In last week’s Star Magazine, there was a story that Rumer Willis was hanging out with Ashton Kutcher. The two were supposedly spotted at a specific place and time, which made it sound to me like it really happened. (I was considering reporting it, but I skipped it.) Here’s part of Star’s report as background for this story, and of course Star spun it into Demi being pissed off and allegedly “not at all happy that they’re hanging out.” Their source claimed that “it’s disrespectful and is not helping [Demi’s] recovery.” Demi’s addiction and recovery are her own responsibility, and we’ve heard similar stories about how it’s all Ashton’s fault. I think he’s a massive douche, but that doesn’t make him culpable for Demi’s problems.
On Tuesday, March 6, Demi Moore was finally back in Los Angeles after a weeks-long stint in rehab. But her daughter Rumer Willis wasn’t by fragile Demi’s side. Instead she was hanging out at a nightclub with the man who sparked Demi’s breakdown in the first place – Ashton Kutcher!
Ashton and Rumer were spotted catching up at The Sayers Club, where Rumer hopped on stage to perform a few songs. “They have obviously remained great friends,” an eyewitness tells Star. “It was lovely to watch.” Another eyewitness adds, “Ashton was watching her with just pure delight, smiling the whole time. They appeared very, very close.”
[From Star Magazine, print edition, March 26, 2012]
That story actually made me feel for Rumer, because the source told Star “She was forced [to take sides] when Demi and Bruce broke up, and she doesn’t want to play that game anymore. She loves them both and thinks they both made mistakes during their marriage. She’s torn.” We’ve heard that Ashton helped buy Rumer a house in 2010, and that he really wanted to continue to have a relationship with his stepdaughters after his breakup with Demi. I think it’s nice and I don’t buy that there’s any romance between them, at least I hope not.
Anyway Mike Walker in this week’s Enquirer claims that Demi’s other two daughters, Scout and Tallulah, are firmly in camp “blame Ashton” and are super pissed off at “traitor” Rumer for being so friendly with their mom’s ex. Walker claims that Rumer was trying to keep Ashton away from Demi in rehab, too, and now that she’s so chummy with him her sisters think she’s switching sides and hanging with the enemy.
The shamed stepdad’s sudden tight bonding with eldest daughter Rumer Willis has enraged sisters Scout and Tallulah – especially since Rumer was the ringleader in the trio’s heartfelt vow to ban Ashton from visiting their Mom after his cheating triggered her breakdown! “Rumers sisters are livid,” said a family source. “They’re calling their sister a traitor. Ashton, who can be charming and very persuasive, now has Rumer under his thumb. They talk constantly on the phone, and he’s convinced her he can play a positive role in Demi’s recovery battle. But the infighting among the girls is causing family stress. Tension’s so thick you could cut it with a knife!”
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker’s column, April 2, 2012]
I would normally say “oh this can’t be true that they would let this come between them,” but I have seen this happen with friends in similar situations, where it’s like family is forced to take sides and they end up not talking to each other. It sucks. I cover gossip every day, but it actually makes me upset to think of family drama like this, which is why I’m not a fan of reality shows. Maybe this is the reason Rumer has lost weight recently – she’s stressed out.
But I hope it’s not true that Rumer is talking to Ashton so much. Being friendly and hanging out once in a while is fine, but it sounds like more than that. I also hope that Demi is trying to move on and that Ashton doesn’t really think he should help her “recovery.” He can help her by staying away.
The last image above is from 2008. It’s funny, right? Credit:
If nothing else, Ashton was a lot cuter back then. He needs to shave, get a hair cut and put on some nice fitting clothes now.
ugh, first commmmmment.
Agree Demi has issues that are no one’s fault but her own, but I can see the sisters being mad about this, at least right now while their mom is still really struggling.
If would be more appropriate if Rumer and Ashton were dating than having had a relationship with Demi to start with.
I hope she doesn’t end up banging him, that’s what…that would be nasty after her mom just did…
I am convinced that they either already hooked up or they will in the future.
Huh, yeah, keep him away from Demi then hang out with him all the time. Flirty calls. Sounds like a romance here, kiddies. Or a quick hook up. Ashton likes em young.
That is completely unfathomable to me. I can’t imagine any girl being that pathological and disordered, or any man being willing to hurt his ex-wife that badly. Sadly, people ARE this pathological, sick, and hurtful, but hopefully it’s not the case here.
I don’t believe she had to take sides with Demi & Bruce. They had one of the more amiable divorces in Hollywood. No nastiness at all. If she wants to be friends with Ashton, that’s on her, but her sisters are well within their rights to call her out on it.
Could they not find an IRON anywhere? Ashton’s shit and pants, and Rumor’s dress and hair all need a good press.
you’re right, ashton’s shit could use some good press. 🙂
She’ll always be “ole tator head” to me.
Haha that’s exactly what I call her
BAHAHA Brin!! Nearly made me spit out my lemonade here! 😀
Given Ashton’s youth & age relative to Demi & Rumer, the relationship among the 3 of them could have been somewhat blurred and quite “pal-sy.” If that was the case then Rumer would not realize conflicts–still being cool with Ashton and loyal to her mom.
Such a tough situation. I can see how Demi would be upset by this but I can also see Rumer’s side. Maybe Demi and Rumer just need some distance while she tries to move on from Ashton? It just sounds like Rumer and Ashton are kind of attached and have a special friendship (NOT sexual IMO) and bond. Most of my best/closest friends are guys so I get how sometimes those bonds can be the hardest to break. I hope they work something out..sad..
I don’t think it’s fair for them to make Rumor choose sides. His relationship with their mom is a separate issue than his relationship with the girls. If he’s still interested in being part of their lives than that should be commended.
It’s not a separate issue. His relationship with Demi is what caused his relationship with the girls. It’s all a jumbled mess now.
She is a freakin’ little traitor for this.
I hope that she doesn’t end up boning the guy and ruining her life.
What a creep that guy is.
My first thought was – I wonder if there is more to this than “step-dad/step-daughter”! Hum…..
All three of them look awful in each and every one of the pictures above.
Why do people always assume the worst? Why do people assume Demi wants Ashton back or that she is angry that Rumer still has a relationship with Ashton (if thats even true).
why would ashton help rumer buy a house when she has 2 wealthy parents.
as usual, i think there have been problems in this family for years.
She just looks like Jay leno’s love child to me..
and judging from those pics Demi needs to hang it up bitch..flatscreen
Another girl with low self-esteem – just his type.
Like stealing candy . . . .
There’s a rumor that Rumor had a big crush on Ashton back when he was in “That 70’s show” and “Dude Who Stole My Car ” Movie. So this connection may be more emotionally connected. Hey this is Hollywood.
Cheers !
Demi is playing puppet master if this is true.
She can’t marry a guy and foster a relationship btwn him and her children and then expect the children to suddenly end that relationship when the marriage implodes. Even in cases of abuse this is unreasonable and unlikely to work. She introduced him to the family and now she has to let the children (all adults now I believe) decide how to handle it.
Sounds to me like Ashton has simply been more supportive over the yrs to Rumer than her mother. Sadly he also sounds more stable. Holy cow I think he’s a skeevy douche and I still think I’d rather be in his company than her’s. She sounds like a complete burden. What young girl wants to be around that?
plus I thought the youngest had pretty much disavowed Demi and her issues. Personally, I think Demi’s issues are what lead to the relationship with Kutcher (her desperate need to be the hot chick) not that the relationship issues with Kutcher caused the issues. I think she became too damned needy and controlling and he found the douchiest way to bail possible.
Okay… so how long before we start hearing the “Rumer is boffing Ashton” stores? Sick making yes. Realistic? Fraid so.
Rumor has been the one dealing most directly with Demi’s craziness. Ashton is probably the one person who knows exactly what she’s been going through and just how crazy it’s been. I can easily see why Rumer would find comfort and support in continuing her friendship with Ashton. Her sisters are much more distant from the real situation with their mom. I think Ashton is just being the public fall guy here. How can you cheat in an ” open marriage” , please? Who knows what Demi was threatening to do to herself if he just went for a divorce himself. It’s quite possible that he made things public to push her into being the one to divorce him, thus saving face and getting sympathy. Rumor might know all this, but her sisters might not (or may refuse to believe it).
Didn’t Rumer have a crush on him before her mother met him? I read that somewhere.
she is totally in love with him!
Rumer was Demi’s rock, I thought. Betrayed by both is how Demi feels, I bet.
Maybe Daddy Bruce will rip her a new one!
I don’t know, Rumer seems to be much mature than Demi. She’s all Bruce-like.