Christina Aguilera’s boozy, star-spangled cardigan: righteous or trashy?

CB covered some of the celebrities-on-holiday photos earlier today (here), but I’m glad she didn’t cover these in the larger post, because I really want to talk about them. Christina Aguilera was photographed in Malibu over the 4th of July with her boyfriend Matt Rutler and her son. It really looks like Christina and Matt were getting their drink on (HARD) and decided to talk a boozy walk on the beach. Yeah. I’ve totally done that. Back when I used to really drink, I once passed out on the beach – it’s completely disorienting to wake up in that environment. Anyway… we haven’t talked about Christina in a while. I think The Voice auditions are going on now, and I saw something about Christina and Adam Levine working together to see who they were going to bring on to the new season of NBC’s latest hit show. So, Christina is kind of working these days. She’s also releasing a new single next month, trying to re-launch her music career on the success of The Voice. We’ll see if it works.

But really, I just want to talk about something completely superficial: how much do you love/hate Christina’s flag cardigan?!?! I’m tempted to say that I kind of love it. It’s the kind of thing you feel comfortable wearing on Independence Day, but you might feel weird about wearing it on other days. It will be interesting to see if Christina wears it ever again. She should! It’s kind of righteous. I do love it, I’ve made up my mind.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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39 Responses to “Christina Aguilera’s boozy, star-spangled cardigan: righteous or trashy?”

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  1. LeeLoo says:

    I can’t even with the flag cardigan….

    What is with Christina’s insistence at wearing clown makeup? Doesn’t she realize she looks so much better without all the makeup caked on. And dye your hair back to black, girl!!!!! Blonde does nothing for you!!!

    • LadyJane says:

      I don’t really get with the clown makeup comments. Gwen Stephani wears almost identical makeup to Christina and never gets called out on it. I think it is the straw-like yellow extensions that make the makeup look so gross. And the cardigan just one part of a really bad ensemble. Her kid is cute.

      • LeeLoo says:

        If we had a thread whereby could criticize Gwen’s makeup Icwould call her out on her clown makeup. But we’re talking about Christina here.

      • irishserra says:

        Because Gwen Stephani does it better. Much, much better. In fact, many celebs pile on the makeup, but Xtina is set apart by her yellowing straw hair and orange pancake face. Gwen does a better job of her makeup, even if it is a bit much.

        And of course, alcohol bloat does nothing to enhance the features, an issue Stephani does not seem to have.

    • Becky says:

      I disagree. Her hair and make up look great, and her face is so much prettier when she’s heavier. If Anyone can carry extra weight, it’s her.

    • corny says:

      red solo cup says it all~

  2. Tillie says:

    I don’t like it. She looks so messy these days, or should I say ‘Dirrty’..

    By the way, I think celebs hardly ever wear the same clothes twice..

  3. Happymom says:

    She lives in those black leggings. I hope neither of those drunks are driving that little boy around. Her ex husband must go crazy when he sees pictures like this.

    • gg says:

      Ugh, the leggings only highlight the awful legs. She should stay away from shorts and dresses. But of course, she loves to highlight her bowlegs. Go figure.

      I’d buy the sweater on sale, wear it once on the Fourth (my birthday!), and then dye that sucker black. Do it all the time. The different colors would grab the color in varying degrees of grey and look interesting I think.

  4. Trish says:

    is she wearing tights under shorts?…. and why does she always wear that red lipstick with the bleached hair?…what happened to a month or so ago when you posted a pic of her actually looking toned down and pretty?…. and I know it’s not the little boys fault, but WOW, too bad he looks more like his Father..

  5. marie says:

    I don’t hate it, and her little boy looks just like his dad..

  6. SofiaPetrillo says:

    Her kid kinda looks like Zach Braff.

  7. Jordan says:

    I like the cardigan for the 4th of July. Christina has a great voice. If she releases a single next month, I hope that she doesn’t over-sing it. And I hope she doesn’t scream out too many vowels. She has a big voice, she doesn’t have to prove it.

  8. Jennifer12 says:

    My opinions: 1. The cardigan is hideous, but not offensive. 2. She thinks the more layers, the less people notice the weight, hence the leggings and shorts/skirt. 3. How disgusting is it that she is holding her boyfriend’s hand, drinking, and neither of them are interacting with her son? No shots ever show her actually doing anything with her child, but she is always hand-in-hand with her paid for boyfriend. And she shouldn’t be drinking on the beach while supposedly watching a 4 year old 4. She’s right back to the crap hairstyle and makeup. Bleach blond does not work on most women, and she needs a softer, more mature, less drunken look.

  9. lw says:

    Love,LOVE the cardi.

  10. Bayarealife says:

    That kid is really dot dot dot….Christina looks happy. All I got.

  11. Dee Cee says:

    Wash it super cold there? Seems over dressed even without the dishonorable flag cape

    • hannah says:

      yeah, it was oddly cold yesterday. inland about 70, i bet beaches were 50’s or 60’s. that hair is awful.

  12. blc says:

    She looks disgusting. Just disgusting. Not one good thing to say about it. She appears to be only paying attention to her loser boyfriend and not her poor son. She looks fat, her makeup and hair are hideous, her clothes are trashy. She has fallen so so far.

  13. Bird says:

    She is just so trashy and gross. I totally agree that she needs to dye her back and get rid of the clown makeup. I hate saying this, but she needs to lose weight, as well.

  14. DreamyK says:

    Nice a** camouflage cardigan. How many pairs of black leggings does this woman own?

  15. It is ME!! says:

    I live on a military base, and I saw worse wear of the flag motif at the base’s Fourth of July celebrations, so the cardigan is pretty meh.

    But I would like to see less Booze-tina Alky-lera and hear more sangin’. Please, Christina. Please.

    (And stay sober a little for your kid.)

  16. Belle says:

    I kind of don’t hate it either… but only for the 4th of July, I think?

    She still looks terrible though…. not bashing her weight, it’s the clown make up, and the fried-looking white blonde hair. Ick.

  17. skuddles says:

    Xtina, enough with the horrid white hair, the gaudy makeup, and the tired black tights. Time for a serious makeover!

  18. jesstar says:

    I think the kid’s face says it all. It must suck to have an alcoholic parent. The one person you want to pay attenton to you is too busy getting their drink on to interact with you. So sad. If she can’t get herself together for her career or her child, then she is truly pathetic.

  19. megan says:

    that kid. wow.

  20. Cc says:

    Christina is not beyond repair. The women is extremely talented and has all the potential to become a legend, but her problem is she is stuck in 2002! In her head she is still that size 0 popstar that “everyone loves”, that’s what she sees when she looks in the mirror trust me. There is no one around to tell her other wise, all her friends are on the payroll. And everyone in media is just “jealous” of her incredible good looks and perfect voluptuous body because she is a modern day marilyn Monroe “her thoughts not mine”. Oh Christina you’re bloated mess! Get help!

  21. Franny says:

    I love it and I’m not even American. I want one.

  22. erika says:

    actually…i think it’s COOL! if i had not seen a pic of it i might think “ehh” but yea, it’s cool.

    It’s got bold R,W,B colors, big print and i think you could take the hem of the cardie and even wrap it around your hips

  23. Lindy says:

    Poor little kiddo. I wanna give him a hug and build sand castles with him and goof around with that giant beach ball he’s got. Because his mama’s obviously not going to. 🙁

  24. Aubra says:

    HOL’ UP!!

    Jessica Simpson still pregnant???

  25. Skinnybetch says:

    Remember when xtina, britney, and Jessica simpson were all hot and skinny. . WTF happened?

  26. Krystal says:

    I think she looks Beautiful!!I love her makeup and i like the cardigan, Leave her alone people