Gwyneth Paltrow ‘stands up to cancer,’ talks about her father’s death

I got my Season 3 DVDs of The Good Wife on Friday, so that’s how I’ve spent most of my weekend – meaning that I did not end up watching the Stand Up to Cancer telethon event thing which aired on Friday night. I was involved with Kalinda and Alicia and Eli instead. Sorry! I hear that Taylor Swift had some kind of emotional breakdown, Robert Pattinson showed his face once again (what a pro!) and that Gwyneth Paltrow was “giving back” to the peasants. No, I won’t be mean about it – Goop’s dad died of cancer, and I believe that she’s still pretty devastated about it. Gwyneth spoke to People about it (interview below), and I’ve included some Goop photos from the red carpet at the event. Most people paired their “Stand Up To Cancer” t-shirts with jeans… but not Goop! Goop paired her t-shirt with a flirty little skirt and major heels. I will say this – her “fresh face” makeup job looks GREAT. She looks years younger when she’s not trying, you know?

Gywneth Paltrow got a wake-up call when she lost her father, director-producer Bruce Paltrow, to cancer a decade ago.

“When my father was diagnosed with cancer, it really changed the way that I lived – it changed my whole lifestyle,” Paltrow, who executive produced the multi-network Stand Up to Cancer broadcast Friday night, tells PEOPLE. “I completely changed my diet, and I got very serious about exercising and about exposure to toxins.”

“It really changed the way that I thought,” says the actress, 39. “I think I had more of a laissez-faire attitude about my health, and when he got cancer it was a real shock. … It was sort of like the break of my adolescence.”

“This is my one life, and I need to invest in myself and my family and make sure that we can do what we can to stay healthy,” she added.

Remembering her father – who produced television series like St. Elsewhere and directed his daughter in the 2000 film Duets – by producing the Stand Up to Cancer show turned out to be an emotional experience for both Paltrow and her mother, actress Blythe Danner.

“It’s emotional for me because I keep getting emails from my mother saying how proud she is of me that I’m doing it, and she keeps talking about my father,” Paltrow, whose husband Chris Martin and his band Coldplay also participated in the event, told reporters.

“It’s emotional to be in front of the cameras and encouraging people to join the fight against cancer,” she said. “Especially when you’re doing it in memory of someone that you loved so much.”

[From People]

Allegedly, Gwyneth has gotten so concerned about her mom that she and her family are going to be moving back to LA so that Goop and Blythe can see more of each other. I’m not sure if that’s true, though. Goop does love her life in London, so who knows.

I’m also including photos of Chelsea Handler (who looked especially rough) and Sofia Vergara, who can wear the hell out of a pair of jeans.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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48 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow ‘stands up to cancer,’ talks about her father’s death”

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  1. Sandy says:

    Gweneth looks the same to me every freaking time – her face looks so tired, and her hair always pressed poker straight.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      She looks great from a far, but up close her face certainly shows her age. I know quite a few 40-somethings that look better (and spend far less on colonics, creams etc.). That being said, producing a show to raise money for cancer is wonderful . So kudos to Gweneth.

  2. Izzy says:

    Swifty’s performance on Friday night was just another example of why she needs AutoTune.

    Also, memo to Chelsea Handler: didn’t your mother ever teach you not to wear a white bra under any kind of knit fabric in a dark color? It shows right through and looks trashy… Oh, never mind. The look is perfect for you.

    • Dana says:

      Hey izzy, in case youre too ignorant to notice- swifty was singing about a 4 year old dying of cancer from his mothers point of view. Hard to sing while your bawling your eyes out.

      • Shitler says:

        @ Dana
        Taylor Swift’s singing is horrid whether she’s crying or not.

      • JENNIEL says:

        I totally disagree I think Taylor is amazing 13 years old girl with an amazing voice. LMAO!

      • Lucinda says:

        She always sings flat. In this performance, you can tell when the song starts getting to her. At that point it gets really bad but even from the very beginning, she was flat. I have never understood the hype because she just isn’t that good of a singer. She is a good songwriter and performer. She’s young and cute. Apparently that is enough to balance out the fact that she doesn’t sing well.

      • Izzy says:

        Hey Dana, in case you’re too busy to listen and understand, this is CeleBitchy. I understood the topic of the song perfectly. Lovely song. I’m not commenting on that. Swifty is a crappy singer, whether she’s crying or not. The subject of the song doesn’t magically change Swifty into a better singer. She wasn’t any better at the VMAs. Or in any other live performance of hers that I’ve heard.

    • Janet says:

      Everything about Chelsea Handler screams trailer park.

      • Izzy says:

        ^^ THIS. Right down to her bad dye job roots.

      • Moi says:

        I disagree, I think Taylor Swift is a terrible song writer. It’s like she just copied what was in her diary and decided it could be a song. Nothing wrong with literal song writing, but she takes it to another level of mediocrity.

    • skuddles says:

      ITA Izzy, live performances are NOT Swifty’s forte.

  3. Evelyn says:

    I’m not a goop fan, but I think this was a really wonderful thing to do. I lost my grandmother five years ago to liver cancer caused by a bad blood transfusion in the 60’s. She was like my mother. it’s so hard to watch someone you love get taken from you, and feel so helpless to stop it. I’m glad she’s raising awareness, no one should have to experience cancer, patients or families

  4. Ellie66 says:

    Damn Chelsea looks hagish and Sofia is awesome love her! Gwennie is trying way too hard to look young and hip! Give it up!

  5. Tania says:

    Good for Goopy. I’m a big fan of hers but I feel her outfit was a rare misstep.

  6. Britt says:

    Chelsea has had her makeup applied with a shovel. It’s too much!

    Sofia looks really good and I love Gwynnie’s legs.

  7. Boxy Lady says:

    I actually like GP’s outfit. Shoes too.

  8. Cathy says:

    Having lost both my step-father and mother to cancer I understand what she’s gone through and feel for her. I think this is a great cause. But I still generally don’t like her.

  9. lisa2 says:

    Good for Goop

    but that outfit is out of place for this event. It does feel too TRY.

  10. Tifygodess24 says:

    Hell Goop could find a cure for world hunger and end wars and for some reason I would still hate her. Must be that whole I’m better than everyone attitude, and thinking that when people have money it makes them superior to everyone else thing she has going on.

  11. Justaposter says:

    Really?! People are trashing this?

    I don’t care if it was a damn telletubby up there, they are raising money for a worthy cause.

    I know this is a gossip site, but really?!

    • Izzy says:

      *shrug* It’s called CeleBitchy for a reason. Having said that, I’m not a huge fan of Goop, but I do admire what she did, and I think the telethon was a great idea. But I stand by my previous comments about Swifty and Chelsea Vodka.

  12. Lucy2 says:

    Sofia looks great.
    That’s a little mire insight as to why Goop is constantly trying to cleanse and detox and everything all the time, but it seems like she goes overboard with it, and should probably talk to real doctors about it first.

  13. Quinn says:

    Wow…Paltrow is a full-on Monet, for sure. I thought that picture of Chelsea Handler was Sharon Stone, and almost said “even Sharon Stone looks younger than Goopy.” EEK!

  14. Shitler says:

    I lost my Grandmother to cancer so this hits close to home. It’s a horrid disease that can affect anyone regardless of your circumstances & it’s still not full understood. Awareness programs like these are a must.

  15. DenG says:

    Was Samuel Jackson asking us to reach down in our sofa cushions for change to donate? Here’s an idea: every Celebrity appearing on this Show could donate 1 million, then get Warren Buffet, Zuckerberg, Gates, Larry Ellison, Apple Corp. and every other multi millionaire and billionaire to donate and quit asking those of use who pay every day for those who can’t or won’t work, as well as for the wealthy to keep their money. NJ gives 80 million tax break to a corp. so they won’t leave. Total bs.

  16. pinchofsalt says:

    Great legs. Great cause.

  17. geekychick says:

    GOOP looks good.
    the only, only thing I like about Gwyneth is her love for her dad. I love my dad so much, and he had a crucial part in my growing-up and the way I was raised that I feel like “my father’s daughter”. (That’s not to say I don’t love my mom; my mom is great and I love her!)

  18. lisa2 says:

    Was she the only one that wore a grey shirt. All the others had on black.

    now why is that??

  19. Isa says:

    She looks really fresh. I want to like the outfit but the shirt looks a bit weird tucked into the skirt.

  20. JENNIEL says:

    Am I the only one that thiks Sofia Vergara looks so old in this picture.This woman needs to go back to Colombia and fix her face. The best plastic surgeon are in Colombia trust me I know especially since la toti and I share the same

  21. Jackie O says:

    i like the outfit, but she is too old for it.

  22. Lacy says:

    She looks alright to me. Chelsea just looks disgusting. Her face scares the heck out of me. No wonder she’s friends with Aniston.

  23. Jayna says:

    Her love for her father is always a beautiful thing to me. I lost mine and always connect to her over that. I think she lives an honorable life that is focused on her family, even if a little pretentious, so I never get the hate. Much appreciation for all those who participated in this. Cancer is an awful, awful thing for the person and also their loved ones.

  24. wonderwoman21 says:

    I can’t hate on Gwyneth on this subject; my own dad died 3 1/2 years ago and it is still an open wound. Poor Gwyneth.

  25. Thea says:

    I lost my mom, dad, and grandmother within 5 yrs to cancer..i.e. Ovarian and brain for mom, brain for dad and g. Mother. You never get over it. So I want hate on Gwyneth. And my parents were 61 and 63 so they still had alot of life.

  26. Janet says:

    I lost my dad to cancer. My beautiful young cousin died of lung cancer that metastasized to her brain. Two other cousins died of sarcoma (bone cancer).

    It’s a horrible disease. Good on Paltrow and the others for raising awareness about this.

  27. Mrs. Darcy says:

    I’m very sorry she lost her Dad so young, and while diet and exercise is a factor for some cancers, for most it is not. I just which people wouldn’t continue to spout this “cancer can be avoided if you are good and eat the right things and exercise”. A LOT of cancer can not, it’s just a sad crappy fact, and constantly hearing this bogus nonsense makes cancer patients feel like they somehow deserved to get ill. I wish more attention would be paid to the medical facts of it, sorry (as a survivor I feel it’s my right). I’m sure she knows it’s not as simplistic as that having lost her Dad, but her Dad was a smoker who got oral cancer. Maybe if she said people shouldn’t smoke instead of trying to gloss over the truth it would be more helpful. I am glad they are raising awareness of course, I think until it happens to someone you know very closely most people tend to put their heads in the sand about it.

    • Marie Antoinette Jr. says:

      This^. Lost my mother to cancer 3 years ago. It’s a disgusting disease and the treatment is often more barbaric and painful than the symptoms.

      But as for Gwynyth, why not just give a million $$$ to the American Cancer Society and be done with it ? Maybe because it’s so much more fun and career enhancing for her to attach her goopy face to a good cause…?
      She makes me sick.

      • Linda says:

        How do you know how much she has given for this cause. How dare you tell her what cause she should be involved with and how to go about it. Couldn’t you just for one minute emphatise with her just this once over the loss of her dad to this disease. You make me sick with your poisonous words. Idiot.

      • Mrs. Darcy says:

        @ Linda – Lighten up, harsh much?? This is Celebitchy and we all have a right to disagree with GOOP philosophy. She lost her own Mother so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t need to prove empathy for GOOP, she has her own experience of the sh*^ty disease to deal with. She may well have given a lot to cancer research, I’d hope so. Especially if she is pocketing money from hyping overpriced juice cleanses and promoting them as a health “fix” as she is prone to do.

    • poppy says:

      she’s an idiot. she also said that sulfated shampoo can give you cancer which was immediately refuted.
      she is in denial about her dad’s choices.

      glad you made it!

  28. Ranunculus says:

    Good on her, I think she was very close to her father. Also lost my mother to cancer, so I understand how she feels. I would also like to hear something about her movie with Mark Ruffalo “Thanks for sharing” which premiers at TIFF, I hope its good as I like Mark’s and Goopy’s acting a lot.

  29. skuddles says:

    Handler’s talents would be better served endorsing an STD Awareness event.

  30. K_T says:

    doesn’t she smoke?