It’s slower than slow and deader than dead today, so I hope you enjoy these new Colin Farrell photos just because they’re basically the only new photos worth covering. Colin is in Paris, and this is the first of many international photo calls for Total Recall, which comes out on August 3rd – the Dark Knight Rises comes out on July 20, two weeks beforehand. Will TDKR still be the #1 film two weeks after its release? Probably. But it doesn’t follow that just because everyone will still be going to see TDKR that no one will see Total Recall. I do think Total Recall will probably make some major money. But will it be enough? Enough to prove that Colin Farrell is a leading man who can deliver a box office? I don’t know.
You know what’s surprising? I can’t find any new Colin interviews. I wonder if he’s going to appear on any of the August covers of any men’s magazines? He shares the latest cover of Maxim with Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel, but he barely says a word in the “interview” (he does say his favorite word is “bollocks”). Does Colin not do longer magazine confessionals anymore? He seems very press-shy these days, for no real reason – I mean, he’s very well-spoken and he’s not a crazy alcoholic or drug-user these days, and he seems super-professional. Let him do some interviews, for the love of God.
Anyway, Colin is looking really good to me in these photos. He looks so good in blue. I want him to have more career success, and not just in a succession of weirdly-timed remakes. Give this dude some original material. Give him a good drama!
Here’s one of the trailers for Total Recall:
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
I can’t think of him in terms other than “repulsive” and “desperately in need of a shower”.
I agree he is so gross, skeezy and dirty looking. I get the same feeling from that Fassbender tool.
To be honest, if I have to choose I prefer Farrell more than Fassbender. I’m sure I’m in the minority here.
@Rhea You may be in the minority but you aren’t alone Farrell beats Fassie hands down for me.
I’d gladly be the non-Irish component of a Farrell-Fassbender sandwich.
@Rhea & skilo… +3. Farrell over Fassie any day, but would hope for a CLEAN Farrell day!
Are you nuts? He doesn’t look dirty in the slightest. The man is hot as hell!
Ah, this is what he looks like clean.
the trailer looks so meh,without personality!
the female casting is so meh!
not a fan of his haircut but he looks good
He is such a good papa… Am going to support him seeing this dreadful looking movie cuz this hot bitch needs a hit
Looks good. Different vibe without arnie. More interested in bourne legacy though.
Yup. I’d hit it over and over again.
But it doesn’t follow that just because everyone will still be going to see TDKR that no one will see Total Recall.
Well, I’ll be watching anything BUT The Dark Knight Rises. Plus, Bill Nighy plays Kuato in Total Recall — so I’m there already.
And yes, I don’t know what is going on with me lately but I think I’d hit it.
Bill Nighy is always a big plus, even when he has the smallest role.
Anyway I think the trailer looks just fine and although I thought the remake idea was dull Colin is an interesting substitute for Arnie and it could be fun.
Phone sex or Skype only. Man has been around the block too many times. He is hot though (douchey, but hot).
In a second, times ten. Yes. Yes I would.
I’d hit it until my va-jay-jay collapsed.
Seriously? He’s just so hot! I want to screw the hell out of him until he cant walk anymore! LOL
We could go out and have a couple of drinks. No more than that. Nope.
Me too! He’s just gorgeous. I have always had a soft spot for him but I do like reformed bad boys though.
In a heartbeat!!!
oh my he is sooooooooo freaking hot.
He could get it…but I could not be less interested in this movie if I were actually trying not to be interested. I love the genre but this just looks so “meh”. Yeah I admit I’ll be seeing the Dark Knight at least a few times but I’m excited for the Bourne Legacy, so it’s not that. Sorry Colin!
I’d hit it like life depended on it.
Didn’t see original Total Recall so might give this one a look and as for hitting it, hell yeah.
Are you kidding? Hell yes, I’d hit that!
I’d hit it. But in reality, I know I would just look at him and I would say nothing… hahaha
oh hell yes.
Colin Farrell is not the kind of guy that needs to “worry” about the box-office success of his films. He’s a director’s actor, the kind of guy who is always going to get a call just because he is a brilliant actor. Maybe he can’t open a movie by himself, but he sticks around and may end up collecting the biggie awards. Compare with Charming Potato, sure he is fun and wil be having a string of hits, but then he will be replaced by the next guy, say, Delightful Yucca.
He’s sooo hot. I so would until I couldn’t anymore and then recoup and hit it again.
Colin is a better actor than the movies he chooses. Would I hit it? Absolutely, because he just looks like he would be good at it 🙂
Yes, I would. Love him in that blue shirt…
Omg definitely!
He looks THRILLED to be there.
I most certainly would, like a screen door in a hurricane. He is lovely all cleaned up. Also, it’s one thing to be articulate, but to be articulate in that beautiful Irish accent….sigh.
To anyone who doubts that Colin is a great actor, see “In Bruges” & “A Home At The End Of The World” & then decide. I think his too-low box office draw owes a lot to his carousing days & people may not realize he’s not doing that anymore. I think we’ll see him get better & better with age.
Can’t wait to see Total Recall, it looks awesome!