Amber Rose gets sick when smells weed, so Wiz stopped smoking in front of her

I can’t help it, I really love Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa. I think they might be one of my favorite celebrity couples. She’s beautiful and tough, he’s skinny and talented, and now they’re expecting a baby. It’s amazing! Anyway, Amber and Wiz cover the October/November issue of XXL magazine, and I’m including some of the beautiful shots from the pictorial. Note: Bedhead already covered some of this stuff a few weeks ago, but there are more quotes and photos, so that’s why I’m doing this. I know some people get irritated by these kinds of “baby-daddy lovingly cradling his baby-mama’s swollen pregnancy belly” photo shoots, but I like this one. It’s Wiz and Amber… they’re awesome! Anyway, in some new excerpts from the magazine interview, Amber talks about her birth plan and how Wiz isn’t smoking weed in front of her now that she’s pregnant:

He set the bar high on his promises to be both the best performer and the best family man he could be — and, according to Amber Rose, Wiz Khalifa is staying true to his word.

Engaged and expecting their first child together, the model mama tells XXL that her fiancé is more than willing to sacrifice for the sake of their soon-to-be tight-knit trio — even when it comes to his infamous herbal habits.

“He would never ever smoke in front of me,” Rose, 28, explains in the magazine’s October/November issue. “I mean, even just living in California, it’s really hard because there’s weed shops everywhere. So even when I’m driving and I go down the wrong block, I get sick.”

But now in her second trimester — and keeping the baby’s sex under wraps — Rose is taking all the triggers to her morning sickness in stride and hopes to learn from her experiences for future pregnancies.

“My first trimester was really hard, like most women. I threw up a lot. I’m still sick now in my second trimester,” she says. “I just feel like I learned a lot just being pregnant this time. For my next baby, I’ll know what not to eat and things to stay away from.”

While she won’t reveal details surrounding her due date, Rose is open about her birth plan; She is anticipating a completely natural delivery. “I’m so ready. I’ve decided that I’m going to have an all-natural water birth. No medicine,” the mom-to-be shares.

Her motivation? Khalifa — and any future tummy troubles of his. “I want those bragging rights! The next time Wiz has a stomachache or anything, I’ll say, ‘I popped out a baby all-natural.’”

[From People Magazine]

Do you think it’s some kind of huge sacrifice to NOT smoke weed in front of your pregnant baby-mama? I guess it is a sacrifice if you’re Wiz, and you love the reefer. Notice that no one is saying “Wiz isn’t smoking weed anymore now that Amber is pregnant.” Just that he’s not smoking in front of her.

As for her morning sickness… poor Amber! Oh, and here’s a photo Amber tweeted over the weekend – she says she’s “21 weeks” along. She’s carrying really beautifully.

Photos courtesy of Amber’s Twitter, XXL Mag.

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45 Responses to “Amber Rose gets sick when smells weed, so Wiz stopped smoking in front of her”

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  1. Jacq says:

    Man, she really played that Kanye deal pretty well.

  2. HotPockets says:

    They are really cute together and yes, she is beyond beautiful, much more genuine then Katface.

    That woman can rock a bald head with zero makeup and still look like a bombshell.

    • Eleonor says:

      +1!That has always amazed me, in her beach pictures, with no or a little makeup, nearly bald and HOT.

    • Alexandra Bananarama says:

      She’s naturally beautiful, but she also has that “i’m so happy to be pregnant and in love” glow about her. They look so happy i’m happy for them, but a fan of neither.

    • dj says:

      Stole the words right out of my mouth. No makeup (or almost) and gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  3. Memphis says:

    I think she is very pretty. Not a fan of him though, he just seems so gross to me.

  4. abby says:

    love them together! she is such a stunner and they both seem super chill. I never get tired of seeing her photos either.

  5. dooliloo says:

    I’m skinny yet I’m pretty sure I can’t fit in Wiz pair of trousers!

    Kanye is an idiot suffering from short man syndrome, hence the huge ego! He treated Amber like a property and wax figure.
    With Wiz, people can say what they want but she looks human 😀

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Well, I hope Kanye’s happy, because he’s got himself QUITE the wax-figure now, doesn’t he? 😉

      • dooliloo says:

        hahahahaaaaa indeed! *high five*
        Two big egos and attention wh*res, a match made in hell indeed!
        Amber dodge a bullet man… And good grief she is really beautiful (I saw make up free pics of her)! And being pregnant really suits her, she is *glowing*

  6. Shitler says:

    Here’s to hoping the baby looks like Amber…no matter the sex..

  7. PrettyTarheel says:

    I LOVE them. SO cute together. And d*mn he is tall. I had no idea he was 6’4″.

  8. RobN says:

    Wow, he is quite the gentleman.

  9. the original bellaluna says:

    I would think that not smoking weed in front of the woman carrying your child would be a given. Not exactly a knight falling on his sword, is it?

    They are cute together, and she is beautiful.

    This is going to sound uber-bitchy, but I’m glad she got away from Kanye. His ego and attitude would exhaust me.

  10. The Original Victoria says:

    How romantic, inspiring, and awesome. What a beautiful picture of black love.


  11. JH says:

    She’s soooo pretty. I love his tattoos. They are are gorgeous couple. He seems like a genuine sweetheart.

  12. V4Real says:

    I love the comment that there are weed shops everywhere. I bet those Beverly Hills people be lighting up like crazy on the corner of Rodeo Drive.

    BTW I always thought she was pretty and I still do.

    Thanks Amber for putting your man on blast about the weed. I’m sure every cop is going to be checking for him now.

    • Anna-fo-Fanna says:

      I’m sure he has a medical card. Weed has prectically become legal in CA – not a big deal, yo.

    • Naye in VA says:

      He puts himself on blast regularly. I mean in like every song, video, tweet, interview, MOVIE what have you. Trust me they already know.

    • buckley says:

      I believe in L.A. there are more weed dispensaries than Starbucks.
      I have at least five within walking distance to my work or my home.
      NOT complaining…:)

  13. Kat says:

    Uh, I had an epidural, but I still have bragging rights. A baby still exited my vagina.

    • Naye in VA says:

      I think you have bragging rights as long as you didnt hire some mysterious stranger to carry your baby for you lol.

    • Jessica says:

      Just because someone did not have their children through their vagina doesnt mean they arent due bragging rights. My first was 10 pounds 8 ounces and he quit coming at the last minute, they had to do an emergency c-section… are you saying that since I didnt push him out I am not deserved that pride?

  14. normades says:

    Funny how people like her so much more now that she’s not dating Kayne!

    That last pic is adorable!

  15. shewolf says:

    Why would anyone that gorgeous let someone that gross touch her? I bet she outweighs him when not pregnant.

  16. Unbeweavable says:

    I love them too. They both look so happy.

    I have started listening to his music (mostly the “Rolling Papers” album) because of this website and one of my good friends. And I must say it is probably funny watching me drive around town listening and singing along to his music when I drive a Volvo SUV and am a preppy, middle class, j crew wearing woman. It’s cool how just about everyone can like his music. I highly recommend!

    • ZigZagZoey says:

      Ha! I know exactly what you mean! I am 47, and I like his music a lot. I love the LilWayne song 6 Foot 7 Foot ~ But feel completely embarrassed in my car if anyone could hear the loud bass beat stopped at a light. They would think I was trying to seem cool, and looking like a ridiculous old lady!

      • Ming Lee says:

        don’t be shy.. blast that wiz!! age is just a number.

        i’m on the younger side of things, and if i saw you in your car bumping loud to wiz and weezy, i’d throw you a smile and a peace sign 😉

      • ZigZagZoey says:

        Aw, thanks! 🙂

  17. Shelly says:

    I love them together they look genuinely happy 😉

  18. Miffy says:

    That’s so romantic?

  19. fallen says:

    I love them together, he seems like a great guy!

  20. Emma says:

    I absolutely love this couple as well! Please keep covering them.
    Wiz’ song ‘I’ll roll up’ is so cute when you think of the two of them.

  21. Chellez says:

    Love it love it love it!

    Plz keep covering them. Cute, entertaining to watch and listen to. His music is so much fun and chill. Like someone said, rolling papers is great and Taylor Alderdice. Ooh, also his duet mix w Snoop! I’m just jealous my own round head would never look good blonde or bald. Love amber

  22. Ming Lee says:

    amber looks GORGEOUS. (wish i could rock a bald head) i think they suit each other really well.

    i like the lovey dovey preggo pics.

  23. Missy says:

    These two gross me out. And he really should grow up and put the weed away.