Kris Jenner’s former kept lover: she ruined her kids with her superficiality

Tell us something we don’t know with that title, right? Well the best part of this story is the source, who goes on the record with In Touch to totally trash his old lover Kris Jenner. Remember how Kris bragged in her memoir about cheating on her first husband, attorney Robert Kardashian, during the day with some young thing when she wasn’t off spending her husband’s money? The guy she was cheating with, who was originally assumed to be Khloe’s biological dad (but there are plenty of other candidates given what a skank Kris is), told In Touch that when he wasn’t boning Kris he was watching her be a terrible mother. What’s more is that Kris paid for this guy’s apartment and gave him money (her husband’s money) to live on, just like a dude with a mistress on the side!

Also, it gets better. It’s hard to tell, but it sounds like Kris and this guy stopped seeing each other around the time she got divorced. The exact timeline is vague, but he makes it sound like the divorce kind of split them up because she was looking for another man with money. In the 1991 divorce papers, Robert Kardashian describes Kris cheating on him with another guy, whom he names as her eventual second husband Bruce Jenner. So it sounds to me, based on these details, that Kris was cheating on her husband with both this young guy she was paying for AND with Bruce Jenner. Genius! Of course she married the one with money even though he liked to wear her clothes. It was a small price to pay for maintaining the cushy lifestyle she knew she was entitled to. Here’s more:

In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Kris’ former lover, soccer-player turned animator Todd Waterman, 46, reveals that he spent lots of time around Kris and Robert’s three girls, Kourtney, Kim and Khloe. And while Kim “didn’t seem to mind” that he was so close to her mom, Todd saw first-hand how deeply affected she was by her mother’s questionable values – which went way beyond their illicit romance, as he recalls.

How Kris influenced her daughters
“It was a steady, superficial diet of what to wear, who your friends are, where to be seen and what car to drive,” explains Todd, whose affair with Kris went on for many months, continuing even after Robert caught them in the act. “Early on, it was made clear to me that Kris desired a celebrity lifestyle.”

From the start, Todd says, Kris clearly prized fame, money and sex above all else. And, unlike her sisters, Kim never once questioned her mother, who Todd remembers “had great expectations,” even back then, of molding the pretty little girl into her own image…

On how Kris made him a kept man
“I didn’t have the money for the lifestyle Kris was leading, so she paid for a lot – or it was Robert who was paying, I guess,” admits Todd, who, for a time, lived in an apartment Kris paid for with Robert’s money. And after Robert finally divorced Kris, she and Todd made no effort to stay together. “There was no way I could help maintain what she was accustomed to financially,” he explains….

“Kim is Kris 30 years ago,” the friend observes. “That’s not going to change.”

[From In Touch, print edition, February 6, 2012]

I guess we know where Kim got it from, only she’s made her own money and she’s not going to bother staying married if she has the slightest issue with a partner. As for the subtitle on the cover “pushed to have sex at 14,” that’s not what the article claims. They just write that “Kris gave Kim the green light to have sex in her teens.”

The article goes on to say that Kendall and Kylie Jenner, 16 and 14, are “Kris’ next project.” We just heard from Bruce that those two probably aren’t going to college. They can make money slapping their name on clothing lines and showing up at events, why would they bother getting an education? Kris is the ultimate stage mom and she probably had kids just for this purpose. I feel for the youngest ones. The oldest ones are too messed up and they’re responsible enough to make fun of. We don’t all have to be carbon copies of our parents.

Kim is shown on 1-23-12. She’s also shown with her mom on 12-31-12. credit:

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77 Responses to “Kris Jenner’s former kept lover: she ruined her kids with her superficiality”

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  1. Lis says:

    (1) Why is no one blaming the male authority figures in the Kardashians’ lives?

    I know that Kris Jenner is a piece of work, but where were Daddy K. and Bruce when all this was going on?

    (2) I LOVE Kim K.’s white coat. (What is UP with me and coats these days?)

    • Relli says:

      I am guessing like many Dads (or Moms) who are the sole providers that Mr. K worked A LOT. My dad always worked 65+ hours a week and because he had all girls pretty much let my mom call the shots with a few suggestions and comments. Now as a retired older man ( only works 40 hours)says he regrets not stepping in occasionally when he didn’t think my mom was making the right judgment calls.

    • anne_000 says:

      Iirc, Kris got a psychologist to say that Robert wasn’t right in his head about the kids and tried to make sure he didn’t see them on a regular basis. So then he got himself a psychologist who said he was fine to see the kids and he applied for full custody. Anyhoo, it was a messy deal over child custody and visitations.

    • Nudgie says:

      The problem with Madame Bruce is that he doesn’t have the right to question KKK’s actions (LOVE that abbreviation!) and he’s too p-whipped into saying anything to Tiger Pimp Mom to protect his daughters.

      Such a shame but he’s on the show, on the dole.

  2. Tapioca says:

    This isn’t news! Who Seal cheated on Heidi Klum – Hello, Heidi Klum!! – with is news…

    Kendall is really pretty and very much model material IMHO, but it might be worth not pushing Kylie out there, because the World Wide Web is harsh. And having an honest paycheck from a proper job is very rewarding.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      Ooooo. I wonder who it is!

    • Asli says:

      T Heidi and Seal thing caught my eyes too! Let’s hope we get a post about that tomorrow. As for Kris J. – nothing she does shocks me anymore She probably likes to dress up as a duck and pretend she can fly, for all we know…

    • Annie says:

      Pretty harsh thing to say. On a more male-oriented site they seemed to think Kylie was the “hot” one so it’s in the eye of the beholder. Kris shouldn’t “push” either of them.

  3. Camille says:

    Tell me something I don’t already know.

  4. Cherry says:

    I love how it’s suddenly totally en vogue to trash the Kardashians. I mean, come on, these headlines are beyond crass: ‘famewhore’ ‘ruined’ ‘brainwashed’- bring out the tar and feathers, In Touch!

  5. Lis says:

    I think Bruce actually had a point wrt his youngest ones not having to go to college.

    College is not for everyone. I think too many go as it is. (Yes, I include myself in that.)

    Not that doing whatever it is that the Kardashians do would be the best for a bunch of teenagers. But we’re at the stage where being able to go to work straight out of school is an enormous privilege.

    • atticfaerie says:

      ITA Lis

      College is not for everyone. I believe that those girls can slap their name on whatever krappy product momma Kris comes up with and make more money than most college grads will see in their lifetime.

      Having said that, if things don’t work out on the famewhore path, college will still be an option. I doubt their family will be unable to afford to send them to any school they wish to attend and of course, get accepted to).

      • Carlotta Love says:

        Isn’t part of the value of a college degree not only how it affects one’s potential earnings but also GETTING AN EDUCATION?! So, you might, I don’t know…be a somewhat well-rounded, educated being with a sense of what’s going on in the world around you?! Christ, these comments are as bad as any Kardashians might make. College educates you in many subjects; academics are some, but not all of those.

        I agree that college isn’t for everyone, but it’s value cannot be measured only in what your first job pays. The whole experience is – or can be – such an eye-opening, enriching part of life. This whole conversation makes me sad for people who can’t see value past a paycheck.

      • jwoolman says:

        Yes, college isn’t the right option for everybody. But it’s unfortunate that the Jenner girls are sidetracked by the lure of $$$$ for themselves and Mama Ten Percent. The big advantage of college for them would be to get away from their family and meet people talking about something besides manipulating people and making easy profits. It would let them stretch their wings, try things that aren’t easy for them (which could ultimately lead to following their true passion not even recognized yet), and make a wider variety of friends. They don’t have to worry about money, but they do need to expand their horizons quite a bit. It’s sad to see them hitched to a falling star so young, living out Mama Ten Percent’s dreams instead of discovering their own.

    • WorksEveryTime says:

      So right, Lis! I am a writer who analyzes colleges and at most schools, the most popular majors are the least useful ones. People graduate after 4-6 years of partying with $20,000 or more in debt and expect to get great jobs. If you do college right (work, intern, skip the fun courses, avoid debt) it can be great, but the assumption that everyone should go to college is a huge disservice to young adults.

      • Dusty says:

        Don’t fool yourselves with anti-college talk out there. A college degree is as important today as it was having a high school degree in the 1950s. Take it from me, a multi-talented person and a director who has been working for a couple decades – doors close w/o a degree no matter how talented one is. I have managed to stay in the game, but the lack of a degree has limited my options severly.

      • atticfaerie says:

        @Dusty While I agree a college degree is necessary in many fields, I must add this:

        My oldest has a 4 yr degree in his chosen field and is still unemployed at age 25 (in live theatre there is a lot of competition for a small number of very low paying jobs). He usually has to resort to temporary low/no-pay jobs at local theatres just for the hope of someone giving his resume more than a glance.

        Meanwhile, my younger son at age 22 after 3 semesters of night school at a local vo-tech that “might” translate to one semester’s work at a 2 or 4 year college currently earns more than double the current fed. minimum wage (nothing to sneeze at in this economy)

        To further my stance, my husband barely managed a GED but has worked his way up through a large corporation and outearns by 2 to 3x his sisters and brother who are all nurses except one who is an accountant

        long story short, that piece of paper does not always get you ahead

      • Shan says:

        Yes, college isn’t for everyone, but you’re omitting some every important facts: Some vocational and tech schools will allow people specialized degrees to increase their marketability: some occupations pay well and don’t necessarily require a Bachelors or Masters. However, if you are not a person who has interest in those fields, the new high school diploma is a bachelors. Even “useless” degrees are still degrees, and in many parts of the country where jobs are horrifically competitive employers can afford to be picky…many employers will forgo quality applicants in favor of ones who have sought higher education. Of course some degrees are more marketable than others and if someone is majoring in those areas they should be aware of that, but I would be concerned about anyone who thinks a high school diploma will suffice. Times have radically changed, gone are the days where people can enter a professional field and work their way up to a VP based on experience alone. Sure the Kardashians have money and can afford to be uneducated now, but that fame can be fleeting….people have lost billions of dollars being uneducated and ignorant with their money and business affairs.

  6. fabgrrl says:

    This guy sounds like more of a rent-boy than a “lover”. When someone like that, an actual whore, is calling you out for sleazy, superficial behavior, you know you are in trouble.

  7. Capella says:

    Although I despise and grind my teeth every time we are discussing that Krappy Klan, I have to say: Kuddos for the mother to having a kept man! How many Hollywood men, and men in general, have kept women on the side!!! Well, that was hilarious, because she used her husband’s money to have a kept man. And after being caught, don’t you think they had a fight who was having the costliest kept-piece on the side?

    This explains Kim K and her disillusions. They have been drilling us with very-well placed ads of her crying and crying over the end of her divorce on E! But every time a preview for the finale rolls, and she is crying, I’m thinking to myself:

    Oh, I bet you all that crying was filmed after suffering the surprising backlash, caused by her filing for divorce 72 DAYS into the marriage. I bet you she didn’t shed a tear when she thought of the divorce. She and her mom were rubbing their hands together on all the possible fall-off money for all this drama. All that crying was filmed after the fact, and especially, after all those legal woes started piling on.

    I truly despise what we, as a society, we have home-grown these monstrous despicable and sad beings.

  8. Christine says:

    Does anyone else believe Kim has has plastic surgery on her face during her early 20s?

  9. prissa says:

    In some pics Kim has serious wonk eye going on. Too much plastic surgery i guess. Love the white coat. Is that the same red dress Demi was wearing at her movie premier?

    No other comments on this article.

  10. Lisa says:

    As much as I dislike Kim, I feel sorry for her. Poor girl, she had no chance with a mother like that.

    • Lady D says:

      You only get to blame your parents until you’re 18 or 19. After that your actions are all yours to own. Millions have had crappy childhoods and turned out just fine.

  11. Tillie says:

    Kris Jenner scares me. Somebody should dress up like her for Halloween.

  12. Jezi says:

    Kris picks men that have money and ones that have no back bone. She does what she wants in her current marriage. I’m sure Robert Kardashian just couldn’t take it anymore and they divorced. Bruce is probably stuck with Kris now because she’s now the bread winner.

  13. Julie says:

    She sure as hell did. And she helped transform them into pets….meow, meow.

    (so much for my preaching about not being too judgemental on here!)

  14. dorothy says:

    And we thought Dina Lohan was bad. Wow, what a superficial famewhore with no seemingly no moral values Kris is. Why doesn’t Bruce man-up and try to save his daughters from the same fate Kris’s daughters have suffered? He’s such a girl.

  15. TG says:

    Poor little Kimmie so insecure without mommy dearest telling her what to do. Well Mommy can be proud that she certainly did create kimmie in her image an likeness. Though how do two narcissist get along so well together?

    • Kasey says:

      I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Kim’s “standard” for beauty and success in a woman is her mum. All her surgery has basically morphed her into a mini-Kris.

      I first started to realize this when I read an article of how Kris helped Bruce kill his debt and build her empire and there was a caricature on the page of what I first thought was Kim. When I saw that Bora Bora episode and they showed a pic of young Kris I almost fell out of my seat. Kim now looks like Kris basically spit out a clone! It all clicked in place for me then…….We think she looks ridiculous and more beautiful with her original face. She thinks the epitome of beauty is her mum and looking like her. Thus all her surgeries make her look more and more like Jris.

      As far as her scruples, values or lack thereof it all goes hand in hand with what Kim perceives as and strives for in beauty- Kris. She has the same ruthless business sense and drive and is highly motivated by fame, money and lavish luxury-even her first husband revealed his horror/disgust at learning this way before she was given any celebrity spotlight. The first husband was rich but not enough of a pushover. I was always surprised that Reggie wasn’t far more disgusted with her low morals but I guess he was but didn’t bother to voice it and she thought he’d let her do what she wanted. Obviously he was aware of and enjoyed her game but not enough to live married to her. She thought Kris H would be $$$ and her pushover and he came at a time when she was emotionally weak from both rebound and jealousy over Khloe’s happiness that she thought should have been hers by then. She kept and got to know him away from her family and Kris J’s input and had set in her mind to have her perfect second marriage (a combination of her mum and Khloe) and threw caution to the wind. I honestly believe she was saddened by the fact that her 2nd marriage didn’t take like her mum’s.

      I think Kris is aware that Kim idolizes her and their deep bond stems from this and how much of herself she sees in Kim. In many ways she lives vicariously through her and Kim let’s her from some strange sense of duty and fulfillment. I think this weirdness was kicked into gear by the Kardashian divorce but that’s just my 2 cents of observation and psychobabble!

  16. Jules says:

    Where is his pic?? Is he krazy tall, like Khloe???

  17. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    I’m ashamed to admit that I saw an episode of their show where they sent Bruce to pick up birthcontrol for one of the younger girls (who was probably 14 at the time). Bruce then called Kris to question her about it and she claimed it was for cramps. That was my go to excuse to my mother when I decided to go on it at 16. I find it kind of gross that they would slip that into the storyline. Unless they were going to use the opportunity to talk to her about safe sex and being responsible, there was no need to let all the weirdos know that their 14 year old daughter is sexually active.

  18. Agnes says:

    I love it that In Touch used the word “famewhore” on its cover. 🙂

    • ccoop says:

      OMG, they did!! Bwahahaha!

      Kris is horrible but worse than Dina Lohan? Well, Dina has fewer kids to pimp out so maybe you are right. Carry on.

  19. Cathy says:

    I would rather be broke than be trash, and that is all she is.

  20. Ogechi says:

    I love this family so much! That Todd should just shut up..

  21. P.M. says:

    Laughing at Pimp Mama paying for peen.

  22. dahlia1947 says:

    “From Fun loving kid to Famewhore!!” That’s soo funny! Sorry, but I’m not feeling any sympathy for her. Next.

  23. kimberly says:

    wow intouch could have saved there money because we all knew that already!

    Look at where they live, and how far Kris has gone to get the public to like her meal tickets? She wanted that one daughter, no clue what her name is, to have her bday in on some island.

    I mean look at those whores mother! She is a sorry excuse for a mother or a woman.

    She’s greedy for status and money.

  24. Lindy says:

    OK, I kind of can’t believe I’m going to say this, but reading this almost–ALMOST–made me feel sorry for the Kardashian girls. Not for who they are now and their awful behavior, but for the conmplete lack of a chance they had to grow up and become thoughtful, decent people. Ugh. That woman. She and Orange Oprah are sharing a playbook.

  25. DI says:

    gross on all counts

  26. Gross in every possible way!

  27. Nibbi says:

    Ugh, guys? A college education is not just ”a piece of paper.’ It’s also enrichment for your mind!!! Doesnt anybody care about that sort of thing anymore, or is it all about the cash value?!

    • Minty says:

      ITA. College may not lead to a high-paying job, but you sure can open up your mind and develop good critical thinking skills – if you pay attention in class.

    • jwoolman says:

      Yes. It has always been expected that rich boys go to college, despite their guarantee of a cushy life due to inherited money. But obviously the Kardashian/Jenners don’t think girls count.

  28. Dawn says:

    For the Karda$hian klan it is truly all about the money. That is not news. I only wish that Bruce Jenner wasn’t the same way but he must be to stay married to her for so long. Those poor Jenner girls will soon be sold to the highest bidder by their own parents. How sad is that.

  29. Christine says:

    Thanks for the link to the pre surgery days.
    Kim’s original face resembled her older sister Kourtney much more

    As for the youngest sister khloe, isn’t it still a question of who’s your daddy?

  30. Lisa says:

    Every time I read about the Kardashians, the Rolling Stones song, Stupid Girl, goes through my head. Her vanity shows and it shows!

  31. iseepinkelefants says:

    No wonder she seems so close to Kim. It’s clear that Kourtney doesn’t care about that stuff and Khloe has zero resepct for her, Kim is the only one in that family who’s like a mini-version of her and you can tell she’s her prize pig.

    As for Robert, it’s clear that kid isn’t going to do crap, or marry rich and you can tell Kris gave up on him a long time ago when she figured that out. Maybe that’s why Khloe takes care of him so much?

    As for the younger ones, you can also tell that the oldest one (the model) is far prettier than the younger one and Kris focuses more attention on her. Pimp Mama Kris knows that’s her new Kimmy so she’s not even going to bother with the youngest.

  32. aprayerforthewildatheart says:

    Heh…I saw this last night on GossipCop. They gave it a 2 out of 10 on the Duh-O-Meter.

    • oh dear says:

      to be fair though, gossipcop usually just contacts the management/publicist for a statement. theyre obviously gonna deny everything.

  33. Maya says:

    In order for this family to earn its money, idiots must watch their reality TV series.
    Just switch off and they’ll go away.

  34. truthful says:

    she’s a carbon copy of her sleazy mammy, I’ve said this from the start.

    no substance and no talent.

  35. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Re: the title,

    is ‘duh doi’ hyphenated or not? One who is well-expressed is well-respected, even when discussing flotsam.

  36. dj says:

    Did anyone else see Kim got an acting job in Drop Dead Diva? A real tv show! Her
    Character has a several episode arc. Wtf?

  37. Jacqueline says:

    Kris Jenner is probably a narcissist. The stage moms of today want some fame for themselves not just thier kids like back in the day. Similar to P. Diddy wanting to be in all the videos of the artists he produced. These people are nothing short of functioning sociopaths and narcissists. I grew up with them and work with them. I also know a lot of strippers like these people. They are from a different yarn altogether. Scott Disick and Kris Jenner seem psychologically abnormal-not challenged cus they can function even too well(manipulative) but victims are still there. Look at how they control their family (Kardashian kids), similiar to Joseph Jackson and the Jackson family. They are attracted to fame and not surprisingly they achieve it. That Megan Fox girl also rubs me as a narcissist-secondary narcissist like personality, not primiary like Precious mom. These people dont even have talent. They wouldnt be able to exist that much better than other narcissist who dont achieve much either in the real world.

  38. The Truth Fairy says:

    Who cares about the Kuntrashians. I wanna know about Johnny Depp being caught with his publicist!! Any deets?

    • Coucou says:

      I totally second that request for more Depp info, who is that chick, she seems quite comfortable going in for a kiss, that or confident…if i were Vanessa, there wouldn’t be much room left for doubt, if any…

  39. Camille (The original) says:

    Revolting woman. I’m not sure who is the worst stage mother, KJ or Dina Lohan. *shudder*

    The day can’t come fast enough when this disgusting family goes away.

  40. jwoolman says:

    If Mama Ten Percent does fall on the narcissistic personality disorder spectrum (not sure if she does)- one characteristic of narcissistic mothers as least more toward the pathological end of the spectrum is that they have a “golden child” and “scapegoats”. In this case, Kim and now the younger one being pimped out would be Golden Child #1 and #2. Mama Ten Percent might be more midway on the scale, though, at worst – she’s not as awful as Kate Gosselin, who shows all the symptoms of really pathological narcissism, where the only advice for spouse and children is “Run! Run! Run as fast and as far as your legs can take you!” Really, google narcissistic mothers… Mama Ten Percent is toxic, but seems relatively benign in that comparison.

  41. YUCKQU says:

    Sorry,but original Kim is attractive with a pleasant smile in some pictures,but she’s mall rat material.She could get lost in a crowd. The big change that gave her that celeb,though grade D list face is the huge,mannishtranny cheekbones and I guess the sexpot shtick.Nice raven hair,but take away millions of dollars for stylists,etc, got a mallrat.