Pippa Middleton spoofs her terrible party-planning book in a new column

As I think we’ve established thus far, Pippa Middleton’s bland, basic party-planning book is a total bomb. Just a month after its release, the book was underperforming so terribly, bookstores and online retailers had to drastically reduce the price. The reviews of Celebrate were awful, and reviewers took to openly mocking Pippa’s O RLY suggestions. A fake Twitter account for “Pippa’s Tips” was set up and it’s still operational – and full of such Pippa-esque wisdom as “Avoid early mornings by not waking up too early.” Penguin, the American publisher of Celebrate, spent $600,000 on Pippa’s advance, and they’re totally not going to make it back. One literary know-it-all even gossiped, “The sales have been dreadful, and I hear that the people at Penguin are virtually slitting their wrists over it. To think of all the money they spent on it, too!”

So what is poor Pippa to do? Actually commit to an American publicity tour and sit down for some major interviews, after being appropriately coached to deflect any questions about the royal family? Of course not. Pippa is trying to make it all better by laughing at herself in a new “guest editor” column for The Spectator.

Critics have not been kind to Pippa Middleton’s party-planning guide, Celebrate, which was widely ridiculed upon its release for its too-basic advice. (Sample tip: “When hosting a party, move any clutter from the space where you’re entertaining.”) But the author has a message for all the naysayers: They’re not laughing at her, they’re laughing with her.

Duchess Kate’s 29-year-old party-planner sister showed she was in on the joke by writing a hilarious, tongue-in-cheek guest editorial for The Spectator, a long-running weekly magazine focused on political and current events.

“I have been much teased for my book. Lots of journalists are saying that my advice is glaringly obvious,” she writes in the piece. “A spoof Twitter account called @pippatips offers such pearls as ‘Enjoy a glass of water by getting a clean glass and pouring in water from a tap or bottle.'”

“But in my defense, let me say this: Celebrate is meant to be a guide to party planning and, as such, it has to cover the basics,” she continues cheekily. “If I were to write a cookery book, for instance, I would be compelled to say that, to make an omelette, you have to break at least one egg. Actually, that’s not a bad idea.” Added the royal bridesmaid world-famous for her derriere: “Or maybe I should write a sequel and call it Bottoms Up? Now that could be a bestseller.”

Should said sequel come to be, she adds, she’s prepared for the inevitable book-signings. “I have finally perfected my signature,” she writes, revealing that she takes pains to distance herself from her well-known surname. “It took hours of practicing…I decided early on just to write Pippa, not Middleton.”

Continuing the gag, the writer shares her “excruciatingly self-evident tips for festive entertaining in the workplace,” including gems like: “Choose, if you can, a Christmas-themed menu. A turkey, for example, can be perfect for large gatherings.” She also offers some thoughts on appropriate conversation topics: “Keep speeches brief and cheerful. Christmas is not a time to talk about redundancies.”

It is a time for costumes, though — at least in the Middleton household.

“My father has developed a tradition of surprising us at some point by appearing in fancy dress. He buys a new costume each year and typically gets carried away,” the Brit discloses of father Michael, who shares kids Kate, 30, Pippa, and James, 25, with wife Carole. “A couple of Christmases ago he appeared in an inflatable sumo outfit. It’s endearing, really, and only quite embarrassing.”

[From The Spectator and Us Weekly]

I think we should applaud her for attempting to handle the overwhelming criticism with a bit of grace and humor. But I don’t really think that Pippa “gets it” though. This is what makes me think she’s still in the dark: “to make an omelette, you have to break at least one egg.” Seriously? That’s her defense.

Additionally, Pippa ends up talking about her total crush on Roger Federer (join the club, Pips). She writes that Federer is “a man who exudes so much grace and beauty that he inspires anybody with a pulse.” And a “source” tells The Mail that the Spectator piece was all her own work and “It is completely intentional and good humoured.” Of course she’s in good humor. She got $600,000 for that crap!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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24 Responses to “Pippa Middleton spoofs her terrible party-planning book in a new column”

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  1. Hannah says:

    She seems nice.

  2. Christina says:

    I don’t think Pippa would have any choice as to which publicity tours she does or does not participate in – these things are all part of her contract with the publisher. I reckon they’ve belatedly reaised that this book is just so so bad that they might as well just cut their (considerable) losses and try to forget the whole thing ever happened.

    • Alexandra Bananarama says:

      Unless we get to read that contract we’ll never know. I tend to think she had all the pull in the deal to get such an advance. And the publisher let a 1st time author with very little literary experience get away with no ghost writer(s)?

      She was given all the control and it didn’t pay off. She absolutely was able to cancel some tours. And I doubt she, without influence of others, would do that.

      • Christina says:

        I would have thought that ALL writers, even big-name ones, would have contracts which clearly specify the exact nature of promotional work. Sure, someone like AK Rowling can set the terms to suit herself, but I’m certain Pippa must have been contracted to go on specified tours etc.

        Not sure I’m buying the ‘royal family didn’t want her to talk about her sister’s tits’ line either. Journalists could have been told that Pippa would only talk about her book and would not answer any questions related to her ‘family’. I really do think the publishers very very late in the day realised that they had a complete turkey on their hands and that there’s no way any sort of tour wouldn’t be a total embarrasment. I mean, what kind of questions would Pippa answer? She has NO expertise in the subject at all. Just because her parents sold mail-order plastic cups for a living doesn’t mean she knows how to organise a great dinner party.

    • Talie says:

      I don’t know how the publishers would not have demanded an American pub tour at least. Nixing the UK, I get, because they would be intrusive with questions.

    • LAK says:

      i agree with @Alexander Bananarama in the sense that she clearly had MORE pull in the contract than the publishers, who miscalculated in thinking her media visibility would guarantee book sales.

      i don’t think the royal family would have demanded she pull out of a tour for any reason because they allowed Fergie to tour, and she had more embarrassing pictures to live down. However, the royal family [and RF adjacents] can and does exert a type of influence that makes hard nosed business people do stuff they’d never agree to if they were dealing with a regular person. Fergie’s £3M+ overdraft being a good example of such a transaction.

      Pippa remains so closely aligned to Kate that she can exert that type of influence if she chooses to. The Middletons tend to use the royal family’s own solicitors when dealing in legalities etc plus William is very supportive of them. Those three things alone can influence the negotiations in Pippa’s favour.

  3. India says:

    I am really quite sick of looking at pics of her grinning and gurning all over the place. Everything these tacky people do is always an embarrassment.

    • GoodCapon says:

      I love how she tries to cover her face in that first photo. Everyone knows how you like the cameras, Pippa, don’t even try to hide it!

  4. Mich says:

    A snippet from a Dec 7 spoof piece in The Guardian:

    Pippa’s drafting her latest cash-in volume.

    “Babies are an excellent way of continuing the family line. Most babies are boys or girls. It is best to have a baby with a head, ideally firmly attached to its neck. It is best to buy lots of nappies at once, otherwise you will have to go to the supermarket eight times a day. At night, put the baby in a moses basket or cot. Do not leave it on a ledge or near a spike. That is how accidents happen!”

  5. Angel May says:

    Is she wearing a bumpy lace bra under stretch satin? Oh, Pippa.

  6. GoodCapon says:

    I don’t care if it’s a spoof: Pippa needs to know when to shut up and just stay quiet! These Middletons are having a really hard time staying out of the spotlight don’t they?

    I don’t recall the Spencers being this famewhorey when Diana was still around. The Middletons are in a league of their own when it comes to attention-seeking in-laws.

    • Christina says:

      Exactly. And it’s not only the fact that the Spencers were ‘aristocrats’ who would consider themselves above all that famewhoery stuff. Can anyone name any of Sophie Wessex’s siblings? I can’t. And her family came from at least as ‘humble’ a background as Kate’s.

      The Middletons are the 21st century version of the Boleyn family. Complete with the other Middleton girl.

  7. christinne says:

    As I said…the Middleton women are wearing the exact same stuff in different colors. The green jacket in first pic: Kate had an identical one, pink she wore in the Canadian tour, the handbags are IDENTICAL, their hair is identical, the make-up….really weird stuff to me!

  8. Ravensdaughter says:

    Give Pippa credit-she can spoof herself.

  9. Lex says:

    Penguin can’t be too upset right? They published it.. surely they read it before they pressed the ‘Print’ button on thousands of copies?
    They are as culpable as she is!

  10. EmmaStoneWannabe says:

    This was interesting: “Additionally, Pippa ends up talking about her total crush on Roger Federer (join the club, Pips). She writes that Federer is “a man who exudes so much grace and beauty that he inspires anybody with a pulse.” ”

    Mainly bc at Wimbledon, she and Kate were snarking at his wife in the stands…now we really know why! hah


  11. Zombie Shortcake says:

    I read that for good laughs, in Afghanistan Harry’s been reading excerpts of Celebrate out loud to his army buddies. If she would only put effort into good PR I bet she could move more copies.

  12. Pompadour says:

    Pippa has a pie-face!That’s all

  13. taxi says:

    Little brother James is rarely photo’d. There’ve been (maybe old) snaps published of him in drag at parties with male friends. Seems odd that he is never papped. Maybe he’s a hermit.

    Does he date anyone? Is he under orders to avoid photo ops unless he’s with his family? Does he go on the family vacations? Solo or bring a friend?

  14. alexa says:

    Pippa’s book is currently at 164 among all books on Amazon UK. That is at a reduced price (although all the food/entertaining books are at a reduced price as a matter of fact). And lots of people who review it seem to like it. So somebody is buying it. Not saying it is wonderful or amazing or anything and it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but its sales are not that terrible.

    • Christina says:

      ” And lots of people who review it seem to like it. So somebody is buying it.”

      I’ve heard there’s a whole stash of the books in the Middletons’ attic. And if anyone was wondering what Carole Middleton was getting up to in between ‘nursing’ Kate, we now know she has multiple accounts with Amazon. Busy woman!