Kris Humphries’ ex, the one he tried to call a prostitute, is pregnant with his baby

We haven’t covered the ongoing news about Kris Humphries, because we got the impression that you didn’t care too much. From a gossip standpoint, there’s been some excellent dirt in this mess. But it’s Kris Humphries, it’s like gossiping about one of your distant cousins you barely think about, the one that’s slow and gets into trouble a lot. You gossip about him when you remember to, but nothing really surprises you when it comes to that guy.

As you know, Kris Humphries is in the drawn-out process of divorcing Kim Kardashian, which is sure to last exponentially longer than their marriage. His strategy has been to seem heartbroken, so that he can act like he truly loved Kim and she ditched him. As part of that, he can’t be publicly seen dating anyone prior to their divorce being finalized, only Kris made the mistake of dating a real famewhore who tried to call him on it publicly when he dumped her. There was a whole back-and-forth in the media with Kris and this woman he dated, Myla Sinanaj. Kris’ lawyer fired back at her claims that she was dating him, which she has evidence of including photos with Kris at the beach and courtside at one of his games. Kris claimed that Myla was trying to extort him, he allegedly got the FBI involved for some stupid reason, and it just got ridiculous. The last time we reported on this, Myla claimed that Kris’ lawyer had tried to intimidate her and get her fired by calling her job and claiming that she was a prostitute. No joke.

So guess what’s up now? The girl Kris called a prostitute because she had the audacity to tell the press she was dating him – is pregnant.

Kris Humphries may not be the sharpest tool, but he sure is potent, because TMZ has learned his ex-girlfriend, Myla Sinanaj is PREGNANT.

Sources directly connected with Myla tell us Myla confirmed Monday that she’s 3 months pregnant and says Kris is definitely the father.

This could be used in Kris’ divorce with Kim Kardashian, because Kris has claimed he was devastated by the break-up and suffered emotionally. This development further cements the fact that Kris moved on quickly.

We’re told Myla plans to have the baby but wants to raise it alone, because she believes Kris has betrayed her by talking crap about their relationship.

But here’s the rub … We’re told for the past 3 weeks, Kris and Myla have been communicating regularly.

Oh yeah, here’s the other rub — she hasn’t told Kris yet.

[From TMZ]

This story is so complicated it makes my head hurt a little, but I have to say it’s possible that this woman is just playing the pregnancy card to mess with Kris, or that she’s pregnant with another guy’s baby. It’s also possible she’s really pregnant with Kris’ baby, and Mr. Basketball is going to have to pay some hefty child support for the next 18 years. He should have wrapped it up.

As for what’s happening with Kris and Kim’s divorce, it depends on which side you believe. Kris’ deposition was last week. Radar is team Kris and claim that he’s making a solid case that their marriage was fraudulent on Kim’s part. TMZ is team Kim and they claim that Kris offered no evidence of fraud and is trying to play off his relationship with Myla as if she’s just a friend. A friend who’s pregnant with his baby I guess. You know she’s going to get herself papped once she starts showing too.

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70 Responses to “Kris Humphries’ ex, the one he tried to call a prostitute, is pregnant with his baby”

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  1. amoi says:

    he’s really stupid for this, if true. it still doesn’t change how he felt about his marriage to kim ending. all this means is that he wanted sex, like all men…lord knows she’s been getting pounded three ways to sunday since before 2012 even rang in.

    • BB says:

      Kris Humphries is an idiot!! He gets no sympathy from me at all. Kris needs to move on, he wanted people to believe that he was broken hearted by Kim Kardashian. Yet, he has been seeing this women months and she may be pregnant for him. He is a loser.

    • Kelly says:

      You could’ve just ended at “He’s really stupid.”

    • wilkiecollins says:

      agree I thinks this proves what we all ready knew the “Humps” is an idiot

  2. becks says:

    That guys has bad luck. First Kim K and then the wannabe Kim K is pregnant… Dude. What was on ur mine??! It hurts me a lil idk if I should say congratz or danmm poor u Kris :/

    • beyonce's bump says:

      why are people so sympathetic to Kris. He is as much as a stunt and publicity whore as the kardashians. And he also comes across as a complete douche the way he speaks and addresses people. I am tired of all these “poor boo boo” crap! Kris is just playing on public sentiment at this point to feign this innocence that I dont think was ever there. I have no sympathy for him.

      That been said this Myla chic screams gold digging slore. How convenient to get knocked up while Kris is going through all these drama. SMH. They are all idiots.

  3. Lucy2 says:

    I don’t see how that has anything to do with whether or not the marriage was a fraud, but if this is true, he is an idiot and I feel sorry for that kid. I can see it being all a big lie for publicity though.

    • Kasey says:

      THIS^. IMO, knowing you don’t want to marry someone, choosing to marry them and stick to it anyway only to get divorced 72 days after an obnoxiously extravagant wedding is fraudulent and evidence of her greed and cowardice. Unfortunately, just not the kind of fraud I think you can legally prosecuted.

      I see his relationship w/ this chick something he can use as proof that he was a victim and how he dealt with that. If true, this just makes me mad b/c I think his trying to keep this hush hush is not necessary and his foolishness gives Kim more ammo for why she realized his true nature and ‘had’ to end it. I think this girl may have been looking to use him. Nonetheless, his putting himself in this position is evidence enough that might help Kim’s defense.

  4. annaloo. says:

    Some people in this world are so dumb

  5. Agnes says:

    HAHAHAHAHA! what a bunch of fools. i feel bad for the baby. and the woman looks to me like a cross between kim k. and snookie. grossness.

  6. Thea says:

    Eh, I believe it when DNA Says it so. Sex is sex to men, means nothing. I am sure his ego was hurt blah. Kim has had eleven relationships prior to and after and still isnt divorced. So eh.

    • Erinn says:

      Yes that’s right! No men think of sex beyond getting laid! They’re all heartless jerks and sex with someone can never mean anything more than that.

      Way to generalize. I don’t know what kind of men you’re familiar with, but the one’s I’m friends with (and my boyfriend) have a little bit more to them emotionally than a caveman.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Convenient excuse that some women (and men) give men right? Men need sex and sex means nothing to them.
        So they get to bone anyone they want without caring about the emotional or physical repercussions and we give all of them a free pass because, you know, “men will be men” and all that. NICE.

        ‘Course if a woman did the same thing she’d be portrayed as the victim, because ALL women are emotionally invested in sex and ALL women are searching for a serious relationship and if sex doesn’t lead to a serious relationship then we’re “heartbroken and crushed”. And if a woman is in control of her sexuality and makes it obvious that she doesn’t require a full-blown relationship from every man she meets, well them she’s obviously just a slut.

        @Erinn-just an FYI- my comment isn’t directed towards you because your statement was rather innocuous, this is just my rant against the rampant gender generalizations that drive me up the wall 🙂

      • Erinn says:

        @Kitten, I didn’t figure it was 🙂

        I completely agree with your issue against gender generalizations. It’s disgusting. It just blows my mind that it’s still such an issue… I’m so sick of hearing the “all men are dogs” argument. Some are. Some women are too. If every man you’re hanging around is just having sex to have sex, or cheating on every single woman they’re with, you’re obviously hanging around the wrong type of people.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @kitten, ^that right there is why you’re awesome!

  7. Jacq says:

    This idiot… I’m surprised that he hasn’t been saying that the reason he dated her is because she looks so much like his wife.

  8. Launicaangelina says:

    Box of rocks. That is all.

  9. Alarmjaguar says:

    It is 2012, use birth control, people! The poor kids that are brought into this world by these selfish, selfish, people!

    • Kasey says:

      I’m not getting why it’s being said/assumed that no protection was used. No birth control/protection is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy or STDs except no sex/abstinence. If you have sex with someone who’s had sex you should always be open to the possibility of unplanned pregnancy/STDs.

      • Violet says:

        A woman who really, really doesn’t want to get pregnant uses her own form of birth control (the pill, Depo shots, IUD, cervical cap, whatever) plus insists the guy uses a condom.

        I’m guessing this Myla chick was looking to get knocked up. Kris is a complete fool for not wrapping it up.

        Also, do these people not worry about STDs?!

      • jwoolman says:

        Kasey is right. Married friends were using three different forms of contraception simultaneously and still ended up aborting an unplanned pregnancy they couldn’t afford. Condoms can leak. Other forms of contraception rely on trying to alter the chemistry of the woman’s body locally or systemically to be hostile to sperm or prevent ovulation. Doesn’t always work. Cuts down the odds of conception, but there are plenty of failures. Mother Nature is very unfair.

      • Violet says:


        There are plenty of forms of birth control that are highly effective and don’t alter the body’s chemistry, such as the IUD and the cervical cap. Using that, in addition to a condom, reduces the risk of pregnancy to nearly nil.

        Having said that, it’s important to use these properly; i.e., have the IUD professionally inserted, learn how to insert the cervical cap correctly, take the pill at exactly the same time every day (and realize that it can lose effectiveness due to illness or other meds), etc.

        I find it extremely difficult to believe your friends CORRECTLY used THREE different types of birth control and still conceived.

  10. Samigirl says:

    So what? He could still be broken hearted and go hook up with women. People cope differently. The guy doesn’t seem like the brightest bulb in the box, but I dislike KK do much!!

    I guess I don’t get why it’s such a big deal that he dated and not that she’s dating.

    • Erinn says:

      I was just about to post saying just because he was heartbroken doesn’t mean that he didn’t try to distract himself with something else. Yeah, a bit of a stupid idea if he did get her pregnant, but honestly maybe that’s how he coped.

      • Jennika says:

        Seriously. Kim’s going around flaunting around her relationship with Kanye and saying they’re going to get married. I’m sick of all the media being pro-Kardashian and smearing Kris. For all we know, PimpMom paid her to get pregnant to say she was pregnant to smear Kris. They must be getting nervous since the courtdate is coming up

    • HK9 says:

      I do see your point, but the big deal is Ms. Famewhore Slore and Mr. Chris Dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Humphries supposedly created another human being. If they were your parents, what chance would you have????

      If this is the way you’re going to cope that’s ok, but for pete’s sake us some birth control and don’t drag some innocent child into your collective misery.

      • Kasey says:

        As I posted a little above, why is the assumption that they didn’t use protection/birth control? Pregnancy/STDs can happen even with birth control/protection. Only NOT having sex is 100% effective.

      • Samigirl says:

        The big deal coming out of the Kartrashian camp is that he had a girlfriend so he obviously wasn’t that broken hearted. My point is, he could still have a girlfriend and a broken heart. At the same time. I didn’t mention pregnancy at all. At this point, the chick could be lying. We really don’t know.

  11. Cathy says:

    If this person is pregnant she is just going to use the kid for what she can get from Kris if he is the father. He’s an idiot.

  12. fabgrrl says:

    I don’t really see why his dating/sex life would be relevant AFTER KK filed for divorce. It was abundantly clear that there would be no reconciliation, and KK began publicly dating another man. I can understand him wanting to keep a low profile, for public opinion. But I really don’t see how this could hurt his case.

  13. Julie says:

    i dont know whats worse being kim kardashian or wanting to be kim kardashian.

  14. TheOriginalKitten says:

    If he got her pregnant he is more than just a gigantic moron, he is an irresponsible POS.
    I don’t get why people are still defending this idiot. I dislike Kim as much as everyone else but this guy deserves all the shit he gets-maybe if he wasn’t so hell-bent on boning famewhores, his dick wouldn’t have gotten him in this mess to begin with. Also, if this jerk is claiming that Sinanaj is a prostitute then that just makes him a John-no f*cking better in my book. SMH….what a douchenozzle.

  15. Suzy (from Ontario, Canada) says:

    We’re told Myla plans to have the baby but wants to raise it alone, because she believes Kris has betrayed her by talking crap about their relationship.

    Yeah, alongwith a big chunk of monthly money from Kris I’m sure. I hope that’s not the only reason she’s having the baby.

  16. lassie says:

    He certainly has a type, doesn’t he? That poor kid doesn’t have a chance.

  17. marie says:

    AHHAHAHA, idiot.. Always classy to tell the tabloids before the baby daddy..

  18. skipper says:

    She will probably have a mysterious “miscarriage”. I highly doubt she is pregnant at all and if she is she will scary the living crap out of Kris and make it disappear. And by disappear, I mean abort.

  19. Izzy says:

    She’s like a cheaper version of Kim Kartrashian. Wow. I can’t believe I just said that. I didn’t even think that was POSSIBLE. Now my head hurts, too. Martini, please.

  20. Dawn says:

    So I wonder how much pimpmamma Kris Jenner put in this girl’s pocket to say all this. I will not believe a word of it until there is a kid and a paternity test. I think it is total bull shit that this guy can’t make a move without the media trying to make him out to be some sort of cheating husband but closes its eyes while the slut of all sluts freely carries on with her creep of a “man” as if she is single. Kris Humphries should by now know that the Kardashians are nothing more than mere gypsies running a con and he should be laying low at a lake in Minnesota and doing nothing until his day in court. God the Kartrashians just keep on getting more a-moral and the media and their fans love every minute of it. What a sick society we live in when a whore can be made to look so good. It is shameful.

  21. Sillyone says:

    Kris buddy..Didn’t your mom/dad ever tell you “if your going to tap it wear a jacket!” Good grief

    • Bad Irene says:

      Bwah! Just had a mental image of him wearing an actual coat in bed and still wondering how she got pregnant.

      The only other thing I have to say is “Basketball”

  22. NerdMomma says:

    Did this all originate with Paris Hilton?

    Paris Hilton famewhore gave birth to Kim Kardashian famewhore. Kris Humphries jumped on that train for his fifteen minutes. This Myla girl got herself knocked up just for the possibility that a pap might want to take her picture. In fifteen years, her kid will be on some reality show as a “celebrity,” mark my words. This is what we’ve come to. Paris, YOU SUCK!

    • the original bellaluna says:

      You’ve of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? This is the budget TV fame-whore version, Six Degrees of Paris Hilton. 😉

  23. Carol says:

    Kris just wanted a lot of sex to clear his head from Kim. Maybe the guy just has a way too high sex drive and can’t control it. Maybe he figured he would be safe with trashy type girls who do not value themselves highly.

    His biggest mistake is forgetting that he is famous, handsome and rich and that ANY needy woman will use whatever she can to trap him. He is too naive about the ways of women (good or bad). He would have been better off paying for prostitutes – a new one every time.
    I don’t understand why those who love Kris and are close to him can’t help him see the light. He needs to date rich ladies who wants babies through marriage only.

    Bet he wishes now that he did marry his girlfriend of two years who lives in Toronto.

    • Kasey says:

      I agree with almost everything you said except 1- IF she is pregnant by him it doesn’t mean he didn’t try to protect himself from STDs or prevent pregnancy. Condoms and spermicide are NOT 100% effective, and it’s possible this chick offered her own carefully, hole-poked “protection/prevention” condom(s), which IF this is true, I could more easily believe than that there didn’t seem to be some “attempt” at “prevention/protection” on his part. Come on y’all this is a guy who has been unnecessarily HIDING his relationship(s)/divorce coping mechanism(s)!

  24. pj says:

    for all you know, Kim and her mother may be paying this girl to tell lies to the media to make Kris look bad. They would do that.

  25. the original bellaluna says:

    If KK/KH filed in Cali (the No Fault State), whomever they are doing is a non-issue – a judge isn’t going to base his/her decision on Lardassian planning her next pre-divorce ceremony (despite a little thing like still being legally married to someone else) or that Baby Huey knocked up a “prostitute.”

    The most damage any of this will do is to a financial settlement, which Lardassian doesn’t want.

    • LeeLoo says:

      That’s true but Kris is trying to get an annulment. Which is why this has gotten so sticky. The reason for the depositions is that he is claiming the marriage began for fraudulent reasons.

      • jwoolman says:

        Money doesn’t seem to be important to Kris H, he has more than he needs already (even with child support…). All his behavior has been consistent with really wanting an annulment and really wanting the K Krew to admit the truth in a court of law. If money were the issue, they could have bought him off many months ago and he would have signed the divorce papers.

  26. cody says:

    This is turning out like one of those Friday Night pick-a-flick Lifetime TV movies.

  27. Paula says:

    Why are these assholes having babies all over the fucking place? Don’t they believe in birth control? They are all fucking nuts!

  28. wonderwoman21 says:

    And these kind of disastrous heterosexual relationships are valued more in the eyes of the law, ahahahaha what a joke!

  29. HappyJoyJoy says:

    To know this pre-historic looking beast might have actually gotten someone pregnant baffles me. I feel bad for the kid, judging by the soon to be mom’s recent attitude and having seen the dad on TV we all can assume this is the very shallow end of the gene pool.

  30. Stacia says:

    Snooki + Kim Kardashian = THIS CHIC

  31. skuddles says:

    I know very little about the whole Kris/hooker-cum-girlfriend relationship but I can’t help but wonder – was she was hired by Kim’s camp to sabotage Humphries divorce case?

    Of course it’s entirely possibly he is stupid enough to sabotage himself all on his own…

  32. dorothy says:

    Does he not have any common sense.

  33. crtb says:

    Can this guy get a break?

  34. jwoolman says:

    I still don’t understand why any of this would affect his case. Kim has been happily planning another wedding, and that’s irrelevant to the case also. The claim is that the marriage was fraudulent and should be annulled. What he or Kim did after that won’t affect anything. Well, Kimmie’s fraudulent attempts to rewrite history on her pseudoreality show with fake inserts of her crocodile tears – yes, that’s relevant. But who they date or exchange genetic material with doesn’t matter for either of them. I would advise waiting for a DNA test before getting all gleeful about this new entry in the soap opera, though.

  35. rainy17 says:

    Roflmao. What a pig.

  36. Violet says:

    Oops, this was meant to be reply. Have moved my comment to the proper spot.

  37. OfficialBitch says:

    Yuck she’s fat like Kim. He has a type.

  38. Lady_Luck says:

    “like talking about the distant cousin who is slow and gets into trouble a lot”

    hahahaha LOVE it.

    I’ve always detested this man, since watching his ways on KUWTK. He really is a super arrogant douchebag, who is proud of his lack of tact and selfish, chauvinistic ways.

    What goes around comes around Kris, and you got yours buddy!!!!

  39. Sumodo1 says:

    Kris is the apple that fell close to the tree. On “Good Morning America” right away after KK announced the divorce (the famous “I just wanna play BASKETBALL” interview), he and his mom were announcing a campaign against childhood obesity—BY HANDING OUT COOKIES!!!!!!

  40. Skinnybetch says:

    God he seems so naive. . Women like her prey on rich and successful athletes and now she set up for the next 18 years. . I read he makes around 8 mil a season, so that child support check is going to be HUGE. .

  41. Kristina says:

    I think he should just marry Myla.

  42. Joanna says:

    wow, wonder what that woman looks like w/o ten pounds of makeup, bronzer, fake tan, etc. whatever happened to the natural look? she could pass for a prostitute.

    • Joanna says:

      and with her natural color hair, instead of the dyed too dark, i think i look so exotic hair dye.