Nikki Reed just ran her first half marathon, has 5 lined up already for 2013

Nikki Reed

Here are some photos of Nikki Reed with her husband, Paul McDonald, at the starting line of the Las Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll 1/2 marathon earlier this month. We don’t have much of an opportunity to talk about Nikki except to comment on her unfortunate fate of having to pose next to Kellan Lurzy and discuss her love of dry shampoo. That last article went over much better than I expected, but it’s a hair thing, you know? People love to talk about hair.

Unfortunately, this story is not about hair but about Nikki’s interview in Parade magazine to promote her participation with CIROC for their “Safe Rides” campaign that provides free taxi cab rides on New Year’s Eve so that partygoers won’t be tempted to drink and drive. This is certainly a worthy cause because people can get really stupid after knocking several back, and Nikki details her reasons for signing onto the project in this interview. She also talks about the end of Twilight and running too. Here are some excerpts:

Nikki Reed

On the “Safe Rides” campaign: “This campaign is such a great way to help keep people safe. Its a wonderful resource for people during the holidays. It is always better to be safe than sorry. The holidays are such a busy time for everyone, that it’s important to not only take responsibility for yourself but those around you, as well.”

On life after Twilight: “I shot four really cool movies this year and I am so excited to see what comes of them. I am also excited to expand my music and my jewelry line with Pascal Mouawad because those are two projects that are very close to my heart.”

Her New Year’s resolution: “I want to become a better runner. We chose to run our first half marathon in December and now we have lined up five for 2013.”

Is she sad to leave the franchise?Twilight, as well as all of the other projects that I have been working on this year, have kept me so busy that I haven’t even had time to process that Twilight is over. I’m sure that once things die down, it will sink in.”

On getting involved in animal rescue: “It all started with my mother. She loves animals and every week there was a new addition to our family when I was growing up. I now work with Bark n’ Bitches to help spread awareness on how many homeless doggies there are. I love volunteering and giving my time to all of those animals, because they give so much back to me.”

She wants to be a writer too: “I am constantly writing. I write monthly on my blog, and have several screenplay ideas in my head. Hopefully I can execute one once I can focus and give all of my attention to my writing. I also love the idea of someday writing a book!”

[From Parade]

I totally understand why Nikki has caught the 1/2 marathon bug after running just one of them. The post-race rush is pretty amazing — I just ran my first 1/2 in November, and just a few days later, I signed up for the same race (Route 66) next year. Nikki did fairly well too with an official time of 2:25:18, and she went out with a very casual attitude about the race, so that’s a pretty good first time considering. I did slightly better (2:00:19), but that time was disappointing to me considering that I’d done 5 minutes better during practice runs. Also, I was a complete mess at water stations, forgot to eat my electrolyte jelly beans, and ended up with a shoe full of gatorade. There’s always next year, right? I don’t think I’m as committed as Nikki is to sign up for 5 1/2 marathons next year though. Good for her!

Nikki Reed

Nikki Reed

Photos courtesy of WENN

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38 Responses to “Nikki Reed just ran her first half marathon, has 5 lined up already for 2013”

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  1. GoodCapon says:

    Good for her!

    I’m confused with the running fad though. All of a sudden it’s just everywhere with people getting into a frenzy and wanting to sign up for every single run there is. I have a friend on Facebook who gloriously posts every medal he gets on runs. πŸ˜€ Yeah he is quite fast, but it is quite amusing.

    • Skipper says:

      Fitness crazes are cyclical. I’m resisting the trend.

      • GoodCapon says:

        I’ve done some runs and I felt great (and really tired) afterwards, but I don’t think I’ll fully jump into the bandwagon πŸ˜€

    • Jilli says:

      Running is hardly a fad. You either do it with consistency or not. Just because some celebrities do it doesn’t make it a new thing. Anyway, good for her for choosing to engage in this activity.

  2. marie says:

    I like her, I hope she’s able to stick around.

    And good for her for the marathon, and you too Bedhead. My friends run a few every year and they’ve talked me into trying to run one, I imagine the training will be brutal..

    • Bedhead says:

      The training IS brutal — mostly because it’s such a solitary experience. The races themselves tend to be very high energy and very fun with the crowds cheering, so that carries you through somewhat. I’ll do it again, but I won’t go crazy like her and do five in one year!

    • j.eyre says:

      Yes, congrats Bedhead. That is quite an accomplishment. I haven’t quite worked past anything but those 10K Fun Run things. I think your time is great.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Bedhead-you should do the Boston Marathon. It always falls on a holiday (Patriots’ Day)so most people have the day off and go to see the runners. It’s a really supportive and energetic crowd. It’s a dream of mine to someday run the BM….

      And congrats-that’s a really solid time. I always admire people who have the stamina to do marathons.

      • Apples says:

        *Bostonians are awesome.

      • Karen says:

        You don’t simply decide to run the Boston Marathon. You must qualify. You have to be a pretty fast runner to do so too. Running is not a trend. For those of us who do, it’s a lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be a solitary pursuit either. There are lots of running groups all over the country. There are groups based out of running stores and charity groups, like Team in Training who train people to run half and full marathons in various races around the world and fundraise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They taught me that anyone can be a runner. Plus, I’ve made a ton of friends through the program!

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Karen-I’m well aware that you have to qualify. I’ve lived in Boston for 16 years and have been watching the marathon runners every year during that time.I don’t know how you got “running is a trend” from my comments. It’s a passion of mine (scroll down and read my other comment here) but there’s no need to be elitist about it. Anyone can run and if people enjoy it on a non-competitive level, it’s still good for the sport.

        I’ve been running for 10 years and have a pretty comprehensive understanding of what is needed to run a marathon, including qualifying/fundraising. The Boston Marathon qualifying time for women 18-34 is 3:35 so with training, it would be completely feasible for Bedhead if she has a 2:00 1/2 marathon time, which is why I suggested it to her.
        I don’t do the group running thing-it’s a solitary sport for me not a social thing and I’m pretty self-motivated so no issues there. Wouldn’t mind getting a running coach though.

        *waves to Apples* πŸ˜€

      • Bedhead says:

        Hahaha. I’d do Boston, but only in my dreams. That’s for the best of the best! My plan is to run another half or two next year and ramp up to a full in 2014. Maybe a few years later, I’ll try Philly. That course is notorious for those looking to PR.

      • Sweet Dee says:

        I kind of love Nikki Reed now! How awesome.

        Anyway I’ve only been running for a few years, seriously for 1, but my bf and I have signed up for our first 10K next year, we did 3 5Ks this year.

        Can I just say that no one owns the sport of running? It’s actually the only sport that comes natural to humans, literally. My bf and I started running to help us lose weight and it caught on for us. Plus, we’re both a lot healthier and plan on working up to half marithons ourselves. He’s lost 70 freaking pounds, and I’ve lost 40. It’s a good thing dude.

        Who cares if it’s a trend? There are a lot of fat, unhealthy people in this country who could use the same changes we made this year and if there’s a “trend” they love like we do, so be it!

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        That’s great Bedhead! You need to post your times here πŸ˜‰
        Good luck with training etc-keep that focus!

        Thank you for adding that about no one “owning running”, Sweet Dee. We need to support fellow Americans for getting fit.

        I can’t believe you and your BF lost 110 lbs collectively! That’s like a full person!! AMAZING. Congrats, girl πŸ™‚

      • Sweet Dee says:

        Thanks okit πŸ˜‰ I’m normally not a braggart but it found its reason πŸ™‚

  3. hannah says:

    She is very likeable. And pretty!

  4. Liv says:

    Ugh, I can’t help but don’t like her!

  5. henderswife says:

    I really like her! I met her at an event and she was very nice to everyone. There were several children and adults there with disabilities and she got right on the floor to talk to them and made it a point to make them feel special. That made me like her even more. Things like that really stick out to me.

  6. cmc says:

    Crazy runner girl checking in…every time I hear a celebrity is doing some run or another I get a little panicky feeling if I think they might be faster than me. I might be a little *too* competitive! Good on Nikki though! I ran my first one in 2:11 in March 2010 and have run 12 so far (and 4 marathons), my fastest half being 1:39. It’s a heck of an addictive sport and I’m glad she’s filled her schedule!

    • Alexandra Bananarama says:

      I thought the same thing! Is she faster than me? It sounds like she walked for a bit. Good for her though.

      Races are so much fun and you feel great before and after. You meet nice people along the way and chat. Even if it’s just a 5k more people should get out there.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I am also afflicted with Competitive Runners Disease.

        Never done a marathon but I plan to do my first half in May. My fastest “official” 10K time is 43:58. That was also on a course with a mile and a half of hills (I love hill running).
        Last month I did 176 miles and I’m starting my next cycle with 50 miles for this week (just have to cover 14 in the next two days). I’m the type who wants to get a good time when running a race, otherwise I won’t enter. Mostly, I’m just competitive with myself-I like to try to beat previous times etc.

        Hope this doesn’t come across as annoying/boastful. Just wanted to share with fellow runners. Most of my friends do yoga and pilates so I don’t get to talk about running much πŸ˜‰ Any tips you ladies care to share for my first half?

      • littlestar says:

        Kitten, good for you. I am also running my first half marathon next year :D. I want to try to come in around 2:15 for time. That may not sound amazing, but I think it’s a pretty good goal for someone who has never run a half marathon before.

        No one that I am close to runs either. I am always trying to convince my friends and family how truly amazing running can be, and no one believes me! Haha. It really is an addictive activity. The feeling after completing a really good run is just the best :).

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        @Littlestar-2:15 is a great goal-time for your first half!

        Me too! I stopped touting how amazing running is when I was on the reverse end and had to listen to friends constantly insisting how yoga is the most amazing thing you can do for your body and that running breaks your body down. ha ha..gave up after that πŸ˜‰

        It probably sounds corny, but I always say that running saved my life. In my mid-twenties I went through a really rough patch and found myself in a pretty dark place. That’s when I started running and it was the best therapy I could have asked for. I know below you posted a comment about the breathing and motion of it. I too love how meditative running (especially running OUTSIDE) can be. It can be such a visceral experience, while still connecting with your body, but somehow feeling DISconnected, if that makes any sense. For me my best running comes when I can reach that “zone” where I just detach from my body and everything becomes automatic. It’s an intense feeling.

    • littlestar says:

      Holy crap, cmc! That’s a really good time for a half marathon! Good for you. I actually registered on Tuesday of this week for my first half marathon ever. It’s in May 2013 – I’m excited and nervous and scared all at once. I’ve always enjoyed running and completing 2 half marathons next year is a goal I have set for myself. I hope I can do it! It irritates me though that’s it’s been -20C here for the past month or so – makes it really hard to run outside and I loathe running indoors.

      My favourite part of running is the concentration you put into your body, the breathing, the movement, how to better yourself to become an even better runner – if any of that even makes sense! And I also enjoy how muscular my thighs have become :). Good-bye cellulite!

  7. Sarah says:

    Halfs are fun! They can be zippy and energizing all the way to cathartic and draining, depending on the course and your mindset that day. More athletic stuff, please.

  8. lflips says:

    In the last picture her husband and her are pretty much wearing the same outfit. I think she seems nice enough, I wouldn’t mind seeing her in more movies.

  9. Apples says:

    Impressive- my body likes it when I stop after 4 miles. I can’t seem to go beyond that distance for an extended period of time.

    I loved reading all the comments on that hair post, too!

  10. Sonya says:

    If I had the money and time I would do a million runs!!! I started running as part of losing 120 pounds and it is amazing. I love it!!! The halts are great, long enough to make you push but not as horrid afterwards like the whole 26.2! Way to go on your time Bedhead, I was happy to finish my second half (my first one running alone) in 2:13 – I’m aiming for under 2 hours next year! Lately though I have called in love with obstacle runs like the run for your lives zombie run!!! I just did that (its all written up in my b log) this past weekend and it was awesome!

  11. val says:

    So what, I have ran in over 30 half marathons and 6 full marathons. Put that in the news, and I do it to raise money for World Vision, American and Lung Cancer Societies. ING 2013 in Florida baby!

  12. keats says:

    Heads up Bedhead, 25 minutes faster is more than slightly better. You killed it πŸ™‚

  13. Lem says:

    I always mistake Nikki Reed for Nikki Cox. I don’t know Nikki Reed.. anyho- the thought of Nikki Cox Mohr running a marathon with all her plastic bits was fabulous!
    Waa Waa

  14. KellyinSeattle says:

    She looks like Salma Hayek….
    I’ll sit the marathons out, though everyone around me seems to have running/bicycling fever. I came out unscathed.

  15. littlestar says:

    I also think it’s interesting that she mentioned she would like to be a writer. I wonder how good her writing is? If acting doesn’t work out for her (and honestly, how many of the Twilight kids will go anywhere now that the franchise is over with) maybe she should go the writing, and even producing route? She seems fairly bright too. Doesn’t seem like an idiot like Ashley Greene (or whatever her name is) or an ungrateful twit like Kristen Stewart.

    • Just Me says:

      She wrote the script for the movie “Thirteen” as a teenager. Nikki just doesn’t get enough credit. I’m glad she’s finally getting some positive attention. She strikes me as a really sweet girl.

  16. erika says:

    I always got the impression that she was very under-utilized as Rosalie in Twilight (and, like the guy who played Jasper, suffered from an awful hair-do/wig-job.) I did enjoy the movies, sometimes in spite of my better judgement, but I couldn’t help feeling like they really missed a good opportunity to improve on the, er, not-so-awesome aspects of the storyline. I do think it could have boosted the films tremendously if the stronger supporting actors, like Nikki Reed, were given better material, or at least a hairdresser who didn’t hate them.

  17. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Damn, Bedhead, you fast, girl! I ran 2:44 in Miami in January & 2:36 in NY in March. Then I started smoking again & haven’t run a mile since. Bad me. But I loved both courses. The energy of running in the city makes the hills in Central Park worth it. I think the lottery for the NYC Half is closed, but if you could find a way in for 2013, it’s on St Paddy’s Day.

  18. muppet_barbershop says:

    I am so inordinately fond of her. I really hope she ends up with a decent career/life post-Twilight. While I don’t mind her character in those things, she looks horrid as a blonde; it’s totally wrong for her skin etc., and it’s always nice to see her looking so beautiful instead.

  19. Marisa says:

    Is it just me, or does she look a bit like Kate Middleton? Like, if they were to make a movie about Kate Middleton (I think there may already be one), but say another one, she could totally pass as playing Kate!