Tom Cruise talks about Katie Holmes, CoS, couch-jumping & more with Playboy

There are good and bad things about the summer blockbuster season. One of the bad things: the movies aren’t always very good, and many of the actors starring in those films kind of phone it in when it comes to promotion. One of the good things: bigger stars, bigger photo-ops, bigger publicity campaigns. I’ve been so focused on Snow White & the Huntsman, Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises that I often forget that Rock of Ages is also going to try to get some of the summer-blockbuster pie. Personally, I think Rock of Ages looks like a train wreck. But I’m not really into 1980s nostalgia, and I’m still not buying Julianne Hough as some kind of movie star.

Which brings me to this – Tom Cruise’s promotional work in support of Rock of Ages has begun. Cruise is “The Playboy Interview” for the June issue – you can read the piece online here. I have to say… I didn’t hate the way Tom puts himself out there in this interview. He’s always been known for being hyper-focused and intense, and he’s still that guy. But I like that he doesn’t have any problems discussing the couch-jumping and the Today Show incident, both from 2005. Some highlights from the piece:

On turning 50 this year and looking so young: “I honestly have no idea. [laughs] I work. I’m always with family. I train, go without sleep. I just go hard… When I made Taps, really my first film experience, I remember lying at night in the hotel room, thinking, I love this so much. I’d wanted it since I was four, and there I was, thinking that if I did my best on Taps, maybe I could do this for the rest of my life. Turning 50, when I’m still doing this, is okay. On July 3 I’ll be in Iceland, filming on my birthday. My family, my wife, they understand. It’s who I am. I’ve spent many birthdays on a movie set, all great days.

Work ethic and values: “I’ve always had the same values. Family for me has always been important. When I shoot, everybody comes. When Kate’s shooting, I’m there with her and the kids. We’re always together. I’m always around my mother and sisters. I always wanted to be a father, a husband. And I’ve always had a work ethic. I’ve had paying jobs since I was about eight years old—cutting grass, raking leaves, paper routes, selling Easter cards and Christmas cards.”

There was no drama when Jeremy Renner was brought in for MI 4: “No, because here’s the thing: I had creative control and final cut on Mission Impossible. I brought Renner in. So there’s a separation between what’s happening versus what people say. This is something I learned growing up, moving and always being the new kid. There’s what people say, and there’s reality, and you can’t worry about stuff like that. Do you wish they wouldn’t say certain things? Yeah, you wish. Does refuting things help? Not really. There comes a point when you just have to go, You know what? Here’s how I’ve lived my life: I’ve never been late to set. I make films I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love. You just have to keep going and remember that. The other stuff? I hear it, I read it, I get it. But life is not a matter of trying to prove anything to anybody.”

What he learned from the Oprah couch-jumping & Today Show incidents: “I agree with you, and I never meant it that way. When I go back and look at it, I find myself thinking, I don’t feel that way. I get how it came across, but I don’t feel that way, and I never have. Telling people how to live their lives? I saw how that came across and how pieces were edited… But it was important to me to take responsibility, take a hard look and decide where I go from here. That time was interesting. It was that moment when the internet had really spun out. It was a learning experience for all of us, how these things go. All you can do is learn and say, “This is the way it’s going to go from now on. Here is the line.”

On the Church of Scientology: “What’s interesting is, if I don’t talk about my religion, if I say I’m not discussing it or different humanitarian things I’m working on, they’re like, “He’s avoiding it.” If I do talk about it, it becomes, “Oh, he’s proselytizing.” Reviewing the whole thing and how things can be edited and misinterpreted, I decided, You know what? Here’s the deal. I take responsibility for what happened, but everyone now knows that if I am dealing with humanitarian things, I will talk about that. When I’m promoting a film, I’m not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things.”

Standing up to bullies: “You have to. There’s one thing you know with a bully. I don’t care how big or mean they are. If you allow it, if you don’t stand up to that.… And there are different ways to do it. There’s the school yard, but sometimes just confronting them works. I learned hard lessons as a kid, and you think that once you grow up and aren’t at school, it will be different. It isn’t; it’s just bigger. I was being evaluated by the world. You have language barriers. There are lots of ways to incite incidents through miscommunication. The internet has made it more immediate for false stuff. I’ve learned to just let it go or communicate where you can. Since the beginning of my career, you can find something with anyone.”

Suing over false stories: “They know I mean it, that if I have to, I will sue. You start with a letter saying, “Okay, you know it’s not true. Apologize.” There is a point with a lot of things when you just go, You know what? I don’t want to waste my time with this. I’m busy. I’d rather spend this time with my kids and my wife, at home or on our movies, creating a life together. If you have kids, it is the most important thing to create good times.”

On Katie Holmes: “She is an extraordinary person, and if you spent five minutes with her, you’d see it. Everything she does, she does with this beautiful creativity. When she becomes interested in something, she doesn’t talk about it, she does it. One week I said to her, “You’ve been up in the middle of the night. Is everything okay?” She smiled and then threw this thing on my desk and said, “I wrote this script.” She wanted to try it, and she did. She wanted to try designing clothes, and now her line is wonderful and, to me, an example of how she just creates beautiful things in her life. She has a voice and warmth as an artist, as a mother. She’s funny and charming, and when she walks into the room, I just feel better. I’m a romantic. I like doing things like creating romantic dinners, and she enjoys that. I don’t know what to say—I’m just happy, and I have been since the moment I met her. What we have is very special.

[From Playboy]

Tom also gets asked if he thinks he was ever hacked by the British press, and Tom says “maybe.” But he also says that he puts that kind of stuff in “a minor pile of things I have to handle.” There’s also some stuff about his voice lessons and dance lessons for Rock of Ages, none of which inspires that much confidence that his performance is going to be incredible. Still… I like this version of Tom. I know he’s crazy and the Church of Scientology is dangerous, etc, etc, but I always end up finding Tom to be kind of sympathetic. I can’t help it.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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76 Responses to “Tom Cruise talks about Katie Holmes, CoS, couch-jumping & more with Playboy”

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  1. Chatcat says:

    Tom is a has been…I see this movie as a flop just like Depp’s Dark Shadows…their time is over (listen up Kristen Stewart). Anywho this little stump has never done it for me and I think it has more to do with his personality problems then his overall appearance.

    • Jayna says:

      A hasbeen? LOL. His last movie was a huge success.

      • Chatcat says:

        His last movie was Mission Impossible Ghost Protocal…the 4th movie of a franchise movie saga. Hell I used to watch Mission Impossible the show growing up and loved it…never saw one of the movies in the franchise though. He was good in Risky Business and The Firm, beyond that blah.

      • Janet says:

        @Chatcat: “Dark Shadows” made almost $30 million its first week out and came in second only to “Avengers”. What “flop” are you talking about?

      • Tiffany says:

        Based on your comments about Dark Shadows and MI:4, I don’t think Chatcat know what defines a flop in Hollywood.

        MI:4 has grossed over $693 million, and it is the highest grossing of any Mission Impossible film, or Tom Cruise film. It was #5 highest grossing film of 2011.

        I am not a huge TC fan, but come on, let’s be accurate in our critiques!

    • Annie says:

      I don’t ever see Johhny Depp as a has-been

    • Chatcat says:

      Being Dark Shadows cost $150 million to make (does not include marketing or cost of premiers that the studio lays out) I am sure the opening weekend, which is where the meat of all money is to any moview, a $30 million box office is disappointing. I didn’t say MI Ghost Protocol was a flop I said it wasn’t a flop BECAUSE it is a movie franchise, please look back at his 3 movie Gross totals between MI films then let me know if he is pulling in the money he used too. That is why I said he is a “has been”. Jeez.

  2. CandyKay says:

    I like him. I actually like him more since he’s become such a target, and handled it gracefully.

    He seems to be aging well, too.

    • A Girl Named Mikki says:


      • sharylmj says:

        I agree too, the crazy has calmed down and he seems happy and fulfilled. He is definately winning me back over recently. Can’t deny he is one handsome man..

    • autumndaze says:

      You gals don’t forget to pick up your bonus checks from CoS this week………

      • biteme says:

        y??? cause they dont agree with the rest of the gallery???!!…. i like tom and this shows how he is maturing. everyone is entiled to worship what and who they please…. i take this over johnny i only work for the money deep any day!

      • Hautie says:

        “You gals don’t forget to pick up your bonus checks from CoS this week………”


      • LAK says:

        His publicist is getting a fruit basket from TC!!!

        really girls, take off the rose tinted specs, TC has always been and will always be crazy. The reason the crazy was let out was a result of his firing his previous rottweiller of a publicist and his co$ sister taking over.

        Eventually he had to fire her and take on a new publicist. Clearly they are doing a good job. The proof is in your comments.

    • LadyJane says:

      I like the interview too. I made me want to take his side on things. At least he doesn’t pretend he doesn’t read all the bad press about him. That was refreshing. BUT. If you think his looks are naturally that youthful without any help of surgery, fillers and botox you be kray-kray.

      • Bex says:

        Exactly. He has the JLo thing going on ‘I just don’t seem to age’. What they don’t talk about is the team of hairdressers, dermatologists, trainers, dieticians and plastic surgeons that they spend HUGE amounts of time and money on to keep themselves looking youthful.

  3. lassie says:

    He’s so humorless. He’s like the anti-Clooney. He’s a fun sucker.

  4. littlestar says:

    I have to say that I agree. In this interview he still comes across as the Tom Cruise we know/loathe/love, but he seems more… Relatable? Unlike John Mayer, TC takes responsibility for the couch jumping. And I like that he’s one of the few celebrities out there, that despire his huge success, he doesn’t shirk his responsibilities (Lindsay Lohan could learn a lot from him). He still needs to ditch the church though.

    • Rhea says:

      ITA. He seems more relatable and more… normal…. hmmmm….it does nice to read him owning his action.

    • Elizabeth says:

      He takes responsibility because his publicist told him to say “I take responsibility ….”. I give Tommy Girl that much – he knows how to hustle and promote his movies, brand, etc.

    • Belle says:

      Funny… he said those words ‘I take responsibility’, but then also made several references to the way things are edited, etc. I don’t even think he was referring to the couch-jumping… I think it was more the interview with ML he was ‘taking responsibility’ for. Either way, it sounded more like he was blaming the editing, but adding the ‘I take responsibility’ bit because it sounds responsible to do so!

  5. sarahtonin says:

    He is totally irrelevant and was never a good actor anyway. These qualities make him and Katie soul mates. Here’s to them both sharing obscurity together.

  6. Agnes says:

    poor, poor tom. none of it is him or his (often insane) behavior – it’s all the evil editing. whatever.

    • autumndaze says:

      He reminds me so much of my ex————- classic narcissistic personality. They take no responsibility for anything negative that happens and are often times charming enough that most people don’t notice.

    • Jackie says:

      i tend to agree.

      he was not misinterpreted due to language, internet, editing, etc. he showed the public who he really is and it disagreed with people…to say the least.

      also, never being late to a movie set?? his salary is millions of dollars…gee, let’s give him round of applause.

  7. Tiffin says:

    He’s trying to appear normal and sincere and he’s failing miserably.

    • Mia 4S says:

      Agreed! It’s so clear how tightly controlled his words are. I know all stars do it, but he always comes across as particularly unnatural. Also notice he says when “Kate” (LOL) is shooting he is on set and they are are always together? Oh please. Apparently they go weeks without seeing each other. I mean its not like Katie is shooting all that often either! I can’t see him ending the contract though, that wouldn’t look good for a “family” man to end his third marriage. Also the stuff about “Renner”? Reading that…he minded, oh he definitely minded.

      • Esmom says:

        Haha, I also thought to myself “when is Katie ever shooting anything?”

      • clare says:

        He’s still on a tight leash with his new publicity handlers. He’s going through all the motions of being a real, genuinely nice person but still comes off a cult robot.
        Kate’s script- was that “Food Fight” mentioned on his imbd page a while back?

  8. JB says:

    When he talks about his family and Katie, ugh, it feels very authentic to me.

  9. DeeDee says:

    Are you sure it is Playboy interview and not Playgirl? I’m waiting for Travolta 2.0 scandal —> Tom Cruise edition.

  10. foozy says:

    he’s a wonderful actor and i’m sure a wonderful person. wish people would leave him alone…

    • mayamae says:

      I hope you only believe this because of lack of knowledge of Scientology. Spend 5 minutes researching the church that Tom is #2 in and you may understand. There are lots of youtube videos or you can go to the site and you will stop pitying this man.

  11. Claire says:

    Can’t help but liking him too. I know he’s crazy for believing all of this scientology crap but…he’s a good and commited actor, and seems to be a nice guy.

  12. Esmom says:

    He does come off well…especially when he talks about his professionalism. Think how many celebs are trainwrecks who can barely manage to make to work on time or the entitled famewhores who waltz into Hollywood expecting to not have to pay any dues.

    He seems like he’s really worked hard and not let all the toxic stuff that swirls around the industry get to him too much. It’s almost like he can detach from his CO$ side when he wants or needs to.

    • Tiffin says:

      ‘It’s almost like he can detach from his CO$ side when he wants or needs to.’

      To me that shows that he is extremely calculating.

    • LAK says:

      That peak at the crazy afew years ago was the tip of the iceberg as far as TC is concerned.

      Only a very good publicist can make the public forget. His, is clearly worth whatever he is paying him and more.

  13. Amanda G says:

    He just tries too damn hard. With convincing everyone he’s straight, with trying to have a sense of humor, with his body, and with that awful looking new movie. He looks foolish most if the time.

  14. Loren says:

    Like him, always have.

  15. marie says:

    ha ha, I thought the same thing..

  16. FeverDream says:

    You know I just watched Mission Impossible 4 the other night and was thinking that I sure do love Tom Cruise.
    Xenu and his cult notwithstanding this is a hard working dude. I think he looks good for his age, his sense of humor surprises me and he goes hard in every movie he makes…his work ethic is admirable and thats enough for me as fan.

  17. Jayna says:

    The one thing I admire about Tom is he does live life to the fullest. I admire that in him. I do believe he is a romantic. Many get married and the marriage goes flat. I think he puts energy towards his marriage. Too bad about his nutty Scientology.

  18. Dee Cee says:

    I don’t get it.. seems to be dodging the questions, pat answers .. ask any question and he diverts you to listening to him declare this or that, ever unrelated, as if opening a door and letting you peek in but it never happened.. missing the depth or interest, a character mark on what he really feels..

    • Runs with Scissors says:

      I agree, he has a strange way of NOT really answering the questions, of not really coming to a point, but sounding earnest and intense about it.

      That being said, I think he’s very talented and I think Rock of Ages looks hilarious. I’m still pulling for him to get free of COS.

      • Tiffin says:

        ‘I’m still pulling for him to get free of COS’

        Nope, will never happen.

    • Boo says:

      Yeah, I don’t believe for a minute he answered those questions himself or off the cuff. Those were carefully planned and written ahead of time, probably with a whole team of people, who helped him seem less crazy. He didn’t say Katie was “amazing,” and that tipped me off right away that he had been coached and assisted. That’s smart, of course. But he is delivering lines here, just as he does in his job. It’s what he’s good at. He gets in trouble when he speaks extemporaneously.

  19. Monkey Jim says:

    Ooh I find him sooo fascinating. I had heard the rumours about phone-hacking – I would certainly love to hear what goes on behind closed doors at Tommy Towers. It amazes me how he has kept his shit so tight despite all the rumours from everywhere. I, too, wonder if we’ll ever get a Travolta 2 from Tom??! Imagine!! I do like him as an actor though… Always have.

    • LAK says:

      Tom’s team of handlers are rottweillers. That’s why his ‘shit is tight.’ no one dare let it out until they are beyond his orbit or don’t care about being sued. eg Sally Van Slyke who was head of publicity at Universal. She’s written a book about her time in Hollywood, with a review in the hollywood reporter, so you know she’s not being ignored by her former community. anyways, here is what she had to say about TC.

  20. Lotta says:

    I’m pretty sure he is bipolar. My mom is bipolar so I’m kind familiar with it and I usually am very good at spotting if someone has it.

    • Esmom says:

      Just curious, what about him gives you those vibes? I sense a bit of mania, maybe, but nothing out of control like Sinead. If he is bipolar he must be managing it well.

      • Flea says:

        “Here’s the problem. You don’t understand the history of psychiatry. I do…There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance.”

        Have you seen the “personality test” they give every person who is interested in Scientology? It aims to find the weak spot in their psyche so they can know if that person can be manipulated (brainwashed) & then how to capitalize on it. I’m sure he does know the history of psychiatry! As soon as they started indoctrinating him they made sure to convince him not to question his mental stability no matter who tried to convince him he needed psychiatric help for joining Scientology. “People are going to tell you you’re crazy for doing this but that’s just because they aren’t as enlightened as you. They have been brainwashed by the field of psychiatry that chemical imbalances are real. They just don’t know the truth like you do.” I think his neural pathways have been rebuilt to the point that he is incapable of questioning himself at this point. Without the ability to reflect honestly on yourself it doesn’t matter what underlying mental illness is there because nobody can help you.

      • Jackie says:

        he does seem manic sometimes, but has there ever been any evidence of the another polar?

  21. Sarah says:

    Whenever I catch myself thinking Tom Cruise might be a decent guy after all, I read the Paul Haggis article in the New Yorker or any post about a recent escapee who lived for years in abusive CO$ prisons and work camps, or about children that are separated from their families and given to the church as lifetime laborers, or about all the physical and mental abuse prisoners received constantly, or about the people that did escape but were dragged back months later when the CO$ threatened them and their families, or about all the women that were forced to have abortions (married and single) under penalty of grueling hard labor. That helps me remember what kind of people Tom, Kate, and Miscavige are, and that they live on the backs of slaves.

    • Annie says:

      Very well said. I keep wanting to have a soft spot for him- but have to remember it the CO$ PR machine. I can’t wrap my head around how this cult isn’t broken up by now. I just got back from vacation in Clearwater and saw the massive Scientology building up close-too close for my comfort!

    • mayamae says:

      The story of Lisa McPherson alone is horrific. David Miscavige (church leader and Tom’s best man) himself was involved in her death. Lots on youtube about her for the interested.

    • OriginalTiffany says:

      I always post my story. It’s worse than any of you can fathom…

  22. Flea says:

    The way he always appears to “present” Katie feels very strange to me. The way she seems so stiff when he touches her in a more intimate way for photo ops feels very strange to me. It’s like he’s showing off his prized pony…and she desperately wants to go back to the wild but she’s forgotten how to survive on her own.

  23. Tiffin says:

    Yeah, I’ve read similar articles and I cannot separate Tom Cruise the actor from Tom Cruise the scientologist.

  24. lisamariecaughtaclue says:

    BE FOREWARNED. The CO$ are out crazy thick today!

  25. mike says:

    Cruise is an awesome guy… if you can separate him from his “church.”

    I can’t. I can still separate him from his movies (sorry, but he makes too darn good movies to ignore), but him from his “church?” Nah.

    While I’d continue to patronize his movies, I wouldn’t shed a drop of tear if he were to suffer some unforeseen misfortune either.

  26. jesstar says:

    I agree with you Kaiser. I don’t have anything positive to say about his “religion” but I like his attitude. I guess for some people, especially in the arts, crazy just works.

    There’s an exception to every rule.

  27. Kimlee says:

    There so much BS in this interview it’s funny. He should keep who ever is writing his answer because it’s clearly scripted and people are buying into this crap.

    Point is about Tom I think the crazy is actually who he is, and that he loves the control he has from being a top scientologist. Look at Katie now and Nicole when she was with him, the man sucks the life out of them. I think the person that he trying to come a cross as in this interview is just another character he playing.

  28. lisa says:

    I’m not a huge Tom fan. I like how dedicated he is to his work. Don’t agree with the CoS. But as far as other people’s religious beliefs go… If you are not forcing me to think the way you do, or make laws that put your beliefs before others.. I don’t care what you believe.

    but Katie Holmes is boring to me. I never saw Dawson’s Creek. Only knew Katie from Tom.

  29. Hmm says:

    It is strange – when everbody on CD hate on a celeb I kind of start to like them. I never liked Jen Aniston, but now I kind of do. I always hated LeAnn R – I still do but I hate Brandi more.

    But okay I was also the one who loved Valerie and hated Kelly!

    And now I am kind of liking Tom – Weird.

  30. Vesper says:

    He has just learned with age and maturity to play the PR game better. Plus, he’s taking his bipolar meds 🙂

    From previous interviews with Brad Pitt and Rob Lowe, this latest spiel is not who Tom really is (or at least was). We have all seen the interviews, and one can only blame editing so much.

    As for this great love of family, if this really was a priority he wouldn’t have let his so-called “religion” brainwash him into alienating his older kids from their biological mother. Further, although he seems to dote on Suri, he didn’t seem to lavish that kind of attention on his other kids while they were growing up. U never hear him speak much of them now. The girl, in particular, (sorry, I can’t remember her name) looks miserable most of the time.

  31. Theresa says:

    I have enjoyed almost every movie he has ever made, even the crap ones. He is one of the few actors that I can re-watch his movies over and over and enjoy them again and again.

    I have always found him to be entertaining and attractive to watch. And until his shark/couch jumping incident I barely cared about his belief in the nonsensical COS. I am willing to cut him some slack that he has been ingrained and entrenched for so long in his “religion” that even if he ever had a moment of clarity, he finds it impossible to disentangle himself. So he probably makes it work for him, for his family, and completely immerses himself in his work and the pleasure he gets from the business.

    I will continue to watch his films, I loved MI:4, and don’t really consider Rock of Ages as a Cruise film, more like character work (remember Tropic Thunder? He was awesome!) So may have to pass on that one until it shows up on Netflix…

  32. Beatriz says:

    Call me crazy, but I actually like Tom Cruise. The Scientology thing is a bummer though;I read somewhere that he wanted to get out for a long time, but they have a lot of dirt on him, so he is stuck.

  33. Original Lucy says:

    Whenever Tom does an interview, I always feel like he is still acting…never just Tom…like when they ask him a question about being a husband he thinks “now what would a good husband in a script say”…never genuine…

  34. Lisa says:

    It’s still beyond me why everyone and their dog needs a clothing line. Show me one by someone who can really pick fabrics and sew that shit together on their own.

  35. cruiz2 says:

    Scripted??? Yeah, he’s under tight control to sound homey. Good for him if real. Still can’t stomach Katie…big untalented phoney there. Keep trying.

  36. Snarky says:

    Can someone explain the Jeremy Renner question to me? Do they not get along or something??

    • Chris says:

      The character that Renner plays in GHOST PROTOCOL was written as someone who would take over as the lead of the MI movies in the future. The belief was Paramount, supposedly worried about Tom’s declining powers as a box office draw domestically, basically said to Cruise “We would like to make more MISSION IMPOSSIBLE pictures in the future but not neccessarily with you still in the lead role”.

      Naturally the question was whether this put Cruise’s ego out of joint.

  37. Ari says:

    I LOVE this interview.

  38. I Choose Me says:

    Loved Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. As an actor he acquits himself well enough and he does come off charming and more ah, down to earth in this interview. I know that people aren’t black and white. I believe he can be generous and kind at times and very good to those he cares about but I’ve seen behind the facade and there’s a mess of ugly there that’ll forever earn him the side-eye from me.