Toni Braxton had a lump removed from her breast

It’s been a hard year for Toni Braxton. After canceling concerts due to a heart condition, it now seems that she has had a benign lump removed from her breast. Toni actually discovered the lump while filming Dancing with the Stars, and postponed having it removed until she was off the show on October 20th.

The 41-year-old admits that she discovered the benign tumour before she appeared on the ABC programme, but decided to wait until she was eliminated from the contest to undergo surgery.

And Braxton is now relieved that she exited the show early.

She tells Us, “Getting the boot on the show was actually a blessing in disguise for me. My grandmother on my dad’s side died of breast cancer, and I have aunts on both sides that have breast cancer.”

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Toni is going to be fine, and this will be a reminder to people that finding a lump on your breast doesn’t mean you’ve got cancer. Whatever happens you really need to go get it checked out. Don’t be afriad to go to the doctor.

Toni Braxton has recently created a PSA for parents, comparing her odds of being a successful musician to the odds of her having a child with autism, the point being that the odds are 1 in 150 that you may have a child with autism and that you should learn the early signs. The sooner autistic children get help the better the outcome for them. Toni has been outspoken about her son Diezel’s autism, saying that if he had been diagnosed sooner (he was three) he could have been helped. She was angry that doctors wanted to take a wait-and-see approach, when she felt treatment should have started immediately.

Toni Braxton is shown on 11/7/08 at a Lupus fundraiser she hosted in LA. Credit: WENN

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8 Responses to “Toni Braxton had a lump removed from her breast”

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  1. mel says:

    wow, she’s been through alot in the past year. i wish her the best!

  2. mel says:

    wow, she’s been through alot this year. i wish her the best.

  3. Lauri says:

    She should have followed her instincts. Unfortunately, too many people figure if a doctor says it, it must be the way things are. Not so. If you disagree with a doctor, don’t be afraid to question and to get opinions from other doctors. ALL reputable doctors want their patients to be comfortable with them, so if you find one who objects to you getting a 2nd opinion-run for the hills and never come back. All in all, doctors should be thought of as highly educated advisors–not gods.

    Good for her with the lump being benign. I can empathize with that terror…I just had a similar scare myself a few weeks ago (thankfully, also benign).

  4. Kim says:

    Not only this year, shhas been through a lot in her life. An autistic child, that fall out with la face records, a brankruptcy (not so sure but I remember as if, couldn’t be bothered checking it out), goodness the poor woman needs a break.

  5. Huh says:

    Looks like it was put in her face.

  6. vdantev says:

    Was it her career?

  7. Kim says:

    Damn, whatever happened to her face? She doesn’t even look like herself anymore.

  8. RAN says:

    It worries me that she waited til she was booted from the show before having it cared for. I’m glad it was benign though…