Katherine Heigl brings out her new hair and new daughter on Mother’s Day

Katherine Heigl

A few weeks ago, Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley announced their adoption of a second daughter, and we still haven’t found out the child’s name. Nor do we know the nature of her certainly adorable physical qualities, but Katherine did get herself papped while out with her new little one on Mother’s Day. Naturally, Katherine’s mother, Nancy, was along for the ride, but I figure it’s probably always Mother’s Day in Katherine’s world because her mom is usually there too.

Nancy Heigl

Katherine’s sister Meg was also in attendance (she’s the one holding little Naleigh, who I think is my favorite celebrity tot these days) as was husband Josh Kelley with baby-hauling duties.

Katherine Heigl

Here’s the reason I really wanted to write about the Mother’s Day outing for Katherine and family — Katherine is wearing another cute dress! This one isn’t as striking as the little white number she wore last week, but it works. Also, Katherine’s hair has improved markedly; this is the best that her hair has ever looked when it wasn’t styled for a movie, right? Too bad she ruined the look with those fug boots. At first glance, these boots aren’t nearly as bad as Katherine’s fug booties, but they’re pretty bad. Leather boots with bows? Just yuck.

Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl

Josh Kelley

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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32 Responses to “Katherine Heigl brings out her new hair and new daughter on Mother’s Day”

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  1. backwards says:

    That girl is adorable. I want to pinch her cheeks!

  2. PixieCherry says:

    WTF with the sunglasses the’re UGLY
    >.< plzzzz change them for gods sakes
    And for the hair i really like it 🙂
    Better that her usuall boring orengee shades

    • Kathrin says:

      Just my thought EVERYTIME I see her… she’s always wearing those super ugly sunglasses… I don’t get it!

  3. TheOriginalVictoria says:

    The little girls is tots gorg! And I’m jealous of all that gorgeous hair. I miss not having any. LOL.

  4. David says:

    I find it very easy not to like her.

    • Anait says:

      Don’t know why, but I feel the same.

    • QQ says:


      …as easy as im wondering WTF are Thos F–kass boots?!

      • ZenB!tch says:

        Same here… I looked at the dork-hubby’s face and thought “whupped”. I *NEVER* think that word. I yell at men who say that word but it applies.

        Hiding in the girl power closet of shame.

  5. DeltaJuliet says:

    I LOVE that dress! It’s totally something I would wear…..if I had legs like that.

  6. brin says:

    Love her hair and dress…wish she would have worn sandals instead of boots.

  7. Zelda says:

    Dress has too many doilies on it, for my taste–a little too sugary… and it reminds me of an easter egg.

  8. grabbyhands says:

    Tori Spelling called and she wants her look back. P.S. It didn’t look good on her either.

  9. Sol says:

    The boots remind me of Pretty Woman you know what i mean. If i remember correctly she said she had problems bonding with her daughter, maybe if she carried her in her arms and not the nanny she would be closer to having a better relationship.

    • LeManda says:

      In her defence (as much as she doesn’t deserve it with those boots on!) here the baby is just coming out of the car, thus is in a car seat. And the older daughter is in her sister’s arms, not a nanny. There’s no need to bring the ‘baby wearing’ debate to a celeb site.

  10. buell says:

    Those boots put the Walker in Street.

  11. JudyK says:

    That little girl is so PRECIOUS looking at her nearly brings tears to my eyes. What a baby doll. OMG!

  12. Agnes says:

    terrible boots, but otherwise she looks great. and lose the freaking mother already! (her mother should have enough sense on her own not to be there all the freaking time, and to allow a couple lots of space and together-time.)

  13. k says:

    That dress is too young for her. I don’t mind the boots.

  14. lower-case deb says:

    the dress and another footwear, or the boots with another dress maybe. but not this dress and that boots together. imho

  15. Aqua says:

    Such a cute family.

  16. Vicky says:

    She looks great! If I had her $ and her legs I would wear outfits like this all the time. I don’t understand the hating on her. She is funny, beautiful and has a great family. Good for her!

  17. Michele says:

    I like this new sleeker hair style much better. She looks her age now.

  18. Kim says:

    Cute hair. baest style she has ever had BUT that outfit???? Spring on top winter on bottom? Boots with a mini dress for Mothers Day??? This poor girl can not dress for the life of her

  19. the original bellaluna says:

    Her hair is looking MUCH better, and Naleigh is ADORABLE!

  20. ZenB!tch says:

    At least I can tell her and her mom apart. Daughter has better hair, mother is the better dresser, husband is the one with that henpecked look on his face.


    The Hiegl magically takes away my feelings of sisterhood and solidarity amongst women.

  21. Hm says:

    I’m guessing the boots are there because the dress is short and she’s not comfortable showing that much skin. She looks much better and not 50 years old.

  22. Onyx XV says:

    I just saw Heigl in “One for the Money” which was almost every bit as disappointingly sucky as I thought it would be. I was amazed, however, at how attractive she looks with brunette hair. It greatly reduces her b*tchface. She needs to keep her hair brunette. Always.

  23. galaxygirl says:

    Wouldn’t they both melt in their boots!