Suri Cruise dresses herself, says dad Tom

Katie Holmes And Daughter Suri Visit

Suri Cruise and her mom, Katie Holmes, visited the dancers backstage at the New York City Ballet yesterday. Suri wore a red satin dress with white tights, red ballet slippers and a coat. Katie was in a belted cardigan over silk pants and wore a white knit cap and little to no makeup.

Dad Tom Cruise explained to Lara Spencer on “The Insider” (link leads to video) that Suri dresses herself and that “Kate and I, whatever she wants to wear, encourage them as best we can.” He also said that if Suri wants to be a model or an actress when she grows up “whatever she wants” is ok with him. Cruise told a story about how Connor, 13, auditioned for his role as a younger version of Will Smith in Seven Pounds and how it made him nervous for him. He said that whatever his kids want to do, he supports them.

Katie and Tom have received some public criticism for letting Suri go out without a coat in the fall in New York. Suri was recently photographed without shoes on a rainy night, although she was being carried.

Katie Holmes And Daughter Suri Visit
Katie Holmes And Daughter Suri Visit

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19 Responses to “Suri Cruise dresses herself, says dad Tom”

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  1. daisyfly says:

    I can’t wait for the day when Suri tells daddy dearest that she wants to be a psychiatrist when she grows up.

  2. Mairead says:

    LMAO Daisyfly. Ooooh that would be priceless!

    I love the way that Suri looks like she’s thinking “Meh… MY collection of tutus is FAR more impressive! Xenu actually made my Nutcracker suite of toys come alive, so there!” 😆

    Katie looks nice in those photos I think.

  3. Syko says:

    😆 daisyfly!

    This kid never needs shoes as she is always being carried.

  4. Sue D. Nimm says:

    daisyfly: if I were her I’d just tell him that to see his reaction. 😆

    Katie does look good. I don’t know why, but always kind of like what she wears. Still, designer clothes always look good. 😉

  5. Anne says:

    That kid looks bored.

  6. Kaiser says:

    Funny, Daisyfly. 😆

    I do not care for that white thing on KateBot’s head.

  7. poopie says:

    i’m surprised suri isn’t screaming at that woman in the last pic. it’s either amy winehouse or the wicked witch of the west !!!

    and as far as suri dressing herself, that answers for the BAD TASTE, ALWAYS a red dress and those terrible ballet shoes !!!!!!!!!!!! bring on BABY GAP or OLD NAVY !!

  8. Syko says:

    I was shocked to see a picture of Suri on Celebrity Baby Scoop and she was wearing jeans! And socks! The jeans were rolled up at the bottoms, kind of like Katie was doing there for awhile, but she nearly looked like a normal child.

  9. Ria says:

    Poopie, I thought it looked like Wino, also.

    I don’t get Katie’s get up. Black black balck, then a white stocking-ish cap? Don’t get me wrong, I brought the same hat back as a souvenir from our holiday in Ireland – to wear with jeans and a trench coat.

    Maybe Suri needs to start dressing Katie?

  10. Ria says:

    I just figured the hat out. Kate-bot is wearing it to keep herself from seeing the mess her hair is these days!

  11. vdantev says:

    Uh huh-

    We haven’t seen Suri in a tutu, with jeans underneath and a swimsuit on top. Then I’ll believe it.

  12. Rosebudd says:

    The five faces of “Kate”. Scary, she looks so different every day. And I do not just mean her clothes/style. She ranges everywhere from absolutely beautiful to goofy. She really she keep her hair over her ears or have them pinned back. If I had her money, I wld. rather do that than have a $10,000. handbag. She is very cute though, & fortunately, can go w/o makeup. Quite nice! Suri is gorgeous….

  13. RaraAvis says:

    It should be a crime to whore out a child this way.

  14. Kim says:

    I figured as much. Obviously if you asked any child to dress themselves they would choose those dresses even in winter. I am not sure about handsfree parenting as my friend calls it. But if it works for them, then good. My friend says it takes rebellion out of the child.

    Daisy fly, I would like to be a fly on the wall when Suri tells her dad that she would like to be a psychiatrist. LOL.

  15. Cheyenne says:

    Handsfree parenting doesn’t give a child any limits to test himself against. The child grows up thinking the world revolves around him and his wishes. It’s a total capitulation of parental guidance and responsibility and the inevitable result is a spoiled brat.

    A child raised by handsfree parenting won’t have the skills to tolerate the inevitable frustration that comes with growing up. Put simply, the kid will find out the hard way that the world doesn’t regard him with the fond indulgence his parents treat him with. These kids usually get kicked out of one school after the next, find themselves unable to hold a steady job when they are adults, and in the worst cases they end up on the six o’clock news.

  16. Christina X says:

    She still dresses better than her own mother does.

  17. Sunnyjyl says:

    Most children have strong preferences about what they wear. My mother couldn’t keep shoes on my sister and I, and when she saw that John John, and Caroline Kennedy got to go barefoot in public she decided it wouldn’t kill us either. One of my children preferred shorts — year round — even in below freezing temps. He also slept with no blankets for years. You don’t have to be a hands off parent to pick your battles.

  18. ouch! the nut cracker?@! that’s not funny.

  19. SixxKitty says:

    LMAO Daisy, we can only hope, he he he