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17 Responses to “Gisele Says Some Have The Genes & Family, Others Turn to Anorexia”

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  1. celebitchy says:

    Viv, thanks for this great article. I hear what you are saying about it trivializing the problem. I have heard Gisele credit her figure to lots of exercise, so I don’t know why she’s saying this. In the China Daily article, though, it doesn’t come off as harsh. She’s basically saying that it’s the family’s responsibility to make sure young women aren’t anorexic. I don’t agree with her, but it makes sense to me why someone would think that and I don’t find it offensive. She also said some women are naturally thin, and I have heard that before from models. It is a sensitive topic and these women need to stop being rewarded for such severely thin bodies so that it is not seen as the ideal for others.

  2. Bex says:

    I would say the percentage of naturally thin ppl.. like, crazy thin.. is extremely small. Not enough to fulfill the needs of the modeling industry, that’s for sure. But, I can’t say I disagree about her statement about families, who you are starts with where you come from.

  3. disco says:

    is this Gisele person actually qualified to make such a comment on a disorder associated with mind issues?

  4. Cookie Monster says:

    Yeah, what a BEACH.

    I mean, I can’t help that cultural pressures cause me to eat bags and bags of cookies at a time.


  5. Jenna says:

    Gisele wants to know who that bitch in the red tank top is, and why does she insist on being in her photo op? Doesn’t she know she doesn’t have the right genes to be in a picture?

    Considering the amount of work Gisele has had done, she needs to shut her trap. Natural beauty my ass.

  6. countrybabe says:

    I agree with you Bex, I didn’t read what she said becasue it seemed crazy. Parents can’t be blamed for everything their kids do. If she had a good family great. I’ve heard her say this before. She does have a great body, better than anybody in the industry. But I don’t think weight has that much to do with genes. She should read medical articles before she speaks. It has mostly to do with physical activity.
    Some people don’t eat-that part is true.

  7. disco says:

    Anorexics can come from very stable and loving backgrounds so one cannot blame an upbringing.

    The disease stems from personal view point of what is ideal body shape.. which can be interpretated from every day media images.

  8. Fabiola says:

    Genes, my tush!
    What about her boob job and nose job?
    Yes, some peole are naturally thin (sigh…not me) but very few are naturally skin and bones.

  9. cc says:

    Gisele is right. She does have the genes! So many girls starve themselves that AREN’T models and it does have to do with the pressures of society but if you have a strong family with a loving foundation, it is highly unlikely you will fall into the trap of meaningless, superficial obsessions like being stick thin!

  10. FF says:

    I find it hard to believe that a stable family is going to stop you having an eating disorder or distorted body image, although I can understand it having an effect on your self esteem. But, seriously, how can the most stable family in the world compete with the marketing of thin women in general? They’re everywhere, on billboards, on tv, on public transport, you name it.

    You’d seriously have to be living in the Antartic to escape it.

    I’m getting tired of models pulling the ‘genes’ excuse out of their asses. They know it’s not true. I agree exactly with Bex, there are a very small percentage of naturally thin people out there and even then not all of them have the aesthetics to be models – or hell, the height. You might be able to argue that there are enough natural thinnies out there but not that there are enough natural thinnies of the right height, age, aesthetic and bone structure.

    And if models are ‘naturally thin’ then why do so many of them smoke, do coke, starve themselves? Do they think we’re stupid when they trot out this tired old excuse or do they actually believe their own bull?

    btw, I agree, with the amount of work Gisele’s had done, she should stfu about genes and crap. No one would give a rats behind about her if she hadn’t had the nose and boob jobs.

    ps – wasn’t there a time when Gisele’s weight dropped really, really low a few years back? She looked anorexic herself back then (as in about 14lbs or more under the pictured weight), I wonder what her excuse was then?

  11. just me says:

    She is skin and bones. She has no breast or butt. A hot body has curves. She has to move from side to side to achieve that look in pics. She is not pretty either.

  12. frewtloop says:

    She’s entitled to her opinion……

    …no matter how FUCKING STUPID it may be.

  13. Caz says:

    I come from a very stable, loving family and ended up with a serious drug habit for several years. I thankfully kicked it 12 yrs ago with my family’s help but my background didnt stop me from trying drugs or ending up weighing 87 lbs / 39 kgs. I can happily say I now weight a lot more! 🙂

  14. Athena says:

    I was moreinterested in seeing the dogs in the picture.

  15. alexi says:

    Caz thx for sharing. Right back at u. She is full of crap. She has to be NOT EATING I mean look at her physique. OK, so she is bullimic, not anorexic and or taking riddlin and or whatever whatever. I used to work in the industry and honestly I have never met women who are NATURALLY that thin. They super exercise, don’t eat etc. Look at Carolina Reston and the other S American model…….the only real model was Isabella Rosselini who had a traditional body (god bless her)

  16. Diana says:

    Hey Jenna, “that bitch in the red tank top” is Leonardo’s (Di Caprio) mother. I’ve seen those pics in many mags saying the same thing : Gisele and Leo’s mother!!!

  17. Mia says:

    So what if Giselle had some work done? (What I doubt. I’ve been following her carreer since she started and I don’t think she had any work done). I bet you all didn’t have some yet, probably, because you didn’t have the money to do so.