Justin Bieber’s hot mom, Pattie Mallette, is promoting her new book, Nowhere but Up: The Story of Justin Bieber’s Mom. In the book, which came out yesterday, Mallette reveals that she’s waiting to have sex until she’s married. Mallete is 37 and she hasn’t had sex since she was with Justin Bieber’s dad, a full 16 years ago. You can do the math, but that means this lady hasn’t had sex since she was 21! Holy Bleep. In an appearance on Ellen’s show, she confirmed the news. (A video of her interview is above). Here’s some of what she said.
Ellen: You said you were not going to have sex until you got married. You said that when you were how old?
Pattie: 21.Ellen: 21, and you’re how old now?
Pattie: 37Ellen: Ok, and you have held that promise. You have not had sex? You’re waiting?
Pattie: Honestly, I take that vow really seriously. I remember when I made it. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and I had someone witness it. It means a lot. I made it this far. I’m not stopping now…Ellen: I don’t want you to but are you dating anyone? Is it easy for you to date?
Pattie: When I moved to Atlanta with Justin because of all the chaos and how crazy it was. I told Justin I would focus on him and would wait until he was 18 before I started dating.Ellen: Ok, so now he’s 18.
Pattie: He just turned 18.Ellen: Do you think it’s going to be hard to trust someone who loves you or likes you for you? Not that you’re famous and that you’re kid is Justin.
Pattie: I hope so.Ellen: Yea, I hope so too. Let me meet them too. Let me put them through a bit of an interview process. And, I am going to get you six months on Match.com
Pattie: (Laughs…)Ellen: My treat…here you go…six months free. If it doesn’t work out I’ll renew it for six more months….
Pattie is not going to take Ellen up on that Match.com offer at all, but it was still funny. It makes me wonder if Ellen got some kind of endorsement deal.
Eons ago I read a book by a lady named Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, who considered herself Jim Morrison’s spiritual wife after they were married in a Wiccan ceremony in 1970, a year before he died. (She says the wedding scene in the film with Val Kilmer was inaccurate and was hyped unnecessary.) Anyway she thinks Morrison was her only true love, even though he had a live-in girlfriend at the time. As a result she hasn’t had sex since she hit it with Morrison in 1970, when she was 24. Her book, Strange Days: My Life With and Without Jim Morrison, came out in 1992, so it’s possible she’s since broken her chastity vow, but a quick glance at her blog shows she’s still very much hung up on him.
My rambling point is that there are people who choose to be chaste for all sorts of reasons – for lost love, for lack of a true love – and people who do it for decades or even their whole life of course. I don’t personally get it, (I remembered that story from 20 years ago it impressed me so much) and I don’t think I could go more than a few months. It’s just something I don’t want to be without in my life, but God bless.
As for Beiber’s mom, I’m surprised by how normal and down to earth she seems. You would think she’d be more of a stage mom, but she seems kind of low key and even humble, as opposed to say Britney Spears’ mom. I really liked how she complimented Justin’s dad, and I came away from this brief interview liking her more than I expected. She does seem like she’s given up a lot of her personal life for Justin. I mean she said that she wouldn’t date until he turned 18! The fact that I ended up liking her had nothing to do with her chastity vow. That doesn’t seem like it should be our business.
Update: Crazy Days and Nights has more details from Pattie’s new biography, and they sound devastating. She was sexually abused while she was pregnant, considered suicide and abortion. It must be so hard to share that.
Candid photos are from 2011. Credit: FameFlynet. Ellen photo credit: Michael Rozman/Warner Bros
I didn’t even read the whole post but TMI and she should have spared us all and made it 19.
Too bad she hasn’t been celibate for 19 years.
Ain’t that the truth!
Why is BieberBrat’s Mum bringing out a book? No offence to her but what on earth is the target demographic? I’m assuming chronic Bieber fans.
It’s obvious – she’s milking the cash cow while she can.
Ick. TMI indeed!
Ms. Bieber people who say they are not going to have sex until they are married usually don’t have a kid first or just maybe after listening to one of your son’s songs you realized you couldn’t take the chance of producing a sibling that would make equally bad music.
What a long sentence.
LOL and I said it all in one breath.
Kinda sad.
she’s really pretty!
I never knew what she looked like, so she would have been fine dating had she not gone on Ellen. Although I’m sure the douchiness of her son will ward off many guys.. And it’s TMI, cause I don’t care-just makes me think Justin’s dad was a horrible lay and she decided to swear off men rather than go through that again..
OK, so the 19 year comments are cracking me up lol
In all honesty, these “chastity vows” don’t wow me very much. A lot of times you hear people make this sort of vow and it means anything goes except vaginal intercourse. Which seems stupid to me. But hey, good for her.
what is on the side of her face in the 3rd pic down?
TMI for me but like someone else said, too bad she didnt take this vow before she this kid came out. I cant wait for his 15 minutes to be over.
You know…not EVERYTHING needs to be discussed publicly.
And not everyone needs a book deal.
Right on, sister! People overshare way too much these days. Even if money isn’t involved.
I am not certain why she felt the need to share this? If being chaste is so important then why broadcast it? It kind of defeats the purpose. Its like saying “HEY I HAVE A VAGINA BUT NO ONE TOUCHES IT!”
I always think like that whenever someone famous (at least famous for some) starting to broadcast to public that they have been celibate for a long time or if they are still virgin. It’s like, “Don’t you want to be the one who made me break my vow??” -_-
That would be a great pick up line, maybe that’s why she’s advertising this on Ellen. I recall in the nineties there was a chick who had a most excellently classic pick up line which was “f^ck me if I’m wrong but aren’t you Mel Gibson?” (this of course was back when Mel was hot)
She devoted herself to her kid and he grew up to be a real douche.. maybe she should of gotten laid, didn’t give the kid ALL her attention and he might of not grown up to been such an asshole …
A-men. It’s nothing to be proud of, having no sex at all (kinda sad) or being the mother of the Biebs for that matter.
Exactly. Since when is it noble to devote every part of your life to your child? Parents should also be well-rounded.
She sounds a little off to me, like she’s using this as an excuse to avoid emotional intimacy.
She’s been in the LA/Hollywood scene for too long. She’s probably drawn to the wrong men, therefore her opportunity for some ‘action’ is limited. I have female friends who live in LA and they say the dating scene is impossible.
Also, who in the hell is going to buy this book?
Justin is a spoiled brat. I’m with Hadley B. on this.
Is Jazzy his dad’s daughter then?
Doesn’t Justin have younger siblings?
This. He has a young sibling with some stupid Scrabble name
What does it matter?
but who benefit from it? I don’t understand…
Why does anyone need to know this information? There are a lot more people in the world not having sex on a regular basis than what the media wants us to believe. It is a personal decision whether or not one wants to find a one night stand every weekend or if they wish to remain celibate until they meet that special someone. Ultimately, it is personal and no one need know but you, your partner, and your OB/GYN. Lose your virginity when you’re a teenager or wait until you’re 30. Have sex all the time or choose not to have sex for the rest of your life. Do what feels right for you regardless of what you think is the “norm” and most of all keep it to yourself.
Preach, sister! Don’t know why it needs to be anyone else’s business. Do what you want, keep it to yourself (as long as it doesn’t harm anyone) and move on.
THIS. Different strokes for different folks. If you have sex too much you’re indecent. Don’t have sex often enough? There has to be something wrong with you. Worry about your own shit, on your death bed I doubt you’ll care how many times ms beibs got down and dirty.
THIS. Different strokes for different folks. If you have sex too much you’re indecent. Don’t have sex often enough? There has to be something wrong with you. Worry about your own shit, on your death bed I doubt you’ll care how many times ms beibs got down and dirty. :/
She did not straight up say she hasn’t had sex for 16 years, it was in the context of not having sex untIl she was married. That’s not exactly TMI.
Abstinance is just an excuse people use when they can’t get laid.
So….25 year old virgin here, ELLEN where are you??? Don’t I deserve attention too??? LOL!
*sigh* 26 year old virgin, here. We definitely deserve attention too.
But do you WANT attention for such a thing? (I don’t mean such a thing as in abstinence being bad, just as in, do you want attention solely for your sex life)
I wouldn’t want the world looking at me thinking “That gal hasn’t had sex in 20 years.” Nor do I want them thinking “That gal has sex 3 times a day”. Basically, leave your sex life out of it for Pete’s sake.
I didn’t mean to offend, I was simply responding to the comment above me in a similar way. (actually kidding about the subject & being over dramatic.
I can’t speak for Val, but what I meant by ‘attention’ was sort of making fun of the fact that Beiber’s mom said something about abstinence & suddenly thats all anyone focused on. I meant *I* qualify by those standards, where is my spotlght?
And of course I wouldn’t want to be ‘known’ for my sex-life (or lack there-of). I just felt comfortable commenting about it here because I’m not ashamed of it, & because everyone here is honest & upfront about their own personal lives.
Oh, I hope I didn’t sound offended 😀
What I was trying to get at in a very awkward and not-to-the-point way, was, why does she think we all need to know that?
@DeltaJuliet – Maybe she was trying to drum up some interest in her (as opposed to just Beiber), by using a sex-related topic.
Doesn’t Justin Bieber have two younger siblings? I always assumed they were from his mom. Are the two younger kids adopted? Or are they from his biological dad and another woman?
I believe he has half-siblings through his dad. They have ridiculous names, Jaxon and Jazmyn.
If the result of her having sex meant having Justin Bieber..then yes i’d stop having sex too, i can’t blame her.
She seemed shagworthy, but then she started gushing about her asexual wigger and my chubby turned into a skinny.
Please, just stop.
TMI. And why are we calling her hot?
that’s what i was thinking. must suck when your son is prettier than you are
Life is short. Fall in love and have sex often! Gosh…
This must be the week on the networks called ‘How to Embarrass your Children in Public’. First Dina and now Pattie. Good Parenting 101. Not.
TMI. And very sad. Only someone who’s never had good sex would give it up for so long.
No offense to her, but unless the book was focused on being about Beiber, I can’t see why anyone would read it. His fans are interested in *him*.
Yeah you lost me at “hot mom”. I don’t see it. She isn’t “like Brittney’s mom” because Justin was “discovered” randomly on Youtube and wasn’t in “the game” of having to work at getting discovered.
That’s what I thought too; she never had to be a stage mom so why would you think she would act like one?
All these comments are spot on – the biebster’s a short little annoying twerp how tall is mom – and on a sidenote, yes who is going to buy this ghost written cheap cash grab – and why is ellen promoting this drivel, i was never impressed with her talent or comedic skills and for all her faux wackiness she really is the consummate lalaland insider – does she have a back door deal with beibster to promote his crap and anything derived therefrom?
Hmm… Typing what I want to say sounds really judgy toward the mom, when what I’m really trying to convey is judgment all over Justin B. So can I just say that now I understand why he’s an asshat? Being center of the universe came before the fame. I get it now. No judgment on the mom – parent at will.
Ok I’ll do it, but do I have to pretend to like the music?
GMAB dozens of moms of celebs have written books Michael Jordan,Shaq,Brittney,Robin Roberts to name a few.
I remember a Rolling Stone interview a year or two ago where Bieber was going on about “God” and when asked said he didn’t believe in abortion. He was prompted by the interviewer “but what about rape?”
His answer? “Everything happens for a reason”
These people are delusional God-freaks. She will never find anyone to marry her without having sex, especially at her age, unless they are marrying her in hopes of being rich. What a sad, pathetic, delusional woman.
And meanwhile her son’s been banging up a storm with groupies and Selena Gomez (I hope that’s just a staged romance and she really doesn’t let him hit it) since well before he “turned 18”.
Seriously, what a silly and subservient woman.
U mad?
I see what your saying but I understand why he doesn’t believe in abortion bc he could have been one.
The comment about her being sexually abused while she was pregnant and considered suicide made me really sad.
NO WAY is this chica 37. That makes her a year younger than me, and she looks like she could be my semi-cool aunt or something. 45. Even so, going without sex is wrong on a zillion levels.
Are you bonkers? She looks totally like a 37 year old. I cant stand it when people look at normal people and say they look ancient.
I mean pick on Blohan, sure, because she’s almost a Faces of Meth poster girl, but this chick looks EXACTLY like a woman in her mid to late thirties!
Like someone said, some people say no sex, and they have done everything but. Full nude sleeping together, blow jobs, receiving oral sex, blah, blah, but, hey, no sex before marriage. Kind of like Clinton and all his affairs but didn’t he stick to blow jobs and that’s how he got around the no sex outside of his vows? LOL
But maybe not. Maybe she is chaste, but then a woman from 21 to 37, in the prime of her life, no sex, I would have to say low sex drive.
When did she become relevant? Oh right, anyone (or their mother) can write a book these days and become a celebrity. Zip it lady.
i can’t imagine what justin and jaxon will think about momy secrets