I know a lot of you love to hate on Pippa Middleton – I think Pippa is less popular among commenters than Duchess Kate, Pippa’s big sister. Personally, I prefer Pippa to Kate for no other reason than I like an underdog. That’s not me being cute and referring to Pippa as a dog, by the way. I just think that no matter how you slice it, no matter what good or bad Pippa does in her life, she’s always going to be identified at “Kate’s sister” and that sucks for her.
Of course, to hear the tabloids talk, you’d think that Pippa LOVES her new identifier, that of “sister of the duchess” and “the ass (of lies) that stole the royal wedding”. Maybe it takes a certain kind of personality – a famewhore personality – to enjoy that. I know that if I was in Pippa’s position, I would be chafing under those restrictions and trying to make my own way, completely separate from Kate. But… these are the Middletons we’re talking about. Kate’s nine-year gamble paid off for the Middleton family, and Pippa is seeking the rewards. It seems like Pippa is making herself into the royal-adjacent version of Kim Kardashian?
Pippa Middleton is ready to party – if the price is right. Follwing in the well-paid footsteps of Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Snooki, the 28-year-old sister of Duchess Kate is raking in big bucks by making appearances at bashes all over the world.
“Pippa is a true socialite whose life revolved around posh parties,” a royal insider tells Star. “She claims to work two days a week for her parents’ company, Party Pieces, but that’s an exaggeration. Her real job is capitalizing on being famous.”
While Pippa’s hard partying has embarrassed England’s notoriously private royal family, clubs and publishers continue to throw big bucks at the woman with the world-famous derriere. Penguin Books reportedly forked over more than $500,000 for Kate’s little sis to pen a guide on throwing amazing events, set to hit shelves in October.
Earlier this year, a Florida-based business even offered to hire Pippa out for events, for six figures.
“She’s getting a lot of offers to make appearances and walk red carpets,” explains the source. “Pippa’s become one of the most famous faces in the world, and people want to capitalize on that.”
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
Disappointing if true. I thought Pippa had several jobs up in the air – she organizes the newsletter for Party Pieces, plus she’s a party planner, plus… something else, right? I think she had another job at one point. And while I knew about her book deal (I can’t wait for that publicity tour), I didn’t know about the “paid to party” part. It wouldn’t surprise me, though. Clubs, bars and special events love to have these kinds of “famous for little to nothing” celebrities show up and get photographed. You’d think that if Pippa really was being paid to party, Kate would demand that Pippa stop…? Which is yet another reason I feel sorry for Pips. She’s got to follow all of the royal rules but she doesn’t get any of the rewards. Kate hasn’t even made Pippa her “lady in waiting”.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I believe I read that Pippa turned down the lady in waiting posistion to be her own person….
if she did, good for her!
I read that she turned it down after I read that the palace did not believe she was appropriate or qualified for such an important position.
Wise move by both I think.
I hope Pippa won’t get into the paid to party business. I find those people useless and annoying.
If I were Pippa, I’d be mortified to be included in a sentence with a Kardashian.
Where’s the pee?
She’s been hustling all her life.
She’s never going to be “lady in waiting.” She’s not seriously upper crust and she doesn’t know any of the royal protocol.
Agree. I don’t think the Palace even asked her to be Kate’s LIW. Kate needs someone familiar with royal protocol and knows all the nuances within the Palace to guide her. She doesn’t need someone beside her to remind her of her Waity Katie partying days.
If her book does well, which I predict it will, then she’ll just continue to expand her empire that way. Although, I think when she promotes the book her bread and butter is going to be America–who gives her much easier time than the UK press. This girl is going to be a big deal when she does her book tour, especially if she goes into the suburbs for singings.
If that happens I really think the dumb-ing down of Americans has succeeded!
Have you ever read the drivel she puts out?
A five year old can come up with more exciting/interesting party tips!
Most tips are on party pieces are written by some one else- even though Pipster takes credit.
I wonder who they got for the ghost writer for the book?
No kidding. I’m sure she hasn’t lifted a finger for the upcoming book, and the ghostwriters are beavering away to have it ready by fall. The book tour could potentially be a disaster because the Pip won’t even know what’s in the book. She doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman who does a lot of research or homework, just like her sister. She’ll undoubtedly be prepped in advance with preplanned questions.
And YES! Have any of you seen the drivel on the PP website? As said above, a five-year-old could have come up more original party tips.
Hope this is going to turn out like Anne Boleyn (Kate) and her sister Mary (Pippa). Mary was outcast of court because she was such a slutty…. Please, please, God make it happen with Pippa so we can stop seeing her manly face!!!!
Sorry, girls, today I woke up in a terrible bitchy mood.
No need for apologies. You speak the truth.
Pip was slutty all while Waity’s long wait for the ring! Seems she has kept up with it providing a titled, wealthy, eligible guy would do her!
Every week these 2 remind me more & more of the scheming Boleyn sisters!
@Fairygodmother – I am fully on board with the medieval references, but it occurred to me recently that Kate may be closer to Jane Seymour. Think about it, She was colourless, demure, wouldn’t say boo to a goose, probably did exactly what she was told by who ever, played down any education or intellectual thoughts or gifts she may have had and completely pandered to Henry 8, which was the complete opposite of Anne or indeed any of his other wives.
So if you see Diana/Charles as melodrama upon melodrama with especially Diana being such a star, and William as looking for the polar opposite of that, Then Kate is his Jane Seymour.
With all the different wives, no one remembers JAne at all. All the others had some quirk that made them memorable. JAne is only remembered for breeding. Nothing else.
Waity may very well have some traits of Jane Seymour, but make no mistake Waity has been very deceptive, manipulative, and cut-throat much like Ann B.
Many years she played her game to get in with RF circle even when PW was not present.
She put on a show in front of PW’s friends at horse race claiming her privacy was being invaded- no sooner did friends make calls & Waity was escorted to the RF area “safe” from public. She wanted to be seen as accepted into the royal fold in a very public way.
In doing so shows how cunning she is.
Pip does it too just not on the same level. Her time at uni is legendary as the one who pushed her way into the titled & wealthy club.
One thing about Pip she can be fun to hang with (more personality than big sis! But then a pile of dirt has more charm & charisma than KM)- providing one is very wealthy/titled- if not she is one smug b!+ch.
@fairygodmother – O i do not doubt that Kate did whatever it took, including making the press despite the waity moniker sympathise with her and effectively bully PW into marrying her much like his dad was bullied into marrying his mother.
funny how now she’s been white washed, there is talk about how she doesn’t accept freebies or preferential treatment when that is all she’s had for the past 8 years of her life and now it is ramped UP! Ditto everything else in her life eg she doesn’t want to be a fashion plate and yet takes the time to dress UP and be more polished than anyone else in RF.
Here is why i think She’s Jane Seymour. As well as the attributes i mentioned above, her family was just as conniving as the Boleyn/Howards, but they played the game differently. They looked at what the predessesor Anne had done, and did the opposite. PW needed a new family with no drama and loved up, so *entire family was roped in to help. PW needed her to be a doormat, so that’s what she became. PW wants her to be suzie homemaker. Check. pander, pander, pander. Possibly the only time she played the Anne B card is during the infamous 2007 break up…Show him what he is missing, as visibly as possible.
*I am not disparaging their familial bonds. Just saying that in this case, like medieval times, it took an entire family to snare the Prince.
@fairygodmother – sorry for double post. Did you read the extracts from Penny Junor’s book when it was serialised in the mail. There was a gem in there that seemed to go uncommented upon….apparently kate was mousy and quiet at University whilst all these sloane flashy types swanned around William…or words to that effect.
This is what made me re-think her as Jane Seymour. Whilst all the suitable girls were peacocking around William, quiet, mousy Kate got in by being the opposite of that. And i am pretty sure they all discounted her on the basis that she seemed invisible. It’s always the quiet ones who should be watched. In my experience, they are tenacious, devious, back stabbing etc all under the guise of looking harmless and wall paper. I am not saying that KAte is those things, but when i hear about the polo and how she got all those freebies, i am not surprised at all.
@ LAK-
“In my experience, they are tenacious, devious, back stabbing etc all under the guise of looking harmless and wall paper. I am not saying that Kate is those things,…”.
You are far kinder than I- so I will say she is all those things & more!
Sadly, I know far more about the limpet than I care to know. She went on a makeover at uni including attempting to have pro pics of her to promote her as “model” worthy.
Waity had so many freebies including a deep discount on car as she became more associated w/ Willieboy!
Reportedly is why Harry thought poorly of her. He said he hated how she benefited from his bro.
I must read up on Jane Seymour!
I did read some of DM’s Junor excerpts. I cannot believe anyone in their right mind would even bother to read her book. I think the one author I would be inclined to believe is Sarah Bradford.
I think Waity’s brother is much like Ann’s brother- publicly professing & bragging how his sister will be Queen one day- years before announcing engagement.
If this is true the Middletons are really bad at PR. Pippa should be establishing her own celebrity business dealing with design and party planning in conjunction with Party Pieces. She has the means to do much more than be a paid partier unless that is what she really wants and is in reality just as lazy as her sister. If she wanted to, she could write columns for design magazines, learn some culinary skills and appear on talk shows like a young Martha Stewart to give recipe and design advice for parties, or just continue working at Party Pieces in a leadership capacity. I feel like this indicates Pippa and Kate are as vapid as many claim and don’t have much ambition in life other than to marry into the aristocracy and be famous just for being socialites. There must be people in the royal family completely mortified by this.
I completely agree with your post.
@Kibbles – i will say that there can be no doubt that she works for party pieces. What ever her role is there, her bylines can be seen on the website.
Completely wrong bra, as well as panties, for that(ugly)dress.
So horribly tacky to be able to see her bra and underwear in all their glory.
So where has she been “making appearances at bashes all over the world”?
The Paris debacle was for a friend of hers – yes believe it or not, she has known that Viscount A guy for quite some time. I can believe she got some free clothes for coming over, but mostly I think she just wanted to party a bit.
Other than that – what? She goes to weddings like the one you have pictured and wears silly hats and fascinators, and if the Daily Mail is to be believed, puts on an apron after dancing all night and serves up bacon sandwiches to the tired guests. Oh by the way, she attended this particular wedding with none other than. . George Percy! According to the inevitable “friends”: “Fellow wedding guests said the two are dating, but are going to great lengths to keep the relationship out of the public eye and even kept their romance a secret from other wedding guests.
One friend said: ‘They are going out but they are very paranoid about being seen together. They didn’t even dance together at the wedding, but George was keeping a close eye on her from the side.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2151114/Pippa-Middleton-dons-apron-cook-bacon-sandwiches-wedding-Camilla-Hook-Sam-Holland.html#ixzz1wYkB7Rfo
This will probably be contradicted by another report in a few minutes!
The Middletons remind of the Kardashians a lot, right down to pimping out the daughters. Pippa’s “career” is being (in)famous, like a Kardashian. Just because they speak with a British accent doesn’t make them any less trashy. Kate did graduate from college before becoming William’s doormat, so I give her credit for THAT (but little else).
I thought Pippa had a real job (not related to her parents company) before the wedding but I can’t imagine anyone keeping a real job with that mess around you.
I don’t think she has many options to work as a private person. The paps would be all over that work place.
The middletons are very zealous about keeping the paps away when they do not need their services. They use the PCC as their own private enforcers, and sue whenever possible.
Pippa would have no trouble working in a regular company if she chose to do so. Beatrice is currently on work placement in the city, bodyguards in tow, so far no paps have bothered her nor do you hear tales from the work place. And you know people would want to hear that she’s as much a chump as her parents.
Paps are the excuse the Middletons use for not working.
Kate’s Jigsaw boss said she was unable to work properly because her schedule was at the mercy of William. And that she had no trouble with the paps. The palace gave her training for dealing with them as far back as 2005. In the end she resigned because she couldn’t balance working and William but the official excuse given was that the paps were the problem.
After Waity left Jigsaw owner publicly said what he thought of her & it was not a shiny star as palace paints.
He wanted others to know they arranged for her to leave out the back, but Waity refused! She left by front door then had the gall to complain about all the photographers- (who did not know her exact hours or schedule to work given how sporadic hours she worked unless tipped off).
Oh poor poor Pippa. Wah. Her life is so hard.
Lady Diana had two sisters… both of whom you’ve never really heard of because they both had the class to not make a public persona for themselves off of their sister’s marriage. Pippa (and all Kardashians) take note. Just sayin’.
Oh, but didn’t you read all the excuses from Kate’s fans about how Pippa can’t stay away from the limelight?
The Middletons, according to delusional Kate fans who see sunshine coming out of Kate’s arse, are classy and dignified. They never asked to be followed by the press, they are innocent in all of this. They would love nothing but to get on with their daily lives away from the cameras. Kate just happened to marry a Prince, she never pursued him for 9 long years and never used the press to guilt William into taking her back when he dumped her in 2007!
Pippa signed the book deal about party planning (what a joke that book is, full of rubbish tips) with a gun to her head, she didn’t do it of her own free will because she’s not a fame-whore!
Funny how many relatives of commoner-turned royals all over Europe have managed to keep a low profile away from the media and not ride the coattails of their family members to score deals, discounts, and make money off of their royal connecions, but the Middletons can’t seem to keep their faces off the media even though they and others (mostly Americans who only see the fairy-tale, whitewashed version of the Middletons and believe Kate to be the Second Coming) claim they just want to live a private life.
If Pippa truly wants to be a private person and not a celebrity, she can do it. She has the means to do so. Problem is, I don’t think she has the will to do so, nor the intention to fade in the background. If that is not the definition of celebrity, I don’t know what is.
Diana’s sisters didn’t care for the limelight because they were never raised to constantly seek attention and approval. They didn’t need to. Their names and ancestry already meant they were inside the circles Pippa and Kate desperately want to enter and belong.
The Middleton sisters, on the other hand, has been well-trained to chase after wealthy men and employ all the tactics they can to land themselves in elite circles. The only difference is each sister’s approach in getting their prize.
People, this is Star magazine. They only know how to write utter rubbish, if The Pips was turning up at paid for nightclub gigs we would have heard about it, (that’s the whole point is it not?) she would have been splashed all over the tabloids going in and coming out. This rag has just exaggerated the book deal and that disastrous Paris weekend party into a Hilton style ‘career’.
However……I do believe she was ‘let go’ from the party planning company she worked for after the Paris fiasco so she will soon need a new job or a best selling book to top up the coffers, or better still keep living off mamma and papa like her sister Kate has done all her life.
Is it only me or does she already look like a cougar??i mean…she kinda looks old..???
The Pipster is just plain nasty and is such a Kardashian wannabe fame whore to the max. It’s a good thing Kate has reinvented herself because all of her family is a major embarrassment.
It’s amazing that William fell for their subterfuge because these people are so obvious. Charles and Diana and her horrendous death really did a number on him. Tragic.
Red dresses must be the ‘look at me, I am the centre of attention outfit’. Waity is on the Royal barge right now, in the Jubilee Pageant, in a totally inappropriate red dress trying to upstage QE it seems.
Meanwhile the said social climbing parents and siblings are in a following boat grinning and waving maniacally almost to the point of falling overboard – if only!,
Oh I do wish their boat did sink. Hideous people.
I’m sorry but you can’t compare the middletons to the Kardouchians!Kim can’t get anymore than athelete or rapper to cape and “save” her. Kate married royalty, which in America our equivalent would be the Kennedys, and maybe the Bloombergs and the Johnsons…
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