

  36. SheilaK says:

    LOVE this show! It’s not so much the zombieness but in how the survivors are, well….surviving.

    I don’t like Lori either and I think she played Rick and Shane against each other. Not saying it was deliberate on her part, but what a ho.

    I felt bad for Shane. Lori IS such an Olive Oyl what the hell do they see in her?? She’s self righteous and sure judges others though the gets her undies in a bundle when anyone judges Rick. Let me rephrase that as maybe in those trying situations they don’t wear undies….well you know what I’m sayin

    LOVE me some Daryl too, that guy would be the top of my 10 people I’d want in my survivor group! Not only that, he is HOT HOT HOT with that bow of his!

    I thought Dale was too liberal and whiny and I hate that Andrea got left behind.

    But what suspense.

  37. Susan says:

    Merle AND Daryl Dixon shall be at Blood on the Beach horror convention next month. Squeee!!


  38. Zoe says:

    Amazing!!! If the whole season would have been intense as lasts night’s episode, I would have had a heart attack before the finale. I was on the edge of my seat and for the first time was frightened by the walkers. Best episode since the first episode.

    • Amy says:

      I agree with this completely. The first episode was epic, and this episode was epic.

      I just wish all the filler in between could be half as exciting/thrilling/scary!

  39. YvetteW says:

    Yeah, the zombies have sucked me in too. Horrible Lori has got to go. She got off two shots and I doubt if she hit anything! Drove off without Hershel too. (What was her reaction to Shane about…really? The writers didn’t explain it well either.) Thank God for Daryl. He is calm under pressure. Rick emotes too darn much. We only have 40 minutes an episode! I was cringing when TDog took the wheel but at least he didn’t turn the truck over or get his jacket stuck on something. Sheesh. Too bad Shane didn’t make it to the finale. He would have been useful. He always kept a gas can in the car. Stupid Rick. RIP RV. Season 3 should be lots of fun. Can’t wait.

    • islandwalker says:

      While I disagree with your opinion of Rick ( I hated the character of Shane and the actor who played him), I think we are all in agreement about Lori. If they follow the novels, she won’t be with us much longer. That said, no one is more useless than Carol. I couldn’t believe she was trying to get Daryl to turn on him. Has she EVER picked up a weapon or helped the group in any way????

      On a side note, I’ve been out cutting trails for two months with my machettes so I’m good to go if the zombies show up.

  40. Kelly says:

    They killed off Dale??!! He was the best! Should have killed off the Lori character, she is the worst!!

  41. LucyOriginal says:

    Love Daryl, can’t stand Lori.

  42. maemay says:

    Love this show and I’m a huge zombie fan, way more than sparkly vampires. Zombies are simple, obsessed with one goal and completely terrifying. Best Zombie movie is Sean of the Dead…comedy plus zombies = gold!

  43. dj says:

    I am so excited my celebitchy peeps are Walking Dead fans too! 1. Love me some Dirty Daryl! 2. Awesome new ninja character. 3. Finally Rick grew a set! 4. Glen & Hershel rock. 5. We are agreed…Lori has hot to go. I love this site!

  44. ahni says:

    This show is either the best thing that ever happened to me or something morphing into an unhealthy obsession.
    I love it no matter what, fast or slow. And I must be a naive sap because I felt Lori told Shane thank you because she THOUGHT feeling appreciated would calm him down. Perhaps that was a bad idea given his facial expression afterwards, deranged and overwrought.
    Love Jon Berenthal.
    Also love my man Randall, played by Michael Zegen. I dated him a year ago and told him to audition for WD, he shrugged it off…now look.
    PS–I think Randall partook in the rapes he mentioned. I really do. Anyone else?

  45. rjennica says:

    THis show is one of the best on tv and it stinks that we have to wait until the fall. At least True Blood will be back soon to kill some time. But here is one thing that has been bugging me at Walking Dead. Why is it that Carl has free reign to do whatever he wants. Hello! No place is safe only safer. Lori needs to focus her attention on her living son instead of provoking both Rick and Shane. Carl has been shot, came close to death countless times. I would even say he is responsible for Dale’s death. Shoot the zombie! But what was he even doing in the woods in the first place!!! Total lack of parental care. Sophia is dead, I would think the pack would keep an eye out on the sole living child!!!! I also think that Daryl should be the leader. He has the heart and skills to take over for Rick. Plus he is very cute!

  46. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    I’ve heard it’s pretty good. It’s been on my reading list for a while now.

  47. Hanna says:

    It was freaking amazing. Dear God!! 😀

  48. iseepinkelefants says:

    As long as they don’t kill Daryl I don’t give a toss.

    Kill what’s her face (Sophia’s mom who seems to hang on to any strong man) and even T-Dog’s dumb ass (for trying to not meet up with the rest of them). Oh and Herschel’s daughter (the blonde). Hell even kill annoying as Carl and Lori.

    The only ones I really care about are Rick (he had to break sometime) and Daryl who is so bad ass it would be a travesty if the group lost him (and it would suck for viewers since he’s the only one with actual skills and brains).

  49. I am Legend says:

    I love the show and it was a good finale. The low-point for me was this ‘Michonne’. I just can’t see this character translating well into television. I’m a former comic geek myself but most people I know who watch Walking Dead like the drama – realistic characters in an unreal world. A weirdo with a sword and pet zombies is the type of thing that makes you ashamed to talk about the show in public.

  50. I am Legend says:

    …and another thing. There’s a lot of people who’ve noted how unlikable a lot of the female characters are. It’s not the actresses fault; give them something to work with and they’ve all made their characters at least a little likable. Sophia’s mom for example, when she first let Daryl know what a good guy he was.

    This is a weakness of male sci – fi writers: They have great difficulty creating normal female characters who are multi-dimensional and likeable. That’s why they come up with these ‘superheroine’ types like Michonne. (Damn, I guess I am still a comic/sci fi geek!)

  51. Stacia says:

    Is anyone else getting tired of Lori like I am? Now that’s one that needs to go.And to be frank, I’m tired of Carl…snotty nose kid that thinks he knows it all and he seems to talk like an adult instead of a kid.

    Love the show!

  52. Maya says:

    I’m late for this topic, but here goes. The revelation of the infection seems like a cop out to me. In the previous episode Shane dies and turns into a zombie. I think (based on other online content I’ve read) that they had to kill off the character because the actor had a role elsewhere, but the scriptwriters didn’t think how they were going to justify him turning into a zombie.
    Then in the finale, it’s the infection revelation, how Rick was told by Jenner and so on.
    So this storyline arc didn’t work for me at all and spoiled the final. The first half of the show was all kill-kill-kill and then the lame revelation. I thought viewers deserve more than that.
    So an adequate final (in the sense that viewers will want to see what happens), but nothing mind altering.

  53. Sunny says:

    I have read every BDB book.they are completely awsome.Rage is probably my fav.and John Matthew .this is one of my favorite shows.Lori is an annoying,sluttly dumb a**,I loved her on prison break though.