Beyonce’s fans are pissed that she’s hanging out with Kim Kardashian

I don’t really understand why some people were so up in arms about Beyonce and Kim Kardashian hanging out together in public. I realize the story is better if Beyonce acts like The Queen of All and refuses to even meet ANY Kardashian. But it’s not like Beyonce is so… what’s the word? She’s not Gwyneth Paltrow. I get the feeling that Gwyneth keeps a physical list of “cool people that are worthy of her friendship” and if you’re not on the list, Dame Goop will not hang. Beyonce is friends with Goop, of course, but that doesn’t mean Bey cosigns every pretentious, snobby, condescending demand of Goop’s. Bey seems like the kind of person who would hang out with Kanye West (arguably someone she sees as a brother or some kind of relation) and his girlfriend, whoever his girlfriend might be. But hey… that’s just my take. While I don’t hate either Beyonce or Kim, they’re not my favorite people either. But Beyonce’s super-fans are PISSED.

Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian hung out over the weekend and has exclusively learned the Single Ladies singer’s fans are outraged. The two were front and center at Jay-Z and Kanye West’s Birmingham, U.K. “Watch The Throne” concert supporting their significant others, and the two girls bonding over their men has already put a kink in Beyoncé’s reputation.

“Kim Kardashian is not the sort of girlfriend that Beyoncé fans envision the new mother having,” an insider told “Beyoncé has an air of class and sophistication to her, while Kim is famous because of a sex tape and a failed marriage.”

But with Beyoncé’s husband and Kim’s boyfriend touring together, the two girls are sure to be spending more time together and it won’t do any favors for Beyoncé’s reputation.

“Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian in the same picture let alone the same sentence is tragic,” one fan tweeted.

Another fan tweeted, “if your role model is Kim Kardashian, I can’t take you seriously, Beyoncé is a way better role model. She’s respectful of herself.”

“Beyoncé tries to stay out of the tabloids, while they’re Kim’s livelihood,” the source said. “It’s an odd pairing.”

[From Radar]

Yes, Beyonce hangs out with Gwyneth and Michelle Obama. Kim gets excoriated publicly by Jon Hamm, Daniel Craig and she’s publicly Mean-Girl’d by Anna Wintour. So… they’re not equal. Beyonce’s fame is based on talent and hard work. Kim’s fame is based on a sex tape and no sense of shame or privacy. But… I kind of consider both of them famewhores, just in different ways, to different degrees. Bey has to be the center of attention, always. She’s a total diva. And Kim is a famewhore, straight up, but without Beyonce’s diva ‘tude. Does that make sense? Kim seems accessible, and I don’t think she holds herself “above” people. Bey is all “PAY ATTENTION TO ME, I AM THE QUEEN.”

Still… who says celebrities have to live in bubbles? I kind of like Beyonce more now that I know she’s not an elitist about her casual friendships. Meanwhile, Goop is probably rocking and juice-cleansing away the demons.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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68 Responses to “Beyonce’s fans are pissed that she’s hanging out with Kim Kardashian”

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  1. Cherry says:

    LOL @’Beyoncé has an air of class and sophistication to her’! Non she doesn’t. I totally get why Kim and Bey would have a lot of fun together. They’re the same age, like similar guys and both like to spend shitloads of money on their clothes, hair and make-up. By the way, the fact that they’re hanging out together at their boyfriends’ concert hardly means that they’re best friends. But I don’t see why they couldn’t be.

    • BB says:

      +1 I totally agree, when I see these two women I don’t think class and sophistication

    • Amelia says:

      I actually laughed at the class and sophistication bit. Talented – most certainly. Classy – in your dreams. Taking over an entire floor of a hospital does not constitute classy in my book.

    • Vicky says:

      NO! Don’t insult HOVA!! Kayne and Jay Z are not similar. Jay Z is a real man. Kayne is an immature whineybitch.

  2. freya says:

    “Beyoncé has an air of class and sophistication to her” LOL!!! Yes, because it’s so classy walking around on stage and in videos halfnaked, dancing with your legs wide open, twisting your pelvis at the camera/audience… They are both trash, making money being tacky. Fits perfectly, IMO

    • Eleonor says:

      Showing her ass at the Met gala all class! AHAH!

    • Jenny says:

      Agree. Both have questionable taste in fashion (for Beyonce, tacky Met Gala dresses more than once,stage clothing or lack thereof, for KK, she wears clothes that are two sizes too small) no one knows what their real hair looks like and both like the limelight. Both are filthy rich and had parents who pushed them into fame at young ages. They have quite a lot in common it would seem.

  3. FuryFreakBrother says:

    I think you have to draw the line at who you want to hang out with. I definitely would draw the line with KK. Sorry, I just wouldn’t!

    • RocketMerry says:

      Right?! I’m not even Bey’s fan (though I might be a fan of her prosthetic pillow: tat bitch worked HARD 🙂 ) and I’m mad at her for hanging out with Kardashian!

  4. Susan says:

    Umm, really? Granted Kim used to be a porn star and is still a useless person. But they accepted Jay Z who used to be a crack dealer. And Beyonce’s reputation before Jay Z wasn’t exactly pristine (although her shenanigans were kept off the radar). The rapper the Game claimed she slept with multiple NBA players.

    If these alleged fans believe in redemption on one hand then……..

    • beyonce's bump says:

      ummmmm i HATE to be the defender of KK, but she was NEVER a porn star. Unless making a sex tape with your long term boyfriend is considered being a pornstar. It was extremely tacky of her to leak it and use it for fame, but a famewhore does not a pornstar make.

      I agree with you with everything you said about Jay Z. Sure he is no longer like that but let’s not all be actin like Bey’s and Jay’s boo boo don’t stank. Pulease.

      • Dhavy says:

        If you profit from a sex video then I would call you a porn star too. Its like a 1 hit wonder…

      • Susan says:

        I hear ya, but I gotta stand by my statement. Porn star! It shouldn’t matter if the distribution deal was struck before or after the camera rolled. If a recording is publicly available and made them a profit, then it officially graduated from sex tape to Porno. And Kim is most certainly the star. She looked directly into the camera and smiled like a Cheshire cat. This movie was not intended just for them to stroll down memory lane. She knew she’d get attention and could play the embarrassed victim. As the daughter of an attorney, she must have absorbed the concept of plausible deniability.

  5. DanaG says:

    Beyonce and Kim have loads in common both are obsessed with their bodies and how they look and both love PR stunts, Kim and her fake marriage and Beyonce with that baby bump. I don’t think Beyonce is classy look at who she married and listen to her music. I don’t think these two will get that close Kim and Kanye will have to last longer then this season of her reality show for that to happen.

  6. says:

    LOL @ Beyoncé’s delusional fans! Like she’s a saint, and not some plagiarizing, advertise-your-pregnancy in the most fame whoring way possible.

  7. cmc says:

    I don’t see why Beyonce fans think she’s so snobby. She might have a diva reputation, but Beyonce seems pretty down-to-Earth. I’ve seen all these great videos of her popping into random public schools to surprise and dance with kids. Seems like a nice woman. And Kim Kardashian might be a fame-wh*re but she doesn’t seem like an insufferable person like say, Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton or something.

    • julie says:

      Maybe you should read the “I love my Maybach more than life” article and then you will change your opinion of Beyonce.
      when getting into a restaurant is more important than someone who dropped dead in front of it you will realize she is another trashy disgusting person filled with self-entitlement. IMO she is trash as much as KK, so they are a good pair.

      • kazoo says:

        Link to article please? Or at least the publication it appeared in. I wanna read.

        Beyonce’s reputation has been SO whitewashed over the years. It’s amazing, and should be every aspiring PR person’s dream.

  8. Ming says:

    It IS a f-ck ass big faux pas to hang out with her. Bitch pollutes international television – that’s a war crime.

    /destroys house

  9. Launicaangelina says:

    This is all good with me if their friendship got Kim to cover her face!

  10. lover says:

    weaveyonce stan are idiots.. just like her

  11. katie says:

    Beyonce has enough money to get all shined up to distract you from the fact that she is a tacky fame hound just like Kim. They are perfect for each other.

  12. flan says:

    It’s not a smart move for Bey to hang out with her.

    Let’s face it, Kim is tainted in celeb land and anyone hanging out with her will get some of that taint on them.

  13. Agnes says:

    “Goop is probably rocking and juice-cleansing away the demons.” hahaha! i hope so.

  14. pmagni says:

    I still can’t figure out which ass is bigger, they both are a size 2 right?

  15. Samihami says:

    Class and sophistication? LMFAO! Sounds like shhat herself. I would think the Kardashians would be a perfect fit for her, friendship-wise. They are at the exact same level of “class” and “sophistication.”

  16. anonymoose says:

    These 2 toddlers in tiaras are birds of a feather.

    They are both self-serving idiots, drunk on their own wine, (and with mirrors/mothers that tell them lies.)

    I would not be seen with either one of them, not even for a paycheck.

  17. Jessica says:


  18. Dorothy says:

    Perfect duo those two. Both narcissist , both famewhores.

  19. Skins says:

    All Cat-Face needs in the last picture is a white wig and she can be a judge over there

  20. Kimlee says:

    I think these pictures are staged how convenient is it that as soon as there are rumors out there that B dosen’t like Kim do we see a photo of them together at a concert.

    It looks like B didn’t want to be seen as the diva b*tch so she had her peopple staged theses photos of them together and Kim and her famewhore self was more then happy to play along.

    • Jaana says:

      I totally agree, Bey was probably asked by Jay Z who was asked by Kanye to hang out with Kim, she and Beyonce will never be friends, bey will soon ice her out, trust.

  21. Aubra says:

    Beyonce’s fans are some of the most idiotic! lmao

  22. weslyn says:

    I am going to say that kk is a porn star b/ c she sold n profited from the tape..n I wish people would stop believing everything that comes out of jay-z’s mouth..most people think the crack dealer persona is just that- a rap persona (he might have run in the crew, but wasn’t really pushing weight)

  23. NM6804 says:

    Beyoncé is not always above it all. As Lainey wrote, she gets down with the “regular” folks and even though it’s just for one minute, it’s one minute that KK wouldn’t dare spend her time on because of her obsession with looks and image. In her documentaries, she also shows her mistakes (falling down), her imperfections (looking weary and sweaty), bitchy, without a weave (the Gaga shoot). When would KK ever show a side of her that doesn’t seem perfect?

    I also think KK and Beyoncé shouldn’t be friends in public because Beyoncé is all about female empowerment (although she contradicts herself in songs and videos) and then she hangs out with this trash? I don’t get it but they do whatever they want, it’s not worth being that upset about.

    • anonymoose says:

      > When would KK ever show a side of her that doesn’t seem perfect?

      ha! well, ALWAYS. she always looks a fool, a badly dressed, badly made-up fool. When has she ever looked perfect? Garbed like a hooker in trashy ill-fitting unflattering clothes does not equal perfection. Not to mention the deformities she has purposedly subjected her face and body to….

      > Beyoncé is all about female empowerment (although she contradicts herself in songs and videos)

      Agreed, Bouncy is a hypocrit!

  24. rumbleseat says:

    So the girlfriends of two guys who are putting on a concert went to the concert and watched it…gasp…together? The media would’ve decided that there was more of a story if they both went and avoided each other like the plague. Where’s the story?

  25. bubbles says:

    I think Beyonce is filling KK in on how to grow a pillow baby so you never have to lose that perfect size 2 body.

  26. Anon says:

    It is wishful thinking; but it would be wonderful if they can all disappear; I do not want bad things to happen to them; just that they will go away. Let the other medicores reign.

  27. A. says:

    Beyonce was just lucky she met her ‘soulmate’ in those early years, that’s all. Because if she didn’t she’d be linked to a lot of men. And lets not forget her father! I think she’s classy when she leaves her stage, but to call her classy on the stage is a bit too much. Yes you can be sexy and classy, but she’s obv. not one of those people.
    But I have to say one thing, funny how everytime a celeb has reached the top people seem to forget how they started. I remember Destiny’s bein in all those cheap ass magazines promoting their music and giving away their privacy. Kim just had bad luck with her sextape that’s all. I watch Kardashians and from what I see, she’s a cool chick. I like Beyonce too, she’s has great stage energy. Both of them are really pretty too!
    But all these celebs are narcissistic, obviously.

    • marie says:

      there was no bad luck with her sex tape, she marketed the hell out of it and that’s how she became as famous, she took pointers from Paris..

      I could care less if they’re friends, doesn’t really bother me. But what does bother are those dang sunglasses Beyonce wears, they’re fugly!!

  28. Tansey says:

    “arguably someone she sees as a brother or some kind of relation”

    Maybe I read this wrong. What does it mean? Does it mean “Beyonce and Kanye have a really close friendship and refer to each other as brother and sister” or does it mean “Well, Beyonce is black, and Kanye is black, and black people are always calling each other ‘Brother’ in movies, so….yea!”

    I really don’t get any kind of closeted racist vibe from this site, but please elaborate on the quote above.

    • moonriver says:

      Imo ‘…some kind of relation’ wouldn’t have been in there if it was meant as a racial stereotype. I saw it as ‘they’re close, and see each other as family.’ I’ve never seen any writers on this site be racist, either subliminally or outright.

  29. Jover says:

    Right on freya; bouncy’s fans should be pissed that they’ve made this overrated overexposed noodlebrain filthy rich; whose dimwit bouncy going to hang with? – Stephen Hawking?

  30. Emma says:

    They are all told what to do by their handlers. I knew it would only be a matter of time until we saw them hanging out together. Kris Jenner has now made a deal with the big guys and THEY control everything! Beyonce’s people are Kanye’s people and now Kim’s people.

  31. the original bellaluna says:

    “An air of class and sophistication,” huh? Now you know the very definition of the term “putting on airs.”

    Because they are both money-hungry fame-whores. One just comes in a more shiny, less surgically-enhanced package.

    • monette says:

      The question is which one? cause both have been plucked, twicked, bleached, lasered, photoshopped to Hell.

  32. some bitch says:

    Both of these women give off both trashy and elitist vibes at the exact same time! No class whatsoever.

  33. monette says:

    If we hadn’t just gone through 9 months of Is she wearing a pillow? than I might just be upset at Miss Perfect for even breathing the same air as Kimmy the Kat. But after all that we (former) Bey fans have endured this year I don’t even care anymore. :((

  34. D1 says:

    So ridiculous. I would think Beyonce was a total jerk if she couldn’t be nice to her friend’s girlfriend. Unless your friend’s partner is abusive in some way, you behave nicely & courteously towards them, whether you like them or not. Because it’s not always about you.

    The only thing these Beyonce fans are proving is that they have no grasp of basic manners.

  35. irishserra says:

    Gwyneth seems like the kind of girl who would openly snub and lead the pack of girls who are ganging up on the loner peasant.

    Beyonce seems like the type who would stand by and watch innocent people get hurt and then remove herself from any accountability with the “I wasn’t personally doing it” excuse.

    Both are deplorable but personally, I can’t stand the latter. Goopy at least has balls.

  36. Marybel says:

    Money does not = class & sophistication. It’s just trash hanging out with gangstas with money. Beyonce WANTS to be someone, and Kim never will be.

  37. Shannon says:

    By no stretch of the imagination would I call myself a Beyonce fan. I like her music, but I don’t buy her albums. That’s the extent of my fandom. Yet, I do think K. Kardashian is a celebrity low-life of the same ilk as Paris Hilton. If I were a talented celebrity, I wouldn’t want to be seen with her for fear of being tainted by the shameless famewhore and her family. That’s just me though.

    Seriously, I’m sure Beyonce’s PR team is all over this. It’s unlikely the two will be photographed again. I get the impression Beyonce is all about her image and K. Kardashian is not good for her image.

  38. A says:

    Everyone seems to forget the photos of Beyonce in a bikini in Croatia when she was preggo. I am starting to believe that a lot of blogs/tabloids just left those alone because they wanted to run with a conspiracy theory, and not that sometimes the simplest explanation (with visual proof) is probably true.

    Now, I’m no fan of KK. However, getting on Beyonce for being polite to her friend’s girlfriend is dumb. Would it have been better for Beyonce to cut a bitch? This shit reminds me of that quote by one of the old stars…”All you owe the public is a good performance.” Well, I’d add on “not to be an abusive asshole” (Chris Brown, Sean Penn) and “not to rape” (Roman, probably Woody), and “not to endanger the lives of others” (Lilo)…but you get this point. This idea that a celeb owes their fans more than showing up on the red carpet, signing autographs at red carpet and fan events, and promoting their film…Is a little weird to me. Beyonce shouldn’t have to justify hanging out with KK, even if it was a pity hang out like Lainey suggested.

    • mwa says:

      That was a bloated belly full of food. No one will forget how it folded and hopping in a car at 9 months “pregnant”.

  39. the original kate says:

    uh-oh…goop is not going to like this one bit.

  40. divaforreal says:

    My opinion of Beyonce & Kim is simply this, They both are grown adults to make their own decisions on what’s best for them. Just because they were seen at the WTT concert, giving that their men were the reason why they were there to support them, dosn’t constitute they are now BFF’s. Of course being there together supporting their men, they would be cordial/friendly to one another. Also for fans to get upset that Beyonce is not doing what they want her to do in the matter of being friends with Kim, get over it and grown up people. Beyonce is in a different place in her life now, being married and now she’s a new mother. I believe that her daughter Blue Ivy is her main foscus and not wondering if it’s ok with the fans for her to be friendly to Kim.

  41. erika says:

    Both of them are ‘accessible’?

    That makes me sick….everyone in this world should be ‘accessible’ what really puts Bey or KK above the ‘peasant folk?”

    I get sick in my stomach at how much (and including me! duh! who’s perusing this website each day!!!) people treat celebrities like their deities of the Gods…and we’re only so lucky to have shared the same air hey breath.

    and KK is NOT accessible. If you went up to shake her hand she’d say no and then secretly poop hand sanitizer gel just to make the ickies go by

  42. Niamh says:

    Class and sophistication are definitely not the words that spring to mind when she’s crawling towards the camera in her videos wearing what barely constitutes an outfit.

  43. su says:

    It’s funny how people try SO HARD to discredit a successful 10+ year career just because they dont like someone. To the IDIOTS yes IDIOTS who sit on this website calling beyonce as much of a famewhore as KK I’m gonna need to see some receipts. You dont have to like her but to equate her career with someone who got famous for a sextape and being Paris Hiltons former friend is RIDICULOUS. This is someone who REFUSED to talk about her relationship for nearly all of the TEN years they’ve been together, did not SELL her baby photos and has consistently put out music which keeps her in the public eye. Name ONE other celeb you don’t know EVERYTHING about ans is THIS successful. EXACTLY. pillow baby theorist are STUPID. there is no point being polite abut it. I think you are INCREDIBLY stupid in your desperate need to believe that Beyonce didnt carry and i’ve birth to her baby herself. But of course you can spew your theories on the internet and feel better when other fools agree with you. WHY ON EARTH would someone lose out on MAJOR BUCKS from touring and POSTPONE A FILM all to pretend they were pregnant? oh right, BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T FAKE THE PREGnANCY. There PLENTY OF PICTURES of her whilst pregnant and even after where the difference is CLEAR but of course SOME people wont post them because they are desperate to believe false narratives.

  44. Str8Shooter says:

    Why is this news? Of course they’re hanging out together!

    They’re both vapid, shallow, materialistic prima donnas who think their every move or word is news-worthy. Which unfortunately is in today’s junk ‘news’ culture.

    Beyonce DOES have a great voice. But her music sucks.