Is Kirstie Alley trying to recruit Robert Pattinson as Xenu’s newest sparkle-boy?

When the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes story was in its full swing, CB and I had a few private debates about the Church of Scientology and about cults in general. My take was always that the people who join Scientology (or any given cult) as an adult really aren’t that sympathetic. It sounds harsh, I know, but I always come down to: “They had a choice. Maybe they didn’t have a choice once they were all the way in, but at the beginning, they always had a choice.” CB definitely has more sympathy for those people who get caught up in a cult, and she knows a lot about how CoS brainwashes and “converts” people into their cult, and how they KEEP people in their cult. She has made many valid points, especially when CB talks about how CoS preys on “weak” people. So why am I discussing this in a Sparkles post? Because he’s having a really terrible few weeks (and what will turn out to be an awful year). And because, according to the Enquirer, the Church of Scientology is trying to recruit him in his hour of desperation:

The Church of Scientology has set its sights on Robert Pattinson to take over the role as the organizations’s top celebrity after Tom Cruise’s quickie divorce from Katie Holmes caused major embarrassment for the controversial religion, say sources.

And insiders believe that Kirstie Alley, a neighbor and friend of Pattinson, is spearheading the efforts to lure him into the fold, after an SUV registered to Alley was spotted leaving his property. As eyewitness told The Enquirer that a white Lexus Hybrid SUV belonging to Kirstie entered Pattinson’s property on July 25 – the same day he reportedly broke up with Kristen Stewart after she was caught cheating with Rupert Sanders. When the Lexus left at 4:30 pm, the vehicle went directly to Scientology’s Celebrity Center in Hollywood.

“My first thought was that it was really unusual,” the eyewitness noted. “I didn’t get a good look at the driver except that I noticed that the person had a lot of hair – so it was probably female.”

“The Church of Scientology would love to have Rob in the fold,” says Amy Scobee, formerly a high-ranking Scientologist, “He’s the ideal candidate for Scientology. The Church believes that everyone has a situation they can help them with, and they prey on people in their weak moments. Since he’s going through a bad breakup, it would be perfect timing for them to step in and ‘help’. And if Kirstie’s a friend and neighbor, he might listen to her.”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

Do I think Rob would ever become a Scientologist? Not really. Yes, he’s emotionally devastated and psychologically “weak” right now… but I can’t see him turning to Xenu in his hour of need. More likely he’s turning to booze and cigarettes and man-tears. And when those tears dry, he will still not roll with Xenu. I’ve read Rob’s interviews over the years – he’s not a brain surgeon or anything, but he’s a smart kid, and he would see through the CoS crap pretty quickly, I think. But it’s interesting that CoS could be trying to recruit him. CoS has been having a worse year than Robert – John Travolta is now associated with “sexually assaulting masseurs” and Tom Cruise is now associated with “being such a nutcase that his innocent, pure wife had to leave him suddenly and publicly.” Poor David Miscavige. He really, really wanted this one, didn’t he? David must like ‘em really pretty and sparkly.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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36 Responses to “Is Kirstie Alley trying to recruit Robert Pattinson as Xenu’s newest sparkle-boy?”

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  1. autumndaze says:


    • corny says:

      Eventually end up in a sparkly sequinned costume on Dancing With the Stars?

    • Bluebear says:

      Don’t worry. He is too tall to be the celebrity face of the CO$. David Miscavage won’t have it.

  2. marie says:

    wow, CoS is trying to attach their name to anyone other than Cruise, meh-I think it’s crap..

    Maybe Kristie was putting in an early bid for custody of Bear, or better yet she read Crystal’s post and decided to try the healing effect of the “sparkle tears” for herself..

  3. Julie says:

    they could get their hands on so many young, easily brainwashed girls with that. im sure they are talking about him at Co$.

    robert just doesnt seem the type who would become spiritual when feeling devasted.

    • gg says:

      In my experience, Brits seem very leery of religion in general. The few spiritual Brits I know keep it under wraps to avoid criticism. He’s too smart to get roped into anything.

      • IzzyB says:

        It’s true. In general, we’re quite skeptical of most religions and keep personal beliefs quiet.

        I can see Rob being scared off by CO$ cult recruiting tactics.

  4. beyonce's bump says:

    Kristie Alley’s life should be evident enough as to why you should NOT join CO$. She is the last person who should be recruiting people.

    • JemJem says:


    • TexTRex says:

      Kirstie is from my hometown and she even built a COS temple here in Wichita, Kansas.

      She was a HUGE coke head when she got to LA. She got roped into COS after most of her family were killed in a bad car accident. Coincidentally, they died the same day she got the call that she was cast in Star Trek: The Movie. A huge break for an actor.

      She got away from drugs by following the COS and their “rehab” program.

      When you see her now, she’s dumpy, overweight, smokes like a chimney and has the foulest mouth I have ever heard. And I have a foul mouth!

      • gg says:

        She’s not overcome addiction at all. She’s still addicted to cigarettes and has a bad food addiction. So much for “helping”.

  5. yellowshaba says:

    Y do I not believe any of this? I never felt they were a real couple, industry made, and this break up is a sham also. they both get more notoriety and lord knows hollywood loves a scandal to help boost a career…I call bull shite

  6. bea says:

    I think your “choice” argument is weak.

    Coercive persuasion cults are masters of sucking people in – even people who could have made a choice. Countless hours of indoctrination change their inner core being, morals and values, and beliefs in order to adapt a belief system promulgated by a cult leader.

    Let’s hope this isn’t true, bc there are a lot of vampire enthusiasts willing to follow Sparkles anywhere!

    • Brown says:

      That’s what I was thinking, too. If he goes to Co$, I’d be willing to bet some young (and maybe even some not-so-young) twihards would at least begin considering it. Scary.

  7. Jennifer says:

    I thought she left co$, wasn’t she the one that went on some tv show and told whoever was interviewing her that whatever they had on John t couldn’t be that bad and he should just leave….

    • gg says:

      Lisa Marie Presley may have said that but Kirstie Alley is still koo-koo for the kult. She’s always yelling at interviewers for asking her about it. Her common reply is: I bet you wouldn’t ask that of a Jew!!!! and then she gets all indignant. Which she’s really good at.

  8. Aria says:

    I find hard to believe this story.

  9. Jen34 says:

    Kirstie best keep her fat paws off of Sparkles.

  10. Adeli says:

    What a load of crap!

    That’s a gorgeous photo (2nd pic) of Sparkles in Cannes.

  11. lucy2 says:

    “it was probably a female” – poor Kirstie, if it was her!

    I doubt this to begin with, but even if true, CO$ might as well give up trying to recruit anyone right now, especially celebs. Their crazy has been broadcast for weeks, who’s going to willingly fall into it now?

  12. Aussie girl says:

    Rob off to the wizard beCO$ beCO$ of the wonderful things his does. Nah I don’t buy it. And if I just had my heart broken & Kirstie showed up on my door step I tell her to take her fat actress ass home. Just saying 🙂

  13. RocketMerry says:

    Poor thing will never get rid of the gay rumours if he joins co$! Lol!

    No, but seriously. Just spit in their face and run, Sparkles.

  14. keats says:

    Hahaha. ‘Neighbor and friend of pattinson.’ Hahaha I’m sure they’re always hanging out and talking about everything they have in common. All of this adds up.

  15. mimi says:

    I wonder if that is because of the gay rumors and the COS’s method of courting John Travoltas and Tom Cruises, get them a beard wife and an image of a straight guy.

    I do feel for him and hope he will take the Neil Patrick Harris and be honest about his real life rather than living some sort of fake life like so many others. That is so unnecessary.

    • Aussie girl says:

      Sorry @ mini I must have missed something. Gay rumours oooh do tell?? Have you got a link I can check this out on?? Me loves some goss 🙂

    • BB says:

      I don’t know, I also read some rumours about him, but I have the impression they want Jeremy Renner not Robert Pattinson, but Robert is certainly more appeling (young audience…)

    • gg says:

      mimi, I’m so with you on the unnecessary. Clay Aiken and Ricky Martin could have avoided so much negativity if they’d just have come clean when it first came up. Is it our business? No, it really isn’t. But nobody likes a liar. And it usually comes out in the end, exposing the falseness that they had to live with for so long and the grief and, I guess, shame. Nobody should have to hide away and pretend; it’s so unhealthy. And look at the props and respect when they come out! Anderson Cooper = Hero.

      So, Rob, if you’re gay, please come out. You’ll be more popular than ever. And I bet there are a lot of gay twilight fans.

  16. ramona says:

    WHAT? Rob Pattinson and Kirstie Alley, buddies? I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall for one of their get-togethers.

    Miniature golfing?
    Zumba classes?
    Lunch at Panera?

  17. flan says:

    The two most talked about stories of 2012 summer managed to collide together.

    Now if only a Jackson tried to kidnap Sparkles for Scientology, and we will really have seen it all.

    • Thiajoka says:

      OMG, that is so frakking funny, Flan! Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.

    • IzzyB says:

      Brilliant Flan!

      Then Detective La Toya can use Sparkles to investigate Scientology and bring it down from the inside.

  18. serena says:

    Ugh. Kirstie just need to get the hell away from anybody. To me she is crazy now.

    Rob, run.

  19. mia girl says:

    Rob is just about to be freed from the cult of Twilight…last thing he needs is an even crazier group of people so, back off CO$

  20. another nina says:


  21. Izzy says:

    He’s been hiding out at Reese Witherspoon’s place, right? I don’t see Reese allowing any $cilon to get their hooks into Sparkles. She’s too sensible.