Video of Jessica Simpson’s flubbed performance at the Kennedy Awards

Jessica Simpson’s flubbed performance at The Kennedy Center Honors for Dolly Parton on Sunday sounded worse the way it was described, but it still looks really uncomfortable to her. I’m Not Obsessed is reporting that she is said to have feared a waldrobe malfunction, and that may explain why her arm is right under her top and she’s staying in one place. She was said to have sung without projecting herself and to have rushed off after no one applauded for her, but you can clearly hear her and it seems like the audience claps afterwards. It’s hard to tell by the way the video was edited, though.

Shania Twain looks gorgeous and there’s also a clip of Reese Witherspoon’s speech about Dolly:

Thanks to Faded Youth for finding this first.

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5 Responses to “Video of Jessica Simpson’s flubbed performance at the Kennedy Awards”

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  1. Gigohead says:

    Someone on youtube pointed something interesting. It may not have been a wardrobe malfunction that caused her to grab her stomach, but rather the fact that she can’t sing the high notes! Now that’s funny. Another comedic point, she flub the lines on CUE CARD. LOL

  2. R. says:

    I’m starting to feel a little sorry for Jessica Simpson. In the end, all she was was a very naive girl, a virgin no less, that married a guy that had been around the block quite a few times. He always seemed very manipulative and jealous of her success. He then started screwing around on her and ultimately, their marriage fell apart. Her x wasted no time replacing her with someone else right after their divorce, and made a ton of money off of her in the process. And she for some reason is the only one taking a beating in the press. I think the only reason she has been having a problem on stage is because of on-going problems with stage fright. The girl seems to be lonely too. I think people need to start cutting her a bit of a break.

  3. Gigohead says:

    Sorry R, here is how I see it. She was cranked out from the Pop star machine that was created by her poppa. Her dad leveraged 15 minutes of fame with her husband, again, a guy cranked out by the Pop star maker poppa. He probably was thrusted on him by her Poppa. Everything she does is done in front of the camera thanks again to her poppa the pop star pusher.

    What Pop Star Maker Poppa needs to stop pushing his wares on folks. It’s apparent that both Jessica and Ashlee are studio singers and should only be let out to pose for pictures and should not be singing.

    I don’t have any sympathy for this sugar pop princesses. I’d hope they will melt soon.

  4. AC says:

    I think Jessica seems like a sweet person. I don’t love her voice but … i don’t think she deserves a lot of the talk about her.

    As for flubbing at the Kennedy Center , as a performer… i truely feel horrible for her. Wrong time and wrong place for a mess up. Im sure it was a combination of a lot of things. I feel bad for her.

  5. Jean says:

    Gaahh!!! Why is it that the more coverage there is of Nick and Vanessa, there’s more pics of Jess messing up public? She obeyed Pappa Joe, got rid of Nick ’cause Joe wants to be the only man in her life, and the world is NOT her oyster as Pappa Joe promised it would be if only she got rid of Nick.
    Jess should be gettin’ rid of Pappa Joe, or she’ll never have lasting success with any man.
    Sorry, Jess….you can’t put husbands on a shelf when you tire of them, and then expect them to be there at your convenience…..unlike what Pappa Joe says, the world does NOT revolve around the *&^%$#@ Simpson family.
    Jessica and Papa Simpson are the ones that ruined her image and her marriage to Nick. If Jessica wasn’t so far up Papa’s ass and listened to all of his advice (about marriage, career, etc.), I think that Nick and Jess would have been fine and stayed together.
    It doesn’t help that your dad is telling you to slut it up for your videos either, so the Simpsons are more to blame than Nick ever will be.