Justin Bieber: “it’s important to make all women feel like they’re princesses”

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber covers the May issue of Seventeen magazine, and as a former subscriber, I would like to state that I’d have sh-t my pants in fury if there was ever the occasion for Bieber’s face to show up in my mailbox. Admittedly, I did have even more embarrassing crushes in those days though (cough … Kirk Cameron). Still at least Kirk looked like a boy. A well-mulleted boy who grew up to be a total nutjob, but a boy nonetheless. Kaiser and I both think that the Photoshop artists at Seventeen went out of their way to make Bieber look even more girly than usual on this cover. Is this what the magazine’s demographic truly wants from their Bieb face pr0n? Maybe so.

At any rate, the interview presents about as much substance as one would expect coming out of an 18-year-old pop star’s mouth. He talks more about his wonderful relationship with Selena and gives more unsolicited advice about keeping one’s woman happy. It’s all basically harmless stuff for the most part. In response, Bieber’s fans will swoon and then curse Selena for ever walking the face of the Earth. Here are some excerpts:

Justin Bieber

On his role model: “Usher is who I look to for guidance. From the beginning, he told me to put family first and you’ll always succeed, because your family will never leave you. He told me to always stay humble and never forget where I came from.”

Growing up with his fans: “A lot of times, when artists grow older, they lose their younger fans because they’re just trying to get older fans. But if you try to make good music, then you’ll just appease everybody. I just want to make music that’s good for everybody.”

On being romantic for Selena: “I’m just trying to make her happy, that’s all. I think it’s important to make all women feel like they’re princesses, because every girl is a princess. I’m serious.”

He’s frugal: “Recently, there were so many things in my rider that went to waste, so I took a lot of things off my rider. Every day we were buying all this stuff and it was just sitting there. I got rid of it, I didn’t want to waste all the food.”

[From Seventeen]

C’mon, the Bieber is not a frugal human being. He’s blown money on all sorts of things including $25,000 “Family Guy” bling and a $160,000 car. I can still sort of appreciate that he doesn’t want to waste even a morsel of food. That’s something at least, but the sentiment would have more impact if he kept the same rider and then donated any extras to local homeless shelters. As far as Bieber’s idea of treating his girlfriend like a princess, I can’t argue with that either. His wording is so cheesy though.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Seventeen

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55 Responses to “Justin Bieber: “it’s important to make all women feel like they’re princesses””

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  1. ZZZ says:

    I think he is referring to himself.

  2. Pilar says:

    He looks like Sam Ronson.

  3. cassie says:

    They’re all princesses except for the ones you knock up in backstage bathrooms. Those are groupies you can bribe into silence.

    • irishserra says:

      Exactly what popped in my head when I read this article.

    • badrockandroll says:

      Do you have just one iota of anything approaching proof that he did any of this, beyond the word of a meth head skank? Any eyewitnesses that she was even at the concert, never mind backstage? Has she produced the child for a saliva test yet to correspond with the results of the perfectly legal test that Bieber took? How many others did she accuse of paternity before she latched onto Bieber?

    • mssnarnd says:

      I know! What happened to Mariah Yeater?!! What happened to how HE was going to sue her and make an example out of HER? Showing the people that you can’t go around suing celebrities with false claims! Yo!

      Seriously. Why did all that drama just disappear? If I were proven NOT to be the father, after all that hoop-la, I would have shouted it from the rooftops! Right?

      • badrockandroll says:

        He can’t be proven not to be the father until Ms Yeater provides the DNA of the child. She has chosen not to do that. Bieber cannot sue until he is proven not to be the father. He cannot do that until she produces the DNA of the child. She has chosen not to do that.

      • mssnarnd says:

        Did not know she had refused to supply a DNA sample. Do you have the link to the story handy? Thanks!

      • badrockandroll says:

        I am now bordering on over-simplification, but Ms Yeater initially dropped her lawsuit in family court, which is geared to deal with paternity allegations in a fast, private and respectful manner, and then several days later moved a similar set of allegations to a civil claims court that does not deal with these sort allegations, so it does not have the sort of timelines of actions/reactions that family court has. So it’s not that she has refused to provide a sample, because she hasn’t been directed to do it. Bieber, on the other hand, volunteered his sample before a court ordered it. Her lawyers at the time made some noise to the press, not to a court, that they wanted him to do it on camera, which would be an abnormal demand, even if it had been made to a court.

        And no, I have no links and am too lazy to go and find all the back and forth on this. But it’s a story that I have been following because I am quite angry that unfounded allegations can be made that in effect reverse the standard burden of proof.

      • normades says:

        It’s all on TMZ.
        Yes, that story really bugged me too because Yeater had zero proof (and it’s so obviously that Robbie character’s kid). However, I wish Beibs had sued for defamation. Did his lawyers just drop the ball because there was no money to be gained suing a single mother? What is your thought on that Bad Rn’ R?

      • badrockandroll says:

        Well, Ms Desmond, I am not a lawyer, and I’m also not terribly familiar with American terminology and precedent, but it seems to me that to sue for defamation/libel/slander, you have to show that untrue statements have been knowingly made about you, and that you have been hurt by them. IMO, he can’t sue until he can show that he’s not the father, AND that she knew, or should have known that he was not the father when she made the statement that he fathered her child. Since she has accused 2 others of that dubious honour, I honestly don’t know, short of proving that the two of them had never met, that that can be done. And her lawyers would/should argue diminished capacity, since there is obviously something wrong with her.

        And then there’s the point that you brought up, that it is more trouble than it’s worth, since she is broke, and it would only hurt the baby. But it might teach people to think twice before they do something like this (amusingly, I’m thinking of that girl who said that LL hit her in a bar, and maybe that guy who said that LL hit him with her car)

      • normades says:

        Yes, I think in the end they thought it would look bad for a multi millionaire suing a dirt poor single mom (albeit a cray cray meth head). In a way it might have even been good pr for him, gave him a little virility that people believed the Beibs was screwing groupies in the john.

  4. Maria says:

    he seems like he was well raised, in a loving home… good, sound values…he is a bit young to talk about women, but it’s naive and sort of sweet. Let’s hope, as he gets older, he will always strive to stay as kind and loving as he is right now and not let the world get him down, like it can tend to do as one experiences more heartache with age.

    • Jazzmin says:

      Maria, at first when reading your post I was going to come out as my usual bitchy self..since I’ve become cynical in my years. I read your post again and I agree, beautifully written and I co-sign with your statement.

  5. VanillaFrosting says:

    Aww he’s just a little boy. I don’t understand how it seems so many adults get off making fun of him. It’s creepy and weird. But since he’s just barely an adult now himself, guess that makes it all fair game.

    • fabgrrl says:

      Co-sign. I hate hearing adults mock him, he is just a kid! Yeah, yeah, 18 now. Still just a kid. And this is SEVENTEEN magazine, not adult fare. Back off, everyone.

    • Emma says:

      while i agree some really vicious comments on him are uncalled for, but he has been denounced by the police and other celebrities like Marg Helgenberger (is that how you spell her name?) and some australian radio host i think…as being a complete and total brat. That’s why adults don’t like him. He’s an immature little prick.

      and just to put out there, celebrities like JA, AJ, and others get way more vicious comments about them but it’s all fair game, right?

      • ZZZ says:

        Well, when I first heard of him, I thought he was a cute kid with some talent. When he came out with NAIL POLISH & other products for GIRLS, so he could rip every last dollar from his adoring fans’ parents wallets, it made me sick. (And don’t even tell me about the tiny portion that goes to charity, which is most likely for tax reasons). I just can’t take the greediness. He is OVERexposed. That seems to be the new thing now….Become famous, and put yourself anywhere and everywhere to get as much money from as many things as you can until the majority of people cannot stand the sight of you anymore. Maybe it is not him, maybe it’s his agents, but then you add the comments from other celebs who have had to work with him, and they say he is a spoiled brat. Somehow I am not surprised.
        So, that is why I cannot stand this little puke. Sorry.

  6. skipper says:

    I’d hit that so hard…

    • Jazzmin says:

      skipper, sorry but your statement made me shudder a little. Maybe is because I am old enough to be his mum and I have a son older than Justin. I am hoping you are a young lady and not some pedophile or a horny cougar trolling this site.

  7. Me says:

    He’s not wrong.

  8. flourpot says:

    Usher? The kid who’s family whored him into the industry? The guy whos girlfriend left him because he cheated on her? The guy who talks shit about other industry people to the media? The guy who steals other peoples beats? The guy who got his ass handed to him for parking in a handicap space?

    Wow. Nice role model.

  9. Happy21 says:

    And he knows this how? Because he has had one serious girlfriend? I think its sweet of him to say that but until the kid has some real life experience he needs to shut up with the love advice.

    If when the Beibs is 25 he’s still saying that, then I will think its genuine and he really knows what he’s talking about. Until then he’s just a little boy saying what the tweens wanna hear…

    • Esmom says:

      I think he sounds like a typical teen boy who’s in love. Yes they think they know it all but that’s part of the beauty of that age, you’re not yet jaded and cynical.

  10. MrsBarneyStinson says:

    That cover photo is bugging the hell outta me!

  11. Rhiley says:

    I think he looks kind butch in the photos. On the red carpet he always looks like a girl to me, not that there is anything wrong with that. I am all for gender bending.

  12. Lisa B. says:

    Of course. With his extensive life experience, he must know everything there is to know about women. *eyeroll*

    Please. You’d roll on the floor laughing if this came out of the mouth of your brother or friend of the same age.

    I know he’s not your average 18 year old, but even with all his superstardom and girls throwing themselves at him, there’s way I’ll take him as this teenage Casanova who can give advice on how to get laid or something (remember when he made a pass at Rihanna or something?). It’s just too laughable for words.

    I’m 22 and I have a 12 year old sister. She’s really into Justin and all this girly, fragile looking young male stars. When I was her age, I remember having crushes on full grown men who were more than twice my age. Now I wonder if I was the weird one. haha

    • Mr.Smurf says:

      That’s me! I’m 17, and all of my celebrity crushes are 30 years and up. My latest is Christoph Waltz..I’ve watched him in interviews and he seems to be a perfect gentleman. You know, the kind that still opens the door for a woman going into a restaurant.

      • MrsBarneyStinson says:

        I’m 19 and almost all of my celebrity crushes are full-grown men or women. Never have I dreamed about any teen-celebs (except, Harry Styles). I ‘specially don’t get the appeal of Bieber.

  13. lower-case deb says:

    ah… but to be a teenage again, an age where we seem to know everything.

    well, me anyway. hahaha, i seem to remember my mam and nan shaking their heads to my know-it-all ways.

    now my kid is just a couple of years away from the teens-years. i know mam and nan are laughing quietly and rubbing their hands in anticipation. 🙂

    • sup says:

      don’t forget the 20-year-olds who think they know everything! i was one of those -facepalm- in all honesty though there is nothing wrong with what he said. i thought it was sweet. his gf seems like such a sweet girl too.

  14. machiavelli says:

    Ughhh! I hate the word princess!

  15. Esmom says:

    “Is this what the magazine’s demographic truly wants from their Bieb face pr0n?”

    If my friend’s 13-year-old daughter is any indication, then hell yes. In fact when I saw the magazine cover I immediately thought of her. If she’s not a subscriber she will be running, not walking, to pick up her copy asap.

  16. sarah says:

    Oh god. I subscribe to seventeen magazine and here he is on the cover. Ugh. Face palm. I guess this just shows me that I’m getting too old for this magazine.

  17. MST says:

    I don’t understand the hostility. We never hear about him doing drugs, punching out the paps, driving drunk, etc. I can’t stand listening to him for more than five seconds, but he seems sweet, sincere, and most of all, he is really nice to his fans.

  18. bowers says:

    Unlike Ashley Judd, Justin needs an education.

  19. muppet_barbershop says:

    Alright, look, even when I was 11 and 12, having my own embarrassing crush (Julian Lennon! Though at least unlike Kirk he turned out to be a cool guy), I never. Once. Thought I should be treated like a princess. I knew stupid shallow girls who wanted that, but they were the stupid shallow girls. Very few of us were one of those. I wish SamRo and Mah Boo Rachel and even Swank, who has become really annoying, could have their look back and live in peace.

  20. some bitch says:

    He looks like k.d. lang.

  21. Jordan says:

    Wow, so now we’re attacking teenage boys for being teenage boys? He didn’t say anything inappropriate and he was polite so good for him. Was some of what he said cheesy, yeah, but again, he’s a teenage boy and a lot of them say much worse things. And I don’t begrudge him buying whatever he wants as long as it’s legal and doesn’t harm anyone. Any one of us would do the same, just not the same things as he would buy. He’s making the money so he’s allowed to spend it. At least he acknowledges that food shouldn’t be wasted.

  22. skuddles says:

    Wow, what a man of the world… she says with old broad sarcasm 😀

  23. Lisa says:

    He’s young, so someone should school him about feminism.

    • Snowflake says:

      I think it’s sweet. what woman wouldn’t want to be treated like a princess? if only all men thought that way.

  24. Emily says:

    “I’d have sh-t my pants in fury if there was ever the occasion for Bieber’s face to show up in my mailbox.”

    I nearly spat out my drink laughing at this.

  25. Annie says:

    …unless they’re asking you for a paternity test, Justin Beiber.

  26. Kennedy says:

    Man, at least my generation had Leonardo DiCaprio to fawn over. Now THAT was a beautiful man.

    I wonder what the Biebs will look like when he inevitably reaches bloat-face age. *Shudder*

  27. wasa says:

    he sounds like a pr mashine

  28. Raven says:

    Maybe when women hit their 30’s, but don’t treat them like a princess when they are in their 20’s. They don’t like nice guys then, and will keep going back to jerks. dissing the gentlemen, all the while claiming they can’t find someone that treats them right.

    Women are weird that way.