Is Nicole Kidman “jealous” of Naomi Watts for getting an Oscar nom this year?

Have you ever idly wondered, “Is Nicole Kidman secretly a Mean Girl?” While Modern Nicole seems to be all about girl-power and finding strength in womanity and having lots of girlfriends… there’s always been a nagging suspicion – at least for me! – that Nicole is only pro-Woman when she gets to be the top dog. I get the same feeling about Oprah too, by the way. They’re all about empowering women just as long as women know that Oprah and Nicole are at the top of the power heap. So, during this awards season in which Nicole made a big play for an Oscar nomination (for her peeing-on-Efron role in The Paperboy) only to get denied, how does Nicole feel about her Aussie BFF Naomi Watts scoring yet another Best Actress nomination? How many does this make for Naomi? Two Oscar nominations – compared to Nicole’s three noms (and one win). So Nicole is still Top Dog. So why the Girl Drama?

Who needs enemies when you have friends like these? Naomi Watts will appear in an upcoming CBS Oscar segment to help with her Oscar campaign for Best Actress in “The Impossible” — and her best frenemy, Nicole Kidman, is refusing to participate.

Producers wanted Kidman to speak in a quick “five-minute” segment set to air on the network before the Academy Awards on Feb. 24. It was in discussion to be filmed with “60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan and focuses on Watts’ dramatic turn in “The Impossible.”

“She declined,” snipes our insider. “Clearly she’s not inclined to help her friend because she’s jealous she’s not in this year’s Oscar’s spotlight.”

Kidman was a Supporting Actress nominee for her role in “The Paperboy” at the Screen Actors Guild awards in January, while Watts also gained a nod there for Leading Actress. Neither stunner took home the award, however, losing to Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence, respectively.

While an insider close to Kidman insists that the reason she couldn’t plug her pal on “60 Minutes” had nothing to do with a case of sour grapes, producers aren’t buying it. “She couldn’t do it because of her schedule,” says the source. “It was a last-minute thing. Nicole and Naomi are best friends.”

But the source also took a swipe at Watts, saying that without Kidman, the segment is no longer important: “Not sure of the length or importance of it now without Nicole agreeing to it.”

Our original insider with knowledge of the segment isn’t backing down, however. “It was a ‘no’ right off the bat [for Nicole.] She could have made time if it was a priority,” says the source.

The two Aussie actresses, who walked the red carpet arm in arm, wearing similar black dresses, at the recent Producers Guild of America Awards, certainly seemed to have put on a united front.

“We’ve been looking for a movie to do together for a long time now. But both of us have … picky tastes. It has to be the right thing,” Watts told E! last week. They acted together in the 1991 film “Flirting.” “Somebody think of something, please!” Kidman jokingly pleaded to E!.

Both just finished films as two of the world’s most famous women. Kidman will star as Grace Kelly in “Grace of Monaco”; Watts will appear as the princess in “Diana.”

A spokeswoman for Kidman declined to comment. A spokesman for Watts did not return a request for comment by deadline.

[From the NYDN]

Ugh, I forgot that both Nicole and Naomi are doing those high-profile bio-pics. I think both of those films are going to suck. Botox McGee playing Princess Grace? NO. Naomi as Princess Diana? NO. As for the Lady Feud… I don’t know. I’m sure it was something that Nicole could have easily made time for, but I also wonder if Naomi’s people are behind this report, and if it’s the smartest move? It sounds so whiny! Call me naïve, but I do think Nicole wants her friend to succeed and have a great career… just not as great as Nicole’s.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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40 Responses to “Is Nicole Kidman “jealous” of Naomi Watts for getting an Oscar nom this year?”

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  1. allons-y alonso says:

    Kidman looks like a ginger Barbie plastic face and all.

  2. pretty says:

    LoL Her hair looks soooo fried and her hair-style makes her look like she has a lego-shaped head. hahahaahah or spongebob head..

  3. flor says:

    I call this BS! Nicole has always been supportive. Even when Nicole was huge in the ’90s and Naomi wasn’t, she told Naomi to keep fighting that her day was going to arrive and then she was cast in Mulholland and the rest is history. I don’t think she is jealous of Naomi.

    • brin says:

      ITA. And Naomi was at Nicole’s red carpet to support her right after Tom Cruise announced they were divorcing. These two go way back as friends.

    • I agree. They have always been very supportive of each other, and as you say Nicole alredy has her Oscar and Naomi ain’t winning one this year – so why would she be mad?

    • Thiajoka says:

      Yes, this is crap.

    • TC says:

      I agree, this report doesn’t ring true. Watt’s people would know that professionally associating yourself with Kidman is akin to career suicide.

  4. Eleonor says:

    What’s wrong with NIcole’s hair? And yes I belive you Nicole, you’ve never EVA used botox. Of course.

    • ya says:

      Nicole has been losing her hair for a long time unfortunately – it’s hard to do much with it when it gets that thin (unless you stick in extensions or wear a wig). I struggle with the same thing – it’s tough.

      • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

        Using hair dye for a long long time can thin out the hair – do you colour yours? The reason I ask is I dyed mine bleach blonde for twenty years and my hair was only a wisp left – stopped colouring it (and stopped using chemical shampoo – shampoo has lots of chemicals in it) and using soap with natural ingredients like almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil,palm oil, essential oils made by a local soap maker ) and slowly the hair started to grow back.

      • Cece says:

        I agree with you, ya, and I too am losing it (about the same age as Nicole). I don’t dye or even blow-dry my hair, and take plenty of vitamins and eat well. It just happens to some women like it happens to some men. It must be hard for it to happen in the public eye. I remember the amazing curly hair she used to have. I don’t think is jealous – it’s a long friendship and Nicole seems like she would be a good friend.

      • ya says:

        Nope, mitch – I’ve actually never coloured my hair, and I’ve always used natural shampoos (no SLS) since I was a teenager. It’s genetic unfortunately – a ton of it had already fallen out while I was still a teen, and I had all of the tests done etc. Luckily I’m not bald and my hair is curly so it’s not all that noticeable. But I can clearly recognize the same issue with Nicole.

        Cece I completely empathize! Yes, female hair loss is actually not uncommon at all.

  5. brin says:

    That would suck if true and I don’t think it is.

    • Raven says:

      I don’t think it’s true either. I just wish Nicole would emulate Naomi, whose face doesn’t look like it’s filled with goo.

  6. La Calabaza says:

    I call this BS. They have been friends for ever. Nicole had her “momentum” (is that the right word? Not a native speaker) a couple of years ago. Now it is Noami’s. They support each other. I think they always have. I remember when Noami moved in with Nicole after she divorced Tom. An Oscar won’t ruin a friendship or at least I hope not.

  7. magda says:

    nicole look like a naomi’s old aunt in second picture

  8. Hubbahun says:

    Naomi has Liev – ergo she wins by default 😛

  9. T.Fanty says:

    I hope this isn’t true, as having NW as a friend seems to be (these days) Kidman’s one, humanizing feature. Without that, I would just accept the likelihood of her being a wax cyborg without any identifiable human traits (looking at you, Angelina Jolie).

  10. Jayna says:

    Best friends. Nicole has won an Oscar and many awards. No way. She would be rooting for her friend. Nicole has been at all of these award shows for Hemmingway and Gelhorn and has two little ones. They showed her flying into Australia looking exhausted with her babies, happy to see hubby greeting them days ago. I doubt she has any time.

  11. Scal says:

    I don’t think you’re friends for 20+ years if you aren’t supportive (they’ve been bff’s since high school right?)

    Kidman had star power in the 90s and aughts and was supportive of Watts. It’s the same way now. Don’t buy this story at all-I think she’s truly happy for her friend.

  12. Hannah says:

    Nicole looks even more frightning next to someone who has aged (she’s only in her early forties but you know what I mean) gracefully. I remember watching You Will Meet a Tall, Dark Stranger (bad movie) and thinking that Naomi looked so beautiful with those little wrinkles around her eyes.

    • Lyn says:

      Naomi looks lively and radiant; she is aging SO well and Nicole just has the frozen plastic-surgery-face that doesn’t make you look younger. Sad because I love Nicole as an actress. Does anyone know if her face has a chance to go back to normal if she stops messing with it?

  13. crab says:

    Nicole’s hair looks terrible! She should go back to her curly hair! I think that was her best look!

  14. T.C. says:

    Another case of pitting women against each other. These two have been friends for two decades and support each other. Nicole already has an Oscar and this program is set to air AFTER the Oscar ballots are already in so would have no affect on Naomi’s Oscar chances. So total BS. The producers are just pissed Nicole Kidman isn’t coming on their show now trying now to guilt trip her. Sounds like they were just using Naomi to get Nicole which is disgusting.

  15. epiphany says:

    Naomi Watts looks like she’s standing next to a mannequin – what would possess a woman to do this to her face?!?!
    Don’t know about jealously, but Nicole doesn’t exactly have a stellar rep as a nice person; she garnered alot of sympathy after the Cruise divorce, and many reports of her ruthless, b*tchy behavior were swept under the rug.

  16. Harpreet says:

    Am I the only on who thinks Laura Dern would be the perfect Diana??

  17. Dawn says:

    I have to say the just word jealousy is such an immature word. I mean come on we are not teenagers or young adults who still believe that when someone doesn’t react the way you wish them to it is always based on the old green eyed monster. For most mature adults that really isn’t the case. I don’t know the ins and outs of their relationship. But I truly don’t believe that Nicole is jealous after all she had her own hardware. I think this is simply a non-story made into something that it isn’t. But that’s just me.

    • mmm says:

      Insecurity is rife in Hollywood and that breeds jealousy. Kidman’s ambition is insatiable, which means she is still competing and hence, the jealousy.

  18. Marni says:

    I don’t believe it, they’ve been friends since highschool.

  19. Chordy says:

    This is true. It’s a known fact that if you put two women in close proximity to one another it’s impossible for them to keep their claws retracted. Especially if there’s some menz around.

  20. Christina says:

    I also believe that this story is BS and just the same old routine of trying to pit women against each other.

    That said, Nicole looks extra scary next to Naomi. They’re almost the same age, but Naomi looks SO much fresher and prettier. Nicole just looks sad.

  21. bluhare says:

    I believe it. Nicole Kidman strikes me as calculating in the extreme. As well as a narcisstic liar.

  22. mln76 says:

    I believe it. I think with Nicole it’s obvious she’s insecure (Look at what she’s done to her face) and IMO she’s the type that needs to be on top.
    This is why I usually think of hollywood friendships as mostly B.S. for P.R. purposes to ‘soften them up’. It’s too much of a cutthroat and superficial environment for it to be that deep.

  23. Lee says:

    People like Naomi because she appears normal. Normal face, normal family life. She is offered some great movie roles and is getting fantastic reviews. In comparison, there is nothing about old Botox head which appears normal, as every aspect of her life seems staged and phoney. Her career is in tatters and you bet she’s jealous.