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11 Responses to “Will the Oscars be as boring as they were last year?”

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  1. Ginny says:

    Jon Stewart was the ONLY reason the Oscars were worth watching. Hollywood just hated him because he lampooned them in their biggest glittering night of the year. He was great. The rest of the show was too long. He can’t control the endless categories and nods to this person, and this person, and on and on.

  2. KolbyC says:

    I agree that Jon Stewart was great last year. I am pissed that Children of Men didn’t get much love, and seriously, who gives a crap about Dreamgirls? I heard it’s cinematic refuse.

  3. neelyo says:

    They always blame the host. There won’t be a large audience this year and they’ll blame Ellen, but the truth of it is that there are no blockbuster pictures up for awards. Wasn’t the last well rated Oscar telecast the year TITANIC won? Sadly, nobody cares about quality films anymore. I’ll bet the People’s Choice Awards beats them out every year and I believe their best film this year was Adam Sandler’s latest opus, CLICK. This country makes me so sad sometimes.

  4. Bex says:

    Why is Jon Stewart orange?

  5. hamlet says:

    Yes it’s true last years academy awards sucked and they will suck this year too.

  6. Vern says:

    Who’s hosting this year?

  7. Chris X says:

    Yes it will suck – Fat Face Leo – give him a damn oscar so he goes the hell away for once. No Brad, no Matt, no Ben, no Jack – only Weaselface Wahlberg. Boring Dreamgirls with Eddie Murphy doing the same crap he did on SNL like 100 years ago. And let us all fall all over Jennifer Hudson and than see who remembers her in two years. At least Prune Face Jolie can go to visit Starvin Marvin that night and not have to get bored with another awards show. And of course, Fat Ass Lopez will drag the Skeleton out to walk the Red carpet again. Too boring.

  8. CupcakeMagee says:

    In my opinion, the only reason the Oscars sucked last year was John Stewart.

    I don’t watch the Oscars to see some snarky fellow mock the people who are there to be honored. I’m watching for the people and the films, not political humor or wacky pundentry. I’m ecstatic that Ellen is hosting this year, after suffering through Chris Rock (Blegh. Horrible and not funny.) and John Stewart (Yes, you’re sarcastic. We get it. Now shut up…) it seems like I’ll finally be able to enjoy both the show and the host this year. The Oscar’s are not a celebrity roast and shouldn’t be treated as such.

  9. Fabiola says:

    “Ecstatic” that Ellen is hosting? Well, Cupcake, I’m glad you have something to look forward to. What an exciting life you must lead.

  10. kailie2 says:

    I love Jon Stewart and yes, Hollywood takes itself too seriously. The Oscars are always so predictable, it’s refreshing to see an unexpected win like Brody back in 2003 but those are few and far between. I’m sick and tired of seeing the same people nominated over and over.. it’s just laziness and buzz, the nominees are the same from one award to another. Gosling deserves his spot but Mark Wahlberg? Nothing special to his performance at all and Brad was much more moving in Babel. I loved that movie, I hope it wins.

  11. Timperament says:

    Click is up for a makeup award according to imdb….lol….I love seeing what mid level, critically unsucessful or barely memorable movies gain nominations in minor categories.

    Still, Pans Labyrinth will pwn that category.