Bristol Palin has baby boy Tripp

Bristol Palin has given birth to her first baby, a little boy, on Sunday.

Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth on Sunday to a healthy 7 lb., 4 oz., baby boy in Palmer, Alaska.

“We think it’s wonderful,” said Colleen Jones, the sister of Bristol’s grandmother Sally Heath, who confirmed the news. “The baby is fine and Bristol is doing well. Everyone is excited.”

The baby’s name is Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, according to Jones.

Baby Tripp takes his surname from his dad, Levi Johnston, an apprentice electrician and former Wasilla High School hockey player who has been dating Bristol for three years.


I thought Tripp was an unusual choice, partly because it isn’t that common, and partly because Bristol’s nine month old brother is named Trigg, and her other brother Track.

Bristol currently resides in Wasilla, and is studying for her high school diploma via correspondence. Her boyfriend Levi dropped out of school due to his impending fatherhood and is now an apprentice electrician. While Bristol’s parents Sarah and Todd Palin gave an interview saying they’d like the couple to get married ‘sooner rather than later’, which many took to mean before or very soon after the baby is born, the pair don’t plan to wed until summer 2009.

Levi spoke briefly to the media about his relationship with Bristol, and said he was looking forward to fatherhood. “I’m going to take him hunting and fishing. He’ll be everywhere with me.”

Bristol was five months pregnant when her mother Sarah was nominated as Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican Party.

Congratulations to the couple, they seem to be working their hardest on being good parents in very difficult circumstances.

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20 Responses to “Bristol Palin has baby boy Tripp”

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  1. NotBlonde says:

    Classic case of abstinence-only sex education failing miserably.

  2. daisyfly says:

    “He was walking naked and he TRIPPed and his penis fell inside.”

    “I forgot to take a TRIPP to my abstinence-only non-sexual education class.”

    “That fruit punch Levi gave me made me feel TRIPPy.”

    ^^ All valid and 100% plausible explanations for Tripp’s conception and subsequent name.

  3. Syko says:

    Usually when a child is called Tripp it’s because he’s named something like John Robert Smith III and is nicknamed Tripp to distinguish him from his grandfather John and his dad who uses his middle name. No excuse here.

  4. drm says:

    @DaisyFly ROTFLMAO!

  5. mel says:

    Why is Bristol’s pregnancy/birth of her baby celebrated and when Jamie Lynn announced her pregnancy she was called a slut/whore. I just dont get it. Our country is so screwed up!

  6. vdantev says:

    Horse’s ass of a name. As if I should expect differently.

  7. bros says:

    awesome. a couple of high school drop outs and a mother in law with a drug rap sheet. god bless america.

  8. Sol says:

    Mel i totally agree with you.Since Bristol Palin got pregnant everybody was saying how wonderful and brave she was on carrying along with the pregnancy and how supportive the world had to be with her.In Jamie’s case she was the worst ever ,the sluty hollywood girl with the psycho family.Being a young mother myself i consider what she had to go through as really hard and how she handled it with her head high and dignity beyond all.The world is full of hypocrites as we can see comparing both girls.So sad.

  9. Shane says:

    Damn, I was really hoping they’d name it Tricky or Trigger or maybe even ToodleDo.

  10. Ellen Smith says:

    Why would one need to discontinue one’s education due to “impending fatherhood?” Certainly the Palin family can afford to care for the baby without the pittance of a salary that an apprentice electrician will make.

    White trash (scum) rising to the top again. Go USA!

  11. kate says:

    no doubt he dropped out of high school to take advantage of all that wasilla has to offer. yeah…really, really dumb.

  12. You’d think that since their lack of a decent education got them into this mess in the first place. . .

  13. GrnMtGirl says:

    I’m not the least bit surprised by the baby’s name as all the Palin siblings have “hippie” names…Track, Willow, Piper, and Trig. Tripp seems to keep with their family name theme.

    The school issue seems kinda weird. I would think that these kids would realize that being educated is part of being a good parent.

    Good Luck to Bristol and Levi. They are going to need it…

  14. A.J. says:

    Thank the lord that America dodged the proverbial bullet.

  15. Carrie says:

    What’s the next baby in their family going to be called – Trick? Trill? Trim?…

  16. Bodhi says:

    Brilliant idea there, Turbo. Drop out of school when you knock a girl up. Great example for the baby boy. But I expect no less from this trash

  17. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    I think they should name their next child Truck, boy or girl.

    Gah, I’m so freaking THRILLED Sarah Palin is not anywhere near the White House. That’s all I can say.

  18. Diva says:

    I know three Tripps, one is older than me, I’m 35, one is a couple years younger than me and was a friend of my brother’s growing up, and the other is about 10. And Tripp is their given name, not nickname, not because they’re “the third”, just plain Tripp. It’s not an unusual name.

    Track and Trig, on the other hand…

  19. Jane says:

    When I think of Tripp, I think of Dirty Sexy Money.

  20. Ling says:

    At least she’s getting her high school diploma.