In Touch: Kris Jenner cheated on Bruce Jenner, paid off lover to keep quiet

At this point I just admire the hell out of In Touch. They’ve gone after Kris Jenner, using their sources close to her deceased ex husband, on the covers of the last three issues and the one coming this week is yet another doozy. These anti Kris Jenner covers must sell well for them.

About a year ago, In Touch spoke to Jenner’s younger lover, a guy named Todd Waterman, whom she was banging and bankrolling while she was married to Robert Kardashian. (Todd told In Touch that Kris ruined her daughtesr with her superficial values and quest for fame.) It turns out that Kris was also banging Todd while she was in the early stages of her relationship with her now-husband, Kris Jenner. In Touch allegedly learned this gem back when they got their exclusive interview with Todd. They held onto it for a year for some reason, maybe a statute of limitations or just the need to have something to pull out during a slow gossip week. I love that they did this – the title of their latest issue is like a Tyler Perry movie title, “Married to a Madwoman”. (Credit: Kaiser) What’s more is that Kris allegedly paid Todd off for his silence by giving him $15,000 to $20,000 for one guest appearance on “Keeping up with the Kardashians,” about 10 times more than the typical amount the show pays for guest spots.

In Touch can exclusively reveal that Kris Jenner cheated on her current husband, Bruce Jenner, with former soccer player Todd Waterman — the same man she was accused of seeing behind the back of her ex-husband, Robert Kardashian.

An insider confides in the new issue of In Touch, on newsstands now, that Kris even went so far as to pay off Todd in order to prohibit him from ever speaking about her or the Kardashians again, so that Bruce — and the world — would never find out about it.

“Last year, Kris persuaded Todd to appear on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. It was her way of paying him off and making sure he stayed silent about their torrid past,” an insider close to the Kardashian family tells In Touch.

Although Kris has denied that she ever cheated on Bruce or paid off Todd, Todd has confirmed to In Touch that he continued to hook up with Kris even after Bruce, 63, moved into Kris’ Beverly Hills home. In January 2012 — six months before he would be paid off by Kris and appear on her reality show — he told In Touch, “We were still sleeping together when she started dating Bruce.”
But while Todd held nothing back a year ago, now he is less forthcoming about their relationship. When contacted by In Touch in January, he confirmed a financial deal with Kris, saying, “I really wish I could talk to you, but I can’t because I’m under contract with the family to not talk about them.”

Normally, someone is paid about $1,500 to appear on the show, but Todd received a onetime payment of $15,000 to $20,000, believes the insider: “He appeared under the pretense that they were having closure on their relationship. Little did everyone — least of all Bruce — know that she was gagging him.”

Kris’ passionate affair with Todd supposedly ended when she met Bruce on a blind date in 1990. But that wasn’t the last time she and Todd saw each other. “He was always around, and Bruce was completely in the dark,” the insider reveals to In Touch, adding, “He was the Camilla in the Charles-Diana relationship.”

[From In Touch]

Of course I believe this, Kris was bragging about this affair to promote her book. BUT I don’t think this Todd dude told In Touch this a year ago. I think he sold this new bit of information recently as it’s too convenient for a “source” to tell this to In Touch while Todd says on the record that “I’m under contract with the family to not talk about them.” I also want to read all about how Kris “forced” Bruce to get plastic surgery. I’m not sure I buy that part of the story. Bruce allegedly enjoys cross dressing, I don’t know if he needed to be forced into anything that made his features more feminine. Maybe that’s why he’ll never divorce Kris, he knows she’ll keep his secrets.

Kris Jenner is shown yesterday at the Hollywood release party for Heather McDonald’s book, My Inappropriate Life. Credit: FayesVision/ It’s been months since we’ve seen Bruce out with her.

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25 Responses to “In Touch: Kris Jenner cheated on Bruce Jenner, paid off lover to keep quiet”

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  1. Louise says:

    Does anyone actually care? Can’t stand this family. Faker cult puppets, every one of them.

  2. Dawn says:

    And the world is round. What else is new. She is a cheater and I’m sure it isn’t the first time or the last. At least he got paid rather than the other way around! Why this disgusting family is in the news is what’s really wrong.

  3. A says:

    She’s probably a compulsive cheater. God, I hate her.

  4. kixendawn says:

    Didn’t the reports say she met both men on blind dates? Wonder how many more are out there?!

  5. truthful says:

    that heifer started telling Bruce that he acts and looks old–she said he needed a refresher.

    she did def talk him into going to get a face lifte like she had done herself and it ruined his original “Wheaties”
    look..I’ll never forget Bruce and the athlete he used to be.

    on their show (I watched when it first came on) she claimed to not be as attracted to him anymore…

    what an ignorant, vile family and helmed by a horny old athlete jump off, LOL.

    She made her rounds w/ Faye Resnick, while married to Robert K…vamping.

    no matter how much he has sank, he’ll always be a part of history.

  6. Rikki says:

    Nothing surprises me when it comes to this family

  7. marie says:

    the family is disgusting, I can pretty much believe anything about them except that they’ll go away-cause that isn’t ever happening.

  8. Susie Q says:

    Gross, pretty sad when Chelsey Handler looks like the one who’s slumming…

  9. Aud says:

    I think the only way that Kris can cheat is if she paid men in advance. This family should trademark the word whoring and the phrase ‘whoring out’.

  10. Jennika says:

    Anyone else think this Todd guy might be Kendall’s bio dad? He looks more like her than Khloe.

  11. Original A says:

    Kris Jenner is awful. That said, that In Touch cover is gross and sexist. She made him leave his other family? Really? Forced him to get plastic surgery? Like Bruce is some dude with no free will and she dragged him at gunpoint down to the plastic surgeon’s office.

    • Coral says:

      How is that sexist?

    • RN says:

      I see it as entirely plausible. Why are men any different than women? How many women get toxic silicone bags implanted into their chest walls to hold on to their man? Or shoot poison into their face in order to look younger? Men can be just as stupid as women.

  12. Nicolette says:

    I bet Bruce’s balls are in a diamond encrusted jar somewhere in their bedroom.

  13. Neekie says:

    Her nose is just awful in those pics.

  14. Garvels says:

    The woman is pure trash.

  15. Little Darling says:

    I am also surprised at the way this magazine is going after her too! They’ve web relentless, and I’m surprised she’s not threatening lawsuits left and right. I’m beginning to think she’s worse than her kids…it’s really her pushing and pimping. For some reason it makes me so sad for those girls to have been raised by someone like her, and I never feel badly for the kardashians.

  16. gg says:

    Why does the end of her nose look like it was cut off and reattached? For somebody so in love with their looks, seems like she’d have fixed this, unless this is the “fix”.

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      It probably is the “fix” – or the fix of the “fix!”
      I’m going to go look at the Daily Fail to try to clear my eyeballs!

  17. erika says:

    how embarassing to have a mother like that…my mom hasn’t had any plastic surgeries but she looks better and has more class…..

    i think their true personalities are startig to reveal themselves

  18. dorothy says:

    These people sold their soul to the devil a long time ago. Nothing about them suprises me anymore. They are the roaches of society.

  19. missiecoco says:

    Ew… more is to be said about the men who actually do her. If I were a man, I wouldn’t f*ck her with someone elses dick

  20. Celt Lady says:

    Chelsea Handler trash talks this woman and the rest of the K’s all of the time, so what is with the cuddly pictures?


  21. Bella says:

    “It turns out that Kris was also banging Todd while she was in the early stages of her relationship with her now-husband, Kris Jenner.” Didn’t you wanted to say ‘her now-husband, Bruce Jenner’?

    And yes, I agree with the general consensus. This woman is pure trash and reading about all her stupid antics make me sick.

    Out of all the bunch, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie only have my respect. I don’t care much for Kourtney and Kim is just high up there with her mom on my s*it list.