Nikki Reed, advocate of dry shampoo: “I wash my hair maybe once or twice a week”

Nikki Reed

As Kaiser noted a few days ago, poor Nikki Reed gets stuck doing much of her Twilight Saga publicity alongside Kellan Lutz (Kellan Lutz!), and here is the pair together at a London photocall for Breaking Dawn: Part 2. I often wonder what will become of the Twilight supporting cast after this franchise concludes in less than a month. Hopefully, Jackson Rathbone will go on to do much better movies, but I honestly see Kellan Lutz doing something truly bizarre and narcissistic like creating Kellan Lutz’s own special brand of Kellan Lutz creatine bodybuilding supplement or something. As for the ladies, I am pleased to see that Nikki’s IMDb page shows a handful of upcoming projects that rival those of Ashley Greene. Nikki just seems so much less famewhorey than Ashley, and it’s nice to see verification that Ashley really is mostly hustle (thanks in part to the hardest working publicist in the business) and very little substance. However, poor Nikki gets the shaft as far as BD2 publicity is concerned. While Ashley is getting Marie Claire covers that label here the world’s most beautiful vampire, Nikki receives a tiny little Q&A with Glamour UK on make-up and hair. Still, she says a few mildly interesting things about beauty in this interview:

Nikki Reed

On spoiling herself: “If I was having a pampering night in, I’d put my ridiculous white headband on that lifts all my hair out of my face. Then, first thing’s first, I shave my legs. That’s a special occasion, I’m not the kind of girl that shaves every morning in the shower — I have a special designated bath time, a date with my razor!”

Don’t wash your hair? “My mom’s a hairstylist and she’s always told me ‘don’t over-wash your hair — the less you wash it the better’ so I wash my hair maybe once or twice a week, so I use a lot of dry shampoo.”

She loves oils: “I literally use olive oil on my face. I take olive oil from my kitchen and put it on my face. I promise you can do that. I never wear perfume. My mom never wore it when I was growing up; she only wore oils, like patchouli oil or gardenia oil, so I’ve always used oils too. I do a lot of oils, argon oil, and then a little concealer around my eyes, nose and chin.”

On aging: “I saw I have some wrinkles coming. I’m going to be 25 soon, I’m like, ‘what’s going on, so this is happening now?’ so I’ve started putting a little eye cream on too.”

On make-up: “I’m really simple when it comes to make-up. I like to look like I’m not wearing any make-up. I don’t like it when girls do a full face when they’re going out to lunch. I really just use concealer. I really think it’s important to let young girls know that they do not have to wear a full face of foundation. I love bareMinerals, I love their brushes too.”

On sparkles: “I don’t like sparkles, even though that’s the trend; I haven’t gotten into it yet. I also use Clinique Men’s Tanning Cream for my blush because it stays on all day.”

The best part of filming BD2: “I loved filming scenes with Renesmee. [Mackenzie Foy] is the most professional, adorable little lady. Her parents are great. We became very close. She emails me still weekly!”

[From Glamour]

Nikki really is a beautiful young woman even though she’s fallen for the ombre hair trend in a bad way in these photos. Does anyone else out there advocate dry shampoos? I can’t even imagine only washing my hair once or twice per week because if I don’t do it every day, I look like a walking oil slick. So I have no idea how Nikki gets away with barely washing and still looking this good.

Nikki Reed

Here’s the lone photo that Glamour UK uses to illustrate Nikki’s feature, while Ashley Greene gets all the magazine covers. Ridiculous, right?

Nikki Reed

Photos courtesy of Glamour UK and WENN

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130 Responses to “Nikki Reed, advocate of dry shampoo: “I wash my hair maybe once or twice a week””

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  1. Valerie says:

    I have to wash my hair every day or I will go crazy. I guess my hair is used to it now and if I skip a daY it looks like I’ve dumped oil on my scalp.
    I really like this Nikki girl. She seems genuine.

    • Erinn says:

      I hear you! Mine’s bad. I can maybe go a day and a half without washing if I’m somehow incredibly lucky that day. I do use good shampoo though, so that helps I guess. I love my Moroccan Oil shampoo 🙂

      I also got a sample size of a moroccan oil scalp treatment that’s supposed to help with oily hair. Have yet to try it.

      • Jay says:

        I wash mine once every two days, sometimes once every three. Sure, I have to wear it up on the third day if I go that long without a wash, but for the most part I don’t have any problems. And I don’t use dry shampoos or anything, either (though I’m considering trying some out).

      • Lauren says:

        You mean Argan-oil right? It is indeed amazing. I am Moroccan and I visit Morocco like 5/6 times a year and always come back with like 20 bottles. I tried the Argan oil that’s being sold here (Holland) and it’s not real. It says Moroccan oil but it is fake. Always make sure that the oil is produced in Morocco because the Argan tree doesn’t grow anywhere outside of Morocco. For the ladies that don’t know it.. REAL Argan oil can be very expensive, but it’s absolutely worth it.

    • cecilia says:

      Hair can get used to not being washed so much. The body will produce more oil to make up for the frequent washings, and slow down when it’s not needed. I used to wash mine every day, decided to switch to every other day. There were a couple of bad weeks, but now it’s great. I can go up to 3 days before it starts looking bad.

      • Erinn says:

        I wish I could do that. I honestly can’t go to work looking like I would if I skipped washing. I’d love to be able to… but I just can’t manage it! I know it’d be healthier in the long run.

      • Bec says:

        Um girls. The secret to this is that you are drying out your scalp by washing it too much therefore it is overproducing oil to compensate.
        I have always had hair as long and thick as Nikki’s. I was told a long time ago by a smart stylist to endure a couple of weeks of lots of oil production but only wash your hair once a week and no more. She was right!! After 2 weeks my scalped calmed down and I now can go all week without hardly any oil. Sounds ewwww, I know, so to feel a little cleaner I wash my hair in conditioner every other day just so I feel I have rinsed out any dirt.
        Can’t tell you how healthy my hair is. And if you have it styled it lasts for a week.

      • Ella says:

        I don’t think that’s always true, Bec. Weirdly, I only wash my hair a couple of times a week and that works for me, but if I go off the pill my hair gets so badly greasy I have to wash it everyday. Have I tried going for a week at a time without washing in the hope that everything would balance itself out? You bet, time and time again for about a decade. There are so many factors that affect the condition of your hair, and what works for one person won’t work for another.

    • Eevee says:

      Bec – I used to only wash my hair 1-2x per week as well (long, super thick, coarse) & it was so healthy. Then I started doing triathlons & swim at least 5x/week & therefore have to wash hair just about every day. Needless to say, it isn’t healthy anymore. Actually, my hair has never been worse. 🙁 I’ve tried it all & nothing helps as much as washing less.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        My hair is really long, thick and wavy. I only wash it twice a week with Wen. I don’t have a split end, it doesn’t get greasy and I keep my color a lot longer.

        If I washed it too much or do more heat related stuff to it, it won’t be as healthy and will have split ends. The older I get, the less greasy it is. My 14 yo has to wash almost daily. Hormone fluctuation/age and hair texture have a lot to do with this. My skin is less oily now as well.

        You have to do what works for you and it will change during your life.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        Put a bit of baby powder on your scalp once it starts to get oily. Then you’ll be able to go at least one more day without washing.

      • Riotgrrrl says:

        I have to rinse my hair daily because I play sports and I am pretty active. Try just using a little conditioner. I find that helps.

    • sandy says:

      Once every 4 days for me and if I washed it more than that my long and thick hair would break off! It really depends also on what kind of hair you have. Some people just have more oily hair and skin. I actually wish my hair had more oil, as the money I spend on putting leave in conditioners in my hair is crazy.

  2. Katyusha says:

    She’s beautiful!

    But I can’t do that, either…I have to wash my hair at least every other day; and that’ pushing it.

  3. Brookie says:

    I have the same hair, Bedhead. Very fine, very thin. Also won’t hold a curl to save a life. Just lays there, straight as a pin.

  4. Amy625 says:

    I only wash my hair once a week and use a no sulfate shampoo and conditioner. My hair is healthier now than before. But I don’t think it’s for everybody. Everybody’s hair is different so what works for one person may not work for another.

    • dahlianoir says:

      it really depends on one’s type of hair. Mine is really dry so I can’t wash it more than twice a week or I’ll end up bald. i only use chemical free shampoo (costs an arm but no choice)but no conditionner. My hair gets slowly better.

  5. Brookie says:

    I have the same hair, B. Very fine, very thin. Also won’t hold a curl to save a life. Just lays there, straight as a pin.

  6. Ann says:

    It really does depend on your hair. I can get away with twice a week, but my hair isn’t at all oily and is fairly curly. I’m sure Nikki washes before a photo op however.

    Don’t feel too bad about her on the publicity side. She did manage to maneuver a duet of her and her husband onto the Breaking Dawn soundtrack. And the two of them always seem to be at some event that draws B and C list celebs. She doesn’t come off quite as desperate as Ashley Greene, but girl is still working it.

    Does anyone remember that “give a sh*t” video she did last year? No clue what that was about, but she has made some dumb choices in the past.

    • Liv says:

      Eeeh, I don’t like Nikki Reed. First she used Robert Pattinson for media attention when they were together or had an affair. And now she’s getting her husband everywhere she goes and sings with him at fan conventions – really? Sounds famewhorey to me.

    • marie says:

      I have curly hair too and can get away with washing it once a week, my hair would dry out if it were any more than that-but I still condition it daily..
      Didn’t she help write a movie or something? Did I hear it wrong? I don’t know a whole lot about her..

      • LAR says:

        Exactly. Lots of us with curly hair have to be careful not to over shampoo. I rinse with hot water and condition every day, but only shampoo to wash out product.

      • claire says:

        I was coming here to say I only wash mine once or twice a week as well, based on hairdresser’s advice years ago, but, I also have thick wavy hair. 😉 What is it about wavy hair that makes it easier to do this? Mine also leans towards being dry. Even with putting Moroccan Oil in it often, it never gets ‘oily.’

      • Canda says:

        It seems that the more volume hair has, the easier it is to get away with it. If your hair doesn’t naturally lay flat on your head, it’s not as obvious when it’s a little dirty, and possibly it makes it more difficult for the oil to saturate the strands? I have straight, boring, hangs-on-my-scalp hair that is SO obvious when it’s the slightest bit dirty. Also, like some other posters, I work out daily (usually) and find it to be pretty nasty to leave sweaty junk in my hair, so I kind of have to wash it out. Maybe I SHOULD try to find a good dry shampoo…

    • Bluedog says:

      Hair oil production is based on heredity and hormones, not on how often you wash your hair. Wash it daily or wash it weekly and your scalp is going to produce the same amount of oil.

      Not washing your hair only gives you dirty hair.

  7. Launicaangelina says:

    Yay! Someone else publicly declares rarely washing their hair. I was my hair once or twice a week too but I occasionally use dry shampoo. I have thick hair that’s been dyed and highlighted. If I wash it too much, it gets really dry and splits.

  8. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    Well, I wash my hair on alternate days not everyday. I have long hair reaching my tail bone. I massage my scalp with almond oil the night before I wash my hair. I don’t think washing your hair just once or twice a week will do any good. Your hair become greasy if you don’t wash your hair thrice a week.

  9. L says:

    It really depends alot on your hair type and the person. My bff has stick straight hair to her shoulder blades, and she has to wash her roots everyday or else she’s really oily. I’m a curly and have been told many times by hair people to not wash my hair every day. I also wash with shampoo 2 times a week, although I use conditioner pretty much every day. I have to go about a week without a hair wash for it to get greasy at all. I also wash it after going to the gym.

    Otherwise it ends up frizzy and dry as the natural oils get stripped away. I’m actually willing to bet that she doesn’t wash it before a event. Most hair people want it dirty by a day or two as it’s easier to put up that way.

    • stellalovejoydiver says:

      I have hair like your friend, if I don´t wash it in the morning it looks greasy by the afternoon. My Grandma has dry hair and washes it only once a week, no dry shampoo.
      She also seems to have dry skin, otherwise she wouldn´t get away with using pure olive oil for it, olive oil is also great as a sunscreen.

      • j.eyre says:

        I wanted to get to the olive oil part – is that just a treatment? How often would one use it? I have dry skin.

  10. Chellez says:

    I have curly hair. I don’t shampoo at all.

    I always thought my hair was a frizzy mess of a hair cloud until I did my research several yrs ago. Chemicals like silicone, alcohol and parabens are, I learned, big no no’s for my hair, so you see me scanning ingredients in the beauty section like I’m counting calories!

    Lately in the last 6 months or so, I have started using Dr. Bronner’s mint soap as a shampoo replacement since it’s all natural ingredients and oils. Best thing EVER! I do that once maybe twice a week.

    • poppy says:

      dr bronner’s is so mild you can brush your teeth with it. never tried that, sounds disgusting.
      a nice thing about dr bronner’s (besides the gentleness) is the unscented soap is easy to custom scent.
      terax hair care is gentle and amazing. in the 90s you could find it at sephora etc but online is the best place to purchase it now. always been free of the funky chemicals.
      the documentary @ dr bronner is great and will make you love the company even more than humanly possible. highly recommend.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      I’d like to try Dr. Bronner’s on my hair. I have a similar type to you. Do you need any conditioner after you use it?

  11. Latoya says:

    I sort of wash my hair every other day. Yeah I don’t think I could get away with twice. But if your hair gets used to just twice weekly washing maybe it works. Maybe she uses the oil-cleaning method?
    Don’t like dry shampoo, once tried to use it and accidently breathed it in- urgh! Horrible. Stank as well. Don’t want to put that on my hair- easier just to wash it.

  12. Gm says:

    I love dry shampoo! Washing my hair more than twice a week would be horrible. It takes time and then the blow drying damages my hair.

    • Latoya says:

      You don’t have to blow dry- I just wash and tie it back, if I don’t have time, for me dry shampoo seems more faffy. But that’s my hair 🙂

      • Gm says:

        99% of the time I only have time to shower just before I go to bed and I just can’t sleep with wet, cold hair. ;(

  13. Flea says:

    Does anyone have any tips on how to use dry shampoo that works better? Sounds so simple, just follow the directions, but I can’t seem to make it work! I would like to be able to use it after running or working out so I don’t have to immediately wash my hair, but when I’ve tried it my hair just felt caked & worse than if I just left it alone. I find I skip running and workouts just to avoid having to wash my hair & that’s no bueno either.

    • megs283 says:

      have you tried different brands? Some are so stinky and don’t work in my hair, but I love Rene Furterer…

    • jamminatorr says:

      Brush it out before and after – use a big brush with lots of bristles or a tight comb. You really only need 2-3 sprays directed at the roots or the greasy areas. I wash every other day and use dry shampoo in the in between days.

      Oh – your hair can’t be SOAKING or it will just clump – take it out of your pony tail and shake it out a bit to let it dry a little first.

    • says:

      Don’t buy the pharmacy brands- they are way too heavy and you end up looking and feeling like you dumped a ton of baby powder on your head.

      Rene Furterer is great, although a little pricier but a little goes a long way.

      If you’ve got the budget for it, Oribe makes a great dry shampoo that is combined with a hairspray. Crazy expensive but so worth it.

    • Just Me says:

      Me, too & I wish I could make it happen. I’ve tried & retried the Serge Normant & that stuff is just God awful. It’s like spraying glue into your hair. Then I tried the Lush brand, and it just made my hair look grey, even after brushing and brushing. Thinking about trying the Bumble & Bumble dry shampoo for brown hair. My hair is long, wavy and totally untreated/colored. It’s super shiny and super healthy, but not without much effort. I don’t like putting heat on it b/c it damages it, so I rarely blowdry. Really keen on the idea of fixing it once or twice a week, and wearing that same style for several days. Much less harsh on your hair.

    • heatheradair says:

      As a less-than-once-a-week hair washer, I’ve found that “texturizing sprays” work better than straight-up dry shampoo.

      On the CHEAP end (drugstore range) there’s Salon Grafix Dry Texturizing spray ($7), and at the LOVELY end (salon priced), there’s Oribe dry texturizing spray.

      They both combine *some* hold, some dry-shampoo qualities, and some VOLUME, definitely.

      Best trick I learned: hold your arm as FAR away from your scalp as you can when you spray — it’s easy to end up with a concentrated blast all in one spot, but if you get “hairdresser distance” from your roots and then mist, you get the product distributed the way it was meant to be — in a finer concentration.

      Oribe gets my vote — and smells INCREDIBLE.

    • Sweet Dee says:

      1. Purchase the spray kind in your hair color, not just a white dry shampoo. You might as well throw baby pow on your roots if you get that kind.
      2. Make sure hair is DRY.
      3. Hold can far from hair.
      4. Use as little as possible.

      I wash my hair 3X/week, on days when I don’t work out or only do a light cardio day, because I sweat like a whore in church when I work out and it’s gross not to wash that out.

      I use Wen conditioning shampoo unless I need a deeper clean, in which case I use Dove. My hair can handle the cheaper shampoo because it is completely undyed, but when I was dying it I needed expensive salon shampoo.

      I am a dry shampoo LOVER!

    • Laura says:

      I use Umberto Beverly Hills Dry Clean from Target and it’s AWESOME. I run 50 miles a week, I’m a bartender (sounds out of nowhere but trust me, we sweat a lot), and I only wash my hair twice a week. Plus you don’t need to brush the crap out of your hair after using it. It ‘fluffs’ out. And it doesn’t have any odor at all.

  14. Bubbling says:

    I think it’s the American thing, honestly I’ve never washed my hair more than twice a week ever in my life…maybe it’s just me?

    • Micki says:

      Nope, It’s not just you.

      I expect an outcry of indignation but she sounds like thousands of girls (I imagine even in US) that don’t razor everyday and wash hair twice a week. It depends actually what kind of hair you ave. Oily one won’t give you rest but washing it all too often makes it even oilier.

      • Sassy says:

        This is a tip from a well known hairdresser: Shampoo the hair only once. If you do two soapings it strips the natural oil from your hair. For those with oily hair – I have found that hair spray keeps my hair from getting oily. I use Elnet by Loreal – $14.99 per can but worth it. Target carries it. It used to be available only in Europe.

  15. Mary says:

    When I read the part about being 25, I thought to myself, no effing way. I actually had to look it up to believe it. For some reason I thought she was in her thirties, or at the very least older than me (28). Maybe it’s her look or her personality, but to me she really seems older.
    I could never get away with washing my hair only a couple days a week. I wish I could though.

  16. Lizzie says:

    That has honestly scared the living crap out of me.

    • Victoria says:

      I’m 30 and am noticing the lines coming in. But I’m chalking it up to my bad vision so I don’t “see them”. Denial is my BFF
      Yea my makeup artist friend says in your 20s is the best time to start anti aging prevention like eye cream

      • says:

        I’m 34 and don’t see that many lines yet- maybe teeny tiny ones around the eyes. I use a TON of moisturizer (seriously, it’s ridiculous how much I moisturize), eye cream, sunscreen, and wear sunglasses is there is even just a hint of sun (prevents me from squinting)

        Don’t know if it truly makes a difference but that’s what I am sticking with!

      • Micki says:

        It may work for you and it may not.I was getting crazy about my eyes getting wrinkles and creamed like mad for years.I don’t notice a change at all. Then 4 months ago I’ve read an article about the effectiveness of cosmetic products: virtually none. Most of them work on the first 1-3 mm skin and have a placebo effect on your conciousness. You’ve done smth.good, you “maintained” ets. Without make-up you look your age regardless.

        The team of dermatologists and surgeons and God knows who else agreed that if you want to have an youthful face there’s no way around profecional help.

      • Ann says:

        Also: don’t smoke. Smoking ages skin tremendously.

    • Just Me says:

      I think it depends on your genes, as well as how early you start taking care of your skin. I grew up in the South, where it’s sunny & warm most of the year, and being tan is the norm. I moved away at 22 and have been in much colder, overcast climates since (6 years in Europe). I started with the skincare at 23 and now at 33, I do see wrinkles, but they aren’t nearly as pronounced as many other people I know back home. I’ve been doing a series of chemical peels in the winter for the past 3 years, so I’m sure that helps. But yes, if you’re particularly observant, you can start seeing the formation of wrinkles in your twenties. They don’t just pop up over night. Much like if you pay attention in the Summer, you can tell that the leaves don’t just start turning in the fall. The process begins much earlier than that with a slight color change starting to happen then.

    • Eleonor says:

      I am Italian, and I have friends, very fond of sunbathing, that have started having wrinkles in their 20’s, so yes it’s perfectly possible.

    • mercy says:

      It depends on the person, how much sun damage they get, if they smoke or drink, etc. Thicker, oilier skin is less prone to fine lines. I’ve read that Retinol is one of the few products that actually has a long term impact on wrinkles, by exfoliating and changing the cellular structure of skin.

      • Sassy says:

        Try Alpha Hydrox. Sold on line on their website. Used to be at drugstores. I have used it for almost 20 years and it really works. It is an exfoliant – keeps your skin fresh. Use any cream you prefer after using the Alpha Hydrox.

  17. Shitler says:

    I feel bad for this chick. I think she’s very talented & intelligent. Didn’t she write the screen play for that movie “Thirteen”? I think she just needs that perfect script to give her career a boost

  18. RuddyZooKeeper says:

    Looks like she may have naturally wavy hair, and that sometimes means your hair and scalp are dry. I’m a Curly Girl, too, and unlike my grease-head husband, scalp oil buildup doesn’t start to appear until after 4-5 days. I used to shampoo sometimes twice a day (gym) but often ended up straightening my hair because of the horrible frizziness. My similarly tressed sis gifted me the book “Curly Girl” that preaches to never use shampoos on dry, curly hair–rather, cleanse by massaging conditioners and other home blends of things like oils, oatmeals, stuff like that into your scalp and hair. I’ve not been able to totally give up at least a weekly shampoo, but overdoing it on the shampoo was definitely the cause of my frizz and straw-hair-syndrome.

    Now that the infomercial is over …

    I’m kind of curious to try about a couple of her skin ideas. Interesting, and not just the regular “I drink special H2O and sleep 10 hours every night” Hollywood beauty tips.

    • Chris says:

      I never use shampoo. Just silicone-free conditioner and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my hair. I also quit using soap on my face and just use oils to cleanse it. SHOCKINGLY, my face went from super oily to almost dry!!

      • Eleonor says:

        Me too!!!
        Silicon-free conditioner, and after I use tiarè oil, because I have dry hair. When I go to hairstylist (to get a good cut) they always remain surprised when I tell them what I do.
        For my face Karité oil, and an Aleppo soap.

      • heatheradair says:

        I’m an oil cleanser for my face, too. Best skin-clearing thing I’ve EVER done. Face feels baby-soft (I had a dry-skin problem, so I loaded avocado oil in with my castor oil blend), and my flakes are gone.

        ALSO — great way to remove eye makeup.

        Aside from ditching shampoo, cleaning with oil is my beauty discovery of the decade, definitely…..

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        Me too, I use dry oil with retinols and my skin is fabulous with this stuff. Much less oily than when before!

      • Dana M says:

        Which silicone free shampoo do you use? Thanks for The tip!

      • Chris says:

        I use whatever cheap conditioner I can find that doesn’t have any “-cones” in the ingredients. My current favorite is Suave Naturals Rosemary + Mint. (V05 was awful) My hair is in so much better shape than when I used Joico or Pureology. ?!? I also like to make a baking soda past and scrub my scalp with it, rinse, then spritz with vinegar and distribute, rinse. Makes my hair super shiny. Google “oil cleansing method” for the face.

        Heattheradair, it really is one of the best beauty discoveries. I’m amazed at how well it works, and I feel much better knowing I’m not putting all sorts of chemical stuff on my face.

  19. Andrea says:

    She was really badass in Thirteen!!

  20. Ashlee says:

    I don’t wash my hair more than once a week and sometimes I wait longer if I’m lazy. I have VERY thick hair that’s not too oily. My hair actually looks its best on the 3rd or 4th day. If I wait more than a week (rare) or have a really sweaty gym session, I will use lavender scented baby powder instead of dry shampoo. Essentially the same only cheaper.

  21. Alexis says:

    Depends on your hair type basically. Good on her for doing what makes sense for her hair type. I wash my hair once a week because it is naturally curly and dry, my boyfriend has to wash his hair every day because it he has straight, limp hair that really does gets greasy after a day or so. My hair only gets gross at the 1.5 week point.

  22. Lucrezia says:

    I quit the shampoo a year ago and my horrible dry frizz is now nice natural curls.

    I wash with conditioner about once a week, otherwise I just scrub vigorously with water. (Just standing under the water doesn’t work, you do have to do the scrubbing/washing motions as if you were shampooing.)

  23. Sandy says:

    I have really bad dandruff, hereditary, so I’d love to get away with washing it less often but really can’t get away with it. There’s also something about Japanese brand shampoos that my hair loves, maybe it’s the tsubaki oils and silk protein, but anyway they’re a wonder.

    • lena80 says:

      Try a few drops of pure tree tea oil in your conditioner to help with your dandruff. I wouldn’t do it everyday though..tea tree oil is very potent and has a strong scent

      • G. says:

        I have the same problem, and I’ve actually been told to try Listerine. Sounds weird, but I’m desperate so I’m trying it out.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        I second the tea tree oil. I put 8-10 drops in my son’s shampoo (because there was a head lice outbreak in his school, and tea tree oil is said to prevent head lice). Anyway, I noticed he hasn’t had dandruff since. His case was very mild, but it’s no longer there. I’m not sure why it would work considering tea tree oil drys blemishes up, do you’d think it would dry out your scalp. Lifes great mysteries!

      • heatheradair says:

        Listerine totally works. I put some in a little spray bottle and spritz my scalp before I wash my hair (let it “sit” there awhile. Strangely, it doesn’t dry out my scalp, but it works better than prescription treatments I’ve used….).

        ALSO — and this sounds off-the-wall: try WASHING your hair with baking soda. Make a paste, work it into your scalp. It’s like an exfoliation for your head — AND, hair feels squeaky-clean!

        Swear by that……

      • Sisi says:

        rosemary oil is also an option. It helped with my dandruff

      • Chris says:

        I love baking soda paste, but even with scrubbing my scalp tends to get build-up.

        Looking forward to trying either tea tree oil or Listerine. Thanks for posting these!

  24. Jillian says:

    I only use shampoo once or twice a week, but I get it wet and use conditioner every day or every other. My hair is long and very wavy, and I have to get it wet for the curls to look right and not be frizzy.

  25. teehee says:

    Well the more you wash it, the greasier it will get because it strips the oils, so better to leave them in longer than a day and then it wont turn greasy so fast or so often.
    I no longer use shampoo period, I do the whole baking powder/acv thing, and that has been the best idea yet. My hair stays cleaner even longer and is no longer so beat up by the harsh shampoos.
    I used to only ash my hair 2 times a week but now I can also go for once a week and usually will not need a dry shampoo at all.
    I do have one, though, and its not a bad thing to have handy.

    Ah I should add that I also have lots of hair and its semi wavy, so I also have issues with frizz and drying. I can thin my hair maybe 5 tmies in a row to get it to look like other peoples hair.

    • SusieQ2 says:

      Teehee, what’s the baking powder/acv thing?

      • teehee says:

        Using baking powder/soda as wash, (a base) and using ACV or plain vinegar, as a conditioner (acid).
        Each of them needs to be mixed intolarge amounts of water and applied very dilute, of course– if you look it up “no poo”, there are many sites devoted to the concept.

    • Mrs. O says:

      I second the baking soda / acv regime! I’ve been doing it for five months and my long hair is thick and healthy like I’ve never seen it before!

  26. Bayarealife says:

    My hair grows more, the less I do to it. I wash 2 times a week. If I feel inadequate about that I’ll do a co-wash(just conditioner). My hair looks best the day after a wash. I have a dry scalp so its best to give it time to produce natural oils. What works is wholly individual so there’s really no debate. I personally feel its too much stress on the hair to wash n condition everyday followed by blowdrying and a flat iron.

  27. Lipsy says:

    Question… doesn’t your hair smell?!? I take shower every morning, not at night, because I find that you smell a little after you wake up, even though you just took shower right before bed. Do you guys just put on a showercap and take another shower for the body only? Maybe I’m just an extra stinky person?!? 🙁

    Also, is there anybody with long, fine, straight hair who can share their experience with not washing every day with dry shampoo? Thank you!

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      I wash my hair every other day but I shower twice a day (it’s one of my many “things”) I wear a shower cap when I am not washing my hair.

    • The Original Tiffany says:

      I shower daily. I just put it in a cap. I’m not an advocate of not bathing, just not washing your hair daily. Since it doesn’t get oily, it doesn’t smell. I put Morrocan oil in it every other day.

      Think of what a shirt that is laundered a hundred times looks like compared to a new shirt. Washing does the same thing to your hair. If you have long hair, this can be an issue. I don’t even blow dry or use heat tools very much.

  28. SusieQ2 says:


    Poor Rob 🙁

  29. EmmaStoneWannabe says:

    Not nearly as shocking as reading Adele’s tidbit to Glamour: ”I only wash it with water,” she told Glamour . “Last night I washed my hair with shampoo for the first time in two months!” I mean..woah!

  30. DorothyZbornak says:

    I used to wash mine every day, and now I only do it once or twice a week. I started by going down to every other day and after a bit, the grease decreased enough that I could space it out even further. I use dry shampoo and the last day or two before washing I usually have a ponytail or bun, so it works well for me. But, I have very thick hair, so I think my hair type is a big reason I can get away with doing it. Less washing has made my hair healthier and it helps my hair color to last longer, too.

  31. Laura says:

    My hair is super thin so I stopped washing it every day because I feel like I’m losing a lot of hair every time I wash. I’ve noticed that it really isn’t that greasy. I wash every other day, but sometimes I find myself washing more frequently than I’d like to because I work out a lot. So maybe I do need to try this dry shampoo. Can anyone recommend a brand??

    • The Original Tiffany says:

      I’ve used a few and surprisingly I like Suave. It is the cheapest one too.

      I don’t use them often, but I use it on my daughter’s hair if we are traveling and she has to goo more than a day or two. Smells nice too.

  32. happyhat says:

    I like how most of these comments are more interested in how often we wash our hair, rather than Nikki Reed.

    All we really want to do is talk about our hair!

  33. DeltaJuliet says:

    I washed my hair every day for ever and ever. Last year I started washing it every other day, and when I wash I use WEN. I have always hated my hair but now I finally don’t hate it (I don’t love it either, but that’s my own “thing”. It’s definitely thicker than it has been since before I had my kids, and its down to the middle of my back, which it hasn’t been in forever. My hair is also color treated. I’d like to go another day in between but I haven’t gotten that brave yet.

  34. QQ says:

    That doesn’t sound odd to me but I’ve got curly curly chemically treated hair, my black gfs owned a hair salon and told me years ago we are NOT supposed to wash all that often and it has made a world of difference (dominicans are kinda hair/salon obsessed so this whole leave it be thing was new to me) my hair looks even better post workouts etc

    When i do wash (every two weeks) i wash with Conditioner and peppermint oil… Is better for the hair

  35. themummy says:

    I have hair that is 3/4 of the way down my back. I wash it twice a week, and the rest of the time I just use conditioner from about chin length to the end of my hair. My hair looks so healthy.

    It was oily at first, but that’s because we strip our hair/scalp of natural oils every time we shampoo, so when we stop shampooing the oil comes back like crazy, overcompensating. It doesn’t last long, though. I can get by washing my hair once a week and it looks shiny, healthy, and still smells really good, too (from the conditioner, probably). It’s so much better for your hair…I recommend it!

    I also only use body art quality henna to color my hair, and natural (vegan!) body and hair products.

  36. teehee says:

    Seems the concensus is against washing daily 😉 Interesting about usign just water or conditioner in between– I thought that would leave my hair dirty– I’ll have to try that once 🙂

  37. Jess says:

    I am a runner. I run at least three miles every day, and on weekends, I go for five or more. No way I could come in from a run and not wash my hair. Blech!

  38. Christina says:

    She’s pretty but looks way older than 25.

    As for not washing hair often, if you have thick hair, you can probably get away with only washing it once a week and using dry shampoo in between. I have really fine hair which I have to wash every other day, and if I want it to look really good, I have to wash it every day.

  39. m says:

    When the question of how she feels about sparkles came up, I had a brain freeze and thought they were talking about Pattinson.

  40. Vicki says:

    My stylist told me not to wash my hair everyday, so I use dry shampoos as well. Washing every day strips color and dries out the ends of my hair. Since I color every four weeks (gray roots!) I like to keep my color looking nice and not faded. I do wash my hair, though, two to three times a week.

    • claire says:

      I only wash my hair a couple times a week, and also use several types of conditioning oils, since my hair is thick and on the dry side. I also have to color my roots, and I hate how much more this is drying out my hair. One thing I’ve found that has helped, besides using conditioning oils, is Dr. Liggett’s bar shampoo. I LOVE that stuff. It’s really helped soften up my hair. I think I’ll check out dry shampoos, too, just for the fun of it.

  41. Isa says:

    This may be a stupid question. Let me say first that I understand about stripping oils and your body producing more. But wouldn’t it be better for your hair to produce more? Imagine how dry it gets when you’re old.
    Not only does my hair get greasy but it just seems dirty with skin and dirt and whatnot. And smelly from sweating in my sleep.

  42. Linda says:

    Omg I have the same routine as Nikki! My hair is super thick so I can get away with washing it every 2 to 3 days. Except I don’t use a dry shampoo.

  43. TG says:

    I find Nikki so sexy and wonder why they made her look so horrible in the Twilight movies. She is so much more attractive than the cast as a whole and has that special aura about her that the others lack. Too bad she settled down with a huge downgrade it sort of takes points away from her hotness.

  44. anon says:

    Jessica Simpson for years has been a dry shampoo advocate. I myself am an EX hairdresser & reccomend it.

  45. blonde on the dock says:

    Use a charcoal filter on your showerhead. It removes all of the chlorine and harsh minerals. Also, don’t color your hair. Worst thing you can do. Damages your scalp and then you end up with thin hair.

    • bokchoi says:

      Thank you on the “don’t dye it” opinion! I thought i was the only person around anymore who thinks that way. I did it once or twice in high school but havent done it again since (20+ years) and I dont regret it at all. No constant maintenance of the color, and I am the only woman I know my age without a single gray hair.

  46. anon33 says:

    I have thick, dry, wavy hair that is almost “ethnic.” I am white for the record but my hair is highlighted, super thick, frizzy/wavy/curly, and wiry. Stylists have always told me to wash only once a week and to use baby powder or dry shampoo in between to counteract smells retained in the hair etc. I have done this for years now and my hair never gets oily.
    I use Living Proof No Frizz shampoo and conditioner and if at all possible I let my hair air dry. I even use Ojon leave-in treatment oil, plus hydrating styling cream after I wash, and my hair does not get oily or dirty in between washings. With this shampoo and conditioner I can FINALLY let my hair air dry, and it dries down to soft, “beachy” waves. I cannot say enough about that shampoo and conditioner, it has TRANSFORMED my hair.
    I think it definitely depends on the type of hair you have. My BFF has naturally medium-thick, glossy, non-frizzy hair (that bitch, LOL) and she has to shampoo every other day or she gets oily.
    My sister, on the other hand, has the EXACT same hair as me, but she washes and blow drys/flat irons every day (against my strenuous advice) and consequently, she has thick tufts of frizz and dryness throughout her hair that are refractory to any styling products. I’ve told her repeatedly not to wash and heat treat so frequently but she doesn’t listen.

    • blonde on the dock says:

      I use Living Proof as well. Amazing shampoo and conditioner. I’ve used Kerastase for years but prefer the Living Proof brand.

  47. ssa says:

    In my teens, when I would wash myy hair everyday, it would be grasy right away also. Then I college I started washing it every other day and my hair got used to it and now I I wash my hair twice or thrice a week and people compliment my hair all the time. I am the world’s number 1 advocate for dry shampoo haha

  48. mercy says:

    How does this work if you work up a sweat exercising on a regular basis? Or use any styling product? I would think a build up would be inevitable (and smelly), even with the dry shampoo, but I’ve never tried them.

    My stylist recommends product to give my (thick, but stick straight) hair shine and deal with flyaways, but everything I’ve tried looks oily by the end of the day and I have to wash it out.

    My routine is to put conditioner on the ends while it’s dry and brush through with a natural bristle brush before shampooing with a gentle or no-sulfate shampoo. I was using an expensive shampoo with no sulfates , but ran out one day and tried a citrus shampoo from Trader Joes; I don’t know if it has sulfates, but it turned out to clean better and be less drying than the expensive one (I still buy expensive conditioners; the cheaper ones I’ve tried don’t do the job or leave too much build up on straight hair.)

    When I go swimming, I make sure my hair is damp and conditioned before hitting the water so it doesn’t absorb more chemicals or salts.

    • mercy says:

      The latest ‘Best of Beauty’ issue of Allure has a few dry shampoo recommendations.

      Aveeno ‘Pure Renewal’ Dry Shampoo

      Lush ‘No Drought’ Dry Shampoo

      Redken ‘Powder Refresh’ 01

      Serge Normant recommends applying dry shampoo by misting on the underside (head upside down) to prevent hair from looking matte and dull.

      There’s also news about a new product called KhairPep that will be coming out later this year. It will contain a peptide that mimics fragments of natural hair protein and is able to permeate hair fibers, strengthening damaged hair. Bleaching can cause hair to become 60% weaker. Yikes!

      A stylist friend of mine recommends Biotin and MSM supplements (vitamins) to strengthen hair.

  49. Katija says:

    Rarely shampooing is really great if you have hair that is dry or very fine. For thick oily-haired girls, sulfate-free is the way to go.

    What a TERRIBLE picture they picked of her… and I say that with love, as I’ve thought she was gorgeous since Thirteen. (Although, WHY they picked a dark Mediterranean girl to play an ivory-skinned blonde, I’ll never know.) In this picture it looks like she just arrived here from a war-torn third world country and is seeing fancy products for the first time. “Serrrr-um? Is that how your people call this?”

  50. G says:

    I wash my curls every other day MIXED CHICKS…know it, use it and love it.

  51. Abby says:

    I’ve got curly hair (got the brazilian blowout a few years ago and get one about once a year now) and I used to go 5 days without shampooing. With curly hair I’d just style it different ways until I really needed to wash it. I usually wore it curly because straightening would be a three hour ordeal.

    I used to get flakes no matter if I washed every day or not, and my hair is healthier all around with less washing because it’s very dry. I was diagnosed with psoriasis earlier this year–on the scalp–so all the years of thinking I had dandruff was actually psoriasis! Now i wash every three days with a topical shampoo for my skin condition, a sulfate free brazilian blowout shampoo and follow with a BB masque. My hair really seems to like the 3-day period between washing. It’s really healthy now and rarely looks oily.

    I’ve always wondered how people could wash and dry their hair every day. It’s an hour-long process for me JUST for hair. Much less everything else- another 45 min. Who has that much time every day to get ready? I’m really glad I don’t have to wash my hair every day.

  52. Skipper says:

    Holy crap… SHE wrote 13 ?

    I thought that was so so so stupid for her to write when she was 15, like she was so much more grown than she was two years prior.

  53. LouLou says:

    I cannot imagine washing my hair more than twice a week. I can often go a whole week with washing it just once, but usually I wash it after 4 – 5 days. I have tons of long curly hair though, which doesn’t get very oily at all. I am curious about dry shampoo now.

  54. Janet says:

    Those of us with black hair (black as in ethnic) should never shampoo more than once a week as black hair tends to be very dry and more frequent washing will strip the oils. I wash mine once a week and rub in pure jojoba oil while it’s still damp. Jojoba oil is the best thing in the world for dry hair and it’s also superb for your face.

  55. Kat says:

    Yeah, I’m in the camp with the gals that can’t wash it more than twice a week. I also have really thick, wavy hair – I have to keep it at least shoulder-length or I look like a lion, and if I wash it too often throughout the week it looks BAD.

  56. Kat says:

    No Poo!!! 3 years now & always get complements!

    Argon Oil = da bomb

  57. muppet_barbershop says:

    I have wavy but not curly white-girl hair. I only wash my hair once or twice a week because it is dry, and because otherwise it curls up less. Ever since I started doing this maybe 6 or 7 years ago, I have been so comparatively happy. Previously, the ends split and broke a lot more quickly, and the conditioner I had to use to attempt to amend the drying weighted it down too much, making it listless-looking when I tried to crunch it.

  58. Allie May says:

    Nikki Reed is beautiful! I have heard her say only positive words and good things about her coworkers. Let’s hope this talented actress gets a chance to shine more in the movies.

  59. Lisa says:

    She probably has hair that is on the dry side. Usually people with soft, fine hair have a noticeable oil issue. I have coarse, wavy hair so I can go without washing my hair every four to five days without it looking or smelling too oily. To be honest I love giving myself a good scalp massage when my hair is oily! That sounds kind of gross… but it feels so nice, haha.